The Acts relate the prodigies performed by the Apostle in India, and end with his martyrdom there. They are extant in the original Greek and in a Latin version. However, there is warrant for saying that while the tradition existed substantially in portions of the Church at an early period, and thus prepared the way for the acceptance of mythical amplifications, still its later form and details were considerably influenced by the Transitus and kindred writings. Some recent students of the Apocalypse of Baruch have seen in it a composite work, but the majority of critics hold with better reason to its unity. Doubtless the author intermingled valuable Ephesian traditions with his fables. Clement of Alexandria was acquainted with the pseudograph. The preaching of the Apostles converts multitudes and even the Empress. The complete text was thought to have perished when it was discovered in two Ethiopic MSS. The nucleus of this collection was formed by the Latin Passions, or Martyrdoms, of those Apostles who had been neglected by the Gnostic Acts, viz., the two Jameses, Philip (Matthew? The Transitus Maria or Evangelium Joannis which is written in the name of St. John the Apostle, and describes the death of Mary, enjoyed a wide popularity, as is attested by the various recensions in different languages which exist. When Mary was twelve Joseph is chosen by the high-priest as her spouse in obedience to a miraculous signa dove coming out of his rod and resting on his head. A considerable Latin fragment has also been recovered. Raguel and Remiel Raguel and Remiel are two of the other archangels named in Enoch 20. The surviving specimens lack the simplicity and dignity of the inspired writings; some even savor of the grotesque. ; chapters xci-civ between the years 134-95 B.C. Not only were they utilized by Manichaeans in the East and Priscillianists in the West, but they found favor with many unenlightened Catholics. It differs in some particulars always in the direction of the more marvellous. The two letters are accompanied by an introduction which probably is an excerpt from the same source. The same may be said about citations in the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs. 10 and Is. They are also noteworthy as emphasizing the close concord between the Apostolic founders of the Roman Church. The only original part of the work is chapters iii-v, 6. Last fall, Walsingham Publishing released a two-volume paperback edition of the King James Version (KJV) for Catholics, featuring the . First Maccabees was written about 100 B.C. About the New Revised Standard w/ Apocrypha. (See Thecla. Pseudo-Epistles of St. Paul; Correspondence with the Corinthians. These letters, therefore, could not have been composed after the second half of the fourth century. If you are using the New Testament, you have the exact same books found in every Bible version, whether Protestant, Orthodox or Catholic. There exist a Greek and a Latin Martyrdom of Peter, the latter attributed to Pope Linus, which from patristic citations are recognized as the conclusion of an ancient Greek narrative entitled Acts, or Circuits of St. Peter. It was written in Hebrew between 200 and 175 B.C. The Book of the Jubilees is the narrative of Genesis amplified and embellished by a Jew of the Pharisee period. Broadly speaking, the apocrypha of Jewish origin are coextensive with what are styled of the Old Testament, and those of Christian origin with the apocrypha of the New Testament. There exists a puerile correspondence consisting of a pretended Letter of Herod to Pilate and Letter of Pilate to Herod. But about the beginning of the fifth century the Syrian Church fell under the influence of the Greek, and in consequence the spurious letter gradually lost its canonical status. The collection makes no pretensions to authorship by Solomon, and therefore is not, strictly speaking, apocryphal. Book V, lxxii-lxxviii, lxxxix, lxxix (transposed) may be called the Book of Celestial Physics, or Astronomy. It was known that a Syriac work of this name existed, and an extract was published in 1856. I want to start reading the Bible. The composition is based on II Paralipomenon, xxxiii, 11-13, which states that Manasses was carried captive to Babylon and there repented; while the same source (18) refers to his prayer as recorded in certain chronicles which are lost. [JBC, p. 524] More details from a scholarly Protestant viewpoint can be found in The New Oxford Annotated Bible (Oxford, 1977). The relation between the Gospel according to the Hebrews and our canonical Matthew Gospel is a matter of controversy. According to this it represented Christ as confessing personal sins, and forced by His mother to receive baptism. (See The Legend of Abgar; Edessa).Acts of Simon and Jude. The earliest to mention it is St. Hippolytus (155-235), who informs us that it was in use among the Naasenes, a sect of Syrian Gnostics, and cites a sentence which does not appear in our extant text. He belonged neither to the Pharisees of the type of Christs epoch, nor to the Sadducees, since he excoriates both alike. It is based upon Gen., vi, 2: The sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all they chose. The narrative is intended to explain the origin of sin and evil in the world and in this connection lays very little stress on the disobedience of our First Parents. There is also a Coptic-Ethiopic martyrdom legend of St. Matthew. But the most recent research, led by the Rev. (470) 236-3885 There exists a late and entirely orthodox Syriac Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, published by J. Rendel Harris (Cambridge, 1900). It professes to be a revelation given to Moses by the Angel of the Face. The Acta Pauli, presumed to be a distinct composition, were deemed to have perished; but recently (1899) a Coptic papyrus MS., torn to shreds, was found in Egypt, and proves to contain approximately complete the identical Acts of Paul alluded to by a few ecclesiastical writers. This is a moralizing treatise ascribed to St. Peter, and prefixed to the Didache (q.v.). Pilate at the time believing this, delivered Him to them. Scholars believe the story was written as a pious reflection on the meaning of the yearly Passover observance. Within early Judaism, the writings of the Apocrypha were treated with respect, but were not accepted as books of the Hebrew Bible. Daniel 1:1. Its legendary environment and the fact that the Church at large did not hand down the pretended epistle from Our Lord as a sacred document is conclusive against it. A Jew who ventures to touch the sacred body instantly loses both hands, which are restored through the mediation of the Apostles. The Second Book of Maccabees is also in the historical section of the Old Testament. The work has affinities with Fourth Esdras and the Apocalypse of Baruch. Pseudo-Correspondence of St. Paul and Seneca. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more all for only $19.99. It is an official document, the first of the kind we possess, and contained a list of 39 works besides those ascribed to Leucius, disciple of the devil, all of which it condemns as apocryphal. The relief into which abstention fron the marriage bed is brought in these Acts makes it difficult to escape from the conclusion that they have been colored by Encratite ideas. Lipsius, a high authority, is of the opinion that the Abgar correspondence goes back to the reign of the first Christian ruler of Edessa, Abgar IX (179-216), and that it was elicited by a desire to force a link uniting that epoch with the time of Christ. v, 9; vii, 1. They are identical with a correspondence alluded to by Jerome (de Viris Illustr., xii), who without passing judgment on their value, notes that they are read by many. 7. The primary purpose of the writer was the edification of other Jews of the period in a time when they had experienced suffering and oppression, in part at the hands of apostate fellow Jews. At the Council of Trent in the year 1546 A.D. the Catholic Church accepted 9 of these books and additional portions of 2 others as part of Scripture. i-xxxvi, lxxi-civ. These are all composed in Latin and at late dates. In the words of James King West, a Protestant Bible scholar: The Scriptures of Judaism were not, therefore, a precisely defined body of literature absolutely set apart from all other literature, but a central body of material, the Torah (i.e. Much additional light has been thrown on this document by the discovery of a long fragment of it at Akhmin in Upper Egypt, in the winter of 1886-87, by the French Archmological Mission. However, there are grains of historical material in the Thecla story. Its data, however, are so vague that it is impossible to fix the time of its composition. The approximate dates assigned to it range between A.D. 50 and 117. Akademie zu Berlin, 1895; cf. Lipsius assigns the Latin to about the third century. See the separate article under this title. The Roman Catholic Apocrypha . Its said to have taken place during the second century B.C. Nevertheless the thesis of Lipsius, supported by Corssen, that a Gnostic Grundschrift underlies our present document, is not accepted by Harnack, Zahn, Bardenhewer, and others. Tobit was a devout and wealthy Israelite living among the captives deported to Nineveh from the northern kingdom of Israel in 721. This is over a millennium and a half after the books were written, and was a counter-reaction to the Protestant Reformation. The eschatology is rather advanced. This consists of eight pretended letters from the Stoic philosopher Seneca, and six replies from St. Paul. The MSS. Its earnestness is impressive, but in restating previous inspired teachings at a later day, it does so with no special literary grace. The Synod of Braga, in Spain, held in the year 563, anathematizes any one who reads, approves, or defends the injurious fictions set in circulation by heretics. Pseudographic Acts of St. Andrew are noted by several early ecclesiastical writers, as in circulation among Gnostic and Manichaean sects. Portions of it show a familiarity with Jewish customs, and critics have surmised that the groundwork was composed by a Jewish-Christian. A Gospel of Matthias is mentioned by Origen and Eusebius among the heretical literature along with the Peter and Thomas Gospels. Christ accompanied by a train of angels comes down to receive His mothers soul. One of these Orientalists, Baumstark, would place its composition in the first part of the fourth century. The Apocrypha was not officially accepted by the Catholic Church at a universal council until 1546 at the Council of Trent. , Prayer of Manasseh, Prayer of Azariah, and Laodiceans are not today considered part of the Catholic apocrypha. 2 Maccabees. But there is much that is fantastic and offensive in the pictures of the exploits of the Boy Jesus. An observance of the feast of Booths with a public prayer of penitence and petition (1:15-3:8), such as is supposed by the introduction (1:1-14) would not have been possible during the lifetime of Baruch after the fall of Jerusalem. The Catholic Church uses the Book of Sirach extensively in her liturgy. It deals in part with the same problems, viz., the sufferings of the theocratic people, and their ultimate triumph over their oppressors. The remaining 7 books are considered apocryphal by Protestants. Critics assign the latter to the end of the fourth or the beginning of the fifth century. In general, the teachings of the book of Baruch accords well with the rest of the Old Testament. It is cited by Byzantine authors down to the twelfth century. Originally writings that claimed a sacred origin and were supposed to have been hidden for generations; later, a well-define class of literature with scriptural or quasi-scriptural . These Acts are the chief source for details of the martyrdom of the two great Apostles. 1989 Revised English Bible Also available in Accordance Bible software and e-Sword and TheWord. How do we know which book - The Bible, the Apocrypha, the Qur'an, the Book of Mormon, etc. But we possess three individual Acts under different names, which prove to be orthodox recensions of an original comprehensive Gnostic whole. Coptic and Armenian Acts and Martyrdom of St. James the Less depend mostly on the Hegesippus tradition, preserved by Eusebius (Hist. Don't allow someone to whom you are witnessing to make the Apocrypha a reason for not accepting the gospel from your Bible. (See Assumption; Mary. Yet, withal, no apocryphal work found official recognition in the Western Church. The use of the singular, Apocryphon, is both legitimate and convenient, when referring to a single work. The books in Catholic or Orthodox Bibles called the Deuterocanon (known to some Christians as "Apocrypha") are Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, and 1 & 2 Maccabees. [JBC] The Jerome Biblical Commentary (Englewood Cliffs, NJ; Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968), Vol. Some of its stories are derived from the Thomas Gospel, and others from a recension of the apocryphal Matthew. The Catholic Bible also contains additional passages in the books of Esther and Daniel. Certainly the homilies of St. John Damascene, In Dormitionem Marie, reveal evidence of this influence, e.g. ), The Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew are in literary dependence on the Acts of St. Andrew (q.v., supra), and hence the reading Matthew may be an error for Matthias, since evidently the companion of Peter and Andrew is intended. Berm. The Council of Trent was the first official proclamation of the Roman Catholic Church on the Apocrypha, and it came a millennium and a half after the books were written, in an obvious polemical action against Protestantism. Peter receives Paul at Rome with joy. Allegedly the Catholic Church added to the OT that Jesus used. Lipsius assigns the kernel of the Martyrdom to the second century; Bardenhewer refers the whole to the first half of the third. This book has some historical value in supplementing 1 Maccabees, and it contains some apparently authentic documents 11:16-38.) The Anglican Church also gives some status to the Old Testament Apocrypha. A Gospel of the Twelve Apostles was known to Origen (third century). Free will and the resurrection are taught. During his reign sin will gradually cease. Thus, the principal divisions of the book are seen to be (1) prayer of the exiles (1:1-3, 8); (2) praise of wisdom in the law of Moses (3:9-4:4); (3) Jerusalem bewails and consoles her captive children (4:5-29); (4) Jerusalem consoled : the captivity about to end (4:30 5:9); (5) the letter of Jeremiah against idolatry (6:1-72.) Origen remarks that St. Paul does not quote from public writings but from a sacred book which is called Jannes and Mambres. Since the narrative of a Gaulish pilgrim who visited Edessa about 390 contains no allusion to such a picture, we may reasonably conclude that the Teaching of Addai is of later origin. It is not a sequel to 1 Maccabees; the two differ in many aspects. APOCRYPHA. The book combines specifically Jewish piety and morality with oriental folklore in a fascinating story. combined with the Paradoseis or Giving up of Pilate, which represents the oldest form of the legend dealing with Pilates subsequent life. Since the book shows acquaintance with the Greek additions to Daniel, it cannot be earlier than the first century B.C., and could scarcely have found such favor among Christians if composed later than the first century after Christ. Third Esdras enjoyed exceptional favor in the early ages of the Church, being quoted as Scripture with implicit faith by the leading Greek and Latin Fathers (See Cornely, Introductio Generalis, I, 201). The so-called Apocrypha is present in the bibles of all "traditional" (i.e. This is the latest of the pseudo-Acts, having been composed by a monk of Treves, in the twelfth century, as a prelude to an account of the translation of the sacred relic, and the body of St. Matthias to that city, and their subsequent rediscoveries. "Jerome declared emphatically that the Apocrypha was no part of the Old Testament Scriptures." 11. When we would attempt to seize the literary sense attaching to the word, the task is not so easy. The prose sections were certainly composed in Hebrew, though the earliest known form of the book is in Greek. to the defeat of Nicanors army (161 B.C.) In 447 Pope Leo the Great wrote pointedly against the pseudoapostolic writings, which contained the germ of so many errors they should not only be forbidden but completely suppressed and burned (Epist. Aside from a few other brief references in patristic literature, nothing more was known of this apocryphon until the Latin MS. containing a long portion of it was discovered by Ceriani in the Ambrosian Library, at Milan, and published by him in 1861. Several ancient manuscripts of the Septuagint contain it as an appendix to the Psalter. [Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 15th ed., 129:8]. The "extra" books in the Catholic Bible are commonly referred to in two ways: (1) Apocrypha and (2) Deuterocanonical books. From the scanty remains of this work we can form but a very imperfect idea of it. The authors purpose is to record the rescuing of Israel which God worked through the family of Matthias. The author states that his book is an abridgement of a certain (unknown) five-volume work by Jason of Cyrene. The narrative rests on data in the canonical books of the New Testament, but it abounds in marvels and personages unhinted at there, and it disfigures traits of some of those actually mentioned in the Sacred Writings. On the other hand, Eusebius classes it as apocryphal. C. Schmidt thinks he has found traces of what is perhaps a second Gospel of Peter in some ancient papyri (Schmidt, Sitzungsberichte der koniglichen preuss. [A&W, p. 33] It is common knowledge among scholars that Tobit and Judith contain obvious historical inaccuracies; however, these Books are recognized as didactic parables, like Jonah. Portions which extol the tribes of Levi and Juda are interpreted as an apology for the Hasmonean pontiff-kings. ).Pseudo-Epistle to the Laodiceans. Jewish apocalyptic is an attempt to supply the place of prophecy, which had been dead for centuries, and it has its roots in the sacred oracles of Israel. They are found in Greek, Syriac, and Ethiopic recensions. The Catholic Bible needs a different schedule, because there are extra books in its Old Testament. b. Codex Alexandrinus (A) - Also contains III & IV Maccabees c. Codex Vaticanus (B) - Except I & II Maccabees and The Prayer of Manassah d. Codex Sinaiticus (Aleph) e. Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (C) - Includes Wisdom of Solomon and Ecclesiasticus f. This, adds Eusebius, happened in the year 340, i.e. the Apocryphal Books into Latin. List of apocrypha synonyms, List of apocrypha pronunciation, List of apocrypha translation, English dictionary definition of List of apocrypha. The Hasmonean dynasty and the Sadducees are denounced. Judith. The Gospel according to the Egyptians did not replace the canonical records in the Alexandrian Church, as Harnack would have us believe, but it seems to have enjoyed a certain popularity in the country districts among the Coptic natives. The Elect, or Messias, will gather the dispersed tribes, but God alone will punish the enemies of Israel. Thus the latest possible date of composition is fixed at A.D. 30. Three men from the East carry off the Apostles bodies but are overtaken. They are found in Greek and Syriac in a MS. of the sixth or seventh century. In this the Catholic Acts have been preserved; it is by no means uniform in its various manuscript representatives. The Martyrdom is a Jewish work, saving some rather large interpolations. The Catholic view, expressed as a doctrine of faith at the Council of Trent, is that 12 of these 15 works (in a different enumeration, however) are canonical Scripture; they are called the Deuterocanonical Books. ), Bartholomew, Simon, and Jude. For this purpose all the departed just will rise from a mysterious abode, though apparently not in the body (ciii, 3, 4). The Gnostic Acts were of various authorship. 1 Maccabees is an historical account of the struggle of the Maccabee family and their followers for Jewish independence from 167 to 134 . Thaddeus, or Addai, one of the seventy disciples, is sent, after the Resurrection, in compliance with Christs promise, to Abgar, heals the ruler and Christianizes Edessa with the most prompt and brilliant success. In the first, lxxxiii-lxxxiv, is portrayed the dreadful visitation of the flood, about to fall upon the earth. It lacks the universal outlook of some of the prophets, especially the Deutero-Isaias, and is far from having a uniform and consistent physiognomy. With respect to sacred Scripture, the Apocrypha are those religious books written in the Old and New Testaments eras that claimed a sacred origin but were ultimately judged by the Catholic Church as not inspired by the Holy Spirit. Scholars also recognize that the NT writers quoted extensively from the Septuagint, e.g. They not only accept the Old Testament Apocrypha of the Roman Catholic Church, they also include the books of First Esdras, Second Esdras and Third Maccabees as part of Scripture. When the Apostles began to evangelize the Greek-speaking Jews and Gentiles, they used the already established Septuagint as their Bible. (2) The Epistle to the Messanienses, i.e. . As of Council of Rome in 745 under the reign of Pope Saint Zachary, the Catholic Church officially only acknowledges the names of three of the seven Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. Recent researches have revealed elements of truth in the historical setting of the narrative. ), II. Such is the age of fourteen in which Mary was betrothed to Joseph. There are probable traces of the Henoch literature in other portions of the New Testament. The origin of evil is explained by mans free will. The Catholic . Our Protestant brothers and sisters mistakenly place the deuterocanonicals (seven Old Testament books) in this category. St. Athanasius in 367 found it necessary to warn his flock by a pastoral epistle against Jewish and heretical apocrypha (P.G., XXVI, 1438). It influenced not only later Jewish apocrypha, but has left its imprint on the New Testament and the works of the early Fathers. Other Christians may point to the immoral deceit of Judith in Judith 9:10-13 in an attempt to discredit this Book. But the heretical apocryphists, while gratifying curiosity, composed spurious Gospels in order to trace backward their beliefs and peculiarities to Christ Himself. Regarding the so-called Apocalypse of St. Bartholomew see Gospel of St. Bartholomew. Although in the Middle Ages these condemnations were forgotten and many of the pseudographic writings enjoyed a high degree of favor among both clerics and the laity, still we find superior minds, such as Alcuin, St. Bernard, St. Thomas Aquinas, pointing out their want of authority. Where should I begin. Apocalypse of the Testamentum D. N. Jesu Christi. It rests on no ascertainable historical fact, but apparently is an extravagant and varying version of the occurrence related by Josephus, Against Apion, II, 5. From this catalog it is evident that in the Latin Church by this time, apocrypha in general, including those of Catholic origin, had fallen under the ecclesiastical ban, always, however, with a preoccupation against the danger of heterodoxy. which represent the legend fall into two groups: (a) consisting of all but one of the Greek texts, containing an account of the journey of St. Paul to Rome, and the martyrdom of the two Apostles; (b) composed of one Greek MS. and a great number of Latin ones, presenting the history of the passio only. 1995 God's Word (Lutheran) 1970 New English Bible. Pseudo-Peter is intermediate in character between the genuine Evangels and the purely legendary apocrypha. A Syriac translation is also found. The work was erroneously ascribed to Josephus by Eusebius and others. The biblical books included in the Septuagint and accepted in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox canon but considered noncanonical by Protestants because they are not part of . The prophet then sees the glorified Beloved reascending. Now the Catholic Church is not alone in accepting the Books which Protestants label as "Apocrypha." Critics accept the period between 399-430. It seems quite similar in many ways to Proverbs. It presents a bewildering mass of revelations concerning the movements of the heavenly bodies, given to Henoch by the angel Uriel. NT 1991 OT 1995 Apocrypha 1999 Contemporary English Version Easy-to-read, avoids theological language. Tobiah and Sarah pray that this wont happen again so God sends his angel Raphael in disguise to help them, as well as to help Tobiahs father Tobit. This correspondence long had an independent circulation, but recently it has been proved that the document was incorporated into the Acts of Saint Paul (q.v. The language has a Jewish-Christian savor. Brief Outline of the Books of the Apocrypha 1 Esdras - Offers a parallel account of the events recorded in 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, with the addition of the Debate of the Three Youths. But if the Apocrypha is a Scripture, then it should not have any errors. The Bible has never been decided by, "This is our list. However there are miracles, said to have occurred in Egypt, not found related in any other Gospel, spurious or genuine, among them the healings of leprosy through the water in which Jesus had been washed, and the cures effected through the garments He had worn. Specifically we do not agree on the Old Testament (OT) canon - the list of Books inspired by God. The Apocalypse of Mary is of medieval origin, and is probably merely the outcome of an extravagant devotion. Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu. There was a Gospel of St. Andrew, probably identical with the Gnostic Acts of Andrew (q.v., inf. The definition of the word apocrypha is "writings or statements of dubious authenticity." It comes from the Greek word for "obscure" or "hidden." Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the canonical Gospels, which means they are a part of the biblical canon. The Arabic is a translation of a lost Syriac original. the Apostle James the Less. The Bible needs a visible, external authority guided by the Holy Spirit to define both the OT and NT Canons. Hebrew prophecy on its human side had its springs, its occasions, and immediate objects in the present; the prophets were inspired men who found matter for comfort as well as rebuke and warning in the actual conditions of Israels theocratic life. It pretends to have been written by St. Matthew and translated by St. Jerome. APOCRYPHA. While Christianity was struggling against the forces of Roman paganism, there was a natural tendency to dwell upon the part which a representative of the Roman Empire played in the supreme events of Our Lords life, and to shape the testimony of Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea, even at the cost of exaggeration and amplification, into a weapon of apologetic defense, making that official bear witness to the miracles, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Christ. The Latin text is the original one, and cannot be earlier than the fifth century. One of the Latin versions is prefaced by a spurious letter of Melito, Bishop of Sardis, explaining that the object of the work was to counteract a heretical composition of the same title and subject. In response to the Protestants, the Council of Trent definitively upheld the larger OT canon. Both are tainted with Nestorianism, and seem to have come from a single Bartholomew legend. True, there are passages in which the sacerdotal caste and the ruling tribes are unsparingly denounced, but these are evidently later insertions. Another MS., bearing the name Actus Petri cum Simone, contains a superior translation with several passages from the original narrative preceding the Martyrdom. The Apocrypha does not teach that we can pray people out of purgatory, nor does it . The quasievangelistic compositions concerning Christ which make no pretensions to be Gospels will be treated elsewhere. A narrative of the flight into Egypt is adorned with poetic wonders. Clement of Alexandria repeatedly quotes from a Knpuyp.a Ilerpov, concerning whose credibility he obviously has no doubt. The book is not the most interesting; it seems almost repetitive as it tells of one war after the other in this period in Jewish history. The archangel Raguel is said to take vengeance on the "world of the luminaries" who have rebelled against God's laws. In editions of the Vulgate antedating the Council of Trent it was placed after the books of Paralipomenon. It is a tasteless and bombastic effort, and seems to date from about the fourth century. The apocryphal epistle is a transparent attempt to supply this supposed lost sacred document. In other cases, where the assumed name did not stand as a symbol of a type of a certain kind of literature, the intention was not without a degree of at least objective literary dishonesty. The whole is a legendary tissue. It appears to have been produced before the fall of Jerusalem, but its date is a matter of conjecture. The author was a Pharisee, but one who, while adopting a distinctly Jewish view, was probably acquainted with the Christian Scriptures and freely laid them under contribution. In consequence, a sad and anxious spirit pervades the work, and the writer, using the guise of Esdras lamenting over the ruin of the first city and temple, insistently seeks to penetrate the reasons of Gods apparent abandonment of His people and the nonfulfilment of His promises.
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