Latest Environmental Afflictions and the Significance 9. Man has totally changed to a greedy one, without worrying about the future or nature. Tropical rainforest is only a small surface of the Earth, yet it is influence of the air that we breathe and . Forests cover 31% of land. Climatic factors like temperature, rainfall and soil determine the kind of natural vegetation in the forest. As far as food production is considered plants provide mankind with various food resource. Forests contribution toward the national income has been increasing gradually over years. The importance of forest and its protection is a popular topic that students have to prepare for their examinations. Your time is important. Afforestation and reforestation are two best ways to improve forest cover. us with the need to save our forests. This is how the forest regulates the water cycle. Ltd.: All rights reserved, International Day For The Eradication Of Poverty Speech. Forests protect wildlife and ecosystems by controlling flood, soil erosion, rainfall and air pollution. It helps in recharging of water aquifers by absorbing the flowing water. 1.2.2 The functions of Protected Area They provide us with all essential requirements like food, air, wood, shelter to a diverse group of living organisms. They help in the prevention of soil erosion by binding up the mother earth. 2001 ). Essay On Cable Tv-boon Or Bane . The example essays in Kibin's library were written by real students for real classes. Cultural diversity: The diversity of ecosystems is one factor influencing the diversity of cultures. Become a Vendor. We need to focus on such barren land and improve the quality of soil first. This would deplete the soil of all the nutrients and leads to desertification in the long run. Some of these alterations begin first with a change . Forests regulate the running water, by absorbing it rather than allowing it to flow and get wasted. The function of protected area. India's Rich Forest Resources 7. A forest is a large area covered with trees and plants. Ecosystems prevent accretion of waste. Thus urbanization is favored. We're sure that the Forest Essay made you understand the significance of conserving forests. It may be evergreen, deciduous, partly evergreen, dry, and tropical. Moreover, it is the natural medicine for the atmosphere and ozone especially. Deforestation must be eradicated and be replaced with afforestation and reforestation. Along with trees, there are various types of shrubs, herbs, creepers, grass, climbers are found in forests. Numerous indigenous tribes live in the Amazon, rehearsing the ancient [], Forests are the sinks and reservoirs of permanently absorbed carbon as their biomass constitutes 289 giga tons of carbon (FAO, 2010). they help clean H2O and dirt of pollutants. 2. The effects of deforestation are as follows: Deforestation leads to the increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. Why is forest a resource? It is very important to develop forests on our Earth in order to live in a healthy ecosystem. The soil surrounding the roots of the trees avoid soil erosion and increases the water holding capacity. This Forest essay will talk about conserving the forest and the reasons affecting forests. The modern machine world is a home to global warming and climate changes. Essay # 2. are used in making furniture, tools and wagons. Ans. Through taking and recording this information we can use it to communicate the importance of preserving our ecosystems in todays society. These products include fuel and fodder, game, fruits, building materials, medicines and herbs (Sousson, Shrestha and Uprety 1995). Provides air, food, fruits, timber and water, and medicine. These species, along with the forests, cover a huge part in our ecosystem. Ecosystems have no particular size. The term forest refers to vast areas of land covered with thick vegetation, trees and animals dwelling within. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. Forests help in managing the climate over a region as it actively helps in processing of the water cycle. Trees are the beauty of our environment and ecosystem. It also goes further by providing the possible solutions to overcome this problem. It provides us with different essential services and fulfills our needs. This more general set of services highlights ideas of aesthetics and beauty as components of services of forests. So, the importance of forests are enlisted below: Forests are sole providers of various benefits to mankind. This would then postpone and to an extent avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Following are the effects of deforestation: Forests act as a carbon sink. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. Open Document. Additionally, forests are also increasingly important because of their benefits to life and earth's existence as they boasts of different abilities such as that of rain-making. "The total assemblage of components interacting with a group of organisms is known as ecological system or more simply, an ecosystem. The roots of the trees absorb the rainwater, preventing soil from getting eroded. Forest life is influenced by variables such as air, water, and . It also helps in reducing soil erosion and protects us from natural calamities like floods and landslides. Many local people understand how to conserve and use forest resources. Even more important is fuel wood and fodder, especially in developing nations, where people depend on wood almost entirely for their . Soil is the basis of life on Earth. Nearly 25% of the worlds population depends directly upon the forests for livelihood. By clicking Continue, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Studies suggest that if one can add 0.9 billion hectares of the canopy, historical greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced 2/3 rd times. The humus formed from the dead and decay of insects and microorganisms when added to the soil, increases the fertility of the soil. Climate change, increased Greenhouse Gasses, global warming, soil erosion, desertification are some of the harmful effects of deforestation. References: Other products from wood include latex and turpentine. So coming to our definition forest is a wide area of land with different types of trees, herbs shrubs and bushes. Forests are some of the most important ecosystems on Earth. rhythm foods and resist or adapt to the measure functional alteration. Completing his bachelors [], The Amazon Rainforest extends over South America from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Andes Mountains in the west. It is also a home to different living organisms and also too many of the tribes. The Essay On Importance Of Forest In Ecosystem Ppt book receives its highest praise from college students, proving it is a great resource for students to use efek dehidrasi pada bayi to improve their essay writing skills. Forests are a place of dwelling for many of the living organisms. SFM has to keep the balance between three main pillars, which are ecological, economic and socio-cultural. Forests provide a suitable habitat for numerous animals and plants. Since it provides us with different services and on the other hand we are benefitted too, then why are we forgetting our role in the protection of forests? The total forest and plant cover of the country is 78.92 million hectare, which is 24 percent of the geographical area of the country. (Sustainable Agriculture - The Basics, 2015) Sustainable agriculture is an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site specific application that over the long term will: Forests are nature's assets and it holds a huge amount of land on earth. Deforestation and the Hydrologic Cycle. The ecosystem can be as big as or tiny as it wants to be in nature. Learning about forest from professional subjects matters if Vedantu can really help in understanding the concept clearly. 1) Competition is a good way of analyzing students. The dense trees and plants also prevent the wind and dust storm from flowing inside the area, hence the air pollution is prevented. Without the ozone, no life on earth could sustain the harmful rays of the Sun. 4. "Plant more and more trees, making the environment pure to breathe". Forests are the home for thousands of species. Forests provide us a breath of fresh air 1.2 2. Evergreen forests are found near the equator. A man along with nature is a beautiful creation of this nature. As we know that plants and trees get rid of excess water through the process of transpiration. Over 1 billion people live in and around forests, depending on them for fuel, food, medicines and building materials. According to the article, Deforestation by World Wildlife Fund, "Many of the world's most threatened and endangered animals live in forests, and 1.6 billion people rely on benefits forests offer, including food, fresh water, clothing, traditional medicine and shelter." recycle critical chemical elements and conserve dirt and H2O resources. The soil in the forest is so fertile that it becomes favorable habitat for small insects and microorganisms. Honey taken from forests is the most desirable one. Due to the increasing population and the need for land for human activities, forest lands are being occupied. There are about 20 families of plants that have individuals in mangrove area and they share several specialized features that enable [], Soil pH and organic matter effect functions and nutrients of the soil. It acts as a potent to the environment and the atmosphere as well. 1 Forest Essay For Kids. Ecosystems have inputs of matter and energy, used to build biological structure (the biomass), to produce and to maintain necessary internal energy levels. Paper, cellophane, wood-plastic composites and fibers come from processing wood. The most important role of mangroves is that they protect vulnerable coastlines from waves because they hold the soil together and prevent coastal erosion. This is a huge problem in today's world. The forest lands are cleared up for the purpose of living and building up of industries. Patil Amruta. middle of paper Silence empowers us to think things through and come up with solutions because it is only in silence we can listen well. Fungi play a number of important ecological roles in forests and contribute to the health and stability of the forest ecosystems. Spiritual and religious values: Many religions attach spiritual and religious values to ecosystems or their components. Tropical rain forest has become a fundamental ecosystem therefore this paper seeks to describe tropical rain forest and also illustrate the key issues that threaten this ecosystem. Forests provide a home for humans & animals 1.4 4. They are also home to lots of marginalised tribes of around 35 lakhs. Forests are the second largest reservoir of carbon dioxide gas after the oceans. Hard woods such as teak, mahogany, logwood, ironwood, ebony, sal, semal, etc. They help prevent soil erosion and global warming. . By continuing well assume you board with our cookie policy. Read on to explore the various essays about trees and their importance. Plants- the major player in the ecosystem: Starting with the production of food and water, plants play an important role in the water cycle in every ecosystem. Economic benefits of mangrove forests/ ecosystems Mangrove forests are being the economic suppliers to provide forestry products such as firewood, charcoal, timber, honey and etc. Essay on Save Trees: Importance of Forest Conservation. Forest has been the basis of existence of biotic components in the ecosystem. The authors quantified the changes in species ri The ecosystem is the outcome of two components viz. Warm temperatures and sufficient rainfall are characteristics of forests, resulting in the formation of numerous ponds, lakes, etc. Forests also play an important role in the process of water cycle. Forests comprise of different varieties of organisms including birds insects and mammals. It is highly significant to conserve forest for the future generations to live on Earth. The structure of a mangrove forest at any one point in time will be a function of its stage in succession, the species present, zonation, growth and primary productivity, mortality and survival, propagule dispersal, establishment and survival as well as seedling and sapling growth and survival. It will give sustainability and fulfil our need without compromising the needs of our future generations. They are the most important part of our ecosystem and are pivotal in maintaining the balance in the food cycle and the natural equilibrium on the planet. It provides the entire oxygen required for all life forms on earth. Forests help to control climate change. To determine the effectiveness strategies have implemented by government to restore the mangrove ecosystem. Without the existence of forests, earth's temperature will rise and living organisms will be no more. Available from: Let's fix your grades together! Book Review: Tales of a Shamans Apprentice Essay, What can you do in the Amazon rainforest Essay, Measures To Protect Forests From Global Deforestation Essay, An Analysis of the Impact of Decreasing Trees in the Amazon Rain Forest Essay, Water Balance Importance in the Body Essay, Soil pH and Organic Matter: Changing Soil pH Essay. 10) Nothing is better than competitions to prove yourself. The issue of indigenous knowledge is also important. Forests constitute different kinds of herbs, shrubs as well as trees. Introduction to the Essay A forest refers to vast areas of land covered with thick vegetation, trees and animals dwelling within. Classification 4. An ecosystem can be as large as a desert or a lake or as small as a tree or a puddle. It is very harmful to the living species on earth as these gases can deplete the ozone layer. The 60,000 years old underwater forest is located in the Alabama State of USA. Oxygen is the main respiratory gas for all animals, it ensures our survival. They provide fruits, vegetables to animals and human beings. A forest refers to vast areas of land covered with thick vegetation, trees and animals dwelling within. Organic farming helps to conserve resources not only in the humid tropics, but also in the arid tropics: soils in the arid tropics vary widely according to the climatic and geological conditions. It has been argued that forests currently are being destroyed, in part, because of the non-forest dwellers lack of knowledge about how best to exploit the vast diversity of medicines, foods, natural fertilizers and pesticides that forests contain (Posey 1993). In Addition protected areas provide immeasurable benefits by preserving and maintaining global ecosystem services that regulate the planet, and preserve natural resources for generations to come. Scenic and landscape values also may be important for residents. Knowledge systems (traditional and formal): Ecosystems influence the types of knowledge systems . The atmosphere is always cool inside the forest and receives a good amount of rainfall. The International Day of Forest is celebrated every year on the 21st of March. Protect us from natural disasters Forests also keep us safe by defending against natural hazards. It cleans the atmosphere by refining the quality of air. Forests cover 31% of land. Home Essay Samples Environment Forest Importance of forest. 2007). The Ecosystem of the forest is very large and complex; therefore, it has a great species diversity. Better Essays. Forest Prevents Pollution Forest is a rich source of oxygen and so the air inside the forest is always pure and clean. Apart from this, we are availing a lot of benefits from the forests. Forests are the reason why the Earth still sustains life. Without forests, we cannot imagine our life and other activities, but the leading causes like deforestation and clearing are of great concern and should be reduced. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. What is the importance of Mangrove forests? In addition, 750 million people live in forests, including 60 million indigenous people.Yet, we are losing them. Also, the organisms that live in Forrests are independent of each other. Often the dynamic interactions that occur within an ecosystem are numerous and complex. Forest also absorbs the loud sound and noise from the vehicles nearby, thus reducing the noise pollution. Television Kills Creativity Argumentative Essay . Once the importance of . Maybe each question relates to a specific week in the lecture course. Thus, it is one of the precious resources provided by nature to human beings. This act of human beings which is totally focused on development purposes is leading to the destruction and degradation of the forest land. Forests are home to millions of people world-wide, and many of these people are dependent on the forests for their survival (Sousson, Shrestha and Uprety 1995). You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more. This, in turn, will allow devising proper management strategies to continue satisfying human needs, especially in this era of global environmental change. In recent years, additional efforts have been focused on assessing quality of governance of countries and organizations, as these elements are seen as critical to ensure sustainable forest management, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce illegal activity. According to Global Forest Resource Assessment (FRA), the [], In recent years, there have been concerted efforts by leaders and nations around the world to confront the array of environmental issues currently facing the global community. Moreover, preventing deforestation is really important to conserve forest. Forests are the reason why the Earth still sustains life. The density of trees in a forest is an indicator of the health of an ecosystem. Forests are one of the major natural resources of a country. Plants release oxygen during photosynthesis and consume carbon dioxide. A forest is an area of land with many trees. If we don't take accountability to save forests, life on Earth will be wiped out. Actively starting campaigns and making people aware of the scenario. The benefits can be direct or indirect - small or large. Tropical Rainforests The determined value was then subtracted from the initial value of Keystone Light Box Quotes Essay aspirin added. Forests create a healthy environment for many plants and animals and that keeps the food chain balanced. Forests have obvious economic significance through the provision of timber and wood. Forests affect the climate and are also a very important source of oxygen. This review will be useful for research scientists and conservation practitioners as it will highlight the current paradigms of biodiversity conservation in relation to reducing habitat fragmentation through the use of ecological, These protected areas represent almost every ecological, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem and are considerably important for their ecological and socio-economic services. One way our body keeps us putting in the effort to maintain water balance is through thirst and salt cravings. Forests are a source of employment for the masses. A model for restoration, degradation and costs (adapted from Stanturf et al. According to Sousson, Shrestha and Uprety (1995), these include (c.f., World Bank 1997): Clearly, forests form the basis of a variety of industries including timber, processed wood and paper, rubber, and fruits. They increase the relative humidity and improve the precipitation levels, They regulate the water supply. Another way to increase forest cover is reforestation. Trees in the forest carry out the divine process of converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. Floods are prevented due to forests as it observes a huge amount of water from rainstorms. What are the climatic factors that determine natural vegetation in the forest? Since forests provide a home or shelter to many of the living organisms, therefore when the forest place is cut down or cleared for the agricultural land, these organisms suffer from the habitat loss, further the process leading to biodiversity loss. The trees and shrubs are used as medicines and even for industrial purposes. She is a nature lover along with the spirit to save the environment from destruction. Forests help to keep people healthy by purifying the air that we breathe. The atmosphere is always cool inside the forest and receives a good amount of rainfall. Due to the harsh climate that the animals are exposed to, the ecosystems in the north and south poles do not have as much flora and fauna as those in a tropical environment like a forest.
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