Deniers argue that climate change is not as bad as scientists make out. We know that already. According to the last Woolley Mammoth global warming is cyclical therefore any and all propaganda that states global warming is man-made is in fact a cruel hoax. What is man-made is Chemtrail weather manipulation. Please, provide me with an explanation of why those theories and models are wrong. 3. The primary reason is that our innate sense of social competition has made us acutely alert to any threat posed by external enemies. Scientist have no idea how the climate works so every answer they give can only be theory and/or conjecture. Yes, the climate will change regardless because its cyclical and nothing on this planet or elsewhere stays the same forever. No, but that doesnt change the fact that they agree with the IPCC findings. I personally think Climate Change is REAL! Any more questions? Youve just become endless clickbait. Please can somebody explain what natural and unconnected to human process may have caused this? YOU DO KNOW THEY WOULD DIE IN COLD WEATHER, RIGHT? But that requires at least 8 separate assertions be met, met in order, and all of the earlier ones have to be satisfactorily proven before the above demand is reasonable: 1. The Climate Equity Reference Frame is an effort-sharing framework that calculates "fair shares" of the global climate transition effort to individual countries based on their "responsibility" for global emissions and capacity to mobilize resources for reductions in greenhouse emissions given its economic and development needs. It is more than the earth (which has dealt with a changing climate for over 4 billion years without our help or interference) can compensate for. So funny :D. Joo look up sometime. The sole purpose of this theory is taxing everything that moves. We all have eyes and memories. So they can continue to waste energy and fossil fuels. Construction is the next biggest contributor following agriculture but all we talk about is cars. Sometimes it is also a matter of reasonability. What ever works for anyone No its not human made So we Can keep do what we do. EPA is one of 13 federal government agencies working as part of the U.S. So the answer IS clear. Climate Change is a political slogan. No one is denying tempatures are changing, the fact is we have no idea why its changing or even enough solid long term information whether it is normal. That is undeniable and is something we can have definitive theories on. We must look to the future, unafraid. When people say that climate change requires a values change, they invariably mean that other people need to change to their values. There also seems to be a renewed optimism that we can deal with the crisis. If you (or someone you know) is skeptical that human activity is affecting the climate, contemplate the probability that global climate change is real. Iran (1.85%) is currently the top emitter among the nations that have not yet ratified. Climate change is a continuing situation in earth since the beginning.exploitation of it by business interests is a matter of our times, Yes, duce. The recent election shows what really think about E.U. where exactly does all of that money go? (neverending cicle) like seasons of our milkeyway. Climate change deniers argue we cannot take action because other countries are not taking action. People think Earth is flat. Nobody is claiming that the climate isn changing. if not, stop talking. In the last hour Can you provide a list of the 97% of scientists that tell us man made climate change is real ? No, its all about money and power. The entire science is based on the removal of the medieval period warming period, when temperatures were warmer than today, to justify the theory that the current warming is unprecedented. And lazy too, reading and listening to scientists and researchers requires too much effort for them. Global warming isnt a hoax its a big joke the planet has been going through climate changes since the beging of time dessert were green all land was covered by water scientist have proof of this now show us proof there is global warming and not just a degree or two. .. And some new ones emerged. If people go into research with an open, unbiased mind and really evaluate the facts, we can accept climate change. Southwest. In my introductory comment see at the top I mentioned the detection and attribution concept, which is taking into account his speed issue. No. And all this phd scientists said in 90s that eggs are responsible for bad cholesterol. These countries are like that fur a reason. The vlimate science today wallows in scaremonhering while the sensitivity estimates are about as unprecise as 40 yesrs ago. The energy companies are already investing and researching energy alternatives, but thats not enough for the alarmists. Is he right? @Deborah Colmorgen Because it is. Is everyoneconvinced now? Big companies? Right-wing magical thinking generally reflects rank ignorance. Or that climate scientists are fixing the data to show the climate is changing (a global conspiracy that would take thousands of scientists in more than a 100 countries to pull off). Cause it is a hoax to scam money, period! Climate change deniers also argue that climate change is good for us. Because they think instead of swallowing propaganda. If we dig not Was to exist it should normaly become colder not as now warmer du to less heating from The sun. This could cause one out of every seven people in Bangladesh to be displaced from their homes. That is one reason people value the present so much more strongly. What you did means nothing. Ivan Burrows did you actually read the article? Nice try. They raised the ppm levels up to 73,000ppm. They didnt get it, so it doesnt exist. SUN drives climate, not carbon dioxide. But that doesnt come with a doomsday scare so it wont happen. Implementing alternative sources of energy (renewables), recycling, sustainable economies with sustainable consumption and production You know, the same bloody tune weve been saying for years. And if so, then I ask how taking climate change seriously is different. They must realise it at some point. Read up about how a scientific journal works; nay, read up about how articles get from the lab to the editors table; nay, read how damn difficult it is to get published The hells of making an impact as a scientist. Its bwen going for millions of years. It has gained inertia, speed; the rate of change in climate phenomena has increased Put it in a thousand ways, its the same fact. Simple. Individuals do not have to make changes in the cars they drive, the products they buy, or the. It is the latter that provide the basis on which we accept, deny or ignore the issue, reinforced by our innate need to conform to the norm within our social group. Because it is a unproven hypothesis, the real question is why do some people believe human created climate change is real when there is no evidence for it ? Just release an annual audit. Wearejust living our lives: driving the kids to school, heating our homes, putting food on the table. There is an article in the Washington Post from 1922 that pushes this same garbage. Why not just make a certain amount of community service mandatory for everyone over 18 and rate your hours on how much you pollute? We also had a comment fromHagen, who believes it is already too late to stop climate change. So called global warming I would like a so called expert to tell me, WHY they found wooley mammoth and rhino on the new road build A14 in the UK. Developing a green economy provides economic benefits and creates jobs. .some very extreme and clearly more motivated by other motivations. I believe they even found traces of a forest in Antarctica. Its not that they deny climate change, our planets climate changes all the time, otherwise we wouldnt had long periods of ice age. Nothing is being seen to be done by the doom casters and tax collectors! 7. Second, climate change is a nonlinear problem. I know where that number comes from & its a lie. Such a shame, he just died so you cannot present to him your perspective. Becauseit is a Hoax, and the New green,are the REDS. Nevertheless, there are at least two psychological reasons that encouraging people to adopt climate-protecting activities in their daily lives may help promote action on the larger scale needed.. Go look for studies that say yeah, carbon this invisible stuff that is 5 parts in 10000, up for 4 parts in 10000, actually does that! You wont find them. No!! I dare you. How does this affect objective scientific perspectives? Its obviously affecting our lives, weve had some of the strongest and out of place storms in the past year alone, and these past years have been some of the warmest years ever recorded in history. lol . But this means lobbying has changed, now employing more subtle and more vicious approaches what has been termed as "climate sadism". And just so we are clear on the point there as been no average temperature increase for 20 years. However, seen in this light, the situation is far from hopeless. Meanwhile, if youre claiming humans are doing it and carbon is the bogeyman and carbon does it by trapping solar energy, why in the hell arent there a number of stories all over every science journal and newspaper clearly demonstrating that: 1) an increase of 0.01% of a single, transparent gas that has exists primarily in the first 1-2 miles of an 18 mile thick atmosphere, has existed on the planet in greater concentrations than we have now since the planet, will actually cause damage commensurate with the level of hype and panic and require the kinds of drastic reforms were being asked for. Theres plenty of evidence to support it being a fact, btw. It has . Or that climate models are unreliable and too sensitive to carbon dioxide. But, TAX THEM HUMANS, TAX THEM was NOT around in those days was it. Either because they have a vested interest in ignoring or denying it or because they have had an inadequate science education, The hoax is to try to mix a natural cyclical phemomenon like the temperature of the planet and the consequent CO2 percentage in the atmosphere (warm oceans contains less gas than cold ones) with the horrific massive destruction of the ecosystems on the whole planet, in a complete indifference Since such measures are often presented in public as the irrefutable implications of climate changebeing a consequence of man-made emissions, then the veracity of climate science is denied. We must bring everyone along for the ride. I remember when mythbusters tried proving increasing co2 would raise the temp and it did not. But reality is ever dreadful than movies Reality is that weve lost almost 1000 species to extinction; extreme climate events are becoming the new normal and that checkmates our food security (crop productivity, for example), it exposes us to new threats (like disease that follow after their vectors, following the climate most favourable to their reproduction) And it destabilises entire ecosystems that, right now, and for thousands of years, has given us (ecological) goods and services Its a way of life we put at risk with climate change; that we are ALREADY putting at risk. Because research needs money, hence is not always independant. Kimberly White. They dont, they know man made climate change is a hoax. If scientist cant agree on something, it usually means that the answer is not so clear, There IS scientific consensus about it. light bulbs, (horrendously expensive and pop after a couple of months and require 2 to do the job of 1 old kind), stove plates that cant cook a steak because of thermostats, vacuum cleaners that dont suck, more and more items in never ending plastic, no way yet of recycling all plastics. Clearly not. The problem is to evalute how much it is a consequence of mankinds activities. Debating Europe, why dont you prove it is not a hoax and put the evidence on here? Nope, it is not, there is no proof of that. That causes whole agriculture systems to fail, water will be more scarce, cities like New York City or Shanghai and countries like the Netherlands and Bangladesh will just drown in the sea and billions of people will have to migrate somewhere else. If it is enough to admit human activity is negatively impacting the percentage may not be so important as our actions to reduce it. Please .
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