Platform for creating functions that respond to cloud events. Google will automatically upgrade customers running managed Anthos Service Mesh. This event sends basic information regarding the XDE process to address problems with emulator start. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. Explore solutions for web hosting, app development, AI, and analytics. GA: Added support for installing Anthos clusters on bare metal, using your own registry service, instead of This event indicates that a new set of InventoryUplevelDriverPackageAdd events will be sent. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly. This event is sent when the Campaign Manager encounters an unexpected error while running the campaign. Otherwise, the updates occur within the next few weeks. This event collects information regarding the final commit phase of the new device manifest UUP (Unified Update Platform) update scenario, which is used to install a device manifest describing a set of driver packages. This critical event sends information about the driver installation that took place. It allows for investigation of top errors. This event provides the effectiveness of new privacy experience. This event is sent when the Windows Update sediment remediations launcher finds that an applicable plug-in to address issues that may be preventing the sediment device from receiving OS updates. This event is logged when LdrMapAndVerifyResourceFile fails for an overlay module. It's used to help keep Windows up-to-date and secure. Cloud Composer 1.19.11 and 2.0.28 images are available: Cloud Composer versions 1.17.1 and 2.0.0-preview.2 have reached their end of full support period. This event indicates that a new set of InventoryUplevelDriverPackageAdd events will be sent. This event indicates that a new set of DecisionDevicePnpAdd events will be sent. When you configure outlier detection through Traffic Director, you can fine-tune how gRPC assesses hosts and how it handles outliers. This event is sent when the Update Reserve Manager is called to begin a scenario. This event signals successful handoff between two recovery binaries. The enhanced validations and visibility of the components being installed provides better debuggability and improves the overall install process. Program that uses DORA to improve your software delivery capabilities. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. You can also see and filter all release notes in the Google Cloud console or you can programmatically access release notes in BigQuery. This data attribute refers to the number of Cores a CPU supports. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends data indicating the result of each setup mitigation. This event is sent when the Store Agent cache is refreshed with any available package updates. This event occurs when the DiagTrack escalation fails due to the scenario requesting a path that is not approved for GetFileInfo actions. You can now enhance your Spanner applications with machine learning capabilities by using Google Standard SQL. I am developing an App that is based on Videos, such as a video editing App but i am unable to test the application because of the crackling sound whenever i play audio when simulator is opened it makes crackling noise I installed windows operating system, & crackling Please help i am desperate I This event sends basic information for scheduling a device restart to install security updates. This event provides information about the current users privacy settings and whether device-level access was granted to these capabilities. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly. Assess, plan, implement, and measure software practices and capabilities to modernize and simplify your organizations business application portfolios. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. TPM technology is designed to provide hardware-based, security-related functions. This event sends true/false compatibility decision data about the S mode state. Continuous integration and continuous delivery platform. Eventarc support for direct events from Cloud IoT is available in Preview. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. This event sends data about crashes for both native and managed applications, to help keep Windows up to date. This event is sent when searching for update packages to install, to help keep Windows up-to-date and secure. For more information, see Analytics Hub documentation and Search syntax. This event indicates that a new set of InventoryApplicationAdd events will be sent. This feature is now in preview. This event provides information about the device level privacy settings and whether device-level access was granted to these capabilities. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. UEFI is a verification mechanism for ensuring that code launched by firmware is trusted. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. This event indicates that a new set of SystemWindowsActivationStatusAdd events will be sent. Fixed issue with DataprocCluster where resource creation was failing with error message Update call failed: error applying desired state: infeasible update: ({true }) would require recreation (Issue #661). Use deny policies to prevent principals from using certain permissions, regardless of the roles they're granted. It is critical in understanding if failures in setup can be traced to not having sufficient uplevel drivers before the upgrade. This event sends basic info on whether the device should be updated to the latest cumulative update. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date, secure, and performing properly. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. This event sends data about the number of language packs installed on the system, to help keep Windows up to date. version 1.20 to version 1.21.14-gke.2700 The Buy it Again model encourages purchasing items again based on previous recurring purchases.This personalized model predicts products that have been previously bought at least once and that are typically bought on a regular cadence. This data does not indicate the details of the media using the digital rights management, only whether any such files exist. You can now use the Cloud Console UI to create and manage tags. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. This allows you to specify Windows services that should be part of the migrated Windows IIS application. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. Apigee does not warranty the software or the procedures in this preview. This event helps determine whether the device received supplemental content during an operating system upgrade, to help keep Windows up-to-date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. AppHang is reported only on PC devices. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends data about hangs for both native and managed applications, to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. Fully managed environment for running containerized apps. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends compatibility decision data about non-blocking entries on the system that are not keyed by either applications or devices, to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event indicates that a new set of SystemMemoryAdd events will be sent. Other layouts are currently not supported. On September 6, 2022 Apigee hub released a new version of the software. Event that tracks the effectiveness of an operation to mitigate an issue on devices that meet certain requirements. This event is sent when a device has been detected as DSS device. In the Explorer pane, you can now open tables in Connected Sheets. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. Deploy ready-to-go solutions in a few clicks. This event sends information about whether an update required a reboot and reasons for failure, to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This data does not indicate the details of the media using the digital rights management, only whether any such files exist. This event sends tracking data about the software distribution client installation of the content for that update, to help keep Windows up to date. As mentioned in my previous post, Microsoft has completely removed the Windows Server Essentials Experience (WSEE) server role from Windows Server 2019.However, since the entire Windows Server Essentials Experience is basically just an elaborate .NET application that is installed on top of the Windows Server operating system (and not some tightly integrated This event sends basic metadata about the USB hubs on the device. This event sends data indicating that the device has invoked the preinstall quiet phase of the upgrade, to help keep Windows up-to-date. For more information, see What's new with BigQuery Connector for SAP. The Kafka Connector library for Pub/Sub and Pub/Sub Lite is now in preview. This event sends binary data from the collected dump file wheneveer a bug check occurs, to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The Dataflow VM image has been updated to include several mitigations for a recently disclosed hardware speculative execution vulnerability named Retbleed. and Upgrades. Applicable to PC and Mobile. This event collects information regarding the install phase of the new device manifest UUP (Unified Update Platform) update scenario, which is used to install a device manifest describing a set of driver packages. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. This event is sent when a product install or update is resumed by a user or on installation retries, to help keep Windows up-to-date and secure. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure. Increased the resource-group-controller container memory request to 200Mi to avoid OOMKilled on Autopilot clusters. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. Backported the patch for HIVE-20004 in the latest 2.0 images. This event indicates that the InventoryApplicationFile object is no longer present. The SRT Root Cause Diagnosis Start event sends information to report diagnosis operation started for given plug-in. This event indicates the expected UBR of the device. Learn more about how to wipe an appliance. This event is sent after searching for update packages to install. Tools and guidance for effective GKE management and monitoring. If you do not recreate the older instance, you may experience scaling issues and the number of environments you can add to an instance will continue to be limited to 10. must upgrade to 1.13.8-asm.4. Required diagnostic data helps to identify problems that can occur on a particular device hardware or software configuration. Add remote function options to routine metadata (, Update dependency to v2.5.5 (, Update dependency to v2-rev20220913-2.0.0 (, Update dependency to v2-rev20220924-2.0.0 (, Update dependency to v3.0.4 (, Update dependency gcp-releasetool to v1.8.9 (, Update dependency importlib-metadata to v4.13.0 (, Update dependency importlib-metadata to v5 (, Update dependency org.graalvm.buildtools:native-maven-plugin to v0.9.14 (, Update dependency org.junit.vintage:junit-vintage-engine to v5.9.1 (, Logging SDK not applying quota limits for project set using quotaProjectId (, Update dependency certifi to v2022.9.24 (, Update dependency charset-normalizer to v2.1.1 (, Update dependency gcp-releasetool to v1.8.8 (, Update dependency google-api-core to v2.10.1 (, Update dependency google-auth to v2.12.0 (, Update dependency google-cloud-core to v2.3.2 (, Update dependency google-cloud-storage to v2.5.0 (, Update dependency googleapis-common-protos to v1.56.4 (, Update dependency typing-extensions to v4.3.0 (, Entity linking to Google Knowledge Graph is available for, Update dependency to v2.8.15 (, Update dependency to v2.8.16 (, Update dependency to v2.8.17 (, Update dependency to v2.8.18 (, Update dependency to v2.8.20 (, Update dependency to v3.21.7 (, Update dependency google-auth to v2.11.1 (, Update dependency importlib-metadata to v4.12.0 (. This event sends data on whether Update Management Policies were enabled on a device, to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends simple Product and Service Performance data on a crashing Microsoft Edge browser process to help mitigate future instances of the crash. This event sends data about an Orchestrator requesting a reboot from power management to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event indicates that a new set of SystemMemoryAdd events will be sent. The DecisionSystemProcessorCpuModelStartSync event indicates that a new set of DecisionSystemProcessorCpuModelAdd events will be sent. Required diagnostic data helps to identify problems that can occur on a particular device hardware or software configuration. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event collects information regarding the install phase of the new device manifest UUP (Unified Update Platform) update scenario, which is used to install a device manifest describing a set of driver packages. Cloud Run services can now connect to Memorystore for Redis instances using integrations (Preview). Cloud Workstations is now available in Preview. This event sends launch data for a Windows Update install to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event is sent when the Update Reserve Manager commits a hard reserve adjustment that was pending. This event sends data indicating that the device has invoked the unexpected event phase of the upgrade, to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. This event indicates that a new set of InventoryApplicationAdd events will be sent. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. Fully managed, native VMware Cloud Foundation software stack. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly. Gives the results from the check. This event sends basic information for scheduling a device restart to install security updates. This event indicates that this particular data object represented by the objectInstanceId is no longer present. Users can access information such as Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) level for built artifacts, vulnerabilities and provenance in the panel. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date, secure, and performing properly. This event indicates the end of the Clear operation of the AppLocker Configuration Service Provider (CSP) to help keep Windows secure. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. Config Controller Autopilot is now available for preview. This event sends type and capacity data about the battery on the device, as well as the number of connected standby devices in use. This event sends data for the initialize phase of updating Windows via the new Unified Update Platform (UUP) scenario, which is applicable to both PCs and Mobile. You should check and ensure there aren't any admission or conversion webhooks or aggregated server endpoints that are using such insecure certificates before upgrading to the upcoming breaking version. This event indicates that the DecisionApplicationFile object is no longer present. You can now collect additional Elasticsearch metrics from the Ops Agent, starting with version 2.21.0. This event returns data about the count of the migration objects across various phases during feature update. Cloud Logging creates the service account the first time a log sink in the resource container is created or updated. For more details, see Rotate KSA signing keys. This event sends basic metadata about drive packages installed on the system. Cloud SQL for MySQL now supports minor version 8.0.30. Currently not used or set to zero. This event is sent during update scan, download, or install, and indicates that the device is at risk of being out-of-date. This event indicates that the device has completed the reboot after installing expected update. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. A sediment device is one that has been on a previous OS version for an extended period. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly. Service for dynamic or server-side ad insertion. Updates may include general performance improvements, bug fixes, and updates to the API reference documentation. This event lists the types of objects and how many of each exist on the client device. For applications, this data is collected for up to 10 random executables on a system. This event also used to count WMR device. This event indicates the beginning of a series of AppHealthStaticAdd events. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. It shows you files on your iPhone or iPad and, How to Search Pictures by Faces in Google Photos, With constant updates and the introduction of new features, Google Photos has come a long way from being just a gallery alternative. On Linux migrations, if the migration plan YAML is missing the Image section, the task will fail with a panic instead of an indicative message. This event indicates that a new set of DatasourceDriverPackageAdd events will be sent. This event sends basic metadata about sensor devices on a machine. The message erroneously reported an Invalid value in the spec.labels field of NodePool specifications. Service for securely and efficiently exchanging data analytics assets. Version 1.22.12-gke.2300 This event is used to make compatibility decisions about files to help keep Windows up to date. This event logs the successful enumeration of an audio endpoint (such as a microphone or speaker) and provides information about the audio endpoint. The consent state is encoded as a 16-bit signed integer, where the first 8 bits represents the effective consent value, and the last 8 bits represent the authority that set the value. This event sends data for the download request phase of updating Windows via the new Unified Update Platform (UUP) scenario. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event indicates that Inbox DTU functionality was initiated. This event provides information about the location and orientation of the microphone element. When creating a user cluster, the prepared credentials will be used. This event is used to understand a PNP device that is specific to a particular class of devices. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. Represents an envelope that contains all of the common data extensions. Cloud KMS is available in the following region: For more information, see Cloud KMS locations. The DecisionTpmVersionStartSync event indicates that a new set of DecisionTpmVersionAdd events will be sent. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and secure. When creating a new App key for products that have been set to manual approval, but have already been approved, the new key will "auto" approve and not have to go through the approval process again. A sediment device is one that has been on a previous OS version for an extended period. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly while reducing overall size of data payload. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The DecisionTpmVersionStartSync event indicates that a new set of DecisionTpmVersionAdd events will be sent. This event indicates that we have received an unexpected error in the Direct to Update (DTU) Handler CheckApplicabilityInternal call. This event sends compatibility database information about entries requiring reinstallation after an upgrade on the system that are not keyed by either applications or devices, to help keep Windows up to date. Support for connectors for Google Forms and Google Sheets is available in Preview. For more information about IAM roles, see Manage access. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event indicates that a new set of InventorySystemBiosAdd events will be sent. This event sends data about the memory on the device, including ROM and RAM. Customers using Document AI Workbench, and processors for Purchase Order (PO), Invoice, or Expense, now have access to a new schema. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. App to manage Google Cloud services from your mobile device. This event represents a Windows Update job error. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. To default OS system setting in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tmp.conf making imaging data accessible, interoperable, and performing properly reports and. 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