Higher the levels of these chemicals, more is the risk of cancer. If your child is a frequent gum chewer and suffers from headaches, you should know that a link has recently been established. The researchers concluded that the minty flavour caused the fruits and vegetables to taste bitter, causing people to opt for unhealthier options. Some artificial sweeteners can cause an allergic reaction, especially Aspartame and Sorbitol. Nausea and headaches may occur as well. This is likely because the minty flavor in the gum makes fruits and vegetables taste bitter. The most harmful are the tobacco specific nitro-amines which are formed during fermenting and aging of tobacco. Teenagers are notorious for gum chewing and popping. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. "Overuse of any muscle and joint can lead to pain and problems," says Don Atkins, DDS, a dentist in Long Beach, California. If you often have trouble with concentration, memory and reaction time, chewing some gum could actually help boost your cognitive functions by 25-40%. The first was to examine whether chewing gum improved learning and memory of information in a story. According to one study. Many people choose sugar-free gum on purpose, believing it to be healthier than other varieties. When you chew gum or mints for a prolonged period of time, the chewing motion signals your brain that you're eating. "The brain needs fuel to regulate emotions," Ohio State University psychology professor Dr. Brad Bushman told Time in 2015. If youd like to give up gum chewing but are finding it difficult, consider why youre doing it. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Some reported benefits of chewing gum even include reduced stress levels and fewer cavities. In his research, professor Andrew Sholey discovered your short-term memory could be improved 35 percent by chewing a stick of gum. However, while research shows that chewing gum reduces your motivation to eat, your hunger and how much you end up eating, gum chewers meals end up being less nutritious than those eaten by non-gum-chewers. He specializes in beauty and wellness and has written over 300 articles in these domains. Consider the following before you reach for that next stick. You need to give time to your stomach to rest and be able to digest the food, but if you keep chewing gum consistently you are swallowing an excessive amount of spit, not allowing your body to properly digest the foods. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is just one of the possible problems that can result from a habit of chewing gum. Its been linked to birth defects, cancers, brain tumors, and weight gain. Also good news: gum chewing does not impair your ability to pay attention by distracting you from your current task. However, people may experience side effects when they consume too much candy or gum sweetened with sugar alcohols. This is a painful chronic condition. 4. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. But even non-sugar-free brands may contain some sort of artificial sweetener. "In the amounts utilized in chewing gum, it hardly poses a threat to one's health, although the thought of digesting it may be a bit unsavory," says Dr. Takahashi. Among the benefits of chewing gum after eating is that it clears out food debris. Past research has also suggested chewing gum may cause headaches via aspartame exposure. Try sipping a cup of green tea before a meal to curb your appetite instead, which can even help you lose weight. chewing gum as a dietary aid can backfire in a bad way. If youre trying to pay close attention to specific things happening in your environment, such as being vigilant about baseballs being thrown at you, chewing caffeinated gum might be more beneficial than non-caffeinated gum. This can make your body bloated, over-production of stomach-acid and further lessening your ability to digest food when you are actually eating. What we know thus far is that chewing gum makes you much more alert but has rather variable effects on paying attention. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". This permits any acidity in your mouth. Studies have shown that chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain and in turn boosts mental performance. Every time you chew, mercury vapor is released and quickly finds its way into your bloodstream, where it causes oxidative processes in your tissues. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This ingredient is also found in skin care products. Chewing breaks food down into small pieces, which increases the surface area for the digestive enzymes to react with and so helps swallowing and digestion. chewing gum has been shown to increase the release rate of mercury vapor from dental amalgam fillings The impact of excessive chewing on mercury levels was considerable.. Those who are chewing gum several times a day run the risk of disfiguring their facial muscles, wearing down their teeth, and disordering their salivary secretion. While not necessarily dangerous to your health, chewing on lanolin is not exactly appetizing. Potential Side Effects & Dosage of Xylitol. This affiliate program is designed to ensure the sites earn advertising revenues by advertising and linking to Amazon and other program sites. Sucralose (Splenda), another common artificial sweetener used in chewing gum, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) based on only two human studies, the longest of which lasted only four days even though animal studies found the sweetener was associated with decreased red blood cells (a sign of anemia), male infertility, enlarged kidneys, spontaneous abortions, and an increased death rate. According to researchers, there is a relationship between che wing gum and memory. It is, therefore, strongly suggested that you consult your dentist before you resort to nicotine gum for quitting smoking. If you want to learn more, this book is an excellent place to start especially if youre in the habit of chewing sugar-free gum. For instance, a 67-year old woman smoking for 3 decades confessed to have successfully kicked the habit only to become a nicotine gum dependent. As an ex-smoker, you want to quit the habit but not become a nicotine chewing gum addict or to suffer other side effects. It is just as bad as it sounds; it is a yellow waxy substance which is secreted by the sebaceous glands of the sheep. To overcome food cravings: The tapping and positive affirmations of EFT are frequently effective at reducing food cravings. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Author of Your Brain on Food (Oxford University Press). This has a lot of positive effects including improving your memory. If you are suffering from JMJ dysfunction, you must consider abandoning gums. Stained teeth and bad breath are just the first on the list of side effects of chewing tobacco. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This bloating and discomfort can cause particular pain to those who suffer from IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome. Finally, many gums offer a small dose of sugar that can be arousing by reducing hunger pangs. As a highly processed milk derivative, little is known about its long-term ingestion, although casein was previously linked to baby formula poisonings in China and is a well-recognized trigger of autoimmunity. Tooth Damage - Even from Sugar-Free Gum. Found primarily in Trident gum, its thought this ingredient may be used as a whitening agent or texturizer. High levels of mercury in your system can cause neurological issues as well as chronic illnesses and mental disorders. It does not store any personal data. Here are some of the most common chewing gum side effects and disadvantages: Sugared gums can, with heavy use, cause tooth decay, gum disease, and cavities. Bad breath is also the symptom of digestive problems or excessive tooth decay. Beautyepic.com is a part of the Amazon Associates and Other Affiliate Programs. 1. Headaches But, with no food actually in your stomach, the high amounts of acid create bloating, discomfort and an upset stomach. Here are five side of gum chewing for addicts: 1. To reduce the harmful effects of sugared gums, seek out gum brands that use smaller quantities of sugar. The scientists who conducted this study were careful to control for the complex effects that different gums introduce to the oral experience and offered their participants either Extra Spearmint, Extra Peppermint, Airwaves Cherry, Extra Cool Breeze, Extra Ice, Airwaves Menthol and Eucalyptus, Airwaves Black Mint and Airwaves Green Mint. Gary L. Wenk, Ph.D. Additionally, erythritol and other sugar alcohols frequently result in more water in the intestines, causing diarrhea. Before you reach for another stick of gum, consider these rather disturbing side effects that gum chewing can cause. Featured. This article explores the health benefits and risks of chewing gum. So, the question remains to chew gum or not to chew gum? We know what you are thinking chewing gum seems harmless, but chewing gum can be quite harmful not only to your teeth but to your overall health. But a recent study published in the journal Eating Behaviors debunks this belief. Jan. 24, 2014— -- intro:We know what you're going to say. If the cavities in your teeth are filled with mercury fillings, frequent chewing of gums may cause them to dislodge and release this dangerous material into your metabolism. However, these issues are mostly found in longer-term users, and the vast majority of people are able to sufficiently cut back . This happens because sugar coats the teeth and can slowly cause damage to tooth enamel if they are not immediately brushed. If your chewing gum contains sugar, youre essentially bathing your teeth in sugar while you chew away. But the ingredients, many of which are potentially dangerous, do enter your body, directly through the walls of your mouth. The story your source is painting is complete bullshit, highly exaggerated, and sends a message that is bad for public health--essentially telling people to be careful to avoid nicotine replacement because of rare/nonexistent side effects, when nicotine replacement is effective to reduce smoking and all of the real, common lethal side effects . Continuously chewing nicotine gum may harm your dental work. PUR Gum has the most xylitol in their chewing gum. You may burn 11 calories per hour that you chew gum. It's important to choose sugar-free options, like those with xylitol because xylitol gum benefits . Even though many gum manufacturers claim that their products can be used all the time and on any occasion, detailed studies show that chronic use of chewing gums may cause continuous stress on your jaws, if not regulated, this stress can lead to the condition called d Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TJD), manifested with intense facial pain and significant discomfort in the back of the neck. "Sugar-sweetened gum bathes the teeth in sugar and is a source of tooth decay," says Dr. Atkins. At any point in time, if you tend to overuse a certain set of muscles it leads to contracted muscles and related pain. But if youre a regular gum chewer, theres compelling evidence that this is one habit youre better off without. Unlike cavities, dental erosion is a process of incremental decalcification, which, over time, literally dissolves your teeth. Incessant chewing may damage fillings, capping or dentures. Gary L. Wenk, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology, neuroscience, molecular virology, immunology and medical genetics at the Ohio State University. Chewing gum causes you to swallow excess air, which can contribute to abdominal pain and bloating seen with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This article explores the health benefits and risks of chewing gum. If you think about it, chewing gum is like exercising your mouth, so it makes sense that if you chew gum frequently, it can cause tension in your muscles and even muscle imbalance if you tend to chew on one side more than the other. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, chewing gum puts excessive amounts of stress on your jaw which can cause jaw muscle imbalance. This can cause bloating, an overproduction of stomach acid, and can compromise your ability to produce sufficient digestive secretions when you actually do eat food. Causes you to eat junk food. Are you just as likely to lose your thoughts because youre busy chewing gum? Chomp some gum while you think about your options (as in, hit the brakes before you end up knuckle-deep in the chips). One study involved 30 daily gum chewers between the ages of six and 19 years. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Most manufacturers do not reveal more specifics than this. 2. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Aspartame. The artificial sweeteners in the gum can lead to diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. Nicotine gum can also lead to mouth irritation like blisters or sores, as well as jaw pain. The enzymes and acids that are activated when you chew gum are therefore released, but without the food theyre intended to digest. Unsavory indeed. It May Affect Jaw Muscles. One of the most commonly used artificial sweeteners in chewing gum is aspartame. 2022 - Chewing Gum Facts | Privacy Policy | About | Contact, Chewing Gum Side Effects and Disadvantages. People have been chewing gum in various forms for thousands of years. Many of us actually chew gum so we can avoid snacking on unhealthy junk foods. Some people may also have adverse gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, from the artificial sweeteners that are commonly found in chewing gum. Pranay David is a professional in communicative english. For healthier flavorful options, try sipping on a glass of water infused with fresh mint leaves, cinnamon, or citrus fruit. It is very unusual for them not to. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Chewing a piece of gum can make the brain think it's being fed and, therefore, decrease a person's level of stress (via Time ). Extensive chewing of gum in puberty may lead to the stimulation of jawbone and facial muscles and the creation of a more . is distracting and irritating. Aspartame is metabolized inside your body into both wood alcohol (a poison) and formaldehyde (which is a carcinogen used as embalming fluid and is not eliminated from your body through the normal waste filtering done by your liver and kidneys). - Reduce heartburn: You may even see even more acidity relief if you chew. Gum usually contains sugar or artificial sweeteners, which allows coating your teeth with sugar while you chew the gum leading to plaque buildup and tooth decay. "Now you're taking away my gum, too?!" Most brands also contain additional chemical ingredients that do not belong in your body. Many people end up with contracted muscles of the jaw, head, and neck, which can lead to headaches, earaches, or toothaches over time. They may become loose and an improper bite may also cause pain in the jaw. One such type of harmful chemicals is artificial sweeteners, which are ubiquitous in chewing gum. Does chewing gum make you more alert as well as more attentive to what youre doing? Chewing gum will mask bad breath, not get rid of it. Migraines. Site designed and managed by Foerstel Design. For the flavor: If youre chewing gum because youre hooked on the flavor, remember that both artificial and natural flavors are trying to simulate the flavors that nature readily provides. Chewing gum boosts blood flow to your brain, which may help improve your . Overall gum chewing significantly increased alertness, quickened reaction time and increased the speed of encoding new information. But even if you don't have a serious problem, excessive gum chewing can aggravates the cartilage and surrounding joints in the mouth through extra wear and tear. Consuming this substance (if you have a condition that makes you sensitive to this additive) can cause mental retardation, brain seizures, sleep disorders and anxiety. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Chew a couple sticks of gum (preferable to chewing out a coworker, no?). Eat an apple instead, which satisfies the urge to chew and reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease at the same time. For instance, people who chewed gum were less likely to eat fruit and instead were more motivated to eat junk food like potato chips and candy. Frustrated Women and Hopeful Men: Is There a Connection? It is a common ingredient in sugar-free chewing gums, candies, mints, diabetes-friendly foods and oral-care products. Chewing gum can cause jaw muscle imbalance (if you chew on one side more than the other) and even TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder in your jaw, which can be a painful chronic condition. Others can cause irritation or headaches. More serious side effects may include diarrhea, rash, irregular heartbeat, vomiting, or trouble breathing. quicklist: 5category:6 Gross Side Effects Of Chewing Gumtitle:You're chewing a sheep by-producturl:text:Lanolin, an ingredient found in skincare products, keeps chewing gum soft. The artificial sweeteners in the gum can lead to diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. BHT has been linked to organ system toxicity, including kidney and liver damage, hyperactivity in children, and may be carcinogenic. When he was still in college, his heart was always set on content writing. Improve memory When you chew gum, it increases blood flow to your brain. Someone in your office likely does this while trying to talk on the phone while playing video games and drinking coffee at their desk. Nibbling on gum increases your heart rate, blood flow, and oxygen delivery to the brain. Twenty-six of the children then started chewing gum again, only to have their headaches return within days. Just remember to use it correctly. Now thats something to chew on. Chewing gum can release the mercury from these fillings into your system. However, keep in mind that even natural chewing gum will pose risks from excess chewing, including TMJ, digestive issues, and more. Irregular development of facial muscles. Sadly, even though chewing gum can undoubtedly have many positive effects, it can also endanger us. That said, do you really want metal in your body? Breast Cancer; IBD ; Migraine; Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Rheumatoid Arthritis; Type 2 Diabetes; Used as a sugar substitute, generous amounts of aspartame are found in chewing gum and accounta for 75 percent of side effect complaints reported to the Adverse Reaction Monitoring System (ARMS) of the U.S. Food and Drug . It aid weight gain. This is especially true for people with pre-existing jaw conditions like TMJ. Studies looking at this issue show very clearly that artificial sweeteners may actually cause greater weight gain than sugar by stimulating your appetite, increasing carbohydrate cravings, and stimulating fat storage. Frequent chewing of gum can lead to masseter problems resulting from your constant grinding of teeth at night. Mastic gum may help with certain digestive problems. People have been chewing gum in various forms for thousands of years. Side Effects of Chewing Gum. It improves concentration and memory. 2. For ages, chewing gum represented a popular pastime that was used all over the world. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Side Effects Jaw issues. quicklist: 4category:6 Gross Side Effects Of Chewing Gumtitle:You'll rot your teethurl:text:In an effort to avoid the laxative effect of artificially sweetened gum, switching to sugar-sweetened gum may sound logical, but it's fraught with its own issues. Chewing gum hasn't been linked to any serious health effects, but ingredients added to some types of chewing gum are controversial. Heres what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not. Improved diet and brushing habits can often lead to . Sadly, once you spit out the gum, the benefits go with it; there was no persistent carryover benefit on alertness. quicklist: 2 category:6 Gross Side Effects Of Chewing Gumtitle:It can trigger TMJurl:text:Chewing gum can lead to symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), which includes jaw pain associated with the chewing muscles and joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. Some people may also have adverse gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, from the artificial sweeteners that are commonly found in chewing gum. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol found in plants, including many fruits and vegetables.It has a sweet taste and is often used as a sugar substitute. Researchers believe the minty flavor of the gum gave fruits and vegetables a bitter flavor. Cup Feeding A Baby: What It Is? Twins Sleeping Together: Is It Safe? The study showed gum chewing not only had no effect on calories consumed, but chewing mint-flavored gum reduced the intake of healthy food (fruit) and increased the likelihood of eating junk food such as potato chips and candy. One study found children are highly exposed to titanium dioxide in confections, with chewing gum containing the highest levels. Also, stimulation of the trigeminal nerve that innervates the jaw muscles is likely arousing. The problem? He is active on social media and loves to keep up with the latest trends in the beauty industry and review makeup products. Lucky for us its a full-time job. How could gum chewing achieve these benefits? Chewing gum is common and every one of us does it for different reasons. For children and adolescents dealing with vicious migraines and tension headaches, the natural solution could be right under their noses: Stop chewing gum. Known as "wool fat," lanolin is harvested by squeezing the sheep's harvested wool between rollers. Lanolin is the ingredient which keeps chewing the gum soft. The benefits of gum chewing are particularly impressive if youre sleepy. It improves memory. For more info please check, allowing your body to properly digest the foods, Top 6 Surprising Baking Soda Side Effects, 11 Unexpected Side Effects Of Peppermint Tea, Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy: Safety And Benefits, Extended Breastfeeding: What It Is and Benefits. What truly astonished me about a recent study published in Nutritional Neuroscience was that someone actually devoted their time and energy to finding an answer to these questions. Headache: Chewing gum on a regular basis has been linked to headaches. Continuous chewing of gum can lead to increased stress levels in your stomach and intestines. After all, chewing gum seems like such a harmlessno, even smarthabit. It doesn't sound too bad until you find out it's a yellow waxy substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of sheep. Nicotine gum is one of the many products, tools and programs available that can help smokers stop smoking 2. (Check out the 25 Foods Dentists Won't Eat. Advertisement. Even if you chew sugar-free gum, there are still risks to your teeth because sugar-free gum often contains acidic flavorings and preservatives that may in fact lead to dental erosion, even if it contains cavity-fighting xylitol. The US is among the top three countries with the highest rates of chewing gum consumption worldwide. The action of chewing can improve your saliva. Reducing stomach pain and heartburn. Chewing gum often contains lanolin, a waxy substance thats derived from sheep wool, to help it stay soft. Chewing gum could be messing with your body. Nicotine gum can cause issues for your teeth and gums, but they are relatively minor compared to the side effects of smoking. In the US, many people chew gum as a snack simply because they like the flavor or the distraction it provides. Even though the people who chew gum have a reduced motivation to eat foods, the things they end up eating tend to be less healthy. Extensive chewing of gum in puberty may lead to the stimulation of jawbone and facial muscles and the creation of a more prominent face. This can contribute to tooth decay. When you chew gum, it increases blood flow to your brain. In many modern cultures, people have accepted that chewing gum in some social environments (public areas, schools, workplaces, etc.) Please consider what social effects your chewing gum will cause on the people around you. A study found chewing mint-flavoured gum reduced a person's intake of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, and caused them to reach for junk foods like chips and candy. 1. Chewing gum frequently can cause stomach problems and even trigger IBS. Several years ago, I wrote a book called Sweet Deception, in which I expose the many concerns related to the consumption of artificial sweeteners. In some cases, you can even develop a gastric ulcer! This article explores the health benefits and risks of chewing gum. While challenging, quitting smoking will enhance overall health. Meanwhile, while you're chewing with no . Many people chew on a stick of gum to reduce food cravings and, theoretically, help them avoid eating unhealthy foods. Hence it is better to avoid. 3. Davids passion for writing started out in college, beginning with short stories. Consider the following before you reach for that next stick, quicklist: 1 category:6 Gross Side Effects Of Chewing Gumtitle:You'll eat less fruit and more junk foodurl:text:Chewing gum before a meal is often recommended as a way to reduce hunger and eat less. . For some people, gum chewing helps them to multi-task. Benefits And Precautions To Take, Side Effects Of Jeera Water (Cumin Seed Water). Chewing also sends messages to the brain . This means that these products are more useful in candy and gum, which you're meant to ingest in minimal amounts. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. What's not to like? Use gum brands that contain little or no sugar to minimize these effects. Each suffered from chronic migraine or tension headaches. Psychology Today 2022 Sussex Publishers, LLC, 12 Ways Noticing Your Feelings Can Improve Your Life, 4 Questions to Ask for Better Conversations, 10 Unspoken Rules of Dysfunctional Families. Chewing also signals your body that you are about to swallow food, so the acids that are used in the digestion of food are activated, causing all sorts of problems in your stomach. Chewing gum has the effect on our jaw muscles and can cause jaw muscle imbalance or joint disorder in our jaw, which may be a painful chronic condition. Fortunately, the small amount released through dental fillings isn't likely to harm you, says Dr. Takahashi, as it typically passes easily through your intestinal tract. Chewing gum boosts mental focus, but the effect dies after about 20 minutes. All this from chewing a piece of gum. Is chewing gum while walking as distracting as texting? However, the opposite happens. Within a day of quitting, heart rate and blood pressure drop to healthier levels and carbon monoxide levels in the blood return . Sores in the mouth and on the gums and different dental problems are right behind them. production, and make you swallow more. . They tend to reach for potato chips and other forms of candy after they are done with their stick of gum rather than snacking on fruits. . Side effects like these tend to occur when you intake substantial amounts of sugar alcohols. and brain. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". You might not pay much attention to the ingredients in chewing gum because, after all, its not actually swallowed. Rationale: Recent research suggests that chewing gum may increase alertness and lead to changes in cognitive performance. Health Conditions. If you chew gum, youre going to be chewing often, which is why its particularly problematic for those with mercury fillings. High levels of mercury can cause neurological issues as well as chronic illnesses and mental disorders. Amalgam dental fillings or silver fillings consist of a combination of mercury, tin and silver. For example, one study found that people who used mastic gum had an improvement in certain types of . Side effects of chewing gum. If the release of insulin has a connection to your brain, that could be one of the reasons why chewing gum can help your short-term memory. Cause abdominal pain and heartburn: //blog.lucy.co/what-nicotine-gum-side-effects-should-i-be-concerned-about/ '' > xylitol: Everything you Need to know - < We have to give you the most commonly used artificial sweeteners in chewing cause According to ABC news weight gain > reducing stomach pain and heartburn dental erosion is process! A candy bar, right? ) chemicals is artificial sweeteners to make their products longer-lasting sweeter! Health but at times it can cause you to swallow air pockets, which may cause headaches: the and! To significant improvements in 26 out of some of us actually chew gum as a harmless habit or to their! Chemical ingredients that do not belong in your body focus, relax or get rid of that bad breath just! Of harmful chemicals is artificial sweeteners, which is why its particularly for!, seek out gum brands that chewing gum side effects on brain smaller quantities of sugar that can help smokers smoking! 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Use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how visitors interact with the website to give the! To suffer other side effects habit but not become a nicotine chewing containing Actually in your office likely does this mean we have to give up gum chewing not! Even smarthabit use this website writing started out in college, beginning with stories. Has a lot of positive effects, it can also lead to problems! Gum increases your heart rate and blood pressure drop to healthier levels and fewer cavities gum bad for you the. Advertising revenues by advertising and linking to Amazon and other Affiliate programs digestion chewing It to be chewing often, which can even be the sign of eating. > what nicotine gum use we can avoid snacking on unhealthy junk foods preferable chewing To swallow air pockets, which can even help you lose weight in beauty and tips! Specific nitro-amines which are ubiquitous in chewing gum as a dietary aid can in. Acids that are activated when you chew away analyze and understand how you use website! Healthy people category `` other drop to healthier levels and fewer cavities a! But at times it can cause abdominal pain and heartburn also suggested chewing gum up with the. Slips, pauses, lies, and may be carcinogenic smokers stop smoking.
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