Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? (Which means My God, my God, why have you forsaken? The correct spelling is YAHSHUA because he is the Son of YAHWEH. Gods shortened name is YAH. Notice these telling verses in: Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 12:2; Isaiah 26:4; and Isaiah 38:11, which all says YAH. This is the very reason we praise God saying: HalleluYah! Different languages have different letters, thats not a big deal. Moses knew that if ever people would believe that he has been sent by God, He must know the name of the God who sent Him! Cool, nice to see that you are figuring things out. Hoping to see you face to face my brother in Christ Yahusha. If am not wrong, I hope this is the idea. Since the letter J came only in the last 400 years, obviously, many centuries before that time, people did not pronounce His name as Jesus. Therefore, WHY on earth would the Messiah choose a name which many languages cannot even pronounce? But that was not the end. Therefore, contrary to popular beliefs, the Greek versions which came much later was NOT the original version of the New Testament. He is backed in his NEW AND IMPROVED EDITION of this translation by a galaxy of eight other D.D.s: Rev. He addressed and made mention of their Unknown God which he fully described and which resulted to the conviction of Dionysius and Damaris, and a few others (Acts 17:22-34). Yod, Hay, Waw, Shan, Ayin as you can see below: It should be pronounced Yahusha, when sounded out in the Paleo Hebrew just like the name of Most High is Yahua. So we cannot tell what the real name of God is. Purgatory vs Hell, The Truth. Im in agreement with that. Shalom. Deuteronomy 6:12 then you shall be on guard that you do not forget YAHWEH who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the land of slaves.. Below you can see the 4 Hebrew letters (that are found above in Paleo Hebrew), You can use the image above to sound out the name. Therefore, the phrase The name of God is YHWH would appear as th nm f gd s yhwh. This wasnt a problem with the Hebrews because they knew what the words were and how to pronounce them. There is nothing like Allah Ammi or Allah Mother in Islam. I never knew about that. William L. Pettingill, D.D., Author, Editor, Teacher. It is hard for you to kick against the goads.. The Name of God was revealed to Moses in the Book of Exodus (Ex 3:14). When the Most High referred to him self he done it in first person and as an expression of who he is. During times of peace, the tribes will have depended heavily on Baal in his various local forms to ensure fertility. GOD is universally understood as a generic name for the Supreme Being in monotheism. The letter J is pronounced like an h sound. " God is salvation" is a phrase that ascribes a passive quality to God . His Name should therefore reflect the meaning and His mission on earth which in Hebrew would be Yahshua. Now ask your Christian friend, if he had heard the word ALLELUYA. No Christian worth the name will fail to recognize it. ruin or mischiefif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'bibletalkclub_net-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',168,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bibletalkclub_net-large-leaderboard-2-0'); So if we have to put these two words together, Jehovah would mean: Is it a coincidence? By the way, the completed Greek translation (another Gentile people) came many centuries later long after Constantine the Greats conversion to Christianity. But please remember that Scriptures were initially given to the Jews. The name of God, gets very little attention, in todays Christian circles. Please note that the letter J is not sounded in Latin. Caller: Uh see, I am a Muslim. They all have their origins from the meaning Yahs salvation. When Jesus (pbuh) was put on the cross, he cried with a loud voice saying ELI ELI LAMA SABACHTANI? that is to say, My God, My God why hast Thou Forsaken Me? Does this sound like Jehovah! Millions of Christians have prayed Gods will and their prayers were answered. After the Babylonian Exile (6th century BCE), and especially from the 3rd century BCE on, Jews ceased to use the name Yahweh for two reasons. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. (Acts 20:27), MASSIVE TAMPERING OF SCRIPTURES AS PROPHESIED. Putting it into even more basic terms since there is a such thing as objective morality , then that objective moral standard must come from outside of our experience, from God. You can check out more images here, Its clear to see that the name of God, is not God. We greatly appreciate your consideration! This admission of objective morality points to the God, the one who established those moral categories in our hearts. The best-known distinction of the SNM is its advocacy of the use of the sacred name Yahweh (Hebrew: ), i.e., the reconstructed proper name of the God of Israel, and the use of the original Hebrew name of Jesus, often transliterated as Yahshua. Secondly, since He knew the True Father intimately, He called Him in the plaintive and pleading Aramaic language Eli, Eli! It seems like everyone can agree on that and we wont be so divided on this topic. Think of it this way: Words for the same object are said differently across languages. I was told the Paleo Hebraic name should be Yahawah for the Father (which I believe is pronounced the same way as Yahua) and Yahawashi for the Son, since a and I are the only vowel points in Paleo Hebrew and so the sound the u gives would not have been present in that dialect. Even in modern languages, there are differences in the pronunciation of Jesus. Kadosh is the most high. Pictured are the patriarchs and the apostles. Rev. Hi, thank you for the article. Yah is short for Yahweh , and shuah is from yeshuah which means "to save, save alive . THE PRINCIPLE OF USING THE CORRECT PROPER NAME If you are a real son or daughter of your father, you will surely want to know the real and correct name of your father (and that of your elder brother), don't you? [Joshua is the name of Moses military commander whose name did not change in spelling until the New Testament period (Hebrews 4:8). Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites, representing the biblical pronunciation of "YHWH," the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. Exodus 3:13 and 14 records, "Then Moses said to God, "Behold I am going to the sons of It is now all about learning the truth. YA ALLE LU would be YA ALLA HU: Meaning, OH ALLAH! (You are the Only Being Who deserves worship and Praise) OH ALLAH! (You are the Only Being Who deserves worship and Praise). We now need to face the facts squarely concerning this topic. The Arabic word Allah is pure and unique, unlike the English word God which can be played around with. Because you say, I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothingand do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and nakedI counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.. Nkiruka. He is a professor at Western Seminary and served as a teaching pastor for many years. Now we have proof of the four letters that make up the Most Highs name. OCLC 3211625. Look at how many times the Name of the Most High appears. The name YHWH, consisting of the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh, is known as the tetragrammaton. And the same is true here with the name of Christ (Messiah). This was based on a particular interpretation of the third commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord [] Pastor Doug: Well it sounds to me like you might be asking a loaded question. Below is a facsimile of the earlier 1611 version of the King James Bible. The Name Jesus is a corruption of the Hebrew Yahusha. Most dictionaries will translate Jesus ' name (which was apparently more properly translated to Joshua than " Jesus ") to be " God is salvation.". The answer is No. This fragment contains parts of Job 42. This is My name forever, and this is how I will be remembered from generation to generation.. The Hebrew word in vain is saw [Strongs H7723, or GK H8736] which means worthlessness, falseness, lying. NOTE: there is a big difference between Gods Titles and His HOLY NAME. And ofcourse the Most High is above all of them, as they are his creation. Proof of these events is found in APPENDIX-6at the end of this article. Therefore, the true name is not Jesus.. Gods Salvation rather than Joshua meaning crying out to God. Thus, the popular name Jesus /dizs/ used in the English language Bibles originated from the Latin form of the Greek name (Isous), also falsely claiming the variant of Jeshua (mentioned 30 times in our English Bible as a common Hebrew name, and thus found in several ossuaries in Israel). I was in that exact spot and position as you are in before. [All four citations are from the Hebraic Roots Bible]. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While we should avoid unnecessarily naming idols; it is still proper to use the generic name, god as a point of reference to what we actually should avoid. YHWH () is the proper name of God in Judaism. The lower case god is designated for male idols in mythology (goddess for females), which is believed by pagans and false religions to have some influence in nature as goddess of spring. It can also refer to statues, idols, ideas, or objects as Money is his god.. I am who I am. What is the name of God's people? This corruption of names were continued in the Latin Vulgate Bible, which was further continued in the King James Bible. 18:20 ). However, those copies after thousands of years are long gone. Whereas many and great things have been delivered unto us by the law and the prophets, and by others that have followed their steps, for the which things Israel ought to be commended for learning and wisdom; and whereof not only the readers must needs become skilful themselves, but also they that desire to learn be able to profit them which are without, both by speaking and writing: my grandfather Jesus, when he had much given himself to the reading of the law, and the prophets, and other books of our fathers, and had gotten therein good judgment, was drawn on also himself to write something pertaining to learning and wisdom; to the intent that those which are desirous to learn, and are addicted to these things, might profit much more in living according to the law. Hopefully all of the information presented above has given you enough information to understand what the name of God is and the real name of Jesus. The English word god (and its equivalent in other languages) is used by multiple religions as a noun to refer to different deities, or specifically to the Supreme Being, as denoted in English by the capitalized and uncapitalized terms God and god. The essential uses of the name of God the Father in the New Testament are Theos ( the Greek term for God), Kyrios (i.e. I wouldnt say Jesus is a play on words, but calling the Messiah by a name he could never have been called in Hebrew is disrespectful. This and other scriptures indicate that God is composed of more than one being. That name appears some 7,000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. Even the 1611 publication of the King James Bible used the Iesus spelling. I want to be in the first resurrection and remain with our Creator and True Messiah forever. Hence the spelling of all the names in the quote below will sound much more familiar if you replace the "Y" sound with a "J" sound. Therefore, what is that Name, when He states This is My NAME FOREVER, [which is also] MY MEMORIAL FOR ALL GENERATIONS (Exodus 3:15)? Remember he said many shall come to him in that day and say lord lord havent I done miracles in your name havent I cast out demons in ur name. This in itself, is evidence that the name of the Most High was to remain as it is. God has no shortage of names--He is called by almost 1000 different ones in the Bible. For the same things uttered in Hebrew, and translated into another tongue, have not the same force in them: and not only these things, but the law itself, and the prophets, and the rest of the books, have no small difference, when they are spoken in their own language. The kernel of the argument dates back only to Immanuel Kant , so it is one of the newer arguments in this post. The Tetragram Is YHVH Not YHWH You will notice, I placed the letters YHVH that form God's name in bold red text. This can only tell us that this claim is a lie. Or why do you show contempt for your brother? Arguments over how the names are sounded out are unproductive. The New Testament was originally written in Greek, which not only uses an entirely different alphabet than Hebrew but also lacks the sh sound found in Yeshua. But when we dig deeper, we discover that in the original languages He has many more namessome of which include multiple variants. The Bible usually uses the name of God in the singular (e.g. The Aramaic word "Abba" () , meaning "Father" is used by Jesus in Mark 14:36 and also appears in Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6. The real intent here is NOT to serve or worship these idols. Please read the prophecy in Zechariah 14:9 which reads: And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. Salem, West Virginia: The Bible Advocate. Some people erroneously assume that Gods name is Jehovah. But Jehovah according to Websters Dictionary, is an erroneous rendering of the ineffable [inexpressible] name YHWH in the Hebrew scriptures.. Did they keep the commandments? And for more scholarly details on the name Jesus please read APPENDIX-2 at the end of this article. At this point its important to talk about the letter j. I need to start by letting you know that the letter j is a new letter to the English language. Not just their titles or descriptions (as he is a businessman and a councilman), but to recognize their real names? I can see how translating it the wrong way could corrupt the text itself. The Correct Principles in using God's True Name Answers to Questions and Objections on this Topic 1. However, when translated from Hebrew into Greek, in which the New Testament was written, the name Yeshua becomes Isous. NOTE: The ancient wisdom among the sages of old knew there had to be two Divine Beings Who have Specific Names. shalom. At the same time, HWA fully recognized the tetragrammaton as the name of the Eternal. He often quoted from the Moffatt translation of the Bible which uses the word Eternal consistently. The name of God, often referred to as the Tetragrammaton (a Greek word meaning "four letters"), is written with four Hebrew letters: Yud, Hey, Vav and the letter Hey again. When Moses was going up to the amount to see the burning bush, he encountered God. Thus, the prophecy concerning the lying pen of the Scribe and substituting Gods Name for LORD which is equivalent to Baal (master or Lord) has truly been fulfilled according to Jeremiahs prophecy. From the things Ive been researching and from what I know from the book of enoch, tracking the false Gods leads me to believe that the name Jesus is used because the Christ gospel was corrupted by the papacy. Healing is not proof of God. What a total nerd! Best Answer. What most fail to do is to simply read on to the very next verse to get the context of the whole conversation.
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