Audio Bible: Ri Utzilaj Tzij re ri Kanimajawal Jesucristo (ACRT), Audio Bible: Ri utzilaj tzij re ri kanimajawal Jesucristo (ACRNNT), Audio Bible: I Utz Laj Tzij Re I Dios (ACRCNT), Audio Bible: Yuse chichame aarmauri; Yaanchuik, Chicham; Yamaram Chicham (ACUNT), Audio Bible: KITAWO MALE Catholic (DHOCDC), Audio Bible: Nuwe Lewende Vertaling (NLV), Audio Bible: Awajn: Apaju chichame pegkejam Porciones del Antiguo Testamento y el Nuevo Testamento (AGR), Audio Bible: ANG BITALA TANG DIOS: Ba-long Inigoan (AGN), Audio Bible: mi ank ankrnkrn 2003 (AA03), Audio Bible: Sempaisi Ne Kaiwo Mirarebanai (AMK), Audio Bible: Quechua Ambo-Pasco New Testament (QVANT), Audio Bible: Yesus Aqa Anjam Bole (BOJ2014), Audio Bible: Keley-i Bible (Antipolo Ifugao) (IFY), Audio Bible: The Agni Sanvi NT of Cte dIvoire (ANY), Audio Bible: Al-Kitaab al-Mukhaddas be l-arabi al-daariji hana Tchad (ADT19), Audio Bible: (LRT), Audio Bible: Evanghelu pi dupi Luka 2013 (ARUM), Audio Bible: Taroha Goro mana Usuusu Maea (AIA), Audio Bible: Godn Akar Aghuim; Akar Dkrzir Gavgavir Igiam (ARUNT04), Audio Bible: Irineane tasorentsi oquenquetsatacotaqueri Avincatsarite Jesoquirishito (CNI), Audio Bible: Iwaperite tajorentsi ikenkithatakoetziri awinkatharite Jesokirishito: owakirari inimotakiri tajorentsi (CJO), Audio Bible: New Testament in Mixtec, Atatlhuca (MIBDBL), Audio Bible: T-dr Ll d vr K (AVU), Audio Bible: Masas Pit Jesucristowa (KWI), Audio Bible: Quechua Ayacucho Bible 1987 (QUEAYA87), Audio Bible: Bayun Tipan sa Aytan Mag-Indi (BLX), Audio Bible: El Nuevo Testamento en Mixtec, Ayutla (MIY), Audio Bible: Bafia Nouveau Testament (BAFNT), Audio Bible: to Kristo y sgn: mk y mfi (BFD), Audio Bible: Terjemahan Sederhana Indonesia (TSI), Audio Bible: Alkitab Terjemahan Baru (TB), Audio Bible: Perjanjian Baru Bahasa Melayu Maluku Utara (PB MMU), Audio Bible: Mknda Lor B Lomo K Dos y E (BDH), Audio Bible: Hoday Pkn Ketb, Balochi zobn (HPKB), Audio Bible: Suha Maseho: Kadadiam anna Padandiam Bakahu (INABAM), Audio Bible: Zliya Ywn kwma wz naa dzkn Yesw Kristw (BCW), Audio Bible: bqj Firim fafu fal Alemit (BQJDBL2), Audio Bible: Bibel, Alkitab Batak Toba 1998 (BBC), Audio Bible: Bawm Common Language Bible Version (BCLBV), Audio Bible: (BHD-NT), Audio Bible: Di Nyoo Testiment eena Bileez Kriol (BZJ), Audio Bible: Wosoci Guaasibabaa Daa, Nouveau Testament en Bissa (BIB), Audio Bible: Pvyb ihjyu: jetsocrjyodty ctnuhm (BOA), Audio Bible: Pao Kurireu Bataru Kurireu (BORBIBLIA), Audio Bible: Hay halit nin Diyos hay kawkanta boy kawkahalita-an (The New Testament Psalms and Proverbs) (SBLNT), Audio Bible: Bagung Pinegsulutan et Empu (PLW), Audio Bible: Na Rorongo Ke Toke Eigna a Jisas Krais (BGT), Audio Bible: wkl Fyn Kn M F (Cameron) (BMV), Audio Bible: Bunong Bible Latin Script Cambodian dialect (CMOL), Audio Bible: Ilaimbidu Gu abu hari Burungaisoo (BDS), Audio Bible: Dnbeen pani fnle vah (BOX), Audio Bible: Dios jap nawt tlih (CBV), Audio Bible: Mambilla NT (Cameroon) (MCU), Audio Bible: Dios C Cauetibj Crc Tuti (CBC), Audio Bible: Asery Tamusi karetary (CAR03), Audio Bible: Nukn 'Ibu Diosan ain unikama 'inan ain bana (CBR), Audio Bible: Kashinawa : Diosun Jesswen taexun yuba bena yiniki (CBS), Audio Bible: Ang Bag-ong Maayong Balita Biblia (RCPV), Audio Bible: Marahay na Bareta Biblia (BPV), Audio Bible: Kitab Injil and Kitab Awal-Jaman (SML), Audio Bible: Diilo-nelma Tobisflnni (CME), Audio Bible: Diosa' kiika; Gnesis, xodo y El Nuevo Testamento (CBI), Audio Bible: Ishiwi Lyakwa Lesa 2015 (ILL15), Audio Bible: Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero (CCL), Audio Bible: Zapoteco de Chichicapan (ZPV), Audio Bible: Laghano Lya Sambi Kwe Iwanu Wose (LBV), Audio Bible: Mazatec, Chiquihuitln (MAQ), Audio Bible: Bhaibheri Dzvene MuChiShona Chanhasi (BDSC), Audio Bible: Ilagano lya Katali, Ilagano Linyale kwa Wanhu Wengha (CHIVIDUNDA), Audio Bible: Ch'orti': E ojroner xe imbutz tua Cawinquirar Jesucristo (CAA), Audio Bible: Chuj San Sebastian Bible (CSS), Audio Bible: Chinsenga New Testament (GMN), Audio Bible: Uzuwakpani u Savu n Cishingini; n aba'in a na a Zagbai a Uzukpani u Kuku (ASGNT), Audio Bible: Zapotec, Coatecas Altas (ZCA), Audio Bible: New Testament in Mixtec, Coatzospan (MIZC), Audio Bible: Cofn: Chiga Tevaen'jen (CON), Audio Bible: Nacom Pejume Diwesi po diwesi pena jume diwesi xua Jesucristo yabara tinatsi (CUI), Audio Bible: Beibl William Morgan yn cynnwys yr Apocryffa - 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NASB 1995 (NASB1995), Audio Bible: Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB), Audio Bible: Good News Translation (US Version) (GNTD), Audio Bible: Good News Bible (Anglicised) 1994 (GNBUK), Audio Bible: Good News Bible (Catholic edition in Septuagint order) (GNBDK), Audio Bible: Good News Bible (Anglicised) (GNBDC), Audio Bible: English Standard Version 2016 (ESV), Audio Bible: Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752), Audio Bible: Christian Standard Bible (CSB), Audio Bible: American Standard Version (ASV), Audio Bible: Traduccin en Lenguaje Actual Interconfesional (TLAI), Audio Bible: Traduccin en Lenguaje Actual (TLA), Audio Bible: Biblia Reina Valera 1995 (RVR95), Audio Bible: Biblia Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960), Audio Bible: La Biblia: La Palabra de Dios para todos (PDT), Audio Bible: Nueva Versin Internacional - Espaol (NVI), Audio Bible: Nueva Traduccin Viviente (NTV), Audio Bible: La Biblia de las Amricas (LBLA), Audio Bible: Biblia Dios Habla Hoy (DHH94PC), Audio Bible: Biblia Dios Habla Hoy (DHH94I), Audio Bible: Nueva Versin Internacional - 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lug Moob Ntsuab - txhais tshab xyoo 2004 (HMOBSV), Audio Bible: Tayta Diosninchi Isquirbichishan (QUB), Audio Bible: Tayta Diospa Wilakuynin (QVHB), Audio Bible: New Testament with Old Testament portions (HUBDBL), Audio Bible: New Testament in Huastec San Luis Potosi (HUS), Audio Bible: Teyta Diospa Willaknin (QWHB), Audio Bible: Biblia en Quechua del norte de Conchucos (QXN), Audio Bible: If: w-y ml-Ikny (NGL), Audio Bible: OTAKADA OLA OJO 1970 (IGL70), Audio Bible: Babl Ns nIgbo Nd Ugbu a (BIU), Audio Bible: IBAYB NYA OHE OLUHYE (IBNO), Audio Bible: Elu hn: kkw-Ns - Azn hn rn'a (IKKNT), Audio Bible: (JBCNT), Audio Bible: Iupiatun Mumiksat Uqalugiksuat (INUPIAQ), Audio Bible: Bibla Axweesant Hhohho' ar Mung 2004 (IRQW), Audio Bible: The New Testament in Islander Creole (NTIC), Audio Bible: New Testament in Mixe, Isthmus (MIR), Audio Bible: El Nuevo Testamento (NHXTNT), Audio Bible: El Nuevo Testamento (NHXMNT), Audio Bible: Traduzione Interconfessionale in Lingua Corrente (ICL00P), Audio Bible: Traduzione Interconfessionale in Lingua Corrente (ICL00D), Audio Bible: U ak' Testamento tu kuyob'al (IXLNNT), Audio Bible: Viakla txumbal u tioxh (IXLCNT), Audio Bible: VIKAV IYOL QUBAAL TIUXH quyolbalxhtu (IXLC), Audio Bible: Di Jamiekan Nyuu Testiment (JNT), Audio Bible: Hdrm Hr Rgoh Hiam Hnng r 2014 (JBSV14), Audio Bible: Jarawara: Teoso Ka Yama Hani (JAA), Audio Bible: Jinghpaw Hanson Version Bible (JHVT3), Audio Bible: Buku ba Tisaki ni Td to Lmu Laja Ba Ysu Kurst ere Ze (BEK), Audio Bible: Dilagano Disha ku Wanhu wose (DDKWW), Audio Bible: Re C'ac'a Testamento pa Kach'abal (CAKY), Audio Bible: Kaqchikel, Santo Domingo (Xenacoj) (CAKX), Audio Bible: Kaqchikel, Western Solola (CAKWS), Audio Bible: Kaqchikel, Santa Maria de Jesus (CAKSMJ), Audio Bible: BHAIBHILI Yakayengemala (KBTP), Audio Bible: Y NA MAVUKU MA NDITELOKANONI (KAMBA), Audio Bible: Kandawo Jisas Kandjiyebe Wopake (GAM), Audio Bible: Portions de la Bible en Mohawk (MHK), Audio Bible: (BLKNTP), Audio Bible: xsm W Tn d kasm (XSMDBL), Audio Bible: Kayah, Western (Latin) (KYULNT), Audio Bible: An Bibel Kernewek 2020 (ABK), Audio Bible: The Keyagana NT and 25 OT books (KYG2013), Audio Bible: Dios Rimashca Shimicunami (QCHI04), Audio Bible: Dios Rimashcata Quillcashcami (QCA10), Audio Bible: Wa tii vwalla ge jinal (KIAGRB), Audio Bible: NTETO INJEGA CIA MURUNGU KIRI ANTU BONTHE (KIMERUBIBLE), Audio Bible: Ang bag-o nga kasugtanan (KRJNT), Audio Bible: Lagano da Sambi kwa Wanhu Wose (KUTU), Audio Bible: Tesitamenti Mpya mu nzovele jya Kknga (ZGA), Audio Bible: LYAGO NIPIA MPOLA NANZIIZA KU ANTU TL Kuntambo ya Knilyamba 2009 (KNT09), Audio Bible: Bibiliya Ijambo ry'imana D (BIRD), Audio Bible: Bibiliya Ijambo ry'imana (BIR), Audio Bible: Kirimi Interconfessional Bible (RIMRC), Audio Bible: Neno: Bibilia Takatifu (NEN), Audio Bible: Kivunjo New Testament 1999 (KIVNT99), Audio Bible: Novo Korar NT (BSI) (KONKABSI), Audio Bible: mi Nahaali Gbani Kmi (KMA), Audio Bible: Kalar Nzym : Ejwan e Saa (OZM), Audio Bible: I Falami Kasafn (New Testament) (BPR), Audio Bible: Krio Fs Oli Baybul (KRIO13), Audio Bible: (KNT), Audio Bible: Baibuli I Leb Kumam 2013 (BILKDC13), Audio Bible: Baibuli I Leb Kumam 2013 (BILK13), Audio Bible: IBHIBHURIA NHOREERU NO NA IBHITABH BHIA TEUTUROKANONIKO (KURBIBLE), Audio Bible: IBHIBHURIA NHOREERU (KURBIBLE), Audio Bible: Kutsingken Ira Rimam ti Saen Kyag (KUBNT), Audio Bible: Bibilia, Buk na un nagon koti luu a (BBE), Audio Bible: Anatunya Buku Baepole Ole Testamene Pii Lapo dee Nuu Tesamene (KYC), Audio Bible: A quet u tno a ricbeno (LAC), Audio Bible: BUK OBAA ACIL AME OLWOO NI BAIBUL AME OGEO LOKO I LEB LAO (LANGO), Audio Bible: Caekcai Kangthae (Lemi) (CEKNT), Audio Bible: Lologena Wo Kienane Yesu Kristo (LWW), Audio Bible: Lhaovo Common Language Bible (LHCL), Audio Bible: BUKU TA TDH//RU YIZO DH ADHYA (LOG), Audio Bible: Mazu Otchena a Mulungu (ILOLO), Audio Bible: Bibele ye Kenile (Catholic Edition) (LOZI09), Audio Bible: Ekitabo Ekitukuvu ekiyitibwa Baibuli Endagaano Enkadde n'Empya (LUG68), Audio Bible: Luganda DC Bible 2003 (LBWD03), Audio Bible: Endagaano Enkadde nEndagaano Empya (EEEE), Audio Bible: Eyo Siza Alatararu Munguniri BIBLIA (LB66), Audio Bible: EBIBILIA ENDAKATIFU (LUBUKUSU), Audio Bible: EBIBILIA ENDAKATIFU DC (LUBUKUSU), Audio Bible: Mukanda Wajila Wanzambi (MWW04), Audio Bible: The Holy Bible In Alur (Lur), Revised Orthography (AB1970), Audio Bible: BIBLIA SINYATI TE NKUTUK OO LMAASAI NATISIRAKI ENG'EJUK (BIBLIAPRO), Audio Bible: BIBLIA SINYATI TE NKUTUK OO LMAASAI NATISIRAKI ENG'EJUK NAATA MBUKUI E DITROKANONI (BIBLIACATHO), Audio Bible: BIBILLYA Mareiyo Meele a Iruva (MAS2), Audio Bible: Ya habi ni apo namalyari: Bayon tsipan - Ayta Mag-antsi (SGB), Audio Bible: New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs in Mixtec, Magdalena Peasco (XTM), Audio Bible: Revised Hungarian Bible (RF), Audio Bible: Watum ro Tuhan Bosi ro Tna (AYZ), Audio Bible: Baiboly Protestanta Malagasy (MBP), Audio Bible: Dikateny Iombonana Eto Madagasikara (DIEMDC), Audio Bible: Baiboly Protestanta Malagasy 2011 (BPFF), Audio Bible: Perjanjian Baru Bahasa Manado (MDO), Audio Bible: Biblia Mam de Quetzaltenango (MAMO), Audio Bible: Mam de Huehuetenango Bible (MAMH), Audio Bible: Bahasa Manggarai New Testament (BMNT), Audio Bible: Ta l Lub Kunmind k Sig (MNGNT), Audio Bible: Ngnechen Tai Kme Dungu (ARN), Audio Bible: BIBALDA TA PELDETTA (MASSANA), Audio Bible: Wakit Zzagla Wakit Aa Maks Vok Slawda Mawga (Cameroun) (MFH), Audio Bible: Wapongte Mic-Yowa Gbolicne (MIGNT), Audio Bible: Huitoto, Minica: Juziamui uera Uai (HTO), Audio Bible: New Testament in Mixe, Coatln (MCO), Audio Bible: Yaa tsee je nam kojtstn juu vee je Nteyam xyaktaajnjimdu je nMaj Vintsnamda Jesucristo kajx (MTODBL), Audio Bible: Zapotec, Mixtepec: Diidz ne rdeed guielmban (ZPM), Audio Bible: THUTHLUNG HLUI (Re-edited) Bible (BSI) (MIZOVBSI), Audio Bible: Alkitab Singog In Mongondow Masa In Tanaa (INOMOG), Audio Bible: Nouvo Testaman dan Kreol Morisien (NTKM2009), Audio Bible: Turinakene mechejiriruwai ema Viya tikaijare (IGB), Audio Bible: Mro-Mro New Testament 2006 (MRO1), Audio Bible: Mattup ki Taasuwa ere Aware (MOZ), Audio Bible: Nyaa Sh Laa a (MZMNT), Audio Bible: Deus ekawntup Kawn iisuat ekawn, Munduruku (MYU), Audio Bible: na sik na wiini Alaw (MUSGUM), Audio Bible: Ma Mweni Sulumani ge Melefit (MUY), Audio Bible: Indian Standard Version (ISV) Nagamese (ISVNAG), Audio Bible: Ya ni nopa yancuic tlajtoli tlen toteco toca mocajtoc (NHE), Audio Bible: Nahuatl: Zacatln, Ahuacatln, Tepetzintla (NHI), Audio Bible: Ojibwe Kihcimasina'ikan (OJBR), Audio Bible: bjv Maktb l Luw k ta Nangnda (BJVDBL), Audio Bible: - 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