Let me suggest that you get as serious NOW about your faith as you hope youll be the moment before you die. However the bible also surports your soul going on to heaven immediately. On the day of Pentecost, when Peter and the other disciples were in Jerusalem in the upper room, they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues. Its a group of beliefs about what God is like. We dont know. I checked up on the Sins that man should not commit. I pray that he will give me the strength to know when I have found a true church, where saints and sinners can pray together and be saved by Christs plan before our planet Terra is transformed into Hades through world peace and New World Order. What I know so far is God is vengeful, full of wrath and anger and will punish if disobeyed. If life is getting tough to manage, youre probably doing it wrong. Even if the family already had a plot in the cemetery, a child who had passed away without having been baptized was required to be interred in the designated area of the cemetery. The thief on the cross wasnt baptized, yet he was saved. It's more to do with an event and making sure they pick the right Godparents. Nothing.. Youre already a member of the church, like every other Christian in history. All of the above is actually Step 1 combined for receiving the Holy Ghost Then theres Mark 11:24 where Jesus says you WILL receive what your heart desires.. so, if you desire to make it to heaven, Jesus made this promise to believers.. Then theres Acts 2:4: And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Whoever says that this was for then, is highly mistaken! I was told before that sin was bad, but I still commuted it, as I forgot about the will of God. Christians ARE obedient not perfectly, but purposefully but its not obedience that MAKES us Christians. We read them in context to make sure we understood them. I also hope that my answer wont create too many more questions. And if people DO agree that there IS evidence in the New Testament about this subject doesnt that make Gods word not infallible since it contradicts his word in the Old Testament? Baptism is our participation in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Because people in Israel had lived as followers of God for many centuries, they all understood what baptism meant. Dont get me wrong: God loves good deeds. Its nice to meet you! Nobody likes hypocrisy. Im working to change that. You should believe Him. I dont attend church often, but I do pray. Thanks for asking such an important question! The answer should have been: "Possibly. One songwriter put it this way, and I believe its true: If you love me, you will love the church. All through the Gospels, Jesus refers to Himself as the Bridegroom, and to us as the Bride. Every scripture, in every major religion was chosen by man. Like on the chair. I have a question: have you been born again? Well, then youll want to learn what this amazing life looks like. So far the only solution Ive found is cutting out all of my triggers for lust. Jesus refers to the Father as God all the time. There are two sides to answering whether you were saved before. Are you suggesting that you and I should be buried like Jesus in this way? I would find songs that they like, and look closely at the lyrics. Id without a doubt donate to this fantastic blog! Heres the video: I would be very happy to help you with this, Ted. Baptism is good, and you should be baptized when you are ablebut being baptized wont wash away your sins. Some are confused, not understanding that the Son is God, because well, Hes the Son. To me, Rob Bell may indeed be a false teacher. Like Paul, I dont baptize. In the Bible, over and over again, we see the word believe. The Greek word that was originally used is better than just believe. Its PISTEUO, and it means to be persuaded, and to commit. We cant just believe in God and go to Heaven. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment. Abraham replied, They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them. No, father Abraham, he said, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent. He said to him, If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead. (Luke 16:19-31). I recently dreamed of it 2 nights ago and I went further then I usually do and I woke up fearless I actually cried . I thought I was a Christian then. I said ok, what about signing son. We implore you on Christs behalf: Be reconciled to God. Those who are reconciled to God go to Heaven. Which Jesus kept but on Saturday not Sunday. However: if you do fit into that category, I have good news. People need to understand the difference. Welcome to Christian Forums, a forum to discuss Christianity in a friendly surrounding. Heres the video: Daniel Wallace, one of the foremost experts on the Bible, has a full session on the reliability of the Bible. I dont say that to get you on my team, but because I care about you. In order to be saved, you have to believe. She got the point. I would worry more about learning what Jesus taught than about the future of the planet. Its never a good idea to suggest that truth can be determined by our feelings. Your job is to cooperate with Him, not to do the work yourself. This is the Life of a Lukewarm Christian that believes living a simple ordinary life will get them to Heaven without being Water Baptized, sadly my Parents with some of my Family and Friends fall in that category. Thats the missing piece in our relationships with God. There are some things about Jesus that im confused about. Its a matter of knowing we can never be good enough on our own. An earthly father forgives his children for greater and numerous amounts of To be more precise, Hes the perfect father. Its like performing a magical incantation, as if saying the right words in the right order is what makes it work. Clearly and obviously, at least part of Matthew 25 is still in the future. Jesus was human and so he could have sinned and fell into temptation but he did not because he is God and God is perfect sinless and flawless. Does that make sense? Theres a saying that some use to describe your point of view. I do not know his motivation, or his spiritual conditionso please take note that Im not judging Rob Bell. You might take a look at Acts 10. It seems clear that nobody will be sent to Heaven or Hell, under normal circumstances, until the end of time. Im so confused as well. I moved to my grandmas at some point in 2012. Nobody is forced to visit GodWords and read what I write. Let me know (here, or in an email) if theres any way I can help. And, I will have access to ALL of heaven, not just Jeaus Kingdom. Jesuss plan was for his disciples to make disciples who make disciples who all follow Him! Demonstrably false, and dangerous. No, Willissathey are not. Its all Christian music, and you can use AutoPlay and Shuffle to listen to the whole website. First, lets clear up a couple of things. If youre already a follower Jesus that is, if youve already been born again I recommend that you find some people in your area who follow Jesus closely, and be baptized. Im 16 and I havent been to clear on what I believe in. I even corrected my boyfriend when he said Jesus was his God. Our neighbors had a Bible study in their home, and the lady suggested that my mom ask my dad if he wanted to come. Its not that difficult. What were left with is a difficult idea to grasp, as theres nothing else in the universe like Him. Do you love Him? As for being baptized, Id like to settle your dilemma. After being left behind in the temple at 12 years old, He told Mary that He had to be in my Fathers house. Jesus doesnt do whatever He wants He only does what the Father tells us to do. One can be an apologist for anythingmaking a case for something isnt a religious endeavor. I would definitely sing 19 songs, if thats what it took. What would the Pastor say to a person before being baptized, what must i be reconciled for. Can we still find salvation in the end? Once you are saved, you will want to follow what Jesus taught. Thats a good question! The goal is to agree with what God has said. I saw your comments regarding baptism and you said baptism is not necessary to get to heavenbut its Jesus commandment for us to be baptised. What do I mean by that? Chapter and verse. Now, I dont know you or your situation, but Ive been around for a while. Wouldnt you want to learn from their wisdom? This is an area Ive been looking forward to studying in greater detail, to be sure of what the Bible does and doesnt say. Its another of my websites, and it helps me. I got baptized because I was scared to go to hell and thought I had to do it to be saved.. When we confess our sins that is, when we go to God and tell Him that we are sorry for what weve done He will forgive us. I was mistreated as a child, and the idea of spending eternity with people who treated me badly doesnt sound like fun at all. Spirits do not have bodies muchless blood to atone with, thus the manifestation of God/Christ in the flesh. If it were, the New Testament would explain in detail what it is, why its done, and how to do it. Nobody will be kept out of Heaven because they made a mistake, or because they were misled, or because they got a bit of information wrong. I tell you, now is the time of Gods favor, now is the day of salvation. They will forgive because they have been forgiven, and they will be gracious to others because God has been gracious to them. Do you think I should be listening to it?. I think so. Lets talk further about your hermeneuticsthe principles youre using to interpret Scripture. Globalizethis aggregates what happens if you never get baptized information to help you offer the best information support options. Trust Gods plan. He doesnt like it when we hurt each other. Read Romans 10:9 If you believe that Jesus died for us all and rose on the third day, thought shall be saved. Thats a silly idea. There is no qoincidence with God.have your own personal relationship with God and you will see that if you draw nigh to him, he will draw nigh to you. I am also 99% sure that is not your circumstance. She cant get it wet. This is certainly not true, because as you point out the Bible clearly shows that the Son is not the Father, and the Son is not the Spirit, and the Spirit is not the Father. Thats not necessarily money and material things, but peace and joy and purpose. God made the world; therefore this clearly states that God and Jesus are One. I mean that you should read the WHOLE New Testament on your own. While there is no specific list and not just one right way, there are some things you can do to help continue your walk as a Christian. Sometimes the language Christians use can be confusing. Would it be unfair for God to tell infants who die that they didnt do enough good things to get into Heaven? youre saved if you believe. Music is good. It was a public ceremony, where a person expressed their faith to the community, saying that they wanted to be part of the community. Step 3 is receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues You cant deny this, as its Scripture! Is the Five-Fold Ministry False Teaching? In a religion, we have to clean ourselves up to be pleasing enough to Godor we have to learn just the right information, or we have to perform a minimum number of good deeds. Here are three reasons why: Let me try to clear something up. They love equally. Do you? He comes at this not from a religious point of view, but as a former atheist who wanted to prove the Bible unreliable. He will be dressed in clothing dipped in blood. He causes you to be curious about Him, and to wonder about things like having a relationship with Him. :). I have good news, though: it doesnt have to be this way! God has done His part, and we are His ambassadors, begging people to be reconciled to Him. GodWords, 2.What happens if you dont get baptized? At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich mans table. The world needs more prayer now, and it is a great way to help other members of the forums. What makes something like music good, or bad? Of course, there are questions behind your question. Who would think that a just and reasonable God would keep out a person who spent their life caring for others and let in someone who made life miserable (or very short) for others? But no where does it specifically refer to Jesus doing that in reference to animals. Some take this to mean that trinitarians are polytheists, or tritheists. This is certainly not true, because there is only one God. Theres a cure for what youre going through. The more we study to show ourselves approved just as the Lord ask us to, the closer walk we can have with Jesus. Jesus explains to all of us that He came to give us LIFE. It could be that this is a commitment that the Holy Spirit does not want you to make with this particular congregation. >> I lost my eldest son a while ago and its a huge journey to go through. If youre guilty, you should feel guilt. What Happens If You Never Get Baptized What if you have never been baptized? Do yourself a favor. So, the caring person who wants nothing to do with God gets their wishand the hateful, terrible person who wishes to change and be forgiven and to do things Gods way also gets their wish, and will be in Heaven. It says that Jesus is the head. Please dont hesitate to contact me with more questions, or if you need to talk, or would like to learn more about apologetics. We should baptized by following the example set for us in Scripture. Does that make sense? When you visited my website, you began a relationship with me but it was pretty much one-sided: you read what I wrote. Youre just braver than most, to say what you think. im Dezi what if your saved but your still scared about whats gonna happen and when it happens. Thats all baptism is. Between 2012 July 2015, I sinned, I thought I have lost my faith in God, as I didnt really pray to him much, I didnt talk to him much. One kind of baptism was to publicly show that you had converted to Judaism. Do you write them off as unspiritual? Im not sure who youre replying to. I always cared about what others think ever since I was a small child and dealt with vanity too. Ive got good news for you, Shannon: youre already acceptable to God! But its not a right now need. You have it. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved. If it did, we could just make a checklist of things to do, and things to not do, that would make sure we get to Heaven. I stole, I committed adultery a lot! Feel free to email me, too. Do you have to be baptized to go to Heaven? Well, remember PISTEUO. WHAT ABOUT JUDGMENT? Thankyou so much for the encouraging words, and no that wasnt hard to take in, it is kind of true our church pastor even talks about how immature Pentecostals have grown, I will be patient and try reading the new testament. Everyone who has not been baptized by Jesus is NOT saved, and will not go to Heaven. Yes, obedience is important but we dont start out being obedient. Here it is: much of the time, Pentecostal churches are not very good at teaching from the Bible. Thank you so much for your replies! Have you crossed over from death to life? The truth is that some people wont be in Heaven. Baptism is important, but so is your witness to your parents. I will do whatever I can to help you trust God more and more. I started praying to god shortly after the 10th, I am trying my best to not sin. Ive never seen this work out wellnot once. We dont take the first step of cleaning ourselves up to be acceptable to God. Consider for yourself the controversy over his books. I do not believe that this is our enemy, trying to stop you. Our churches would be vibrant, godly and convincing the world that we are His disciples (John 13:34-35). His only requirement was their faith and acceptance. If you do, then you may need a saviour such as Mohamed or Jesus. If there were 3, it would read baptizing in the names of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Thats intended to be a permanent relationship, and not entered into lightly. You can contact me directly if you want to be more personal. Let me reassure you: there is nothing in the Bible about how Christians are to handle this issue. Barring anything crazy, like a fire or earthquake that destroys all records, there should always be a record, in the Church, recognizing you as a Catholic. What do I do as its getting too much to carry? Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Well never understand Him, Fully trusting God has two parts. Period end of story. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. I feel so bless to be connected to your site, it is a great help to the Christian community. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. I would recommend them, and many others. Listen carefully. Theres something else on my mind. Jesus died for us because God loves us. I am a seeker of knowledge, nothing more! We could truly expand Gods kingdom on earth more effectively than we are in currently are. If the thief was saved and Im pretty sure we agree that he was then it wasnt because he kept the law. However: nobody disputes that theyre somewhere. Is it possible that you could trust that the Father really IS good because Jesus really IS good? If I did, I would do it in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Im sorry to hear that your sisters have died, but people do not turn into angels. Its not helpful to pat someone on the back for believing something that contradicts Scripture. Let me know your thoughts. The point is that youre making a public statement about your faith in Jesus. How that all works, exactly, is still unknown. Nobody is forced to agree with me, either in fact, time after time, I tell people to NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR ANYTHING. Show respect. You did more for me with your signing of the check analogy than they did. Because I used to be on staff at a church that taught what you believe: that the initial physical evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues. It doesnt sound like you do. Id love to meet you! Wait until you are 100% certain, until your godly friends confirm for you that you seem to understand this situation properly, and until there are no more questions to answer. They had enough information alreadyGod had revealed Himself sufficiently already, and they wouldnt believe that. Yes I do agree many still do not agree with each other on what happens to your your spirit when you die, which I accept, we will only know the day we die, that is how I feel. >> Also you say that means you wont go to heaven or hell. We all learn as we go. Christianity is following a person. Id consider this a red flag. So: Thats it. How, you ask, can a disobedient person go to Heaven? To help me get in touch with him? Its okay to not be baptized if your parents forbid it. In all I want to be me and do my own Christian thing as well spreading the word of christ. God has already spoken in His Word, and thats enough. Youre borrowing ideas from the Bible, but pretending that they mean whatever you want them to mean. Check Gods Word to make sure that what everyone says including me is true. According to the explanation provided in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the year 1256. Christianity is an intellectually rigorous pursuit of the truth, and these folks care about explaining the truth in ways that make sense. Sin is bad. When its time to go, remember this: what we have now is a pale reflection of what we will have then. First, its nice to meet you! But believing on Jesus is only the beginning, not the finalization. He is God. Did you catch that? I keep getting mixed answers but I believe that you would solidify the answer. I have a pretty good idea of what He would say to you. Hi Tony. You should believe Him, and seek Him. The easiest way is to read the New Testament. You and I may not meet here, but we will meet there if you belong to God. You say that youre concerned about following Gods doctrine correctly. So that I may also be proclaimed to be in the community of the children of god. Now, dont get me wrong. The question of purgatory is entirely illogical to me, having read the Bible. All of this is unbelievably, incredibly, totally awesome. Jesus died on the cross to pay that price. Without that, youre just blowing smoke. Does that make sense? Yes, Jesus paid the penalty for all mankind but all mankind has the choice to accept what Jesus did through faith, baptism and following Jesus and his word. We cant look around and really say, God is like anything at all. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. Youre important to God. I was dedicated to the Lord as a child also, not immersed in water but sprinkled-it was an occasion my mom stood up with me in front of The Bible also makes it clear that the Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. He knit you together in your mothers womb. There are lessons to learn from both, though. Its another way to say that we trust God with our lives, which leads to being born again. After He left, the Father sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in those who trust in Him. Its like I want to share my gift to others but I guess I fear of being judge. There are certainly earthly consequences for sinning addiction, disease, depression, broken relationships, imprisonment, and so on but going to Hell isnt one of those consequences. This isnt the only time in Scripture that we see Jesus, who is God, being limited in ways that the Father is not. i actually teach at a christian school and the people in the church are so judgemental and rude that its always but me off from church. They should be welcoming and encouraging to you, offering to help you grow in faith. For me this includes my computer, and tv. My grandma would always help me pray, I am a great person. He says he is a Christian and i believe him. Are you as familiar with verse 17 as well? Only Catholics who had been baptized were allowed to be buried in consecrated ground. I could go on and on. I just seem to be living a life if pressure, guilt and fear that Im letting my Lord down in every way. We dont want to be surprised by His return. Do you believe that everyone was judged in 70, and went to their eternal reward or punishment? Gods love and grace and mercy is all over the place. Did you catch that? Just as Adam and Eve had the option of sinning or not sinning, so Jesus had the option as well. That gracious act is only half of the equation, though. Because: following Jesus means that we know what He taught, and we do it. Thanks for asking. Most people think that being forgiven is what allows us to go to Heaven, and not being forgiven sends us to Hell. Youre the church. Does that make sense? The answer to that question is, "Yes". He offers peace and joy, and they turn their backs to Him. Everyone should repent of their sins and turn from their sinful ways but failing to do that isnt what sends people to Hell. Thats never a good idea. I believe in God but i am terrorised and terrified of his almighty power. Baptizing an alive person just gets them wet. After the judgment, THEN people will receive their eternal reward. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. There are plenty of other good places to learn more about God and how He wants us to live, but those will give you a great head-start. God knows all things. Every analogy falls short. Hell say to you and me, Well done, good and faithful servant. If youre not born again, judgement day will be pretty scary.
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