In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. is administered by the alleged Internal Revenue Service. Consistently the due process afforded to us by our Constitution is completely violated, with property and records being confiscated so that Americans are helpless to defend themselves against the IRS and their weapons. When congress illegally passed the act of 1871 it created a corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and a separate form of government for the District of Columbia. It is no different than what the agents of the British Empire did to the American people back in the 1700s. The United States maintained consular relations with the Papal States from 1797 to 1870 and diplomatic relations with the Pope, in his capacity as head of the Papal States, from 1848 to 1868, though not at the ambassadorial level. When you submit an offer in compromise, you are dealing with the Coast Guard. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. Tax researcher, Richard Standring (now deceased) believed that the US funds itself with loans from the International Monetary Fund. We can also thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church now claims as Christian holidays. Even if the 16th Amendment had been legally passed, it did not change the constitutional limitations which forbid any direct taxation of individuals. (U.S. Supreme Court in Brushaber v. Union Pacific Rail Road Co. 240 U.S. 1 (1916).) Outwitting Deep State Freemasons: Follow The Constitution! Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. Discussion about PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES [Page 3] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. The Holy See also is an observer to a number of international organizations of which the United States is a member, including the United Nations, Organization of American States, and World Trade Organization. This Act created the Federal governments first trust fund, Trust Fund #1 (US Code 31, Sec. It is not an agency of the Department of Treasury. France & Germany Confirm Joining Chinas (AIIB) Bank ~ A Rival To US-led Rothschild World Bank 3/17/2015. For example, in legal terms the United States of America is not the same as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Illuminati (founded by the The Society of Jesus or Jesuits, the largest Roman Catholic Religious Military Order headed by the Black Pope) created the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in 1919. At our inception as a country we freed ourselves from tyranny, and we must do it again monumental change will be achieved by We The People joining together. A US Citizen is defined in all law dictionaries as a corporate entity. The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Vatican law known as Lex Fori (local law). City of London Corporation est. That means that everyone is considered a business and involved in commerce. A successor company to the Plymouth Company eventually established a permanent settlement in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620 in what is nowNew England. The reality about pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks Lankamp reveals in his research and analysis is remarkable and suggests that a prime mover of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks may have originated as a co-operative enterprise between Draco reptilians and US government/CIA that has the U.S. government MKULTRA entity as a major technological driver. However, because the President has the authority to appoint IRS Chief Counsel, he/she can appoint a delegate to appear in federal court on behalf of the IRS and IRS employees. They have done this by keeping Americans feeling under eternal threat, both at home and worldwide, thereby justifying taxes for what is made to appear as desperately-needed protection. 601.103(a) is the only reference to who is required to file a return, provided that the person has been properly noticed by the District Director to both keep records and is required to file. Although concealed, according to US Code 31, Chapter 3, the Internal Revenue Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are all one organization. To contact me, send me an email using this form or visit me at and Walker apparently branched the IRS, creating the BATF, and then joined them back together into one. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. When you are confronted by a Special Agent of the IRS, you are really dealing with a deputized United States Marshall. The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300s. All the U.S. presidents since George Washington were also presidents of the corporate United States.. The discussion also made it clear that VP Bush, Governor Clinton and his three respective handlers were knee-deep in the cocaine venture and making fistloads of money., Your email address will not be published. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. We have been robbed of our money and property. Because of a decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, the RCC owns everything, Even what you think you might own such as your car, house or even the pair of shoes you are wearing belongs to the RCC (in their twisted minds). A simple way to educate people about the NWO and the legal system is to share this article to as many people as possible. According to 44 USC, every regulation or rule must be published in the Federal Register and must be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Washington DC private corporation Federal Estate is actually owned and controlled by the London Crown Temple Syndicate. Prior to 1991, the Business Master File in 6209 was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, non-refile DLN. No one realized this. The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. Together this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed the People all rights of sui juris. You see Alexander Hamilton could afford to say anything noble as he just assisted. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton, according to Juan Lankamps evidence, have participated in ritual child sacrifice and are human blood drinkers. The problem is that most of them have no idea that these corporations are fronts for the New World Order, a secret organization composed of certain secret societies. China Gold Super Power Urging Their Citizens To Diversify Into Physical Gold And Silver Since2009, Weinsteins Part Of The Zionist Protocols: Henry Ford The Protocols Of Zion Is What Is Going OnNow, Financial Crisis Being Covered Up: There Will Be No Last Minute Warning 2/2016, ANOTHER BANKER SUICIDE ADDED TO THE LIST OF 72 DEAD BY UN-NATURAL CAUSES 5/2015, California Water Crisis: Farmers Skip Planting ~ Instead Sell Water To Desperate Cities ~ Holodomor 3/19/2015. My second seminar also exposes the secrets of the legal system and shows you how to defend your rights. We are supposed to be a nation of laws notaNation of Globalists edicts. (The Law That Never Was)Ohio was counted as a ratifying State, even though Ohio did not lawfully become a State until Eisenhower signed an order in the 1950s. It is called liquidated capitalbecause you, the person who has been securitized, were born in the womb of your mother, which was mostly made of water (liquid). At the time there were 48 States. Sometimes it is dispersed under Treasury Order #91 (Rev. What most people do not know about the United States, Inc. is that it is a FOREIGN corporation. The United States and the Holy See announced the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1984. The fact is that democracy in the United States is now largely a secretive and privately-run affair conducted out of the public eye with little oversight. Pope . The Virginia Company formed two companies. The RIIA and CFR set up Round Table Groups (based on the King Arthur myths). The Transhumanist Agenda model of pedophilia and child abuse networks is more accurate and factual than a prior model of pedophilia that focuses sole blame on Churches [such as the Vatican] or Monarchies [such as the UK, Dutch, or Belgian Throne]. The cross is the main symbol of the Knights Templar and it has been used by certain secret societies long before the existence of Christianity. It is a maxim of the common-law that when an act of parliament is made for the public good, the advancement of religion and Justice, and to prevent injury and wrong, the king shall be bound by such an act, though not named; but when a statute is General, and any prerogative rights, titles or interests would be divested or taken from the king (or The United States and the Holy See enjoy a positive relationship that serves to amplify a global message of peace, freedom, and justice. Washington DC was Established as a City-State in 1871 with the Act of 1871 The Obelisk's of the Empire The Vatican City State Owns Some of the World's Most Powerful Telescopes The House of Rothschild is a International Dynasty The Washington Obelisk, Standing at 555 Feet Tall The Temple Bar is Located in the City of London To make matters worse, every county, city, and state has a corporate version of itself. Your email address will not be published. We have become a people ruled by tax laws passed by the rich and for the rich where no law exists that requires taxes to be paid. The black robe uniform is the symbol representing a Jesuit priest. The purpose of the loans were to fund both sides of the War of Independence. The scam manifests itself in many different ways. Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to the Crown Catholic Church. Pingback: IRS Forces U.S. Citizens To Pay A Percentage Of Their Taxes To The Queen Of The UK Deep State Political Vel Craft RuDarts. The corporations that run every aspect of . A point of fact is that Al Capone was not jailed for income tax evasion he was jailed for unpaid tax due on alcohol imported from Canada! The Philippine Customs Administrative Act was passed by the Philippine Commission between 1900 to 1902. TPP: $700 MILLION TO BE CUT FROM MEDICARE, HURTING SENIORS WHO NEED ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE MAY 2015, 21 Governors Have Outlawed Obamacare: Obamacare Will BeRepealed. But why do a handful of people own so much land? The control center is the Crown Temple Syndicate. If you know how the legal system works, you should know that when a name is written in all caps, it can change the meaning of that name. 85 Billionaires Equals Wealth Of Poorer 3.5 Billion Souls: Poverty Spreads As Wealth Accumulates ~ Time To AntitrustCurrency! Similarly, defending the legal competence of the federal government to enter into binding contracts, Marshall wrote, "'The United States of America' is the true name of that grand corporation which the American people have formed, and the charter will, I trust, long remain in full force and vigour" (Dixon et al. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), U.S. One of the most flamboyant individuals involved in the cocaine trail from Columbia through Honduras to Panama and on into the United States, was Barry Seal. Dean Clifford, Kurt Kallenbach, and Santos Bonacciare three other brave souls who are doing an excellent job of exposing the NWO and the legal system. Federal Judges who placate Globalists by trampling the Constitution will have hell to pay, to be sure. Then this Federal court turned around and threatened attorneys that raised the illegal ratification issue with court fines if any daredraise the issue again as if some cabal-stooge in a Secretary of State position can substitute his signature for the proper and legal ratification of an entire State what gall! However, Walker then cancelled out the order by declaring: The terms Director, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division and Commissioner of Internal Revenue wherever used in regulations, rules, and instructions, and forms, issued or adopted for the administration and enforcement of the laws specified in paragraph 2 hereof, which are in effect or in use on the effective date of this Order, shall be held to mean the Director., Walker created the BATF from Humphreys Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division of the Internal Revenue Service. The money then flows to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and is deposited into the Quad Zero account, which is the account from which the IRS distributes refunds (per 22 U.S.C. Every applicant is asked if they are a United States Citizen or other. 214.7). What did the Act of 1871 achieve? Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, History of U.S. Relations With the Holy See. Since these forms are affidavits, you commit a crime when you fill out the form confirming what you are not, a taxpayer. The President and the people knew and had the proof that a coup transpired out of the Corporation of the United States of America along with other . In other words, the City of London (that is the square mile within Greater London) is not technically part of Greater London or England, just as Vatican City is not part of Rome or Italy. If you write or print your name on a line marked taxpayer, you become the taxpayer. Like every nefarious encroachment by our government, The FEDs roll it out slowly over time to acclimate us to their society-destroying power-grabbing plans. The U.S.A. is a Crown Colony. The content in block quotation is an excerpt from my second seminar on Natural Law. Lankamp reveals evidence of various components of the power structures behind the world pedophile, child ritual sacrifice and child trafficking networks. No law has ever been passed legalizing the charging of income tax. Like any corporation (i.e., Walmart, Target), you are NOT bound to the rules (acts and statutes) of the United States, Inc. unless you agree to be a citizen (employee) of this corporation. Ownership was retained by the British Crown. If you do not live in the USA, you should still read this article for the reason that the same legal system that has enslaved Americans is the same legal system that has enslaved most people of the world. It is not recognized by any nation on earth. And, as has been widely reported by the IRS targeting of the Obama Administrations political enemies, the IRS has been turned into a political weapon of mass destruction that would make Nixon blush. Foggetaboutit. Tickets are free and can be obtained by contacting the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household. Most of the Code is administered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, including Chapters 61 through 80, which is enforcement. The Inner City of London (Westminster). Our own money is being used for loans, even to our own country, which we have to pay back with interest to the International Monetary Fund. There is a documented case that Hillary Clinton was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jr. who had announced to Hillary Clinton that he intended to challenge her for US Senate and US President. If a Person is a Legal Entity, What is Your Identity? Please note: This articleoriginally appeared on here on This legal name was created shortly after you were born and was recorded on a bond. Some people claimed that the United States, Inc. was sold in 2013 and is now known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. In 1904 another Act was passed that created Trust Fund #2 and was known as The Bureau of Internal Revenue (US Code 31, Sec. Most truth seekers know that Republic of the United States was turned into a corporation in 1871, and the U.S. . One example is the Sovereigns (the People) right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a privilege that requires citizens to be licensed drivers licenses and Passports. According to Juan Lankamps evidence, pedophilia parties as part of the CIA-MKULTRA circuit took place in the White House under George HW Bush and George W. Bush. Change). Have you ever been sent a notice from the District Director to keep records and file a return? Because these government employees are foreign agents, DO NOT VOTE for any of them to represent you in office, including the president. Washington D.C. is NOT part of the USA, just like Vatican City is not part of Italy. One of the greatest tricks that the New World Order (NWO) did to enslave the people of the world was to secretly create a corporate version of counties, cities, states, and countries. (LogOut/ When you really think about this process, you should know that the process of turning you into capital money or liquidated capital is their way of saying that you have a bounty on your head. Your birth certificate is the bond with your all caps legal name written on it, and therefore it is the financial document that has the value of the bounty on your head. We applaud these efforts and would add a clarion call to all patriotic American lawyers who have the courage and fortitude to stand up for American citizens and flood the courts with lawsuits to reveal the illegality of the income tax, expose the IRS for its criminal fraud and force the courts to uphold our U.S. Constitution. Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo. For example, the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA is not the same as West Virginia State. Before I reveal the three different types of citizenship (citizen-ship or citizen of a ship) of the United States, I need to explain to you what the United States is, so that you know it is NOT a country. Hence, the term liquidated capital.. After 1776, the Virginia royal colony became the Commonwealth of Virginia, one of the original thirteen states of the United States, adopting as its official slogan The Old Dominion. The United States of America is not a country. 41, #180 (1976) states: The terms Director, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division has been replaced by the term Internal Revenue Service.. States of America, the Republic, into "a corporate entity" entitled UNITED STATES, in capital letters, having "no" jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia. In 1624, theKing dissolved the London Company and made Virginia a royal colony. However, both the IRS (Puerto Rico Trust #62) and BATF, are listed as entities to be audited by the Controller General and both are referred to as having office(s) in Puerto Rico. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They could pass on the perpetual use of the land to their heirs or sell the perpetual use of the land, but they could NEVER own it. Nearly every church in the USA and the world has been infiltrated by the Jesuits and the Knights Templar, which is why churches have crosses on their walls and roofs. "The United States of America Corporation." We can also thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church now claims . When you are told to submit records for examination, you are dealing with Customs. The U.S. income tax started out only soaking the rich. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C (the D.C. stands for District of Columbia), City of London Corporation, and Vatican City State. The gold fringe stands for British Maritime Law, Military Law and Martial Law. So what is funding our federal government? miles of land in the heart of Washington was formed with its own flag and its own independent constitution the United States secret second constitution. There are now movements afoot to mount a massive new class-action suit against the IRS. Now that we know the truth, will we continue to allow them to take our money and ask but what can I do?. The Transhumanist Agenda & Its relationship to pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks world wide. For example, you'll see that this "Government of the United States" has its address at: Its phone number is " (202) 224-3121". They expect that these corrupting forces are disunited and in competition with one another, so that they tend to balance one another. PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES: 10/07/10: 5: Lakota Indians Establish Their Own Country Within the United States: 02/13/08: 6: United States Corporation (1876 - a Privately-owned Corporation is Founded THAT IS NOT The United States of America, being the Republic) The Act: 08/02/21: 7 Genocide Iraq ~ 17,073 Muslim Sunnis Have Been Murdered By Muslim Brotherhoods ISIS In 2014. In 1935 when the Federal Alcohol Act (prohibition) was ruled unconstitutional within the 50 States, the functions of the Federal Alcohol Administration then became administered by the Secretary of Treasury through the BIR, an offshore Trust. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one quarter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. The International Monetary Fund came into existence at the United Nations Monetary and Financialconference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944 and the US became a member in 1945 (U.S.C. You should really read the contents at The US government (USA Corp) appears to be an important technological and infrastructure base of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks as they integrate with the Transhumanist Agenda. After America declared independence from the Crown, the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783 was signed. Anyone who works for this foreign corporation is a foreign agent and is unknowingly or knowingly committing fraud against the American people. One Federal court has passed on some of the fraudulent ratification issues (but no Federal court has passed on all of these fraudulent issues), and it has declared that it is enough for a Secretary of a State to fraudulently report a ratification that in fact never occurred! The American equivalent to the RIIA is the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Hence, was born. When the same matters are prosecuted in other States, the provisions in force in Vatican City State on concurrent jurisdiction shall apply. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. So the Federal power-seekers sought to overrule our forefathers and to empower the Federal Government, (that is, our US Federal Corporation, hereinafter, The FEDS) with the power to tax individuals through the 16th Amendment. Without the approval of Congress or the President, Humphrey illegally turned the Trust(s) into a Department of Treasury agency. To compound this fraud, the Federal Register published that a person was replaced by a thing: the term Director Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division has been replaced with the term Internal Revenue Service.. When it comes to the legal system, a word spelled with a lowercase or an uppercase letter at the beginning of it can significantly change the meaning of that word. Another JPMorgan Banker Murder-Suicide Added To The List Of 71 Dead NWO Bankers By Un-Natural Causes! And that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states that the estates, rights, and properties, of such last mentioned persons shall be restored to them, they refunding to any persons who may be now in possession the bona fide price (where any has been given) which such persons may have paid on purchasing any of the said lands, rights, or properties since the confiscation. The IRS is a fraud, a charade, bilking us only because weve let them get away with it. The People The 99% Vs Rothschild's The 1% International Cabal Bankers! Since the Constitution forbids un-apportioned direct taxes on the people of the United States, the Federal government had to trick people into volunteering to pay taxes as U.S. citizens of either Guam, Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands. Proof that the USA is Controlled by Corporations The United States is a foreign corporation pretending to represent the country known as the Continental United States or The United States of America (Major), which is a republic and not a democracy. The content in block quotation below will explain this process further. (202) 333-7121. It had debt and interest attached. Do you realize now that the USA is controlled by corporations? Be aware that the Democracy (the Federal United States) is not the same as the original USA, which is known as the Republic for the United States of America. One of its major contractors is the military industrial complex. It's a shell game, and they can put the ball wherever they want it to show up just like magic. It is bigger than Walmart, Target, and McDonalds combined! In1773, the United States ratified a contract in which loans were owed to theBritish Crown. For example, you'll see that this "Government of the United States" has its address at: Its phone number is " (202) 224-3121". Things are not as they seem. Travel Information, An official website of the United States Government, U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics (see Vatican City), Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, Office of the U.S. In order to maintain the semblance of legality, hats are changed from moment to moment. The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil the Crown (a.k.a. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. 286). Prior to 1940, another Bureau of Internal Revenue was created in Puerto Rico and known as Trust Fund #62. It is an agency of the International Monetary Fund which is an agency of the United Nations. This treasonous act has unlawfully allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and in total disregard of the best interests of the American citizens. The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials. (2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen years; (4)(A) accepting, serving in, or performing the duties of any office, post, or employment under the government of a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after attaining the age of eighteen years if he has or acquires the nationality of such foreign state;.
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