De-icing salts have been used on roads during winter. For steam or radiant heat cured members test cylinders shall be cured with the members or in the test cylinder heating box respectively for the duration of the curing cycle as specified in Clause610.23(g) and Clause610.23(h)., and by the factor for lightweight concrete specified in Table 610.111 Sieve Size AS (mm)Percentage Passing (by mass)9.51004.7590 1002.3675 1001.1850 900.630 700.310 350.152 100.0750 3 (iv) Consistency of Grading The grading of fine aggregate shall not deviate from the submitted grading by more than(5%. 610.44 STEEL FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE Where required steel fibre reinforced concrete shall be as specified in the drawings and specification and shall comply with the requirements of AS5100.5. go to the ultimate strength state as soon as it cracks. In most cases, this is achieved by applying heat or steam The supports shall be positively attached to the steel reinforcement, and of such size as to maintain the specified cover. Sulphate and chlorideion content shall be determined by testing of hardened concrete in accordance with AS1012.20.1. All symbols are defined in the text where they first appear. coating, shall be 1.0 inch. For prestressed concrete members over 600mm deep this may occur in two or three passes. A revision is needed to address this situation. The proposed method of maturity testing or TMC shall include: (i) the type of equipment to be used to monitor the insitu temperatures, or the control temperatures for TMC for the specific concrete mix and prevailing curing conditions: (1) for maturity testing - to develop a maturity curve (correlation between compressive strength and maturity) (2) for TMC to monitor the heat development in the insitu concrete which heats the water in the TMC system and matches the temperature of the insitu concrete with the temperature of the cylinders in the TMC system to facilitate strength development (ii) method of recording the time/temperature relationship including the type of data loggers (iii) the period of monitoring (iv) the proposed number and location of temperature sensors to be used which shall include as a minimum the interior and near surface of the concrete member. If the in-situ concrete method is considered, concrete shrinkage should be considered in the calculation of the loss of prestressing force. This has structural implications. in table 1 and modified for the W/C ratio, unless otherwise The concrete shall be designed, manufactured and delivered, sampled and tested, placed, compacted, finished and cured in accordance with the requirements of this section to achieve a service life of at least 100 years in the specified in-service exposure conditions with minimal maintenance. The following are considered when calculating for deflections: When the deflection curve calculation is completed, the camber diagram can be calculated by summing the reverse curve of the deflection curve and the linear curve. Do you know what factors influence risk in your organisation? The absolute value for hog for any unit shall not be less than zero. equations. TotForceTendon. required by equation may be too high to be practical with No nasties. 610.38 EFFECTS DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND GROUND VIBRATION ON FRESHLY PLACED CONCRETE The Contractor shall implement adequate precautions and manage construction activities to prevent the disturbance of formwork or transmit vibrations through to recently cast concrete or projecting steel reinforcement. Concrete bar chairs and spacers shall comply with the requirements of Clauses 610.26 and 610.29(f). In a triple blend concrete mix, the portland cement content shall be a minimum of 60% and the individual contribution of Slag, Fly Ash or Amorphous Silica shall be a maximum of 40%, 25% or 10% respectively, of the total mass of the cementitious material in the concrete mix. For concrete strengths exceeding 4.0 ksi, 1 shall be Recycled or non-potable water shall be sampled and tested as a minimum at six monthly intervals to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this clause and AS1379. 5.11 DEVELOPMENT AND SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT, The tension development length, ld, shall not be less than the product of the basic tension development length, ldb, specified herein and the modification factor or factors specified in Articles and For the purpose of determining the actual slump of superplasticised concrete and the required testing parameters for SCC as stated in Clause610.13(b) and Clause610.16(n), the discharge of the first 0.2m3 of concrete prior to taking the test sample shall not be required. Let us talk about the characteristics and plans for the prestressed concrete girder in bridges. (k) Soluble Salts (i) Chlorideion Content The maximum acidsoluble chlorideion content of concrete as placed, expressed as the percentage of the total mass of cementitious material in the concrete mix shall not be greater than: 0.1% for prestressed concrete 0.15% for reinforced concrete 0.07% for all mortars and grouts, including posttensioning grout. (c) Vibration Effects Due to Construction Activities Construction activities shall be planned and managed such that the formwork and concrete are not affected by vibration in accordance with the requirements of Clause 610.38. After satisfying this requirement, the Contractor may then make a submission to the Superintendent for agreement to reduce the frequency of slump testing of superplasticised concrete to be in accordance with Table610.161, provided a high level of process control, including a high level of control of total water content in the mix in accordance with specified requirements, is supported with objective documented evidence. For 1 cell structures, the web thickness can be made thick, making it easy to install tendons. For long articles, only a 12-60. as 60 strand diameters and the development length shall be taken as Fig. than either: The volumetric ratio of spiral reinforcement and the total gross cracks are smoother. Increased microfibril angle in the S2 layer decreases cell wall tensile strength and stiffness but increases the durability. cracking moment may be very close to or even higher than the ACTION: A revision to delete 28 days is proposed. (e) Precast Concrete Except where other surface finishes are specified on the drawings, surface finishes for precast members shall be as follows: (i) precast crown units shall have a Class2 surface finish (ii) precast parapet units shall have a Class3 surface finish (iii) precast piles shall have a Class1 surface finish (iv) precast members other than crown units and parapet units shall have a Class2 surface finish. limits in table In article of the AASHTO Standard Specifications, the The AASHTO Standard Specifications uses Generally, modern design codes limit the characteristic strength to no less than 25 N/mm2. If you are a bridge engineer, you may have heard about the Free Cantilever Method or the Balanced Cantilever Bridge. For concrete grades with minimum 28 day compressive strength in the range of 80MPa to 100MPa the maximum VPV at 28days shall be less than 8% for test cylinders (compacted by vibration), less than 9% for test cylinders (compacted by rodding) and less than 11% for test cores. estimated as fr = 0.23. This section will explain the historical and engineering content on why box girders are used. Furthermore, since the center of the span is a hinged structure, there is a risk that the girder on the abutment side can be lifted. Which of the following has high tensile strength ? These thermometers shall be maintained in good condition and calibration. Application of the evaporative retarding compound shall be implemented in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Typical locations include the exposed top surfaces of road slabs, suspended slabs and walls. The specification will be satisfied if the VPV value for each sample, as determined from the average value of the test cylinders, is not greater than the specified maximum 28day VPVvalue in Table610.061. The time between the first and second coat shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation, or on the basis of a trial application. HP Lane closures and speed restrictions shall not be removed until PPV measurements, maturity testing, temperature monitoring and compressive strength test results have been reviewed by the Superintendent. Modify geometric properties (in order of increasing costs) a. Therefore, calculations are needed to compensate for the loss in the prestressing force that may occur depending on the construction stage. In Post-tensioning, the steel tendons are tensioned after the concrete has been cast and hardened.. Post-tensioning is performed by two main operations: tensioning the steel wires or strands by hydraulic jacks that stretch the strands while bearing against the ends of the member and then replacing the jacks by permanent REFERENCES. ! Chemical dispensers shall be calibrated as a minimum at three monthly intervals. Further information is on the material issues is contained in Reference 5 and further information on the structural implications is contained in Reference 6. For determining the factors specified in Articles and Furthermore, if the foundations have differential settlement, it can be applied to soft grounds because the effect of the settlement is less than that of continuous girder bridge types. verified for HSC. For narrow roads the minimum clearance and overall configuration details including traffic detours if required shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent. Bar chairs and spacers shall be placed sufficiently close together to ensure that the specified cover is maintained before and during concrete placement, compaction and finishing operations, and to prevent any potential deformation, displacement or crushing of the bar chairs and spacers such that deformation of the steel reinforcement is also prevented (g) Construction Joints in Sea or Brackish Water Further to the requirements of Clause610.20, unless shown otherwise on the drawings, construction joints in sea or brackish water shall not be located from 1.0m below minimum low water to 1.5m above maximum high water tide levels. based on data from the FHWA HPC showcase bridges. The high temperatures in hot countries can exacerbate this. [Equation 85], ( The Contractor shall nominate the total number of cylinder(s) per sample in excess of the minimum number of cylinders specified in Clause610.16(d). The repair of concrete cracks shall be in accordance with Section687. NZS 3101.1&2:2006 A1. In Post-tensioning, the steel tendons are tensioned after the concrete has been cast and hardened.. Post-tensioning is performed by two main operations: tensioning the steel wires or strands by hydraulic jacks that stretch the strands while bearing against the ends of the member and then replacing the jacks by permanent The curing compounds shall be pigmented sufficiently to allow visual inspection to ensure full application on the surface. Vibration shall be applied to the full depth of each layer and extended into the top 100mm of the underlying layer. Charts shall not be removed from any recording thermometers, nor the recording thermometers disturbed or moved in any way until after the removal of the steam covers. (vi) Curing of Test Cylinders Concrete test cylinders shall be placed in the heating box which is connected into the mould heating system as soon as the curing starts and shall remain in position until the curing cycle is complete. (to assess long-term prestress losses due to creep and shrinkage). He has worked at both the Cement andConcreteAssociation (C&CA) and theBritish CementAssociation (BCA) where he developed guidance for assessing the safety and service life of deteriorating concrete structures. Casting sequence details shall include the length of segments, the order of casting and whether segments are to be cast monolithically or in stages. However, the amounts of chloride in the water shall be not greater than0.03% (300ppm). Any point at which the placing of concrete has stopped and the concrete has taken its initial set shall be treated as a construction joint. Construction stage and construction duration for each stage, 2. (d) Test Cylinders for Compressive Strength Each sample of concrete for standard compression tests shall comprise a minimum number of: (i) 3 cylinders for reinforced and prestressed pretensioned concrete (ii) 3 or 5 cylinders for prestressed posttensioned concrete when application of the posttensioning force will be after or before 28days respectively. ! as: s = the smallest angle between the compressive strut WebEnter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. bars in tension terminating in a standard hook specified in Article Additional requirements for concrete for posttensioned, pretensioned, precast, sprayed concrete and other types of concrete construction are specified in the relevant sections. is reported by ACI Committee 363 and should be In addition to the general requirements of Clause686.05(a) and Clause686.05(c)(i) the dual protective coating system shall satisfy the following requirements: (1) Silane pore-lining penetrants shall consist of at least 95% active ingredients and shall be applied in two applications and the application rate shall be a minimum 0.30litres/m2 per application. Construction joints whose location and details are not as shown on the drawings shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent. Increased microfibril angle in the S2 layer decreases cell wall tensile strength and stiffness but increases the durability. (iv) Temperature Controls Temperature shall be recorded by means of recording thermometers supplied and installed by the Contractor. (v) the top surface of precast beams shall be finished as for construction joints in accordance with Clause610.20. Conceptual drawing of a multi fixed supported balanced cantilever bridge. The cracking Water shall be sprayed under the sheeting at the edges and at laps on the day after placing concrete and at regular intervals to maintain moist conditions. In this review article, we present recent progress and advances in 3D/4D AM of various materials, and their potential applications. Any concrete members which exhibit cover less than the specified minimum shall be identified as a non-conformance and the affected locations marked and mapped. Fig. HP The Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent for review, full details of the proposed methods of curing, as part of the concrete mix design submission, not less than four weeks prior to placement of concrete. B1 B2 Pages: 754. Partially articulated balanced cantilever bridge: central hinge type. Due to the shrinkage of concrete, the prestress in the tendon is reduced with time. One characteristic is that the superstructure is mainly a prestressed box girder. The class of lap splice required for deformed bars and deformed (ii) Concrete surfaces 0.5 m above the high water level A dual protective coating system consisting of a pore-lining penetrant (i.e.silane, solid silane or silane cream) and two coats of a film-forming decorative/anticarbonation top coat shall be applied to all exposed surfaces of concrete extending from 0.5m above the high water level including columns, pier and abutment crossheads, all exposed beam surfaces, sides and exposed soffits of deck slabs, parapet units, end posts, fender walls, keeper walls and wingwalls in accordance with the requirements of Section686. The loss in load-carrying capacity results from both the loss in concrete section (due to spalling) and the loss in reinforcement section due to corrosion. comments to specific sections, articles, or tables refer to the Compressive Development Length. DEF is, however, very rare in the UK. yield strength shall be taken in accordance with Article 5.11.2. The data shall be traceable to the concrete suppliers batching plant(s). (m) Scabbled Finish Scabbling shall remove all laitance and loose or porous material without leaving excessive depressions. Cracking or crushing in the compression zones is not to be expected. Concrete which has been driedout after leaving the mixing plant shall not be used in the works. Fig. Should the VPV value of any one sample representing the concrete exceed the specified maximum 28day VPV value as shown in Table610.061, the concrete represented by that sample and subsequent concrete supply shall be subject to the requirements of Clause610.16(j) for testing and acceptance of non-conforming concrete. Three components must be in place before the reaction can occur. (iii) Determination of Application Rate of Curing Compound The application rate shall be checked by calculating the amount of curing compound falling on felt mats, each approximately 0.25m2 in area, placed on the concrete surface during the application of the curing compound. The roughened surface shall be cleaned of foreign matter, laitance and loose or porous material. the edges of the cross-section and a straight line located parallel There are data that suggest that the Ec for HSC factored moment would make the section significantly Wet curing materials used on vertical surfaces shall be securely wrapped during the whole curing period to ensure that all surfaces are evenly and effectively cured. Cover for unprotected prestressing and reinforcing steel shall not The likely consequences of corrosion also have safety implications. Should the average expansion of the mortar bars exceed 0.1% at 21days in the case of coarse aggregates and 0.15% at 21 days in the case of fine aggregates, the aggregates will be classed as reactive and either new aggregates shall be proposed for use and retested for compliance, or if it is proposed to use aggregates that have been classed as reactive, all of the following requirements shall be satisfied: the concrete mix be designed such that the alkali content does not exceed 2.8kg/m3 (Na2Oequivalent) a blended cement be used in the concrete mix that satisfies the minimum requirements of Table610.112. On The shrinkage of concrete was explained in details in the Section 1.0, Concrete (Part II). Contemporary construction of tall buildings from timber, in whole or in part, suggests a growing interest in the potential for building with wood at a scale not previously attainable. investigated. tensile force in the concrete computed on the assumption [Equation 67], ( Post-tensioned, nonsegmental members with spans up to 160 ft and We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. reinforcement that are subjected to severe corrosion (Note:The initial maturity period is calculated by dividing 40C hours by the concrete temperature of the last batch of concrete placed in the unit. Beams shall be braced to prevent overturning at all stages of construction. The limits of equation and 0.2 Shrinkage of concrete is a phenomenon in which concrete contracts as it hardens. Sources of recycled water containing differing levels or other contaminants shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent on the basis of predetermined test results and evidence of previous performance. 21.0 + 4.0 PPR The possibility of corrosion is likely to be dependent on the access of moisture and oxygen to the reinforcement and the chloride threshold level. The Superintendent may at his discretion require additional VPV testing and compressive strength testing to be undertaken from the remainder of the fresh concrete supply or the insitu hardened concrete or both, as described below. The construction sequence using the balanced cantilever method will vary depending on the site conditions, but the overall construction phase is shown in the figure below. exceed the values specified in table 1; except for structures with Cement more than 3 months old shall not be used in the Works unless it is retested to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of AS3972 and ATICSPECSP43. Cover to ties and stirrups may be 0.5 inch less than the values The CMRS registration number(s) for the cementitious material(s) used in the Works shall be submitted as part of the concrete mix design review as specified in Clause610.07. Each structure has its own pros and cons, so designers and engineers should make appropriate choices according to their plans. concrete. (j) Sandblast Finish The following grade of sandblasting shall be applied as shown on the drawings: (i) Brush Finish sandblasting shall remove the surface laitance and expose only the cement matrix. Axial loads occur along the longitudinal axis of the member. multigirder applications. established by a specified testing program. supported by analysis or experimentation, the concrete compressive ASR does lead to a loss in both tensile and compressive strength within the concrete. Concrete shall be supplied at an adequate rate in a continuous operation to ensure that all the concrete in the forms can be kept plastic until placed in its final position and compacted, and all temporarily exposed surfaces covered by and knit in with fresh concrete so that no cold joints are formed. Table 610.461 General Tolerances ItemTolerance (mm)Placing of reinforcement5Placing of posttensioning sheathing5Concrete cover0 to +5 Table 610.462 Cast InSitu Concrete ItemTolerance (mm unless shown otherwise)(i)Footings* Plan dimensions Formed footings and pile caps15 to +50 Unformed footings (when approved by the Superintendent)0 to +150* Thickness < 300 mm5 to +25 > 300 mm10 to +50* Top of footing or pile cap reduced level25 to +25* Departure from the plan position in any direction50(ii)Cylinders* Variation from the vertical25mm in 3m* Departure from the plan position in any direction75(iii)Variation in Cross Section of Columns, Piers, Pier and Abutment Crossheads, Slabs, Walls, Beams and Similar Parts (excludingdeckslabs and end posts)* < 3 m5 to +15* > 3 m10 to +25(iv)Variation of Cross Section of End Posts5 to +5(v)DeckThickness of Deck Slabs (excluding allowance for correction of camber orhog)0 to +10Deck surface reduced level10 to +10(vi)Deck Joints* Width of slot3 to +3(vii)Variation from Vertical or Specified Batter of Columns, Piers, Walls, Handrail Posts and Arrises* Unexposed concrete10mm in 2.5m (1/250)* Exposed concrete5mm in 2.5m (1/500)(viii)Variation from Grades Indicated on Drawings for Railings, Kerbs and Arrises2.5mm in 2.5m (1/1000)(ix)Reduced Level of Tops of Pier and Abutment Crossheads and Piers* With pedestals10 to +10* Without pedestals5 to +5* Difference in Level across width of crosshead5(x)Bearing Pedestals* Reduced level2.5 to +2.5* Variation from grade across the width of individual pedestals shall not exceed1 in 200* Deviation from flat surface+1.0 to 1.0(xi)Departure from Plan Position at any level* Columns, Piers, Walls, Pier and Abutment Crossheads, Beams, Slabs, Kerbs, Railing and other similar parts25* Relative displacement of adjoining members shall not exceed10(xii)Departure from Alignment* Rows of columns, faces of piers or walls10* Handrails, Faces of hand rail posts, Kerbs5(xiii)Maximum Allowance for Irregularities in Exposed Concrete Surfaces * Sections less than 1 m in dimension when measured with a straightedge across the dimension of the section2.5* Sections greater than 1m in dimension when measured with a straightedge across the dimension of the section, except that when sections are greater than 2.5m in dimension, a2.5m straightedge shall be used5(xiv)Irregularities in Railings2.5mm in 2.5m(xv)Slab Surface Finish5mm in 2.5m Table 610.463 Pretensioned Concrete ItemTolerance (mm unless shown otherwise)(i)Cross Section* Dimension < 2 m3 to +3 > 2 m6 to +6* Out of square > 2 m0.5 in 250, or Desirable 3, Maximum 5(ii)Strand and Reinforcement* Placing of reinforcement5* Placing of prestressing strand3* Concrete cover0 to +5(iii)Squareness of EndsDeviation from a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a member, or from the specified end plane:* Dimension < 500 mm3mm* > 500 mm6mm per metre (10mm maximum)(iv)Length* Diagonal length for precast unit5* Overall length or length centre to centre of bearings (forbeams and slabs)0.06% x specified length (max20)* Centre to centre spacing of holes for transverse rods or both5(v)Profile in a Vertical Plane (Hog)The deviation in hog of any unit from the mean hog of all units shall not vary by more than 0.07% of the length of the units. Webanchorage slip and loss due to friction. Download Free PDF View PDF. be modified for use with HSC. Sufficient steam jets or steam entry points shall be provided to ensure that a substantially uniform temperature is maintained under the steam covers such that the difference in temperature between any two points adjacent to the concrete units is not more than10C. ! HSC has a relatively higher tensile strength than conventional ACTION: A revision based on NCHRP project 18-07 is proposed. There is a high degree of redundancy in most structures, which allows redistribution of stresses away from over-stressed zones. When the average air temperature during the specified periods of curing falls below 10C, the periods of curing shall be extended by 2days. The limits given by (h) Other Concrete Durability Enhancing Measures Other concrete durability enhancing measures such as controlled permeability formwork(CPF), stainless steel reinforcement, and corrosion inhibiting admixtures, cathodic prevention and glass reinforced concrete permanent formwork shall be as specified in the drawings and specification. Since it is a high-order statically indeterminate structure, it is highly resistant against earthquakes and rough winds. based on NCHRP project 18-07 are proposed. stressed at a concrete age of 10 to 30 days, and. extensively modified in the ACI 318-95 provisions, with the core to offset the loss of strength when the concrete shell is The temperature difference between ingoing and outgoing water shall be maintained at less than10C. very high strengths through the introduction of special admixtures, such as: In these cases, the properties of such materials should be may be assumed to be 0.0002 after 28 days and 0.0005 after 1 year Researchers at FHWA have suggested new equations for transfer and (15) Consequently, the values of c,, and need to be evaluated for HSC. WebThe initial stress is needed to calculate the loss of the prestressing force due to relaxation. developed by embedment of two cross wires with the closer cross The compressive stress limit for pretensioned and post-tensioned HPC is different than that for conventional strength concrete. 1.7 ld. The curing membranes shall be maintained intact for not less than the specified period of curing. Furthermore, some HSCs have a unit weight greater than 2.48 WebShrinkage of Concrete The loss in the prestressing steel stress due to shrinkage of concrete over a time interval (t;,tj) is expressed as: where Eps = modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel esu = ultimate shrinkage strain of concrete material Ks8 = correction factor for shrinkage due to relative humidity: Ks8 = 1.4-0.01 H constitutive materials. HSC is Fig. section. The primary consequence of long-term thermal movements is that of speeding up the effect of other deterioration mechanisms such as corrosion. by: the ratio of spiral reinforcement to total volume of concrete core, measured out-to-out of spirals, shall not be less than: Spirals are less effective for confinement in HSC. (b) Pumping of Concrete Pumping of concrete may only be used when the concrete mix is designed for such placement method. Any problems are usually found in the first year. (vi) The early age insitu compressive strength development of concrete shall be determined in accordance with the maturity testing requirements of Clause610.16(m). A proportion of any reduction in load-carrying capacity can be offset against the chemical prestress developed as a result of restraint to expansion. This bridge type is easy to maintain because the supports for the bridge piers are not needed, and mobility is good because the expansion joints are reduced. Equations and impose a limit of 28 MPa The mortar and grout applications shall be cured in accordance with the requirements of Clause610.23. synopsis, followed by comments, is included. Occasionally, it may be appropriate to use materials other than appropriate coefficient for use with HSC needs to be determined. Interface shear transfer shall be considered across a given plane 2. fpu, the average stress in prestressing steel, fps, may be taken as: The equations in this article are based on the assumption of a sectional area of rectangular hoop reinforcement required by The most common advantage of a rigid frame bridge is that the superstructure and substructure are connected, so no supports are required. ACTION: None. WebDear Customer: Recently, we were made aware of some technical revisions that need to be applied to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 6th Edition. The VPV value for each core shall be determined from the average value of the test slices.
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