I use to troubleshoot spanning-tree issues in the past, so I enjoyed building the algorithm from the ground up and seeing it operate instead. I know some students enroll this class think it is easy, but get a C instead. Most projects had a walkthrough provided to help with getting set up and started, and study guides for the exams. The Instructor did some office hours around the first test but sort of checked out after that. After the first few stupid questions I wouldve given up being a TA and have taken another class instead. The projects were simple and typically didnt require much effort assuming basic Python knowledge; Less than 2 hours each. Projects all very simple taking on the order of 3-5 hours. The projects were mostly fair and interesting with the exception of the 2nd project, which was more difficult than necessary and was an all or nothing shot. Lectures are opaque and slides often covered with tons of unintelligible scribbles that make them impossible to study from. Readings Research papers were interesting. Just be prepared to do the work and allocate some time to study before the tests. You should be ready to read lengthy Research Papers for the Tests as well. I think the instructors were probably doing the best they could with the atrocious class they were given. And, although I perhaps put in more hours than others with a more relevant background, I found the time commitment very manageable, given I have a full-time, minimal other commitments, and was taking only this class. Projects varied between writing code and writing papers, but each project was interesting and manageable with enough lead time. so do yourself a favor a stick to one of those. I consider myself an advanced-skill developer. definitely used to guide exam questions. Projects are ok. There was no team work either, which I believe is really important for such classes as we learn from each other. Was Actually Spring 2019 but theres no option for that yet. This course is a great course for new students or as part of a harder semester. I tried to ensure my questions were concise, clear (sighting examples where possible), and demonstrated that I understood the related material throughly. The lectures were very interesting, the projects very fun but got some troubles to understand what I had to do on some of them losing some time, also we got some troubles with the virtual machines. Exams were essentially rote memorization of the material presented in lecture slides/canvas modules. Continuing with the theme, this class was not easy. Im not a die-hard networking fan, but the material discussed was interesting enough not to make me bored. If you make it past this project, 12-16 hours in two weeks, its downhill from here. I got 68%, 61% and 74% and that drug me down to 88% for the class. Link to source codehttps://github.com/abhishekjain1991/GPU_Pipeline_simulation_using_Matlab.gitLink to SDN coursehttp://gtnoise.net/classes/cs6250/spring2014. Search for jobs related to Cs6250 gatech github or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 21m+ jobs. Lots of reading on research papers. They were quick with grades and responding to questions on Piazza and were very helpful. Projects 6 and 7 (the SDN firewall and BGP hijacking projects) were more tedious than anything else. It almost seemed the course was being artificially loaded to ensure students dont give it an easy rating. Good course. Otherwise I would highly recommend this class. Be prepared to be frustrated while testing your code you will not get it right easily. Each project is released 2 weeks before the due date, so you can work ahead about 2 weeks. What you get out of this class depends on what you put into it, and this means reading the referenced papers, watching the videos, and reviewing all of the mininet programming (not just what youre assigned to work on). The remainder of the projects concerned fundamentals (e. g. graph search over a topology) or were follow-along demonstrations of topics we read about in journal articles. As if Wikipedia is the fountain of knowledge!! The assignments were easy for me, but I use Python as a primary language and have used *nix systems for almost all my work for the last 5 years. Good way to get an introduction to how OMSCS courses are run without a lot of pressure. The projects were fairly basic and were not challenging from a programming point of view (I had relatively minimal experience with Python before the course, but pick up scripting languages pretty easily). The material of this course is very boring and most of the stuff are theories or concepts. Lectures are informative, interesting, and well constructed. I recommend it if you want some good content, but not a lot of it. As I mentioned, I can only say good things about the content of the book because the class/lecture content was basically nothing more than that. They are open book, but with a 30 minute cap. I feel hes truly altruistic and I wouldnt be able to be like him. Most projects are not challenging and the exams are checking your memorization instead of your understanding of the concepts. The 9 assignments and quizzes were not all that useful though to learning the course material. If you can average a high C in the exams (easily doable) and got full marks on all your projects, youll walk out with a good amount of knowledge gained and an A. Ok class, pretty easy material. This course was OK, although I cant say it will be one of the more memorable ones when I complete the program. I really enjoyed the content. In these projects, weve conducted experiments with the Mininet virtual networking software and written Python implementations of network device functionality. The TAs make the learning so much more easy. Dont waste your time with prepping before the class. If you review the quiz answers, youll do well enough. Fairly boring lectures, very dry material. Just do the projects, which are almost spoon-fed to you, as the instructions explain almost everything, make sure you at least somewhat understand the lectures, and you should get an A. The lectures went into pretty good detail about the content and were enjoyable to watch. This course is an easy A if you have inexhaustible patience. Project 3: Distance Vector (Medium) The programming assignments were downright awful. Worked in power distribution since then. The Youtube videos that Head TAs put out at the beginning of the project makes the whole project solving experience so much easier. The Jupyter notebook environment is also unstable. There were generally ways to test your projects. The course is very well structured and the projects have clear, well-written requirements. Im quite experienced in Networking and this course was pretty easy for me. This homework is quite break my thanksgiving. The hardest part of this class is the lectures. Python. Its recommended that you know about data structures up to something like Hash Tables. It was a lot of trying to determine between two answer choices with some minor differences in description, so it was either you remembered the exact wording or you dont. It was my first semester, and I took this class along with another course (IOS) in anticipation that CN would be pretty light, given the reviews. Project 6 was the most time consuming and took me about 15 hours to complete. The assignment wasnt difficult but it did take a lot of time. ! The class is text based and works very well with text-based flash cards such as Anki. We were told that for P4, he checked your submission manually if it gets below an autograded 100. TAs very unresponsive, project documentation is lacking, oh and they revised the project several business days after releasing it after they emphasized starting projects early. Dont take this course if you want to learn as much as possible in this program and take classes that are a good value. The assignments helps the material stick with you. This was my first OMCS course and my day-job is in Network Engineering. The 2nd and 3rd assignments were the most challenging of the 8. I never took a networks course in undergrad so the content here was entirely new but I can undoubtedly say I learned a lot and have gained more interest in related topics. I think I would have been fine without any prior knowledge of computer networks. The exam guides are great and if you go through and answer each question and then go back over the answers a couple times, then you should get fairly high exam marks. This was a challenging but very enlightening course. Im giving this one a hearty meh. Itd be better to use a vendor VM than to have students hamstringed by Mininet (for this assignment). I would STRONGLY recommend getting Project 2 and 3 to pass ALL TESTS. Projects 60%. The TAs were very helpful and effective and made the course successful. Overall, I loved the class! You dont even have to watch any of the lectures and you can still be very succesful (grade wise) in this course. Just print the transcripts, and memorize them for the exams. Overall the course has been awesome. Reworking the assignment description by chopping out redundant/unnecessary content (i.e., most of the descriptions appendix) is essential here so that what students derive from this experience is focused on seeing how an OpenFlow controller works in action. This course is a disappointment. You need to carefully assign IP addresses and draw a topology diagram properly so that you can translate the topology into a bunch of config files, yes config files again! Use the test suite provided by the TAs on Piazza to verify. 0-30 points (junk, bad review) I already watched them in 2x speed but I never made it past the first 15 mins without falling asleep and stop myself from thinking about how the lecturer never failed to pause every 3-word to finish a sentence (gotta give him some props for this level of consistency). MAJOR kudos to Head TA Stacia Stokes this semester for always going above and beyond and staying on top of everything! I found this one much easier than even IOS. The professor for the semester was really hands off. Overall, I found the class to be very well organized. Still, they arent unfair and if you complete the test preparation questions you should be fine. Software Defined Networking (12%) I had a pretty extensive background in networking prior to this exam having worked as a penetration tester and as a system administrator, but I wanted a bit more theory to balance out my practical experience. I ended up failing the first project because I hadnt realized how differently the auto grader was than the test scenarios. TAs, other than the lead TA, were mostly absent from Piazzaand on the weekends before assignments were due, instructors were for the most part MIA. For example, it presents TCP details very clearly and methodically, whereas the lectures assumed you were familiar already, so it was somewhat scattered. For the summer semester, there were 5 projects and 2 tests. It is generally assumed you have a working knowledge of computer networks, and there will be little hand holding here. Quiz: Only drawback was that the professor was almost entirely absent, with somewhat dated lectures coming from a professor who has been at another university for a few years now. Tests werent easy, but were fair. As stated below, this class IN NO WAY does justice to this VERY important field of Computer Science. Wound up with a B, but worked my butt off for it. Easy Course, Interesting Projects, Boring Modules. Even without an autograder, I think this is a pretty good class. I once got asked in an interview How does Internet work?, and I bombed it, so I really wanted to take this course to find out what I should have said. The projects are fun. I have never seen a TA as responsive and ready to help out students at the drop of a hat as this guy. I think I also spent a lot of time catching up with all the posts made by the class to determine what bugs to look out for or clues to help solve the assignment. Im on track to get an A, but feel like Ive learned much less than I feel like I should have. This class introduces a broad and limited understanding of computer networks topics. There are some videos here and there, but after the first few you just stick with the notes because they suck less. The professor left the TAs to fend for themselves for the most part. -The last project, BGP measurements, involved us overloading some research servers I think the teaching staff is gonna re-write this project for future terms though. Even the projects though were fraught: the instructors had to make the last project optional since so many people werent able to understand it/make it run on their virtual machines. If you find yourself unable to reproduce the desired experiment results, dont sweat it. Since projects are so easy, its not a surprise to get 95% of the 70% available points. Very impressed. Actually. This was the biggest chore and made the class much more difficult than it needed to be. Lectures: The lectures were much shorter than the other courses Ive taken (ESO, SAT, HPCA, IOS), and they werent always clear, but the material is very interesting for someone like me who has very little networking experience. The projects are graded relatively quickly (~2 weeks after submission). Also, the lectures get a way more enthusiastic tone at that point in the course, which is a nice contrast to the bland text and the even blander professors voice reading that text, which is a kind of an overarching theme for the rest of the course. A good intro class and mostly interesting. Where they exist ) which are useful thereby making the time to understand at first overall. Limited foundational educational background in networking to jump into it pay attention to the lecture, you learn! 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