The authorities must also guarantee the safety of participants at post-election protests and public meetings. The presidential candidate must be supported by a carefully selected cadre of surrogates who will take this simple and direct message from the small rural villages to the districts in the urban areas. Armenia, Presidential Election, 18 February 2013: Final Report. According to the results there, of more than 4,700 voters, President Sargsyan had only 15% of the total vote, while his main opponent Raffi Hovannisian had about 40%, Hrant Bagratyan 11% and Paruyr Hayrikyan 4%. Second-place candidate Raffi Hovhannisian and thousands of protesters rallied in Yerevan opposing Sarksian. "[56], On 5 March, Ireland's former Minister for Justice, OSCE observer, Dermot Ahern wrote a letter where he talked about an evident discrepancy between the results he personally witnessed during the vote counting in Precinct 26/1 and the final official results. According to the Central Election Commission, Sargsyan of the Republican Party won 58.64% of the vote. A midnight shooting attack on a presidential candidate threw Armenia's election into disarray Friday, raising the prospect that the vote could be postponed. The United States congratulates the people of Armenia on their February 18 presidential elections, which were judged by international observers to be generally well-administered and . However both the . English; Armenian Parliamentary Election 1919 (first Armenian republic) Armenian Parliamentary . This page was last updated at 2022-09-24 01:55 UTC. I suggest that the assassination attempt is linked to these statements." Immediately after the results were announced, thousands of Ter-Petrosyan's supporters gathered in Yerevan's Freedom Square to protest against electoral fraud. 2013 Armenian presidential election Presidential elections were held in Armenia on 18 February 2013. The comedy show ArmComedy, named their 79th episode "Albert Adibunts",[37] referring to the head of Sociometer center, Aharon Adibekyan, who is often criticized by opposition politicians. The outcome of the May 2012 parliamentary elections in Armenia was justifiable cause for concern (see Lessons from the May 2012 Armenian Parliamentary Elections, The Armenian Weekly, July 21, 2012). Although several countries (including the US, Russia, France, Iran, Turkey) congratulated Sargsyan on winning reelection, a number of influential politicians and political parties in Armenia (including the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, former President Levon Ter-Petrosyan, former Prime Ministers Aram Sargsyan and Hrant Bagratyan who came in third, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanian, MP Nikol Pashinyan, Andrias Ghukasyan who came in fifth during the election) have publicly stated that Hovannisian had won the election and the official results are a product of electoral fraud. The information has been carefully selected and compiled from UNHCR's global network of field . On 18 September 1996, few days before the election, the influential defense minister Vazgen Sargsyan stated that he is "satisfied with the situation." Addressing Ter-Petrosyan's supporters, he proclaimed that Armenia . The doctors saved his life and two days later he was already able to give an interview in the hospital. Hovannisian, who disputes the election's legitimacy, denounced the congratulatory messages of foreign countries, stating that they "can say whatever they want" and that he will allow nobody to "teach me lessons of American, Western or Russian democracy and law because the Armenian citizens are the masters of our country.". He called two other major opposition candidates Raffi Hovannisian and Hrant Bagratyan to unite around a single opposition candidate. The Constitutional Court must rule within four days on whether to delay the vote - a decision which largely depended on doctors' evaluation of whether the candidate was well enough to campaign. The ARF has indicated that it will have a candidate in the 2013 presidential election. Hovannisian ended his hunger strike on 31 March 2013. Armenia's first president, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, finished second with 21.5%. Incumbent candidate Serzh Sarksian won Armenia's February 18 presidential election with 59 percent of the popular vote, confirming his second five-year term as president. Mass rallies continued, while on 10 March Hovannisian started a hunger strike and called on Sargsyan to resign. If the Dashnaktsutiun is not prepared to wage this type of campaign, difficult as it may be, then it would be better to sit out the 2013 Armenian presidential election and simply accept the partys marginal role in Armenian political life. [2] In accordance with Article 125, the candidate that receives at least three fourths of votes of the total number of deputies of the National Assembly will be elected President of Armenia. His aide stated "We've applied the Constitutional Court with a request to postpone the election for two weeks due to Paruyr Hayrikyan's health problems and the fact that he can't campaign. February 20, 2013. Several journalists were physically attacked while reporting on the electoral campaign. Hovannisian came second with 37%, while the other candidates earned less than 4% of the total vote. Serj Tankian, lead singer of Grammy award-winning Armenian-American rock band System of a Down, wrote an open letter to incumbent Sargsyan saying "it's time for change" after non-government organizations reported widespread voting fraud. Hayrikyan stated that, "if I postpone the elections for 14 days, we will still have the chance to propose a common candidate, to develop the final points of the pre-election projections and to present ourselves in the public ten more days like a unity. Another BAREVolution rally was held on March 2, this one more effective than the one held just days before. While the outcome of Armenia's presidential election in February 2013 appears a virtual certainty, the official campaign will be an opportunity for president . Filmmaker Jivan Avetisyan: I will act for the sake of Artsakh, ArmenianEasy publishes Armenian Letter Mazes, Oshagan honored by Caribbean Community Service Center at annual Forget Columbus Day awards fundraiser, On Living and Dying as a Gay Person in the Armenian Church, Tourism: An Economic Tide That Can Lift All Boats, The Legacy of the Hairenik and the Armenian Weekly, Armenia supports Russian plan to maintain status quo in Artsakh, The Sochi Trilateral Summit: Implications for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process, Artsakhs Sovereignty: Who are we to give it away?, Hai Guin Scholarship Association 2019 Spring Benefit Luncheon. One of the local observer organizations "iDitord" created an online map of about 400 documented irregularities before and during the election day and vote counting. [24][25][26], On 9 February 2013, the injured presidential candidate Paruyr Hayrikyan announced about his decision to postpone the election for 14 days, using his right given by the Armenian Constitution. Meanwhile, the Green Party of Armenia endorsed Hrant Bagratyan for the presidency. The campaign started on 21 January and ended on 16 February 2013. A special website was created for this purpose, It is an imperative that the party is able to show how this liberation will be achieved. The elections resulted in a victory for incumbent President Sargsyan, who received 59% of the vote. The previous presidential election in Armenia was held in February 2008. One of the ways the ARF can be successful there is to have the people support it. Sargsyan, a Nagorno-Karabakh war veteran, won the term according to official Central Electoral Committee (CEC) Results, giving him a 59 percent victory over Hovannisian as well as five other candidates which included Paruyr Hayrikyan, a Soviet-era dissident who was shot and wounded during his bid for the presidency. If we cannot help voters make these important connections, why should we expect them to cast their ballot for the Dashnaktsutiun? Amnesty International issued a public statement listing numerous irregularities during the elections and saying "Amnesty International calls on the relevant authorities to carry out prompt and impartial investigations into all allegations of rights violations during the elections and hold those responsible to account. A continuing single digit voter attraction only reinforces the status of the ARF as a marginal political party. 830 - Derelict homes in 2014. by Artur Papyan 25.06.2012 1 Comment on 2013 Presidential Elections: An Opportunity for Statesmanship Armenia, Politics Unless Armenia's next presidential election is fair and gives its winner a strong political mandate, the government will lack the legitimacy needed to implement comprehensive reforms, tackle corruption and negotiate a . Living as we are in such highly uncertain times places a heavy burden on the ARF leadership to anticipate these destabilizing events, as well be prepared to respond to an ever-changing set of situations and issues that may affect the viability of our diasporan communities and the political agenda of the Dashnaktsutiun. [30], On 11 February 2013, however, Hayrikyan took his application back form the Constitutional Court. Prime Minister of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan won the election in the first round according to official results, but this is disputed by former President Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who officially placed second.. In accordance with Article 124 of the amended Constitution, a non-partisan president will be elected for a seven-year, non-renewable term. His aide stated "We've applied the Constitutional Court with a request to postpone the election for two weeks due to Paruyr Hayrikyan's health problems and the fact that he can't campaign.". On 31 January 2013, just before midnight, candidate Paruyr Hayrikyan was shot in his right clavicle. The events of 1 March 2008 are simply referred to as Marti mek (Armenian: "March First . On 8 February 2013, Aram Harutyunyan, the leader of the National Conciliation Party, after a one-day hunger strike, submitted a withdrawal statement. Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan was elected in the first round according to official results, but this was disputed by former President Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who was officially placed second.. Select from premium Armenian Presidential Election, 2013 of the highest quality. [48] Raffi Hovannisian talked about the high possibility of fraud, caused by the fact that "700,000 Armenian citizens are on voter lists in the country, but work outside this impoverished nation. Description The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this document are not given nor necessarily endorsed by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) unless the OSCE is explicitly defined as the Author of this document. He was recuperating Friday after surgery. Mass rallies continued, while on 10 March Hovannisian started a hunger strike and called on Sargsyan to resign. Besides provincial towns, Hovannisian also won in three districts of Yerevan: Avan, Arabkir and Ajapnyak. It is better to sit out and spend the energy on developing a strategy that speaks to the minds and hearts of the Armenians in Armenia. Sargsyan was announced president with 52.8% of the popular vote. The 2013 presidential election was held in Armenia on February 18. Amnesty International issued a public statement listing numerous irregularities during the elections and saying "Amnesty International calls on the relevant authorities to carry out prompt and impartial investigations into all allegations of rights violations during the elections and hold those responsible to account. The scheduled February 18 election date was in doubt for a short time because of an appeal by candidate Paruyr [32], Many have questioned the reliability of opinion polls in Armenia, including the three main opposition candidates Raffi Hovannisian,[33] Hrant Bagratyan[34] and Paruyr Hayrikyan. Why should this be important? First on 12 December 2012, Prosperous Armenia, the second largest party in parliament, announced their decision. Sargsyan's main opponent Raffi Hovannisian claimed victory due to alleged electoral fraud. YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) - A midnight shooting attack on a presidential candidate threw Armenia's election into disarray Friday, raising the prospect that the vote could be postponed. The situation in Syria, as well as the recent agreement by Turkey and the United States to form a task force to share information to help once the various rebel groups succeed in overthrowing Bashar al-Assad, only ramps up the concern. ", Despite his previous statements, presidential candidate Paruyr Hayrikyan, who was shot on 31 January 2013, appealed to the court on 10 February 2013. "Citizens across Armenia are protesting the outcome of the elections and the injustice inherent in the political establishment." The ruling Republican Party of Armenia of President Sargsyan won a majority and formed government. His closest challenger, Raffi Hovannisian of the Heritage party and Armenia's first foreign . The movement leader and proclaimed president of the Armenian people Raffi Hovanissian spoke twice, and this . While on 25 December 2012, Armenia's first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan announced that he would not participate in the upcoming election, though it was initially announced that Ter-Petrosyan would be the candidate of the Armenian National Congress (ANC). Which made him to conclude that "I feel that full re-examination of this count should take place. In the poll there, Sargsyan had 12% of the vote, while Hovannisian had 32%, Bagratyan 17%, Hayrikyan 4%. Voter payments, the intimidation and coercion of voters, promises of one kind or another for votes, the availability of television time, etc., are well-known examples of corrupt practices employed by the opposition. [52] These include vote buying, voter intimidation, inconsistencies in voter lists, violations of voting procedures and other fraudulent activities. Assuming the size of the electorate, along with the number that turn out to cast ballots in 2013, has not changed significantly, a realistic goal for the ARF would be to double its percentage share of the vote cast to around 13 percent or more, with a third place finish a possibility. "[53], On 2 March 2013, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe election observers' report pointed out that there is "a correlation between very high turnout and the number of votes for the incumbent", which "raises concerns regarding the confidence over the integrity of the electoral process. Its message cannot be political rhetoric, long on promises that the voter realizes cannot be kept. Polling stations have opened in an election marred by an assassination attempt and a hunger . Latest presidential elections Latest local elections. The authorities must also guarantee the safety of participants at post-election protests and public meetings. We may well ask, What does the ARF move on to? This represented a difference of approximately 175,000 votes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Not only the candidate but his surrogates must exhibit the passion and have the intimate knowledge that will allow them to be perceived by the voter as genuinely concerned with their situation. during 2012 parliamentary election there were 2,522,906 people on the voter lists; in 2013 presidential election - 2, 527,822 people; whereas during 2015 constitutional referendum the number of voters reached 2,566,998 people. According to the results there, of more than 4,700 voters, President Sargsyan had only 15% of the total vote, while his main opponent Raffi Hovannisian had about 40%, Hrant Bagratyan 11% and Paruyr Hayrikyan 4%. [16] Thus, three major extra-parliamentary partiesthe ARF, ANC and Prosperous Armeniadid not participate in this election. On 14 March 2013, the Constitutional Court of Armenia issued a verdict confirming the victory of President Sargsyan. However, the ARF must be prepared to confront, by all means available, any and all obstacles and fraudulent practices used by the opposition. He in particular said "Should it happen [the unification] my right to equal competition would be breached, but it would be compensated by the creation of a united team. On 15 December 2012, the Republican Party officially nominated Serzh Sargsyan as the party candidate. The presidential election will be held on February 18, 2013. [13] While on 25 December 2012, Armenia's first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan announced that he would not participate in the upcoming election,[14] though it was initially announced that Ter-Petrosyan would be the candidate of the Armenian National Congress (ANC). In the poll there, Sargsyan had 12% of the vote, while Hovannisian had 32%, Bagratyan 17%, Hayrikyan 4%. Paru According to article 96.3 of the . The opposition claims that this is a result of excessive use of administrative resources in remote rural areas and a fact that "mayors kept villagers in total fear. Incumbent candidate Serzh Sarksian won Armenias February 18 presidential election with 59 percent of the popular vote, confirming his second five-year term as president. On 10 February, he appealed to the Constitutional Court with a request to postpone the election for 14 days and stated that he will take it back in case the three main opposition candidates decide to unite around a single candidate, but he withdrew the appeal the next day. [4] Hovannisian called the movement 'Barevolution', a portmanteau of 'barev' (, 'hello') and 'revolution', referring to his habit of walking up to people and greeting them during the election campaign.[5][6]. Sargsyan received major support from Yerevans Erebuni and Nubarashen districts where an army unit is located. Many believed that no candidate would be able to challenge incumbent President Serzh Sargsyan, others stated that people see "absence of alternatives" and these factors caused great apathy among the public.[1][2]. However, the results of the prliamentary elections clearly indicated that the ARF in Armenia has failed miserably in making any positive impressions on the electorate. Find the perfect Armenian Presidential Election, 2013 stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Presidential elections were held in Armenia on 19 February 2008. One of the local observer organizations "iDitord" created an online map of about 400 documented irregularities before and during the election day and vote counting. Not anymore. Which made him to conclude that "I feel that full re-examination of this count should take place. Refworld is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. PM ally claims win in Georgia election, exit polls say. 70 years of Soviet education has taught them that the ARF was the real enemy. [29] The Constitutional Court must rule within four days on whether to delay the vote - a decision which largely depended on doctors' evaluation of whether the candidate was well enough to campaign. He in particular said "Should it happen [the unification] my right to equal competition would be breached, but it would be compensated by the creation of a united team. 635 - Foreclosure proceedings so far. It is accepted that the role of a revolutionary in society is not an easy one to fulfill. The Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization held an exit poll, the results were: 58% Sargsyan, 32% Hovannisian. According to the preliminary report of the Central Election Commission, incumbent president Serzh Sargsyan won with 58.6% of the vote; Raffi Hovannisian, the head of Heritage, an opposition party in parliament, came second with 36.7%, followed by Hrant Bagratyan with 2.15%. 70 %, while on 10 March Hovannisian started a hunger strike and called on Sargsyan to.! Victoria Nuland Department Spokesperson, office of the total vote the voters can accept < a href= '': Days later he was ranked second with 21.5 % 's victory '' and concede his defeat premium Armenian election Supposedly without any preconditions the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2013 armenian presidential election reports stress the dire position of our and Us and we should move closer to Europe ratified and implemented supposedly any! And vibrant diasporan communities are in countries where so-called popular uprisings can quickly create conditions. 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