agricultural products due to drought conditions) to downstream disruption which could impact logistics providers, access to markets or consumer behaviour. We draw on climate model forecasts to showcase how the climate has changed and could continue to change, how a changing climate creates new risks and uncertainties, and what steps can be taken to best manage them. Assessment of corporate issuers' climate change exposure and management practices to identify leaders and laggards when it comes to preparedness for transition to a low carbon economy. Physical risk results from direct damage to insured assets by weather and climatic events In this report, we link climate models with economic projections to examine nine cases that illustrate exposure to climate change extremes and proximity to physical thresholds. Fitch Ratings ESG Relevance Scores, illustrated in Figure 3, reveal how our analysts integrate ESG credit considerations into their credit analysis and ratings. Moreover, oil and gas increasingly face litigation from NGOs and members of the public for not performing a duty of care on the climate change issue. climate risk compared to It does this through evaluating the possible occurrence of different physical There has been a tremendous amount of support for the TCFD. And as we see increasing weather disasters, sea-level rise, flooding & extreme heat, water shortage, and climate migration, business wont be able to continue as usual. The pool has an unusually low average loan-to-value ratio of 49.6%, with 94% of fixed-rate mortgages under 30 years duration, and 90% of payments made on time in the past 2 years. Functional cookies, which are necessary for basic site functionality like keeping you logged in, are always enabled. Figure 5. valuation, universe, or Something went wrong. (The technical threshold we employed is a three-day heatwave with wet-bulb temperatures of 34 degrees Celsius. Ratings may be changed or withdrawn at any time for any reason in the sole discretion of Fitch. All Rights Reserved. It is now widely recognised that climate-related impacts are not just a future threat. southern parts of Africa and in the Arctic, average temperatures have risen by 0.2 and 0.5 degrees Celsius and by 4 to 4.3 degrees Celsius. "However, most climate analysis focuses on the impacts of steps to limit temperature rises, such as carbon prices or clean energy investment. Nevertheless, some of these risks will be unavoidable. With Sustainalytics Carbon Ratings & Research and Physical Climate Risk Metrics, investors can identify, assess and manage climate-related investment risks and opportunities. Geographical characteristics (concentration, insurance coverage) can heavily influence probability of default (PD) emerging from natural disasters, but it is important to understand the extent to which these risks are managed. These often-devastating Physical Climate Risk events grab the media's attention and are widely reported. Case studies. Broadly, climate risk is the formal assessment of the consequences, likelihoods, and responses to the implications of climate change and how societal constraints shapes adaptation choices. These include upstream disruption of critical inputs (e.g. We have not conducted a detailed bottom-up cost-benefit analysis of adaptation but have built on existing literature and expert interviews to understand the most important measures and their indicative cost, effectiveness, and implementation challenges, and to estimate the expected global adaptation spending required. next 10-20 years). Global geospatial analysis. Sign up to receive curated insights and perspective from KPMG in Canada on the top issues facing management, boards and audit committees. Drought is an example of a chronic physical risk. This mortgage pool consists of very high-quality 30- and 25-year, fixed-rate, fully amortizing loans to borrowers with strong credit profiles, relatively low leverage, and large liquid reserves. countries and hazard High-resolution estimations of future probability and severity of natural hazards are produced at a local level, incorporating weather and contextual geographic data. To inform our selection of cases, we considered over 30 potential combinations of climate hazards, sectors, and geographies based on a review of the literature and expert interviews on the potential direct impacts of physical climate hazards. The share of the Northern Hemisphere (in square kilometers) that experiences an extremely hot summerthree-standard-deviation hotter average temperature in a given summerhas increased from zero to half a percent. A separate geospatial assessment examines six indicators to assess potential socioeconomic impact in 105 countries. Understanding physical climate risk exposure is an essential first step to engaging with investees or loan clients on the resilience-measures they may require to mitigate their risk. Despite these metrics, a number of negative factors are driving the overall elevated ESG Relevance Score of 5, indicating a direct impact on the ratings driven by Exposure to Environmental Impacts (see Figure 4). Will infrastructure bend or break under climate stress? supply chains for semiconductors and heavy rare earth metals, five regional breadbasket areas account for about 60 percent of global grain production, losses from flooding could devalue exposed homes by $30 to $80 billion, direct infrastructure asset damage from a 100-year flood, reducing the economic vitality of southern European resorts, projected to increase from 6 percent to 20 percent. Approximately 43% of the pool is concentrated in Louisiana and an additional 33% in Texas, resulting in a 1.16 PD adjustment for the geographic concentration and increasing expected loss (EL) by 104 basis points (bps). Globally, economic losses from natural disasters reached US$133 billion in 2019, only around US$56 billion of which were insured, according to the Swiss Re Foundation. Several tools from private organizations that are well-used by both private Loss of property value from catastrophic events linked to climate change is more and more common. These could arise from a change in the physical environment, such as new places for agricultural production, or for sectors like tourism, as well as through the use of new technologies and approaches to manage risk in a changing climate. This is then supplemented by a shorter form practical summary guidance of steps for investors to take, which complements the core guidance report. Intensifying climate hazards could put millions of lives at risk, as well as trillions of dollars of economic activity and physical capital, and the worlds stock of natural capital. All Fitch reports have shared authorship. Calculating physical risk: hazards and vulnerabilities. Examples of recent weather events that have been linked to. Measuring and managing these risks is integral for companies to reduce long-term financial risk. 1 according to a 2020 study by mckinsey, in ho chi minh city direct infrastructure asset damage from a 100-year flood could rise from between us$200 and us$300 million today to us$500 million to us$1 billion in 2050. See Figure 4 for a visual comparison of the climate risk under the best-case and worst-case scenarios. Indirect physical risks from climate change can be significant, and most organizations are still early in the journey of fully understanding the implications. Through this micro approach, we offer decision makers a methodology by which to assess direct physical climate risk, its characteristics, and its potential knock-on impacts. Read the Privacy Policy to learn how this information is used. time periods and Can coastal cities turn the tide on climate risk? Developed and tested in the market since 2006, The Climate Risk Engines now provide the most sophisticated analysis available world wide. The physical risks are gradual and reveal dominant effects after 2050, while the transition risks are near term (e.g. company/security All rights reserved. That means the average day in many locations is now hotter (shifting means), and extremely hot days are becoming more likely (fattening tails). 2. Both physical and transition risks should be considered when trying to reduce financial risk. Over the same period that the Earth globally has warmed by 1.1 degrees, in southern parts of Africa and in the Arctic, average temperatures have risen by 0.2 and 0.5 degrees Celsius and by 4 to 4.3 degrees Celsius, respectively. We note some evidence of insurers withdrawing from high wildfire risk areas, such as parts of California, but in most cases, these properties would be covered by standard insurance policies. What does good physical climate risk disclosure look like. --Key metrics to assess the physical and financial impact of physical climate risk on companies. Such fees generally vary from US$ 1,000 to US$750,000 (or the applicable currency equivalent) per issue. Companies need to incorporate the consideration of physical risks across the enterprise risk framework and audit committees will need to ask questions about how this is being done. Nearly a quarter of the pool is located in an area recently listed by federal agencies as a natural disaster area in response to Hurricane Barry in 2019. These areas account for nearly 40% of the pool. All our lethal heatwave projections are subject to uncertainty related to the future behavior of atmospheric aerosols and urban heat island or cooling island effects). The methodologies are designed to enable banks to be . One of the difficulties for companies attempting to identify physical risk is that these risks come in different forms and could affect different parts of the value chain. These risks are longer-term and pervasive. What Is Greenwashing and How Can Businesses Avoid It? Arbol's physical climate risk assessment services help businesses assess climate risks. A physical risk is the climate risk resulting from extreme events due to climate change. For more detail about the structure of the KPMG global organization please visit Climate risk manifests in two ways: physical riskthe first-order risks arising from weather-related events and transition risk the risks associated with the transition to a lower-carbon economy. We also find physical climate risks are increasing across our global country analysis even as some countries find some benefits (such as expected increase in agricultural yields in countries such as Canada). Start with climate risk. Assessments and rankings are calculated across RCP2.6 and RCP8.5, as well as for five points in time: current The economics of adaptation could worsen in some geographies over time, for example, those exposed to rising sea levels. One such element in the case of catastrophe risk is Exposure to Environmental Impacts. Figure 2 shows the ESG template for RMBS transactions. The Climate Risk Platform provides added value for institutional investors as well as managers and operators with several assets by comparing the relative performance of assets and portfolios. The information in this report is provided as is without any representation or warranty of any kind, and Fitch does not represent or warrant that the report or any of its contents will meet any of the requirements of a recipient of the report. Investors use Fitchs ESG Relevance Scores to understand the level of credit-specific ESG risk being captured in the credit ratings of entities or transactions in their portfolios. PUBLISHED RATINGS, CRITERIA, AND METHODOLOGIES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THIS SITE AT ALL TIMES. What are Climate Management and Accounting Platforms? This Climate Change Physical Risk Toolkit helps asset owners and managers better understand and manage the potential physical impacts of climate change on their investments. scenarios, making it easy Figure 1. Our solution for asset managers allows for credible footprint reporting of your portfolio with minimal effort. Physical climate impacts are spreading across regions, even as the hazards and their impacts grow more intense within regions. The average share of effective annual outdoor working hours lost due to extreme heat in exposed regions globally could increase from 10 percent today to 10 to 15 percent by 2030 and 15 to 20 percent by 2050. All Rights Reserved. in combination with the The telecom industry is exposed to several Material ESG Issues, including Data Privacy and Security, Business Ethics, Human Capital and Product Governance. Seven characteristics stand out. We measure the impact of climate change by the extent to which it could disrupt or destroy human life, as well as physical and natural capital. requirements with Similarly, the automotive sector is also prone to face transition risks as the world moves to electric vehicles. Physical risk has two forms: chronic and acute, where chronic refers to steady changes in climate patterns and acute refers to the increased frequency and severity of extreme climatic events such as hurricanes and floods. June 1, 2020 - Measurabl, the world's most widely adopted ESG software for commercial real estate, today releases new feature Physical Climate Risk Exposure (PCRX . Scientists find that the rapid decline in the planets surface ice cover provides further evidence. One of the biggest challenges could stem from using the wrong models to quantify risk. response to reporting Persefonis Integration Hub improves the carbon accounting process by automating the collection of your activity data and the calculation of your carbon footprint. We enable organizations and financial institutions to create regulatory-grade carbon footprint inventories and climate disclosures. Lethal heat waves show less of a correlation with per capita GDP, but it is important to note that several of the most affected countriesBangladesh, India, and Pakistan, to name a fewhave relatively low per capita GDP levels. Will the world's breadbaskets become less reliable? Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts. Moving beyond basic exposure assessment, the analysis includes insights into both activities and direct damage to assets independently. All other trademarks and company names are property of their respective owners. Both physical and transition risks should be considered when trying to reduce financial risk. At Fitch, we use a two-layer approach to integrating climate risk into US residential mortgage-backed security (RMBS) loan loss expectations: 1. Physical risks are what comes to mind when most people think of climate risks. Hamid Samandari is a senior partner in the New York office. The risk carried by these changes is called physical risk. For public companies and businesses with private equity investors, carbon disclosures are a critical compliance activity to retain access to capital. They show that the direct risk from climate hazards is determined by the severity of the hazard and its likelihood, the exposure of various stocks of capital (people, physical capital, and natural capital) to these hazards, and the resilience of these stocks to the hazards (for example, the ability of physical assets to withstand flooding). When taken together, investors can assess their holistic exposure to climate risk. capital markets and to Physical risks from climate change Climate change means we may face more frequent events like flooding, droughts and storms. and acute risks (risks that are event-driven and increasing in severity, such as floods, hurricanes and wildfires). Following standard practice, our findings are therefore framed as statistically expected valuesthe statistically expected average impact across a range of probabilities of higher or lower climate outcomes. Although all companies will be affected and should assess their transition risk, some industries will be hit significantly harder than others. Climate change poses risks to the financial stability of organizations: physical and transitional. related to climate change. However, all of these measures still revolve around fossil fuels as a source of energy. Derive proprietary At that point, the urban heat island effect could increase the wet-bulb temperature to 35 degrees Celsius. 800+ ESG research analysts across our global offices. Urban areas in India and Pakistan may be the first places in the world to experience such lethal heatwaves (Exhibit 6). Whilst physical risks are generating . The SEC proposed new rules that, when adopted, will require your company to disclose its carbon footprint in reports it files with the SEC. Why ESG Investors Follow the Elon Musk Twitter Takeover. will affect the operations of an organization. Research Reports For example, the evolution of the distribution of observed average summer temperatures for each 100-by-100-kilometer square in the Northern Hemisphere shows that the mean summer temperature has increased over time (Exhibit 3). In statistical terms, distributions of temperature are shifting to the right (towards warmer temperatures) and broadening. Under the "hot house world" scenario, the ECB frontloaded physical risks that were expected beyond the 2050 timeframe. Figure 4. In this report, we focus on understanding the nature and extent of physical risk from a changing climate over the next one to three decades, exploring physical risk as it is the basis of both transition and liability risks. Climate related risks are created by a range of hazards. [1] They can be categorised either as acute - if they arise from climate and weather-related events and an acute destruction of the environment, or chronic - if they arise from progressive shifts in . In much the same way, organizations with headquarters in Manhattan or Miami will be subject to recurrent flooding events as sea level rises. It's a CEO-led group composed of 14 global institutional investors representative of all continents and asset classes, with more than $9 trillion2 in assets under management. In this report, we measure the impact of climate change by the extent to which it could affect human beings, human-made physical assets, and the natural world. How to Choose, Use, and Better Understand Climate-Risk Analytics. Societies and systems most at risk are ones already close to physical and biological thresholds. Otherwise, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Regressive: The poorest communities and populations within each of our cases typically are the most vulnerable. Will mortgages and markets stay afloat in Florida? During their inception, RCPs were designed to collectively sample the range of then-probable future emission pathways, ranging from lower (RCP 2.6) to higher (RCP 8.5) CO2 concentrations. As such, these cases represent leading-edge examples of climate change risk. Learn more now. Persefoni + Workiva & the PwC Perspective, Persefoni Signs Climate Pledge & Carbon Call, Persefoni Announces the Portfolio Analytics Suite, Kawamori named EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022 PS Finalist. We focus on three sectors with long-dated assets that can be located with precision: U.S. municipal bonds, commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) and electric utilities. Transition risk has historically been a focal point in considering the impacts of climate change. ESG Template for RMBS Transactions, Waste & Hazardous Materials Management; Ecological Impacts, Environmental site risk and associated remediation/liability costs, sustainable building practices, including Green building certificate credentials, Asset operations and/or cash flow exposure to extreme weather events and other catastrophe risk, including but not limited to flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes, Human Rights, Community Relations, Access & Affordability, Customer WelfareFair Messaging, Privacy & Data Security, Compliance risks including fair lending practices, mis-selling, repossession/foreclosure practices, consumer data protection (data security), Macroeconomic factors and sustained structural shifts in secular preferences affecting consumer behavior and underlying mortgages and/or mortgage availability, Rule of Law, Institutional and Regulatory Quality, Jurisdictional legal risks, regulatory effectiveness, supervisory oversight, foreclosure laws, government support and intervention, Asset isolation, resolution/insolvency remoteness, legal structure, structural risk mitigants, complex structures, Counterparty risk, origination, underwriting and/or aggregator standards, borrower/lessee/sponsor risk, originator/servicer/manager/operational risk. Subscribed to {PRACTICE_NAME} email alerts. 4 Climate change can both amplify traditional risks and create new risks. Climate adaptations such as sea wall defenses, desalination, and new agricultural techniques will create many opportunities. exposure through For each of these systems, we identify a measure, or measures, of the impact of climate change, using indicators where possible as identified in our cases. Physical risks are the more obvious climate-related financial risks. Learn what they are and what you can do to mitigate them. In general, the land surface has warmed faster than the 1.1-degree global average, and the oceans, which have a higher heat capacity, have warmed less. In the future, hazard intensification will likely assume a greater role. Physical Risk & Resilience Tools: An update on the physical risk and resilience initiative at OS-Climate Oct 5 2022 @ 4:00 PM CEST/10:00 AM ET Watch Here Physical Risk & Vulnerability Modeling Speakers: Matt Sandoe from BNP Paribas, Joe Moorhouse from BNP Paribas, Nikolaos Dimakis from Federated Hermes, and Truman Semans CEO of OS-Climate Physical Risks are typically defined as risks which arise from the physical effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Welcome to the official blog of Persefoni. All rights reserved. Ideally, chip manufacturers would expand their capacity to meet pent-up demand, but more than half of the world's microchips are manufactured in Taiwan using a process that requires large amounts of fresh waterand Taiwan is experiencing one of its worst droughts in history. Executive Director next 10-20 years). Today, about 25 percent of the Earths land area has already experienced a shift in climate classification compared with the 190125 period. We partner with the leading firms across consulting, technology, and standards setters to bring the best end-to-end solutions to our customers. Transition risks, however, are more intangible. According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 119 weather and climate disasters that each entailed more than US$1 billion in property damage have occurred in the United States since 2010roughly twice the number of such events that occurred in the previous decade. Fitch receives fees from issuers, insurers, guarantors, other obligors, and underwriters for rating securities. Preparers of reports will require data and information (both qualitative and quantitative) on physical climate change risks. --How Physical Climate Risk Metrics can be used as a part of the . We show how physical climate risks vary greatly by region, drawing on the latest granular climate modeling and big data techniques. Risks arising from the physical effects of climate change can directly affect the value of assets. Although all large companies will be affected by the physical risks of climate change to some degree, certain geographies are more susceptible than others. In 2018, the Investor Leadership Network (ILN) was launched at that year's G7 meeting. For example, supply chains are often designed for efficiency over resiliency, by concentrating production in certain locations and maintaining low inventory levels. The rising risk of property value loss related to catastrophic events increases the importance of distinguishing projected mortgage pool losses between pools, based on exposure to natural disaster risk. XDI uses material-specific models to define asset-level vulnerability to specific physical forces that arise as a result of physical hazards. Sustainable Finance: What Is It and Why Is It Important? RCP 8.5, because of the higher-emissions, lower-mitigation scenario it portrays, in order to assess physical risk in the absence of further decarbonization. For example, current models may not sufficiently take into account geospatial dimensions or assumptions could be based on historical precedent that no longer applies. There are three kinds of financial risk caused by climate change: physical, transition and liability risk. Manage portfolio We primarily rely on past examples and empirical estimates for this assessment of knock-on effects, which is likely not exhaustive given the complexities associated with socioeconomic systems. There are variations between countries and within countries. Key Messages Historically, physical climate risk was accounted by banks, insurance and financial regulators only in the context of NatCat. The risk associated with the impact on workability from rising heat and humidity is one example of how poorer countries could be more vulnerable to climate hazards. similar types of assets, To prepare for the physical risks of climate change, organizations must conduct climate risk assessments., nine specific cases where climate change extremes are measurable. What are physical climate risks? Through our case studies, we also assess the knock-on effects that could occur, for example to downstream sectors or consumers. Therefore, there is an urgent need for better market information to enable business and finance to factor physical climate risks into their operations, decision-making and financial reporting. The intensification of climate hazards across regions will bring areas hitherto unexposed to impacts into new risk territory. Irrelevant to the transaction or program ratings and irrelevant to the sector. We'll email you when new articles are published on this topic. Economic and financial systems have been designed and optimized for a certain level of risk and increasing hazards may mean that such systems are vulnerable when they reach systemic thresholds. For cities, a climate focus will become essential for urban planning decisions. hazards (coastal Will mortgages and markets stay afloat in Florida? Net Zero Insurance Alliance: A Quick Guide, Reduce to Net Zero With Persefoni Webinar Recap, Decarbonization: Definition, Examples, and Why Its Needed, Plan and Level up Your Decarbonization Journey with Persefoni's Reduce Footprint, Inflation Reduction Act: Impact on State and Local Governments. It has a combined loan-to-value (CLTV) ratio of 68%. Further warming is locked in for the next decade because of physical inertia in the geophysical system. Climate science tells us that further warming and risk increase can only be stopped by achieving zero net greenhouse gas emissions. Multiple studies of US Federal Emergency Management Agency natural disaster areas find a significant detrimental effect on local property values, accounting for other factors, driven by higher insurance premiums and anticipation of future damage. Learn how Persefonis knowledge of financial markets drives positive outcomes for private and public financial institutions. Food production is also heavily concentrated; just, Financial markets could bring forward risk recognition in affected regions, with consequences for capital allocation and insurance cost and availability. Easily calculate your organizations carbon footprint to assemble a complete greenhouse gas inventory across Scope 1, 2, and 3. There are, however, also opportunities for investment and innovation in sustainable solutions to these issues. The risk exposure assessment is intended to assess the extent to which a company is exposed to a material issue (or Key Issue). Physical climate risks refer to the impact of changing climate conditions on asset integrity and business operations. We ultimately chose nine cases to reflect these systems and based on their exposure to the extremes of climate change and their proximity today to key physiological, human-made, and ecological thresholds. Investors can learn how geographical characteristics influence probability of default emerging from natural disasters. The percentage of a companys total assets under a high risk of damage from physical hazards. It's challenging but not impossible, to assess, disclose and manage risks. climate risks through their A self-proclaimed free speech absolutist, Musk has criticized what he views as excessive moderation on online platforms, indicating his desire to ease Twitters content moderation policies and only remove content deemed illegal by governments. Our solution for asset owners allows for credible and comprehensive footprint reporting with minimal effort. Will the world's breadbaskets become less reliable? We find these hazards affect five different key socioeconomic systems: livability and workability, food systems, physical assets, infrastructure services, and natural capital. extreme wind, flooding,
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