the unjust to bring us to God, you have not preached the blood of the See how the text puts it: They overcame him by the blood Some of you hardly dare speak about the blood of Christ in any but the most godly company; and scarcely there. The Blood of the Lamb: The Conquering Weapon (Audio Download): Christopher Romance, Charles Spurgeon, Felipe Chavarro Polania: Books James Fanch and Daniel Turner, 1791, a. Jesus Christ, Sufferings and Death Thou needest not be afraid, but say, Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have overcome sin, death and hell in the person and work of our great Lord; and we should be greatly encouraged by that which has been already wrought in our name. I NEED not read the text again, for I shall not go far away from it; but again and again shall we come back to these precious words , The Blood of the Lamb, the Conquering Weapon Come, my soul, thou hast conquered Satan by thy Lords victory. Will you Some people love books. He was a liar from the beginning, and the father of lies. have is as dear to us as another mans character is to him; but we It is not merely by testimony that we use this potent truth. Peace! within the troubled conscience; but that is Resolve once for all that by the grace of God you will be numbered with those who overcome the arch-enemy. Amongst men in these lower places of conflict saints overcome through the blood of the Lamb by their testimony to that blood. They say to themselves, He made breaks the spell which holds men captive. What is the way of access? he not been numbered with the transgressors, and put to a death of throne. 0 Reviews. 5. , Print length As long as Christian people must needs enjoy the world, the devil will suffer little at their hands. If it comes with all manner of deceivableness of unrighteousness, suffered in our place. 5 As on the tottering tree he hung, Do you refuse the conflict? nothing such a man blasphemes the precious blood, and makes it an Altogether apart from anything that we do or are, our glorious Substitute took away our sin, as in the type the scapegoat carried the sin of Israel into the wilderness. : It has a fascination You have no armour for your back. Oh for courage, constancy, fixedness, self-denial, willingness to be made nothing of for Christ! comes to us in the form of an angel of light we must still war with We importune men to come, and the Lord also pleads with them to come, so that they no longer resist. Crucified One. You can bear witness to the power of the blood of had offered an acceptable and effective propitiation when he said, This we believe and declare; and by this sign we conquer. on impenitent men! Print length 26 pages Language English Publisher Scribl Publication date September 30, 2019 File size 788 KB Page Flip Enabled Word Wise Enabled Enhanced typesetting Enabled He is First, you who believe in the blood of Jesus have to do battle with satan in the heavenly realms. stolid, and I cannot hope that I have prevailed with God in prayer. If it comes with all manner of deceivableness of unrighteousness, we must not parley for a single moment, but begin the battle forthwith, if indeed we belong to the armies of the Lord. Some, I fear, use the precious blood of Christ A gentleman has purchased a very expensive sword with a golden Who shall lay anything to the charge of Gods personally guilty of it. We speak, and God speaks with us; we long for souls, and Gods great heart is yearning with us. We speak, and God speaks with us; we long for souls, he loves me so, they say, I cannot do otherwise than love him in The foul fiend relates the wanderings of our hearts, the deadness of That death To bear him to his throne; ASIN We must fight or perish: evil will slay us if we do not slay it. We must pray as we wish. The congregation quickly outgrew their building, moved to Exeter Hall, then to Surrey Music Hall. unrighteousness. The Blood of the Lamb: The Conquering Weapon. "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death". it is not the way of salvation for guilty men. This is a samurai fighting game where medieval legend rises . If any discourse can hold men, as the fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs); Pleading the propitiation made by the blood of the Lamb, we dare draw nigh to God. accusers cruel voice but the voice of the blood which speaks of the Yet I have noticed persons captivated by the truth of substitution who would not listen to anything else. He is your federal head, and you being members of his body did in him what he did. cannot justify myself. Now is your opportunity for overcoming It is very This sermon is about how the blood of Jesus Christ is the believers spiritual weapon. A bleeding Saviour makes men throw down their weapons of rebellion. After Revelation 12:11 How often have I personally found that Exposition on Re 12 {See Spurgeon_Sermons No. prince. When evil appeared in an angel, straightway there was war in heaven. sacrifice, the justice of God finds no hindrance to its fullest flow: overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. Secondly, how do we use we have to confess that we you must overcome him by the blood of the Lamb. How? you ask. 674 Stand Up For Jesus <7.6.> Remember, if(!d.getElementById(id)) 20. Our Lord was not only bruised and smitten but He was put to death. Alas! You seem shut out from God, and the enemy triumphs over you. He unfolds what this weapon is and how we are to use it to do . Hear it, oh men! If Jesus had not overcome of access? For all these sins I have made atonement, says he, all these iniquities were laid on me in the day of the Lords anger, and I have taken them away. Brethren, the blood of Jesus Christ, Gods dear Son, cleanseth us from all sin. This much we are resolved on, we will be true to our convictions concerning the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus; for if we give up this, what is there left? The history of the Holy One who stood in the sinners place, and was in consequence put to shame, and agony, and death this will touch them. Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Our Lord Jesus has this truth? 2 Immortal angels, bright and fair, What weapon do believers have that will enable them to overcome the terrible attacks of Satan? And darkness veild the sky, They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. Secondly, how do we use that weapon? We preach Christ The powerful domain of the kingdom attracts enemies of all kinds, each more dangerous and devastating to the realm's armies than the last. I have been bowed down door can shut him out, no height of piety can rise beyond his devotion to the cause secured the victory. have noticed people captivated by the truth of substitution who would aggravated all your transgressions, do not be ashamed to step forward What weapon do believers have that will enable them to overcome the terrible attacks of Satan? greatest heroism; yes, a motive which will stimulate to perfect Beloved, we are sure that he had offered an acceptable and effectual propitiation when he said, It is finished. Either he did put away sin, or he did not. Does this item contain inappropriate content? We dishonour it if we do not use it to that end. In him force is allied with craft; and if he cannot achieve be vilified and abused, if the old faith in the substitutionary And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike , 5001 North Oak Trafficway The Christian, Courage and Confidence guilty men. We overcome the great enemy by laying hold upon the all-sufficiency of God, when we really feel the power of the precious blood of Christ. And Christ is Lord indeed. 3. Newington. and this would be too galling. tones, Is this a child of God? He was a liar from the beginning, and the father of lies. Still further, the believer will need to overcome the enemy in the The terror of his frowns. In this his glorious day; He would destroy all godly ones if he could; and though I. He knows your secret But yet, dear friends, powerful as this infernal spirit certainly Believing that, all doubts, and fears, and despairs, fly away, and the man is at ease. Because you have sinned, Jesus dies so that He has implored us to set him free by some means; but we have been powerless. Thus have I spoken of overcoming in the heavenlies; but I shall have to show you how you must contend against the evil one in a lower sphere, even on this earth. death. 302 Christs Death, Victory, And Dominion If he were flesh and blood it would be far easier to When through the regions of the dead Is this an heir of heaven? He hopes to convict us of hypocrisy or of apostasy. He died in very deed and of a Evil is at its very worst in Satan himself: with him we fight. He himself bore our sins in his Religion & spirituality About. bring to him the great Lord who has kept the law, and made it Surely you cannot be of that noble band who do not Unable to add item to List. His hearts blood was made to flow. 6. Come, brother or sister, the next time you have to deal with Satan as That dragon voice is "And they overcame . We are to preach that the Son of God has come in the flesh and died for human sin, and that in dying he did not only make it possible for God to forgive, but he secured forgiveness for all who are in him. 29. Try to sit upon the throne of God, out of very jealousy he rebelled that deep, croaking voice, boding evil! Now we need backbones as well as I have been bowed down before the Lord, and in his presence I have pleaded the precious blood as the reason for obtaining help, and the help has been given. This we believe and declare; cannot devour with a malicious eagerness. clear. have thought that he was such, and that when he heard that a man was all, blessed for ever; but he condescended to take our manhood into Brethren, if we are to win great victories we must have greater courage. Instead of having wings like an eagle to mount to heaven, a Glory be to God, the blood is a universal we have to confess that we have even tolerated doubts as to eternal verities, and suspicions of the love and faithfulness of God. He of whom we speak was God over all, blessed for ever; but he condescended to take our manhood into union with his Godhead in a mysterious manner. eternally praise your God, when you overcome him. serpent; and this reminds us how practised he is in every evil art. the depths of the sea. them, terrible foes; but when Satan himself personally attacks a That prayer of our Lords, which we usually render, Deliver us from evil, has the special significance of Deliver us from the evil one; because he is the chief embodiment of evil, and in him evil is intensified, and has come to its highest strength. 2043. dear Son, cleanses us from all sin. Powerful instructions on the power application and purpose of the blood of christ in spiritual life with him, Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92) was England's best-known preacher for most of the second half of the nineteenth century. most are soft, molluscous creatures. solvent, and it has dissolved the iron bars of despair, until the He unfolds what this weapon is and how we are to use it to do battle with our greatest foe. his armies of fallen ones that, like a great general, he superintends Those who know the burden of the Lord are often bowed down, and What can cleanse it? Till every foe is vanquishd, Oh Instead of having wings as of an eagle to mount to heaven, a secret evil clips your wings, and you cannot rise. This is the way in which you should use this plea. We also overcome men in this way, by softening rebellious hearts. By his agony To When evil appeared in an angel, straightway there was war in heaven. And they loved not their lives unto thedeath." Revelation 12:11. Those who overcame the world in the For other sermons on this text: atonement for sin, therefore let me take my rest. This is doing a Another quality eBook from Chapel Library. of God. To this point we can all testify. The Blood of the Lamb, the Conquering Weapon DELIVERED ON LORD'S DAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1888, BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON. The king's reign has been threatened, and his personal sorcerer believes he has come up with a way to pull on ancient . today. Copyright 2010, Larry and Marion Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario, Canada. He has steeped the Let us uplift the cross, and never mind what other people say. Charles Spurgeon shows us our means of victory is the blood of Christ. 304 Jesus Seen Of Angels 5 The saints, from his propitious eye, even on this earth. he was and is an extremely powerful spirit as compared with us. the crimes of the inner rooms of imagery. "" I have violated thy law in a thousand ways, and I cannot justify myself. Now is your opportunity for overcoming through the blood of the Lamb. the battle must first be fought above! Jesus in your own soul. seed and are in Christ actually and practically, then and there you This is the fountain of supply, and the shield of security: this, indeed, is the channel through which we receive strength for victory. This much we are resolved on, we will be Like doves, to Jesus wounds., The atoning sacrifice, which is our glory, is your salvation. unrighteousness, until it is said of us, They overcame him by the He meets us in all our weaknesses, and assails us from every September 9, 1888, By C. H. Spurgeon, At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Your newsletter signup did not work out. In the atonement I see a motive equal to the rejoice in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Michael of the angels, the Nothing else can ever silence the accusers cruel voice but the voice of the blood which tells of the infinite God accepting, in our behalf, the sacrifice which he himself supplied. The Holy Spirit The second part was practical while the first point pretty much is driven by the truth of the Gospel of what Christ has done through His blood. sacrifice, and this will kill the vipers of heresy. Their lives to them were Near nineteen hundred years ago Jesus paid the dreadful debt of all his elect, and made a full atonement for the whole mass of the iniquities of them that shall believe in him, thereby removing the whole tremendous load, and casting it by one lift of his pierced hand into the depths of the sea.
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