Nonhuman animals may be used for educational purposes only after review by an IACUC or other appropriate institutional committee. Animal welfare; Final Rules. Studying other animals is critical to understanding basic principles underlying behavior and to advancing the welfare of both human and nonhuman animals. Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. It can converge with the scientific justification and can, in some ways, depend on it. (1991). The activities that any individuals may engage in must not exceed their respective competencies, training, and experience in either the laboratory or the field setting. The three basic principles of the document include: MONKEYPOX: UConn Health is NOT currently offering the monkeypox vaccine. The procedures involving animals must be designed and performed with due consideration of their relevance to human or animal health, the advancement of knowledge, or the good of society. A great resource describing some ways to minimize the use of animals in research and to practice the best standards when using animals. Psychologists should make every effort to ensure that those responsible for transporting the nonhuman animals to the facility provide adequate food, water, ventilation, and space, and impose no unnecessary stress on the animals (NRC, 2006). (2022, February 26). Guidelines for animal-assisted interventions in healthcare facilities. It is dependent upon the extent that the experimental findings in the animal model can be generalized to other species, in particular, human beings. Consideration should be given to providing the research animals control over the potential aversive stimulation whenever it is consistent with the goals of the research. The following guidelines were developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) for use by psychologists working with nonhuman animals. This involves use of non-humans in experimentation in various fields. A researcher's assessment of what is considered acceptable suffering shouldbe based on the animals that suffer the most. No animal shall be discarded until its death is verified. The guidelines reflect all these positions, and stipulate principles andconsiderations that can be used as tools when balancing between harm andbenefit. since considering ethics in animal experiments is a crucial issue in the modern era of medical research, in this paper, we have provided some guidelines (most of which have been adopted from guidelines for ethical conduct in the care and use of animals provided by american association of psychologists) which could be useful for researchers to However, when psychologists lack such expertise, they should ensure that the research team includes individuals with the necessary expertise to recognize and intervene to reduce the nonhuman animal subjects distress. Any study that carries risk of experiencing, or being exposed to the experience of, another organisms pain, fear, or distress requires greater justification and should be addressed in the IACUC protocol. Qualifications for appropriate handling of animal subjects in AAI settings have been well described by the AVMA (2008). Psychologists should assume it is their responsibility that all individuals who work with nonhuman animals under their supervision receive explicit instruction in experimental methods and in the care, maintenance, and handling of the species being studied. The guidelines will be useful when planning projects, assessing them, and when reporting and publishing findings and results. These guidelines provide a framework that also covers ethical questions associated with the use of genetically modified animals in research. These guidelines are therefore written with an acceptance that animals can be 'used' for the betterment of human or non-human animal species. Consideration for the humane treatment and well-being of the laboratory animal should be incorporated into the design and conduct of all procedures involving such animals, while keeping in mind the primary goal of undertaking the specific procedures of the research projectthe acquisition of sound, replicable data. APA's 2002 Ethics Code, which takes effect June 1, mandates that psychologists who use animals in research: Acquire, care for, use and dispose of animals in compliance with current federal, state and local laws and regulations, and with professional standards. American Journal of Infection Control, 36(2), 78-85., American Veterinary Medical Association. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Nonhuman animals taken from the wild should be trapped in a humane manner and in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations. These guidelines are scheduled to expire 10 years from (the date of adoption by the APA Council of Representatives). This document is meant to be aspirational and thereby provides recommendations for the professional conduct of specified activities. Psychologists should ensure that personnel involved in their research with nonhuman animals be familiar with these guidelines. COVID-19: Vaccine Program | Testing |Visitor Guidelines | Information for EmployeesMONKEYPOX: UConn Health is NOT currently offering the monkeypox vaccine. [1]The Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT). Disclosing negative results may give other researchers informationabout which experiments are not worth pursuing, shine a light on unfortunateresearch design, and help reduce the use of animals in research. A copy of the. Multiple surgeries on the same animal must be justified and receive approval from the IACUC. Ng, Z., Morse, L., Albright, J., Viera, A., & Souza, M. (2019). The first APA ethical code was based on the Nuremberg code Debriefing means fully explaining the purpose of the study (including any deception that may have been involved) and providing an opportunity for participants to ask questions about the study. From medicines to psychological phenomena, animals have been used in all sorts of experiments, tests, and research to avoid putting humans in harm's way. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. After this date users are encouraged to contact the APA Science Directorate to determine whether this document remains in effect. Reporting Concerns For serious questions or concerns about animal welfare, the process of review, or about committee decisions, contact: Frances Lawrenz Institutional Official (612) 625-2046 You may also report animal welfare concerns or policy violations via the University of Minnesota's reporting system. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. This can be medical, psychological etc. Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, amended effective June 1, 2010, and January 1, 2017). This page has been archived and is no longer being updated regularly. (2003). Oslo. Psychologists should adjust the parameters of aversive stimulation to the minimal levels compatible with the aims of the research. In general, ethical guidelines are designed to respect the rights and dignity of human beings, and help protect the proper handling of animals. Please visit the, Office of the Vice President for Research, Faculty Affiliated Companies/External Entities, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Initial Animal User Training Registration Form, Animals in research ethical justification. (NIH Publication No. The guidelines primarily address theresearcher but apply to any person involved when animals are used for research,including funding and approval bodies, which are also responsible for makingethical assessments of projects involving experiments on animals. Using animals in research requires that some conditions be met. Researchers are responsible for considering whether it is possible toreduce the number of animals the experiment plans to use and mustonly include the number necessary to maintain the scientific quality of theexperiments and the relevance of the results. As a scientific and professional organization, APA recognizes the complexities of defining psychological well-being for both human and nonhuman animals. 02-5083. Federal Register, 65(27), (Feb 9, 2000), 6312-6314. Suffering includes pain, hunger, thirst, malnutrition, abnormal cold or heat, fear,stress, injury, illness and restrictions on the ability to behave normally/naturally. Consideration should be given to the possibility of using nonanimal alternatives. U.S. Public Health Service. Copyright 2022 by the American Psychological Association. 2010., The Norwegian Food Safety Authority's instructions on the management of the Regulation on AnimalExperimentation (Mattilsynets instruks om forvaltningen av Forsksdyrforskriften):, PREPARE (Planning Research and Experimental Procedures on Animals: Recommendations for Excellence) guidelines. Definitions In these guidelines, the term research must be understood broadly, and include planning, execution and dissemination. The guidelines cover three areas: the use of animals in school science behavior projects, the use of human participants in research or demonstrations conducted by high school students, and ethical guidelines for teachers. In all experimental circumstances, investigators should structure into the schedule the basic needs of the nonhuman animals such as food, water, and rest breaks. Animal science research covers a wide range of disciplines and so can lead to the use of a variety of experimental techniques on animals for many different purposes. Recognition and alleviation of pain in laboratory animals. Bethesda, MD: NIH. 2009., The ARRIVE Guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments). This includes settings where the principal subjects of the research are humans, but nonhuman animals are used as part of the study, such as research on the efficacy of animal-assisted interventions (AAI) and research conducted in zoos, animal shelters, and so on. (iii) Our treatment of animals, including the use of animals in research,is an expression of our attitudes and influences us as moral actors. New gene technologymethods create new opportunities for the use of genetically modified animals inresearch, which is a growing trend. Freedom to express (most) normal behaviour by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal's own kind. U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Act requires that proposals for research involving the use of animals must be fully assessed in terms of any harm to the animals. Questions about these guidelines should be referred to the APA Committee on Animal Research and Ethics (CARE) via email at, by phone at 202-336-6000, or in writing to the American Psychological Association, Science Directorate, Office of Research Ethics, 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242. COVID-19: Vaccine Program | Testing |Visitor Guidelines | Information for EmployeesMONKEYPOX: UConn Health is NOT currently offering the monkeypox vaccine. Also online at National Research Council. (2008). Any person who plans to use animalsin experiments must familiarise themselves with the current rules. Animal science research is important in relation to our understanding of animals, their function and performance, and their relationships with their social and physical environments. (2015). Approved by the APA Council of Representatives, February 2022. View some ethical scenarios what would you do. Transparency is also important in order to ensure thatthe public are informed and is part of researchers' responsibility for dissemination. The following are some of the most important ethical principles from the American Psychological Association's guidelines on research with animals: Psychologists acquire, care for, use, and dispose of animals in compliance with current federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and with professional standards. A research animal observed to be in a state of severe distress or chronic pain that cannot be alleviated and is not essential to the purposes of the research should be euthanized immediately (AVMA, 2020). APA has adopted separate guidelines for the use of nonhuman animals in research and teaching at the pre-college level. It is important to recognize that this document constitutes guidelines, which serve a different purpose than standards. Standards, unlike guidelines, require mandatory compliance, and may be accompanied by an enforcement mechanism. NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare: Wheathampstead (UK): Universities Federation for Animal Welfare. For example, studies of AAIs in health-care facilities offering mental health services may introduce risks for bi-directional zoonotic transmission of infectious diseases such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (Lefebvre, et al., 2008). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Whenever reasonable, psychologists are encouraged to first test on themselves the painful stimuli to be used on nonhuman animal subjects. The ethics cascade. This includes specific knowledgeabout the biology of the animal species in question, and a willingness and abilityto take care of animals properly. Psychologists studying the use of AAIs should have the expertise to recognize behavioral and/or physiological signs of stress and distress in the species involved in the study. The procedures involving animals must be designed and performed with due consideration of their relevance to human or animal health, the advancement of knowledge, or the good of society. APA. Included in this review should be a risk assessment and guidelines for prevention of zoonotic disease transmission (i.e., disease transmission between species, including human to nonhuman and vice versa). Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on theprotection of animals used for scientific purposes. (2002). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. And the proper use of animals, including the avoidance or minimization of discomfort, distress, and pain when consistent with sound scientific practices, is imperative. Such transparency and sharing are important in order to avoid unnecessaryrepetition of experiments. Certain research andtechnology-related projects, like those regarding environmental technology andenvironmental surveillance, may impact on animals and their living conditions,for example as a result of installing radar masts, antennas or other measurementinstruments. Responsibilities for the conditions under which animals are kept, both within and outside of the context of active experimentation or teaching, rests with the psychologist under the supervision of the IACUC (where required by federal regulations) and with individuals appointed by the institution to oversee laboratory animal care. Dess, N. K., & Foltin, R. W. (2004). A consultation process and a subsequent workshop organisedby NENT in the autumn of 2016 found that relevant players see a need for a set ofguidelines that can systematise and elaborate on the ethical responsibility inherentin the use of animals in research. 1993). This issues of animals and ethics and the use of animals in biomedical research are ones that are important for all researchers and personnel who use animals to take some time to think about. Members on the committee were Rita Colwill, PhD, Juan Dominguez, PhD, Kevin Freeman, PhD, Pamela Hunt, PhD, Agns Lacreuse, PhD, Peter Pierre, PhD, Tania Roth, PhD, Malini Suchak, PhD, and Sangeeta Panicker, PhD (Staff Liaison). The National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology has made guidelines to support ethical principles for researchers who are considering experimentations on animals. When euthanasia is appropriate, either as a requirement of the research or because it constitutes the most humane form of disposition of a nonhuman animal at the conclusion of the research: Euthanasia must be accomplished in a humane manner, appropriate for the species and age, and in such a way as to ensure immediate death, and in accordance with procedures outlined in the latest version of the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) Guidelines on Euthanasia of Animals (2020). National Research Council. Institute of Laboratory Animal Research. "Ethics and Alternatives". Ensure that all individuals under their supervision who are using animals have received instruction in research methods and in the care, maintenance and handling of the species being used, to the extent appropriate to their role. Ethical guidelines that govern the use of human subjects in research are a fairly new but important construct . (1996). Procedures involving more than momentary or slight aversive stimulation, which is not relieved by medication or other acceptable methods, should be undertaken only when the objectives of the research cannot be achieved by other methods. All procedures carried out on nonhuman animals are to be reviewed by an IACUC to ensure that the procedures are appropriate and humane. Field research, if strictly observational, may not require animal care committee approval (USDA, 2000). (2011). In general, laboratory animals should not be subjected to successive survival surgical procedures, except as required by the nature of the research, the nature of the specific surgery, or for the well-being of the animal. Researchers must berespectful when choosing their topic and methods, and when disseminatingtheir research. Given by the National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT), 2018. The ethical assessments related to the use of animals in research are wide-ranging. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. A veterinary perspective on the recently published guidelines for animal-assisted interventions in health-care facilities. Use of muscle relaxants or paralytics alone during surgery, without anesthesia, is unacceptable. Such views are reflected in the following positions: (i) Animals have an intrinsic value which must be respected. (2015). 31-39). (Eds.). 2131 et seq. Disposal of euthanized laboratory animals must be conducted in accordance with all relevant laws, consistent with health, environmental, and aesthetic concerns, and as approved by the IACUC. The committee must have representation from within the institution and from the local community. Russell W.M.S., & Burch, R. L. (1959). Describing the use of animals in animal-assisted intervention research., The Animal Welfare Act. Recognition and alleviation of distress in laboratory animals. APA's Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals are at Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. (2009). Research conducted in populated areas must be done with respect for the property and privacy of the areas inhabitants. In the event that it is not possible to constitute an appropriate IACUC in the psychologists own institution, psychologists should seek advice and obtain review from a corresponding committee of a cooperative institution. A foundational aspect of the discipline of psychology is teaching about and research on the behavior of nonhuman animals., Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. Procedures that may be justified for research purposes may not be so for educational purposes (e.g., animal models of pain that are used to develop safer analgesics would be in excess of what is needed to merely demonstrate the use of animal models in the study of behavior and cognition). Laboratory animals in research and teaching: Ethics, care, and methods (pp. When there iscredible, but uncertain, knowledge that the inclusion of animals in research or theuse of certain methods may have ethically unacceptable consequences for the stockand the ecosystem as a whole, researchers must observe the precautionaryprinciple.[1]. Researchers are responsiblefor considering whether the experiment may result in improvements foranimals, people or the environment. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office. Procedures involving the use of paralytic agents without reduction in pain sensation require prudence and humane concern. National Research Council. A risk-benefit analysis involves showing that the benefits of a study outweigh the risks. The conduct of all procedures is governed by Guideline I (Justification of Research) above. Researchers who violate the guidelines can face legal sanctions. Researchers are responsible for studying whether there are alternatives toexperiments on animals. These rules providea zero vision for research using animals. Guidelines for research ethics in science and technology (2007) 2016. Inquiries about these guidelines should be made to the American Psychological Association, Science Directorate, Office of Research Ethics, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002, or via e-mail at Guinea pigs, hamsters, and rabbits; Final Rules. Key Terms. Psychologists are encouraged to include instruction and discussion of the ethics and values of nonhuman animal research in relevant courses. In Norway, the Gene Technology Actprovides the legal framework for research on such organisms. All handlers of nonhuman animals in educational settings should adhere to the recommendations outlined above for personnel, housing, and acquisition of subjects. 2017.,,,,,,,, instruks_om_mattilsynets_forvaltning_av_forsoksdyrforskriften.21015/binary/Instruks%20om%20Mattilsynets%20forvaltning%20av%20forsksdyrforskriften. Researchers should minimize and mitigate any distress on the nonhuman animal subject caused by its involvement in the study. NENT does not have accessto any sanctions of its own. The researcher(s) should monitor the research and the subjects welfare throughout the course of an investigation to ensure continued justification for the research. Ethical Guidelines For Using Animals In Research Apart from the above principles, the most influential subject matter on the ethics of animal use is the guidelines formed by the Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT). Investigators studying AAIs in health-care settings should therefore adhere to the guidelines for AAI management offered by the AVMA (2008). (2011). (Gene Technology Act)(Lov om framstilling og bruk av genmodifiserte organismer m.m. It was intended to guide careful and considered discussion of the ethical challenges that arise in the course of animal research under NASA's auspices, but it is helpful to animal use in general. Researchers must not only consider the direct suffering that may be enduredduring the experiment itself, but also the risk of suffering before and afterthe experiment, including trapping, labelling, anaesthetising, breeding, transportation,stabling and euthanising. They are also intended to contribute to reflection on research ethics and the use of animals in research in both research communities and in the public debate. Research Animal Resources. These principles alsostate what can reasonably be considered harm and benefit, and the principles thusfacilitate good assessments. Assessments of harm and benefit associated withexperiments on animals are particularly demanding, because experiments mayresult in researchers intentionally causing actual harm to animals, while thefuture benefits are often uncertain. Ensure that all individuals under their supervision who are using animals have received instruction in research methods and in the care, maintenance and handling of the species being used, to the extent appropriate to their role. Only the number required to obtain reliable data must be used in an experiment. These guidelines have been prepared by the National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT). National Institutes of Mental Health. 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