They have repeatedly said through the state-controlled media that they had to take over control because the winning party, the NLD, was trying to gain power by voter fraud in the 2020 election. In contrast, Mon political forces that support the NUG as a pro-democracy movement are joining them to promote policies for democratic change and the establishment of a federal union. Consistent with this undertaking, more than half the Council members are civilians, while senior Tatmadaw officials are supporting and implementing civilian rule and administration. These reflect different perspectives about the current realities of the political conflicts within Myanmar. When the Union Election Commission rejected the fraud allegations at the end of January 2021, political tensions in the country rose. 9. Over 14 million people are in humanitarian need, the economy is in crisis, democratic gains have been reversed, and conflict is spreading across the country. In the meantime, there are also social and political actors who do not support either side but urge the Mon people to wait for the moment when the two dominant groups among the Bamar majority become weakened. The political situation in Myanmar has turned complex after the military coup on February 01 this year. Travelers with a valid certificate of full COVID-19 vaccination or a negative PCR test result may apply for a Myanmar visa and visit the country. At the present, the Tatmadaw is working patiently to achieve a situation of stability, peace, and rule of law, dealing with violence by using the lowest possible level of force. What has been considered by some as a Myanmar political crisis followed, with the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) claiming that as many as 8 million cases of fraud could be identified. Such actions have obscured and distorted the truth about the current situation in Myanmar, the strategy being to push the country into a political trap. But, after they have built a strong position, there are many examples where the Bamar groups have got along well and cooperated with each other, while suppressing and ill-treating non-Bamar peoples. In response to non-violent protests against the military attempt to impose a new administration, the people faced a violent crackdown, many were arrested (or their relatives were detained as substitutes), and numerous threats were issued. 13, 2013. After a period of uncertainty, the situation culminated in the coup. Their concerns were as follows: representing the party and participating in the SAC could reduce popularity and peoples support for the MUP; it could affect the unity of the Mon people and unity within the party; the Mon political choice could be criticised; and the future politics of MUP leaders and the new generation of Mon politicians will be shaken. Some areas were restricted for tourists before the coup and the list of locations with limited access may be expanded in the future. This includes 519,500 people displaced by conflict and insecurity since 1 February. Normal life has returned to parts of Yangon however people in the area should still exercise caution. The international community has expressed its concern and disapproval of the recent events in Myanmar. Instead, those who are participating in such violence are being led by the CRPH and a group of hard-core NLD supporters who wish to destroy national peace and stability through violent means. It does not wish to establish a military government, which is not what the majority of the Myanmar people want. Youths from Mon, Karen and Pa-O communities holding anti-dictatorship banner, Mawlamyine, Mon State. China, Russia, India enabling Myanmars military rule: Report, Myanmar warns ASEAN that pressure would be counterproductive, Ukraine-type approach required for Myanmars military: UN expert, Myanmar crisis deepens, UN envoy warns of catastrophic toll. the MUP will not be abolished because of opposition to military rule. During the Spring Revolution, poems, predictions and prophecies were widely shared on social media in order to strengthen the struggle against dictatorship. Therefore, a discussion on vectors of possible Chinese connect in the present political situation in Myanmar is necessary. Against this backdrop of crisis, there have been many other troubles. The security situation is unpredictable and may change at short notice. [2] Contents 1 Political conditions 2 History 2.1 Independence era 2.2 AFPFL/Union government History shows that the sanctions against Myanmar implemented over many years did not accomplish their objective, and instead, led only to undesirable consequences and repercussions. The two leaders discussed the current political situation in Myanmar amid a coup in February, an official at the Chief Minister's Office said, according to news agency PTI. Unethical media and social media have deliberately suppressed news reports of such events, as well as the news of civil servants whose lives have been devastated by various aspects of the CDM. Myanmar Now News reported that on 5 June 2022, two political prisoners were beaten to death and 13 others were injured during a clash inside Mandalay's Obo Prison. The highly volatile situation in Myanmar's Rakhine State adds dangerously to the country's political and religious tensions. People praying in the grounds of a temple in Yangon, Myanmar, the country's largest city. During the Spring Revolution, politicians from the National League of Democracy, which won the 2020 general election, formed a Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. Therefore, from 14 March 2021, martial law was enacted and implemented in the six townships of Yangon region that were in the fifth stage of armed insurrection. Whether it is true or not, these predictions and prophecies have strengthened political movements, with people sharing these stories in order to encourage one another. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Mon people opposing dictatorship point out that the number of Bamar (Burman) people joining the SAC is, in fact, many more than Mon. 11.The civil disobedience movement (CDM) has changed, from one that was aimed merely at stopping government machinery, to an elevated level of threats, pressure and physical attacks that are made against people who did not want to be part of CDM. Myanmar's media have seen a gradual easing of strict state controls since 2011. 27.Now that the Tatmadaw has taken temporary responsibility for the country, it has established the State Administration Council with a five-point agenda for action and nine objectives. 26.The Tatmadaw, as the organization that first implemented the multiparty democratic system in Myanmar, only desires to see a government based on transparent and genuinely fair elections, which are essential for any multiparty democracy. The elections were held on November 8, 2020, and saw the overwhelming victory of the NLD, which won 83% of parliamentary seats. Committee to Protect Journalists says 80 percent of people accused of murdering journalists go unpunished. Myanmar's military has ended its decade-long dalliance with democracy by launching a coup against the nation's most popular political party and the former Nobel Peace Prize winner who leads it. According to the army, the coup was carried out under Section 417 of Myanmars Constitution to investigate alleged fraud during the countrys last general elections. Unethical media and social media have deliberately suppressed news reports of such events, as well as the news of civil servants whose lives have been devastated by various aspects of the CDM. This kind of prophecy is based upon lessons learned from Mon history. 1,000-strong protest march against the SAC coup, Mawlamyine, Mon State capital. A parallel government - National Unity Government (NUG) was announced in April largely . The Tatmadaw continued operating under the rule of the civilian government. And they have been involved, generation after generation, in political movements against dictatorship after independence. Published on Nov 2, 2022. As a result of the military takeover and subsequent COVID-19 third wave, Myanmar suffers an unprecedented level of political, socioeconomic, and human rights rights catastrophe, as well as ongoing shortages. More than 13.2 million . In the early 2010s, at a time when many other parts of the world were making the transition to democracy with much difficulty and bloodshed, Myanmar made a calm and peaceful transition to a democratic system, one of the very few countries to do so. But, Thailand still hasn't outright condemned the coup. Following 10 years of gradual progress on political and economic liberalizationand a landslide victory for the NLD in the 2020 electionthe Burmese army took power in a coup on February 1, 2021, just hours before the newly elected members of Parliament were set to convene. Related to this, some Mon people also believe that the current struggle is not, in reality, an ethnic struggle between Bamar and non-Bamar peoples but a conflict between the two main political forces in mainland Myanmar. On the question of acceptance or rejection, there are also some leaders and members who stayed silent for different reasons. The book examines the different aspects of Myanmar political history and how different domestic and international agencies played a role in the country's political transition. In Nov 2020, Ms Aung San Suu Kyi and her party, National League of Democracy (NLD), won a landslide victory in the elections . With these three words, he was able to kill Ah Lane Mar. A few of the MUP executive committee did not agree with the decision made by the other members. The head of Myanmar's military junta is talking increasingly about holding national elections next year despite the near certainty that prevailing conditions would make a democratic result impossible. On 7 September, the NUG also made a formal announcement to start a national uprising against the SAC as a right of peoples defensive warfare. 1. opening civil society and a more discerning policy towards Myanmar could improve and opportunity in short term within Myanmar, Within ASEAN members and ASEAN. The meeting was to extend solidarity and call for peace among the Zo ethnic people of Myanmar who have become victims of "persecution and atrocities" after the military . A large amount of protests have been held against military rule and are still taking place. There is an increase in levels of Do Not Travel in Thailand (Garbany). Myanmar model who criticised junta says Canada has granted her asylum Thaw Nandar Aung, AKA Han Lay, feared being sent home after she was stopped at Thai border last week Published: 28 Sep 2022 Myanmar | Today's latest from Al Jazeera Myanmar Myanmar warns ASEAN that pressure would be counterproductive Military-ruled Myanmar says it will not 'be bound' by outcome of. Here's how the entire saga started. The current political conflict has had huge impact on Mon politics and society. By November 2021, just 13 percent of Myanmar's 54 million population was fully vaccinated. Parcel bombs are suspected in Insein Prison explosions that reportedly killed three staff and five visitors. Then, on 1 August, the SAC chair and Tatmadaw commander-in-chief, Sen-Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, announced the formation of a caretaker government where he acts as prime minister. However, as peoples of all nationalities believe that the national armed forces (Tatmadaw) may seek to govern under military rule for many more years, different forms of non-violent protest movement quickly broke out across the country. Myanmars efforts were acknowledged by the international community at the time. Members of Parliament from Myanmar discuss the current political situation in their country and the road ahead. With a view to having fully transparent and fair elections, the Tatmadaw repeatedly issued official announcements highlighting the clear evidence found of inflated voter lists, which could potentially be electoral fraud. The primary adverse event which comes to mind is the military takeover in the country, which lasted from 1962-2011!. At a time . Unrest has gripped Myanmar. Also available in. Today, it is indeed sad to see the hatred that some of the Myanmar public hold against the Tatmadaw. Covid-19 and Attacks on Healthcare Workers. On 21 March 2021, 3,250 people (0.006% of total population) took part in demonstrations. Since this time, Mon politics have become divided. Across Myanmar, as of 14 March 2022, 889,900 people remain displaced. Another proof of this is that when the COVID-19 pandemic was affecting Myanmar, the Tatmadaw offered to collaborate in combatting the pandemic but this offer was rejected by the NLD government. The military led State Administrative Council (SAC) which took power with Senior General Min Aung Hlaing as the head of state and government announced the formation of a caretaker government in August. Thus, the current events are being driven towards the creation of a new armed organization, which will affect national security. The Myanmarmilitary has seized power by staging a coup.They have detained Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other elected officials from the National League of Democracy party. The United Nations has also expressed concern regarding a humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. 4. The military took the easiest way out. After the coup, the SAC approached leaders of the Mon Unity Party, a political party which supports the Mon people, two times. . Rebel group says civilians among those killed in attack on event marking founding of Kachin Independence Organisation. Then, when the peafowl are tired, Hongsa will eat them up. The Tatmadaw is also taking measures to progress towards a Union of Myanmar based on a federal democratic system. Can impunity for those committing crimes against journalists end? All rights reserved by Global New Light Of Myanmar. Small countries such as Myanmar are subject to pressure on all sides from superpowers. Therefore people say that they do not want to live again under military leaders who are self-centred and only concerned about their personal positions. Under the term Social Punishment, innocent civil servants and citizens were publicly threatened or shamed with a variety of methods, and in addition, physically tortured and murdered, just because they did not join the CDM or had different beliefs. Risk and difficulties There has been widespread unrest in Myanmar since the coup. Foreigners should regularly check this website as well as a reliable news and government announcements for the latest updates. Some of the township-level members also resigned from the party because they did not want to accept the leadership decision. Myanmar has seen a very rocky transformation in its politics from the years 1948-1962. Consequently, doctors and nurses from the medical corps of the Tatmadaw have stepped in to serve these patients and have opened the Tatmadaw health care facilities to the public and are providing free-of-cost healthcare services. For this reason, the public in Myanmar have desired to show their opposition towards a political system where a military regime will become dominant once again. There are many Mon people who are against any type of dictatorship and, among Mon political groups, only the MUP joined the SAC. As a result, government forces committed continued abuses to ethnic minorities such as Kachin, Karen, Rakhine, and Rohingya. 15.In the first days of March, members of the CRPH, some NLD Party members and NLD supporters from behind the scenes organized anarchic mobs to an elevated level of new violence, forcing the close-down and barricades of public roads, vandalizing and destroying public offices, conducting violent group attacks on those who did not support NLD, and implementing armed attacks on security forces. The political crisis swept away Myanmar's unsteady but firm foundation and reversed almost a decade of democratic reforms and progress achieved. A military coup led by Myanmar took place on 1 February 2021. There were three words of warning that Ma Gadu ordered his warriors to follow at the dinner table: (1) MaZa warriors to stop drinking; (2) Mone Zone warriors to enjoy food and rice until full; and (3) MapZap warriors to take out their swords and spears, killing Ah Lane Mars warriors. Efforts to find solutions to any issue should include an analysis of the issue from all perspectives. 20.Unethical media outlets and agencies have suppressed the truth and prevented much of the public from learning what happened. The move by the Tatmadaw to take over state power temporarily was not a pre-planned one. 24-February 2021 sees continuing anti-coup protests. Proof that the CRPH and NLD hard-core supporters are the main instigators of this dangerous trend can be found in the social media posts of CRPH and NLD supporters themselves. These are the lessons that Mon people have learned from dominant forces among the Bamar majority in Myanmar politics. The Myanmar political situation has changed due to the February Burma military coup in February 2021. With regard to the Myanmar public and the existing political difficulties, analysis and solutions based on hard facts are required, rather than emotions. Subsequently, King Ma Gadu became ruler of Mottama, taking over the territory of Hanthawaddy and creating a famous Mon Kingdom. Thursday. From the list of 39.2 million eligible voters issued by the Union Electoral Commission (UEC), there is now clear evidence of fraud involving 10.4 million so-called votes. The state of emergency has been extended and remains in place in 2022. Thus, according to this prophecy, the lesson is that, when the Bamar people are fighting, the Mon people should not get involved but watch. The SPDC maintains strong opposition to outside influences, which might be driven by an exaggerated fear of external interference in Myanmar, including a possible invasion by the United States. The lesson is that, even if they have to make an alliance with the enemy, it could be in the Mon interest to do so as a stratagem. Such actions have obscured and distorted the truth about the current situation in Myanmar, the strategy being to push the country into a political trap. Amidst countrywide breakdown, some leaders have accepted cooperation with the SAC, others declare support for the opposition National Unity Government, while others urge caution for the Mon people. As they explain, the entire Mon people did not join hands with a military that is seeking to exercise dictatorship. The history of King Ma Gadu is another story that encourages the political mind of the Mon people: an example of how they were able to rebuild their kingdom when the Bamar people from Bagan were disunited. In conclusion, even when the uprising against dictatorship is over and those struggling for democracy win, the Mon people will continue fighting against dictators who might appear in the future, and they will never stop the revolutionary movement to advance and achieve the just right of self-determination. Myanmar has increasingly and steadily been opening to international travel and business in recent years. But the struggle against military rule still continues, and the Mon people are still on the path of revolution against dictatorship. It is not possible for such a country to stand on its own, and Myanmar wishes to have collaboration with friendly nations. Last year, the 21-year-old won a conditional place at a university in the United States, pending . Insurgencies have been ongoing in Myanmar since 1948, the year the country, then known as Burma, gained independence from the United Kingdom. where benefits extend far beyond power politics. According to Myanmar's politics situation, THE MYANMAR TIMES issue the announcement that journals, websites and pages were suspend for three months. Sentence appears to be the longest jail term given to a member of Aung San Suu Kyis overthrown government and party. Nurturing the seeds of democracy was a challenging task, as a study of Myanmars history will show. In recent years, India and Myanmar have opened land crossings along their border to tourists and visitors. 7. The Myanmar political situation has changed due to the February Burma military coup in February 2021. More than 13.2 million people are food insecure, about 40 percent of the population is living below the poverty line and 1.3 million are internally displaced. However, the UEC had not done so. At the same time, the Tatmadaw is guiding Myanmar on the path to democracy. Myanmar: The Politics of Rakhine State. Copyright 2021. 8. Meanwhile, many of the anti-coup protesters, students and leaders who fled to areas administered by EAOs attended short-term military training classes, and some also formed Peoples Defence Forces. In reply, Mon actors are providing different answers. The SAC leaders said that they took political power in accordance with the law. It covers Myanmar in the following historical antecedent: pre-independence to the first civilian government; the subsequent political transition from civilian . Ma Gadu, who was a village leader in the Ta Kaw Wun area near Thaton, let his sister marry his enemy the Mottama mayor, Ah Lane Mar, to form an alliance. However, the government had ignored or rejected all these attempts to resolve the situation and had tried to call a session of the new Hluttaw to form a new government, based on the fraudulent results of the 2020 elections. National League for Democracy officials, civilian leaders and civil society activists across the country have been detained; communications were cut and continue to be sporadic, isolating citizens even further. There is a culture rooted in Myanmar, where people set their preferences, making future plans based on these predictions and prophecies. COVID-19 restrictions in Myanmar are being eased gradually. "Myanmar's precarious situation is consequential for Southeast . His story continues to live on and has resonance in Mon communities today. In just over a year since the military takeover on February 1, 2021, these symptoms have increased dramatically. However, due to the extreme violence, there have been unavoidable injuries and losses on both sides. After traveling all over the world, I finally understand where my heart belongs - Burma. 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