1 Hour. Basic principles of hydrologic modeling are presented and practices. Analysis and design topics include bridge type selection, preliminary design, AASHTO LRFD bridge design philosophy, design loads, deck design, shear design, barrier design and substructure design. Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and design of GIS developed hydrologic/hydraulic models commonly applied in the water resources field. Fall. Materials of construction, process control interface, and operation and maintenance factors are also discussed. Solution to discrete systems: steady state problems and propagation problems. ADVANCED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN. Prerequisite: () and (MATH 159, may be taken concurrently or MATH 160, may be taken concurrently). The course will have three main areas of emphasis including: principles and operations of ArcGIS, design and implementation of standard hydrologic and hydraulic models, and the linkage of these models to engineering analysis of current water resources problems including flooding, water quality and water supply. (University of Madras, India), University Professor, James T. Womble Professor of Computational Mechanics and Nanotechnology Modeling, 1986, 2010.Thompson, GrahamW., M.S., (New Mexico State University), B.S. Fluid flow measurements studied by means of performed laboratory experiments and/or digital computer programming of relevant equations. Evaluation of economic and social impacts of alternatives and decision-making. 0 Hours. SENIOR UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. URBAN TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING. CE1105. CVEG3413. PROBLEMS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Building Codes, Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC) specifications, material specifications, test methods, and recommended practice documents. Design and construction supervision of the infrastructure required for land development. CE5389. Techniques involve extreme value statistics, model hydrographs, deterministic and stochastic methods for data analysis. The Civil Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. CE1353. Fiber materials, tapes, cloths, resin system, elastic constants, matrix formulation, theory of failure. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE. The Social Sciences Elective courses which satisfy General Education Outcomes 3.3 and 4.1 include: ANTH1023, COMM1023, HDFS1403, HDFS2413, HIST1113, HIST1123, HIST2093, HUMN1114H, HUMN2114H, INST2013, INST2813, INST2813H, PLSC2013, PLSC2813, PLSC2813H, RESM2853, SOCI2013, SOCI2013H, or SOCI2033. 1 Hour. Students work with their faculty advisor to select five technical elective courses to create a specialized plan of study that can be highly specialized or with a broad focus among the civil engineering sub-disciplines: construction (C), environmental engineering (E), geotechnical engineering (G), structural engineering (S), Transportation (T), and water resources, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Computer Science and Computer Science & Computational Thinking, Computer Science and Computational Thinking, Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, Master of Business Administration and B.S. CE4365. Nature of the Program Civil Engineering, the most diverse branch of engineering, is directly related to the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of the infrastructure that directly affects public life. UNSATURATED SOIL MECHANICS II. 479-575-2000. 3 Hours. 0 Hours. Laboratory examinations of water, wastewater, and air. 3 Hours. 1 Hour. 3 Hours. Credit not granted for both CE4323 and CE5375. Prerequisite: CE3334 or CE5321 or consent of instructor. As a civil engineering major, you will begin your study with an extensive series of foundation courses in science and mathematics. Graded P/F/R. This course is designed for engineers and managers involved in infrastructure development, sustainability, and replacement. Spring. The professional requirements are satisfied by 21 credits of 2000-level or higher courses in engineering, science, mathematics, or statistics, including MENT 5335, OPIM 3801, or up to three credits of ART 3670. Corequisite: Lab component. Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600 2015 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Office of Registrar Need accessibility help? CE5341. Use of structural analysis programs. Public-private partnership (P3) arrangements as an innovative approach to deliver public infrastructure projects. Flow resistance, St. Venant equations, solution of St. Venant by finite difference methods, dam break problem, water hammer intro to finite elements to open channel flow. Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (CEIE) Print Options Catalog Navigation A- Z Courses Academic English (AE) Accounting (ACCT) African and African American Studies (AFAM) Anthropology (ANTH) Applied Information Technology (AIT) Arabic (ARAB) Art and Visual Technology (AVT) Art History (ARTH) Arts Management (AMGT) Assistive Technology (EDAT) 2 Hours. Normal prerequisite for major graduate work in civil engineering is the completion of an undergraduate curriculum substantially equivalent to that required of engineering students at this university. Speed, density relationships of vehicular traffic flow; statistical aspects of traffic events and queuing processes; deterministic models and simulation models of traffic flow behavior; applications of flow theory to traffic problem solutions. Christianity and Catholic Traditions (RELI, 3 credits). To participate effectively in this broad scope of activities, civil engineers acquire technical and problem solving skills, and the ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Principles of construction engineering and the project management process, value engineering, specifications, different construction contracts and delivery methods, estimating and scheduling fundamentals and project control, and management of construction process. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ADMINISTRATION. Structural behavior and construction practices. CE6315. Pre- or Corequisite: CVEG2113. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in CE3334 and Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. Prerequisite: permission of the chair of the department and sophomore classification in civil engineering. Humanities and social science electives are selected from courses approved by the university which satisfy the University General Education Curriculum and the Arkansas State Minimum Core requirements. Prerequisite: CE4348 or CE5306. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CHEM1465 or CHEM1442; Grade of C or better in CE3305; concurrent enrollment in CE3131 and Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. Due to the diversity of interests within the graduate programs in civil engineering, a student may qualify for graduate study even though undergraduate or prior graduate training has been in a discipline other than engineering. Topics include pipeline infrastructure structural considerations, planning and construction considerations, pipe materials, and trenchless technologies. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2313 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. 3 Hours. at 200-level or above. CE5393. Introduction to International Code Council's 2012 International Building Code and USGBC's LEED New Construction Guidelines v.3 for constructing sustainable/green buildings. 3 Hours. Use ME 351 as an alternate when ME 350 is not available for students due to scheduling. 0 Hours. CE330 - Civil Engineering Materials. Overview of the railroad industry in the United States; structure of track, base, and foundation; drainage, railroad structures (bridges and retaining walls); geometric design; communications and signaling; maintenance. 3 Hours. Civil Engineering (CE) Courses CE 1301. Design of masonry connections and joints. Aquifer tests; ground water law and management; contaminant transport. Prerequisite: graduate standing and consent of instructor. CONSTRUCTION SUSTAINABILITY. Theory and practice of asphalt concrete mix for pavements, including specifications and construction methods for hot-mix asphalt and surface treatments. 1 Hour. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2313; Grade of C or better in either CHEM1465 or CHEM1442; Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3341 and CE3343; Admission to the CE Professional Program. CVEG2023 provides the student with a foundation in the theory and principles of mechanics of materials for use in subsequent civil engineering courses. Advanced analysis of indeterminate beams, frames, trusses, arches, and cables. The Humanities Elective courses which satisfy General Education Outcomes 3.2 and 5.1 include: CLST1003, CLST1003H, CLST1013, HUMN1124H, PHIL2003, PHIL2003C, PHIL2003H, PHIL2103, or PHIL2103C. (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Associate Professor, 2010, 2018.Coffman, Rick, Ph.D. (University of Missouri-Columbia), M.S. Prerequisite: CVEG4303 and CVEG4313. 3 Hours. Credit will not be granted for both CE4313 and CE5331. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3342 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Review of building occupancy categories, construction types, allowable height and area, life safety requirements, rated building assemblies, and egress. CE4308. Credit not granted for both CE4306 and CE5389. Course Descriptions; Course Search; Print Options . A minimum GPA of 2.00 required for this set of courses (please note that transfer course grades will not be calculated into the Basic Program GPA). One of the SBS courses must be an introductory economics course (ECON 102 or ECON 103). Physical and chemical principles of clays, clay mineralogy, coupled flow, hydraulic conductivity, in situ and laboratory tests, chemical transport, adsorption of chemicals, risk assessment and soil remediation technologies, bioremediation, phytoremediation, electrokinetics and soil washing, waste containment. Commonly included are transportation systems; bridges and buildings; water supply, pollution control, waste management, irrigation, and drainage systems; river and harbor improvements; dams and reservoirs. Students must take one course that meets the SJ designation (click. Mathematical modeling of reactive and nonreactive pollutant movement. No previous experience with probability is assumed. CE5391. ADVANCED CONCRETE MATERIALS. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. ADVANCED PROJECTS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Prerequisite: MATH2554 or MATH2445. Key topics covered include: hydrology of urban watersheds; floodplain management; storm drainage; stormwater detention/retention; water quality improvement; and the design of low impact development best management practices. 3 Hours. Solution of engineering problems involving systems of simultaneous linear and nonlinear equations and elementary calculus, use of the tools for visualization. Stiffness method using basic equations and virtual work; element equations using shape functions for axial, beam, frame, two dimensional elements; stiffness method for three dimensional structures. CE5318. Includes computer applications. Pipeline and utility design, construction and renewal. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3361 and admission to the CE Professional Program. ADVANCED TOPICS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2313 and Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. This course applies mathematics and physics to solve problems in mechanics. Basic principles of surveying data collection, analysis, and application. Students who are not making satisfactory degree progress as described above will have a hold on their registration and are required to meet with their advisor to develop an academic plan. CVEG2013. Preparation of a doctoral dissertation in civil engineering. Prerequisite: CVEG2113 and CVEG3303. Open channel hydraulic principles, flow classification, backwater curves, transitions, obstructions, bends, flood flow computations, and urban watershed applications. 3 Hours. Engineering economy topics will include annual cost, present worth, future worth, and rate of return concepts. 3 Hours. The construction management certificate requires 12 graduate credits (nine credits of core courses and three credits of approved elective courses). Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE 4347 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Portland cement concrete mix design and production. Courses are designed to present real world applications without sacrificing conceptual and theoretical basics. Graded F, P, R. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of Civil Engineering Graduate Advisor. 3 Hours. Shear strength of soil. Covers material grade and properties of wood, design criteria using structural lumber, glue laminated lumber and structural panels. CEE 3104 : Introduction to Environmental Engineering. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). An integration of topics essential to the practice of civil engineering, including: 1) engineering economics concepts; 2) project management approaches; 3) contract issues and project structures, and 4) general code of conduct of engineers and ethics. CVEG4890. Introduction to the construction industry and the methods, equipment, and management techniques used. Includes the following topics: transportation governance, financing, and the effect on the environment; traffic flow theory; safety; traffic operations and control; capacity; and travel demand modeling. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. Lectures will focus on the advances in the design and technology of cement based materials, with particular emphasis on the evolution of nanotechnology in construction. Prerequisite: CE5311 and CE5312. See the list of state minimum core courses available for engineering students. Prerequisite: CE5303 or concurrent registration therein. ADVANCED GIS AND HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC MODELING. CE2331. Topics vary. Prerequisite: CE5315 and MATH3319. GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CONSTRUCTION. (Typically offered: Irregular). CE2313. Theory and practice of asphalt concrete mix for pavements, including specifications and construction methods for hot-mix asphalt and surface treatments. Reference material is assigned and progress conferences are held frequently, by arrangement, with a faculty supervisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3334 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. CE4310. Individual studies of advanced topics under the supervision of a professor or professors. PROBLEMS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. CE4352. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: CVEG3213 and CVEG3223. Religious Studies core courses approved for this requirement explore diverse topics including Christian scriptures, history, theology, and practices as well as major contributions from the Catholic intellectual and theological traditions (click, World/Comparative Religion (RELI, 3 credits): Religious Studies courses approved for this core requirement draw attention to the diversity that exists within and among traditions and encourage students to bring critical, analytical thinking to bear on the traditions and questions considered. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer). These will be used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of different decision-making strategies and analyze contemporary topics and case studies in making civil engineering decisions. Behavior of structural members beyond elastic range; plastic analysis of steel and concrete members and framed structures; stepwise incremental load and mechanism methods; yield/failure mechanisms for various types of frames. 3 Hours. Introduction to chemical structures, reactions, and transformations. Includes characterization, EPA tier approach, general aspects of toxicology, dose exposure, pathways, receptors, migration and risk assessment. CE5345. Selected problems in civil engineering on an individual or group basis. Retaining structures: sheet-pile walls, bulkheads and cofferdams. (Texas A&M University), Associate Professor, 2013, 2019.Braham, AndrewF., Ph.D. (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign), M.S., B.S. Covers material grade, properties of wood, design criteria using structural lumber, glue laminated lumber and structural panels. CVEG2851. Topics covered include: closed conduit flow; pump selection and cavitation; steady, uniform, and gradually varied flow of water in open channels with immobile boundaries and through bridges and culverts; specific energy and transitions; stable channel design; and design hydraulic/stormwater structures. Reference material is assigned and progress conferences are held frequently, by arrangement, with a faculty supervisor. Other courses in areas complementary to Civil Engineering, such as biology, ecology, geology, or natural resources, may also be approved. CE5300. CE4000. Civil engineering is considered among the first engineering disciplines. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. This course presents ground considerations related to supporting civil engineering structures and facilities of various types. Ultimate strength analysis and design of reinforced beams and columns, working stress design for flexure, design of footings and retaining walls. Design methods for Hot-Mixes Asphalt (HMA) and Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA). 3 Hours. ADVANCED STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. Each design project elective is associated with a specific design-oriented course. Fundamental aspects of the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils, including stress and volumetric state variables, matrix suction measurements and soil-water characteristic curves, shear-strain-strength and volume change responses, suction-controlled laboratory testing techniques and constitutive modeling. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office, other sources of funding, Office of International Education and/or their graduate advisor to verify enrollment requirements before registering for this course. CE5367. CIV ENG 311 Introduction to Energy, Environment and Sustainability. To become fully admitted into the Civil Engineering major, all prospective students (i.e., pre-majors, undeclared, major changes) must have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA and complete the following lower-division courses with a minimum grade of C prior to earning 60 units: First-Time Engineering freshmen pre-major and transfer students must complete the Engineering Degree Progress Requirements within their first academic year. Note, courses cannot be counted twice in degree requirements. The CIS is offered by several departments across the University (click, Fine Arts & Design (VART, MUSC, THEA, 3 credits): Arts courses explore multiple ways the human experience can be expressed through creativity, including across different cultures and societies. 188. Mailing Address: Department of Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering (MC 246) 842 West Taylor Street Chicago, IL 60607-7023 Contact Information: Campus Location: 2067 ERF (312) 996-3411 cmegrad@uic.edu cme.uic.edu Administration: Head of the Department: Abolfazl Mohammadian Director of Graduate Studies: Amid Khodadoust Program Codes: 20FS0106MS (MS) 20FS0106PHD (PhD) Civil engineers have important roles in analysis, design, management, regulatory enforcement, and policy development. CE3253. Prerequisite: CE3302; and CE3301 or concurrent registration therein. CONSTRUCTION SUSTAINABILITY. degree and earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher may elect the MBA option in senior year. Seismic performance of various structural systems. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN TOOLS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Load and Resistance Factor Design and Allowable Stress Design procedures. 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Methods to compute deflections including double integration, moment area, and virtual work. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. CE3334. CE6997. Building codes, American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) specs, material specs, test methods, and recommended practice documents. Design of beams, columns, pilasters, and walls. FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. Topics include federal and state environmental regulations, the permitting process, permit requirements and related issues. CE4303. 2 Hours. The master of engineering degree involves all course work. Covers masonry unit types and mortar types, reinforcing and connections. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL MODELING. C E 190: Introduction to Undergraduate Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Gonzaga offers 16 undergraduate degrees through 49 majors, 58 minors and 49 concentrations, 24 masters degrees and 5 doctoral-level degrees. Lecture, to be arranged; discussion, to be arranged (when scheduled); outside study, to be arranged. See also: A 4-year plan of study grid showing course template by semester for Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering, B.S. Additional topics include water reuse and water treatment for low-income, Techniques for generating creative and innovative alternative solutions to sustainability problems. See the Eight-Semester Degree Policy for details of the program. Graduates of the civil engineering curriculum should have, at the time of graduation: By three to five years after graduation, graduates of the civil engineering program will have: The civil engineering curriculum equips students with a broad education that includes technical skills in analysis and design and professional practices such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and ethics. INFRASTRUCTURE EVALUATION, MAINTENANCE, AND RENEWAL. Prerequisite: graduate standing and consent of instructor. Engineering Geology. CE3261. CE3161. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CE3210 and CE3311 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. Air Pollution Control. ADVANCED CONCRETE DESIGN II. A design synthesis course for structural steel structures using Allowable Strength Design and Load Resistance Factor Design. Prerequisite: CVEG3243 and INEG2413. Minimum Credits Required:_____ Civil Engineering, B.S. Reinforced Masonry Design. The environmental engineering or environmental systems certificate requires 12 graduate credits (six credits of "core courses", six credits of approved "elective courses") and a seminar course or an approved equivalent. To remain eligible in their final semester of study for grants, loans or other forms of financial aid administered by the Financial Aid Office must enroll in a minimum of 5 hours as required by the Office of Financial Aid. Solution of continuous systems: differential formulation; variational method; and weighted residual methods. Not all courses are offered every semester, so students who deviate from the suggested sequence must pay careful attention to course scheduling and course prerequisites. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3341 and admission to the CE Professional Program. Providing a practical understanding of design and characterization of advanced concrete materials, this course is intended for graduate and senior undergraduate students who want to advance their knowledge in new concepts of materials in construction. In-situ and ex-situ treatment processes will be covered, including unit operations, coupled processes, and complete systems within the context of community implementation.
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