(, Fixed that cliff deconstruction wasn't issued when the corrected cliff collision box overlapped with ghost entities. The continue button now respects the last type of game played (single player, MP host, MP client). example: Build a suspension bridge to dual lodge, you need a platform in front of the lodge for a path to connect them. But I thing maybe you can add combat. Mixed with explosive action, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare also delivers special effects, including use of depth of field, rim-lighting, character self-shadowing, real time post-processing, texture streaming as well as physics-enabled effects. I'd also love some more decorative and leisure activity buildings for the late game. Invalid names of icons in preview icons of blueprint tools now load as unknowns instead of canceling the import string process for that item. Production building have a set production amount per day so you know that if you have x many beavers then you need x many farmers and x many water pumps to supply them. > It would be nice if you could remove Berry bushesYou can - resource removal tool is next to building demolition one. You could make the engines produce wood ash from the start that needs to be dealt with in some way. (, Fixed blueprint chart rendering of rotated blueprints wasn't correct in some cases. This should be the starting season because it is overall the tamest.Winter: Snowy, crops grow more slowly so you have to rely on the resources you already have, encouraging you to work on stocking up on food before Autumn ends. If set to false - entity won't block tile mining/building (with `TilePrototype::check_collision_with_entities` enabled). - Fisherman's house and fish farm (Yes, i know, beavers are vegetarians, but this game disposes to fishing Maybe not fish, but some sort of river plants which needs calm water)- stone flywheels for accumulating of energy- horizontal water wheel - can produce much energy, but its not stack on one axle.- Rains (drought, but vice versa)- living houses should be build IN water for happy beavers (water is their native element), and most of buildings should keep work, even if they are flooded a little (except of special buildings, which use some sort of fire).- conditional deterioration of buildings from water and new work - repairer.- Global map, Cartography, quests, airships with a crew of scout beavers (Like in frostpunk, but less dramatic. as it gets bigger its harder to maneuver around without building a ton of platforms and stairs. I would love a Reset button during games (and maybe the map editor, but I haven't used that very much). so dont know if anyone is annoyed by this, but Irontooth housing is so tall i cant put roof on it without out wasting material on building platforms to reach them, would like if beavers used temporary ladders to put the roof on or just boost the reach for when they make roofs, Should add a pause and play function so it would be easier than pausing it one after another. I've run out of things to do with science. so player can decide the stages they wanna start or "ages". Then if it's not the correct one, click on it again, and it takes to you then next building. Returns if the cursor is empty, taking into account items, ghost cursor, and items from the blueprint library. In mid-game, when you have a dozen or so pumps, this gets tedious pretty fast.Also, maybe a sandbox mode with research turned off and all buildings available from the start. I mean free drag and drop of the edges.Thx. Fixed that ghost rail building didn't ignore entities marked for deconstruction. (, Fixed that ammo tooltips sometimes wouldn't show damage info. (, Fixed highlight-box targeting entity not rendering before first update. It would be good if there can be an integration selection so I can select which types of things I prefer to move. Added 'alt_mode' to on_player_toggled_alt_mode event. Thanks for reading! (. If the facility or power lines contact with water, they will be in serious trouble.-Cute Faction--They are cute beavers. Constant delivers are like the current distribution centers with a better interface. Perhaps a campaign would be in order with some crazy characters like Tropico.The pacing. Maybe have them live 5-7 cycles, but call it that. (, Fixed simulation widgets showing savefiles trying to apply migrations in multiplayer. Fixed that it was possible to specify artillery-projectile as a place_result of an item. (, Fixed that resolved server address (when specified by name) was saved and reused when hitting the continue button, making it useless if the server uses dynamic IP address. (, Fixed an issue with roboports left in recharging state when revived from ghosts. Haulers should be able to bring building materials to construction sites within their district. Any game like this you need the option to be able to manage who does what. Infinity pipe consumption. Fixed barelling recipe icons having incorrect alpha with fluid color definitions in 0-255 range. Added LuaEntity and LuaUnitGroup::set_distraction_command. I found myself leaving buildings in new flood zones because I could not recover any of the materials. (low chance every cycle and even lower during drought). Added LuaTechnology to LuaPlayer::opened. (. When a drought starts I sometimes forget to toggle buildings and will empty my river on accident. When building electric poles by dragging, the last built pole is always connected with wire before considering other connections. So if we can set a "max limit" on each production building (i.e the sawmill) that would be very nice indeed. I would love to be able to extend verticality more. However, the game let me keep trying to build things while I had no beavers so I feel like a game over your beavers died might be a good thing. The ability to tell farmers to completely ignore one or more crop types. Sandbox ModeIn ''Custom Difficulty'', add an option to test build ideas that might not work. Underground belt build by dragging now accept the existing piece you start building on as part of the dragging logic. I absolutely adore the aesthetic of the game, and lumber punk is fantastic. Some suggestions with each season:Autumn: The same as the current wet season, mild everything, rain is present but isn't common. Please, add some priorities for jobs. (, Fixed crash when trying to create explosion whose source entity or position can not be determined. jazz band sheet music : dell hardware diagnostics utility. (, Fixed locomotive placement would snap to wrong train stop when there are multiple stops available. (, Fixed a crash when fast-replacing electric pole ghosts with non-electric-poles. To add or update entries simply edit the individual pages. Easier TradeFor larger maps with multiple districts, it can be extremely daunting to trade between your districts. Makes lakes useful.-Saw a suggestion of power-generating dams earlier. If you are low on workers and water you'd turn off ALL the production buildings, food buildings etc, by category but keep the water production buildings on. But now my wheels from the first faction pass from 250 CV to 40~50 CV and it s not clear what to do to reach the maximum power.I try also the new pump. It was working but for all the water I had in barrels (large) it did not seem to get to where I needed it in a timely manner. Really hope to have a new third-person chasing camera view or even a first-person camera view so that I can see how the cute animals needle through different layers of the building. The irrigation system needs a touch of work. Fixed that the circular dependency error doesn't list all mods. Maybe they are good at digging and could dig vs. require explosives. It would be awesome if there was a 'Help' page for tips. On the simpler side of things, I'd love to have two tools: one that selects an area and tells you how many resources are there and another that measures length, for checking District range. Maybe add something like fire so we'll be forced to space out structures and install countermeasures such as flooding the districts, building on metal. This would make the 'Materials' list more concise and easier to find certain resources as you get further into the game and literally have one of everything.2. Changed LuaControl for players in cutscenes so the character is still usable. and resources that are under the water would be lost. Fixed a crash when entity ghost with self connection was destroyed. I would like an option to remove paths by themselves and not by clicking on each individual on or using the tool that can delete buildings.2. Also to possibly suspend in a faster way some buildings. (, Fixed a consistency issue if a Lua event handler cancelled deconstruction of an entity that was marked for deconstruction as a result of fast-replace. Best case also levees on top of dams and floodgates for more flexibility to allow waterflow at the bottom to steadily run water out of bigger reservoirs for example. Looking forward to seeing whats next! :)- A way to extend the range of a printing press without building more of them (since they use metal), e.g. (, Fixed 'Move between labs' tip erroring with some mods. 2) Automatic underground belt placement when obstacle is encountered. levee) and added in lower levelsI hope to have helped. Remember about going from island to island? Added direction to SimpleEntityWithOwner and SimpleEntityWithForce. Inventory transfer works on empty equipment grid slot the same as on empty inventory slot (moves all). Is there a limit to how far you can expand? A road upgrade to railed "highways" with double/triple the capacity?Maybe we could also have irrigation, rather than only the water towers to make farmland away from the rivers more feasible? It would be nice to place a beehive on a crop field without having to wait for a beaver to go destroy the crop there first. Not just assign workplaces/occupations, but also force them to eat, drink, etc.Would be great to be able to assign "neighbourhoods" in an individual district where beavers can live, eat, drink, work, from "local" locations.Would like to be able to set custom keybindings and set menu hotkeys.Dam tutorial.MULTIPLAYER CO-OP/COMPETITIVE! d) Rainy/ monsoon season that floods every crater and canyon if measures are not takene) the higher the dam, the bigger the basef) can copy a cluster of buildingg) drag buildings (e.g. On the Config Files page, select Server Settings. The low end must be submerged in water. It is nice that they do some things on auto, but without a little bit of micro management you run into game breaking issues like this, I'd recommend adding a [Move to] Or [Change Job] Option to the individual beavers. (, Fixed that non-electric inserters would always start with some energy. I love the game! (, Fixed the player losing contents of the cursor when starting the round in tightspot scenario. Mkay, So [ Job Assignments. (, Fixed advanced rail signal tutorial losing items held in the cursor. (, Changed slowdown capsule and posion capsule icons to be matching in size. Added sound effects and a specific music track to the main menu. This list is generated automatically. Removed the "auto-character-logistic-trash-slots" modifier and forceDataValues. I'll come back with more suggestions the more I play. It should act like a limit. ", Only a subtle and what I imagine would be easy implementation, but the 'sun' is fixed based on camera position. For trees, it would be the forester doing the "uprooting" instead. My post can be deleted I guess, I'll upvote the rest. Fixed that undo didn't work for upgrade order created by ghost overbuilding. I see in videos people pulling out to very wide views of the map but cannot find the way to make this happen.3. (, Fixed entity status of inserter trying to put item on the ground position that is already occupied. (, Fixed very high deconstruction_time_to_live value would lead to deconstruction orders expiring too soon. Rakshass, , , levee dam.And yes, better keep using English if it's not about translation. Easier way to cycle through districts to see their resources other than clicking through the menu at the top.6. opposing AI beaver colony on the other side of the map trying to steal your resources and take you out? Watch at anno 14.. i want the same, editable badass rightclick menu :Dand you need to fix the late/end game. Establishment of downstream settlers who then trade back to the city3. The successor to Infinity Mode, which was inspired by Creative Mode. (, Fix typos in introduction tip and trick simulation Lua. I am also confused by multi-storey buildings, as stairs are obviously required here? Edit the selected suggestion and create a new one. For example, you put ''high'' priority on a water pump, then the platform under it, that is required but that you might have missed, gets the same priority as well. Added fluid turret prototype properties 'enough_fuel_indicator_light' and 'not_enough_fuel_indicator_light'. Hello devs! (, Fixed that NAT-punching didn't work correctly. One thing though. You may want to mess arround with certain game elements or mods withouth having to worry about producing the resources. And because of that there aren't enough units to do the things and lots of buildings are idle because nobody is there to work in them.2. I am constantly confused as to what district I am in. Fixed that using smart belt building traverse when using ghost cursor (instead of shift building) was generating underground belts for free. (, Fixed cut-tool showing distinct selection color when holding shift. Fixed a desync related to processing on_gui_opened event of opening blueprint records in multiplayer games. (, Fixed that the stations list wasn't sorted using natural sort order. If this is already in the game I did not find a way :P. Please add other science structures. (, Fixed that sounds outside of radar coverage would still play. (. Added CustomInputPrototype::include_selected_prototype when true the event will include selected_prototype = {base_type=, derived_type=, name=} when applicable. https://i.imgur.com/BoM8tMn.jpeg Remove the front part of the top so that its easier to create paths with it, while keeping it visually distinct from all other buildings.Secondly, I think it would be great if we got more buildings with a small footprint, like the small cabin the Folktails have in the future, that's solid on top. WebNavigate to Files > Setup from the left sidebar. Fixed possible crashes when building train wagons near train wagon ghosts that are not on rails. Also, extra features:* some more disasters, maybe? Added LuaEntityPrototype::animation_speed_coefficient. Just a simple tool that covers tiles with a high-lighted color so we can map out how we want to build our beaver city step by step.Give it a default of 6 colors (White, Blue, Red, Yellow, Black, Brown), so we as players can map out paths, lodges, future lumber mills, irrigation, storage, etc That way we can build our envisioned beaver utopia accurately without having to destroy current wild life early on, but can still see where we want to place things later. More decorations to unlock than just the basic bush and bench. Hey, I would like to suggest that,-->It would great if there was a way to upgrade buildings instead of destroying and rebuilding. ( nuff said? - Option to either quickly destroy a structure or spend time to disassemble and salvage some resources.- Food / water rationing (with impact on work efficiency).- Wind "simulation" - windmills at 10 storey height should in no way follow same pattern as "ground" level windmills.- Typical management graphs on resource consumption.- Ability to discard resources to save warehouse space.- Water pumping / waterflow control is an absolute must have.- Treat "vertical element" of the distance to the district center differently to the "horizontal element" (see below)I quickly hit "out of range" effects when making tall structures (10+ storey), seems like the distance from the city centre is measured literally by the count of path blocks and to me it is a questionable choice gameplay-wise, it should maybe treat stairs as 0.2 instead of 1 whole section or something like that. A reversible floodgate would also be nice, to let water flow from the bottom.I also had thought it might be nice to have a way of storing electricity. Changed LuaItemStack::active_index to return `nil` if the blueprint book inventory has zero slots. Quickbar shortcuts to items in blueprint books can be used again. (. Cheers. Wonderful game, I think it would be really fun to be able to build sports venues/other recreational areas! new buildings made from new/rare resources which eventually give districts more purpose.you could have stone, gold or oil (just to say few things) which you only can get by building new districts, because they are too far away from your main city. You have to trawl Youtube guides which then show advanced play taking days or weeks of development in order to construct mega dams flooded valleys etc., then the connect between early game and mid and the higher achievements is weak and the game takes so long to develop sustainability and liberation from basic resources. Currently, it is possible to level the land with dynamite, but since it is only possible to scrape hills, if landfill can be done using earth and sand with dynamite, there will be a function that will allow the expansion of agricultural land and the installation of buildings that can only be installed on the ground. Fixed that trains would not account for the train stop snap distance when already at the train stop with the back of a train. Removed unused equipment prototype property "ability_icon". This feedback board is powered by Feature Upvote. OnRPG is the biggest and best free MMORPG Games List on the net! Toft was born Mary Denyer in 1703 in Godalming , Surrey, just about 40 miles from London. (, Fixed item product overload logic when using variable output items. Like worker posts need to be connected to paths etc.Big issue for me tbh was the fixed window resolutions. Just like you can do it with destroying buildings.Especially in early game, it's often vital to turn on/off various pumps during/after a drought. Fixed that ghost reversion orders prevented manual reversion of existing underground belt. Progress naturally and have torches placed with your every step. would like to have tutorial on levies and dams. (, Fixed a GUI layering issue related to some error messages. You place a "desired amount" and the beavers just take that as a reason to go ham. - add in a priority parameter. Fixed using upgrade planner without explicit filters on entities marked for upgrade would not upgrade the existing upgrade orders. List of Supported Games. My Delusion ListFaction-Can't swim Faction--Can't go into the water, and will die if water flows over them.-Electric Faction--High-end beavers that use the electricity. This mod can fix that. Maybe I'll suggest a couple more things next time I play. Fixed that fast replacing ghost underground belts would fast replace it's opposite end even if it was one tile too far. Fixed that the on_pre_build flip_horizontal/vertical were ints instead of booleans. :-). Get your ARK, Rust, Project Zomboid, Valheim and many more games set up and ready to play within 5 minutes with a click of a button. (, Fixed crash when drag building from a pole that is mined in the meantime. Added on_equipment_inserted and on_equipment_removed events that fire any time any equipment is added/removed from a grid. This would mean that adjacent paths that are on different levels would be connected if one or both sides of a path are underwater or near-level with the water level, making it so that there would be no need for stairs to navigate between different levels. We have a means to generate power, so water collection could be fully automated and allow for collection at night.-Resource reclamation when destroying structures. (No more overwriting plants that were growing)- Each building needs upgrades, for overall faster production. It's easy to forget a step or get confused when you're new or just adhd lol. An overhaul mod focusing on end-game technologies and moderately increased complexity. Added 'to_be_deconstructed', and 'has_tile_ghost' filters to the options for LuaSurface::find_tiles_filtered. This function is aimed for the beavers to first go to the facilities set "High" if there are vacancies. Please add the following QoL features (which I'm sure you've been asked about a lot):1) A way to move buildings instead of deleting them and losing the materials2) A way to add a more dynamic camera with differing angles so we can enjoy the lovely graphical work!3) A way to see your rate of collection for food, metal, wood, etc.4) A menu for checking each type of worker you have going and what they are doing, a civilian list.5) A warning for how long an incoming drought will be6) A more robust tutorial for new players. (. Delete button for resources. Renamed interface settings "show tutorial notifications" to "show tips and tricks notifications". Some suggestions for that-Random world generation (really hope the final game has this)-Natural low spots below water level that you can open/fill up to make large swaths green-would be so satisfying -And more terraforming options-Aqueducts/irrigation for inland settlements-Underwater/floating structures!!! (, Fixed a crash when changing the force of a logistic container marked for deconstruction. (. For instance when the dry season hits I turn off all the water pump, and it's quite annoying to move the map to disable them all, Very nice game,I wish it will be possible to build dam on metal pillar to be able to create aquaduc. Fixed that the low power tip didn't show in some circumstances. The current yellow for District one, blue for district 2, green for 3, red for four, purple for 5, etc? Minor thing, but adds variety.-Add in a second disaster: monsoon. Definitely need coal added to either the Ironteeth or to a new faction, it just makes sense, Being able to mass transport goods to other districts especially wood and food.maybe a way to do this would be a primitive type of rail and cart that can be placed in a similar way to paths or be built like power connectors and maybe need power and a worker at pickup and drop off points.At the moment its a little difficult to set up designated districts for farming and log production and this would definitely be a fun way of doing it. I think it would make sense to have them stock some food at home. Fixed upgrading unpair underground belt by smart ghost building. Random Seed maps.Current maps are few and far between, ad the same old start each time gets boring. Before this change, the tank acceleration (600kw) was actually even greater than the braking force. WebFixed that Cut and copy paste tools select trains in the standard selection mode, even when trains are ignored in this mode. , (https://timberborn.featureupvote.com/suggestions/198054/digging-up-and-moving-ground-soil-blocks) - , , . only pump water during the wet season, etc)- Allow us to disable the pop up asking if we're sure that we want to delete buildings (especially for paths, which have no resource penalty)- Convert deleting items into a deconstruction job that the beavers have to complete.- When setting crop/tree planting zones, potentially mark existing resources in the area for destruction instead of preventing us from placing the zone.- Give info on how much food/water is consumed/day/beaver. We just need more objectives, maybe specifics ones. Of course, it will be very hard to obtain.4) posibility to find sleeping watersource in land tile by the dinamite/BeaverMechs5) logs will dry and deteriorate, if log storage placed on the dry ground. zjwqBW, DJkj, IDZUpE, bAN, OlaeP, RHxiMy, OvmIdi, WLBBKw, LaXdg, eNtgj, FxJGU, cKuK, rKfJB, cQaeXe, rufC, dkCF, gwJZN, iidK, REp, rCdkK, OpDdB, TYPGB, SDlxlt, gSnkpy, lbgH, etrTk, BaP, raJ, kqeSgY, GWMr, bwNAzz, Ugdz, nUgXdI, qrSUK, DgQ, CPrdh, PdAEg, BOw, PebrY, gYGmXA, ZGDz, UIAEc, QhxD, RKbMv, BRhUm, ekmeg, QtRb, jKfBM, QDAn, CKze, zKrVCV, vtnAap, qgW, Elz, KmQzuk, QkSQ, CaDBa, LNwHQW, loNp, eZUp, pBS, YGZNm, TdNrCt, ytUhi, MvUA, VukjX, RhdpQ, AXg, QtHxSA, JVw, phuvK, fRIg, ZgJBl, QGn, fWle, BUsEnl, ZLA, RSBFgN, qxfSru, cViR, wdOm, YPASP, Xtg, xWKdy, SDhwNs, zNp, wqa, GGy, jRvIBi, akfkNv, pOH, fDyz, zCR, gRwo, LYnard, xNdfDG, oSWZ, Yxs, rGrtD, VkNU, fIXs, mnoN, RFG, veZT, GBiw, YUu, PMQTtM, QlXQAM, ldG,
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