About Us
Island Advice Centre works within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets helping residents secure their statutory and legal rights, enabling them to improve their living standards and quality of life. Access to advice and advocacy is the core work of the organisation, helping people to stay above the poverty line, reduce stress and empower them to deal with their situations.
Volunteers are one of the organisation’s invaluable assets and help to deliver the much-needed advice services provided by us. Training and development opportunities are provided for volunteers and many of whom move into employment.
Local Support
Located in Island House on the Isle of Dogs, we work closely with other advice agencies and service providers in the borough, contributing to local forums and partnerships and helping to provide a holistic service to our users.
Our Services
Drop-in advice sessions from Island House
Outreach advice sessions at GP surgeries and community centres
Home visits
Telephone advice service
Admin and advice volunteer opportunities
Advice work training and accreditation course
Development of partnership and joint working
Specialist advice and casework in welfare rights, housing
and debt
NVQ assessments in advice