You may be out of balance, unable to think straight or make important decisions on your own. This doesnt mean that they both have to do the same amount of work, but they should both feel like they are making a valuable contribution. Get ready for anything! But it is also possible to feel these feelings at the wrong time. The dark side of Justice heralds trouble in the future. There is tension and imbalance between you, and one party is avoiding confrontation. When others see the qualities of Justice in you, they appreciate your swift and balanced decisions, your independence, and the kindness you show to the less fortunate. I enjoy writing about legal issues and trying to make sense of the complicated world of the legal system. Enjoying beautiful things. Ive recently started working with an online psychic reading company and Ive received some great feedback. The Justice card represents a dear friend who respects and admires you. In a love reading, the Justice card indicates a delicate balance, honesty, and communication. Alternatively, if there have been instances where your behavior hasnt always stood up to par then unfortunately this person wont forget it either. The Justice Tarot card reversed indicates guilt, injustice, an unbalanced mind, and the negative consequences of past actions catching up with you. . This card in reading about a conflict means that you are in the right, and that youve posed a correct argument. It can also indicate that the time has come for you to take a more serious approach to a situation. This is a religious reminder that what she gives you are the effects of their movements. They believe its an active process rather than something that just happens. On the subject of emotions, the Justice card is complicated to interpret because it represents the rational mind. Vekke Sind, Strength Tarot Card Meaning 35 Interpretations! . Truth is her husband, and her children are Mercy, Honor, and the Law. The sword of Justice brings to mind Ockhams razor, meaning that the simplest explanation, and therefore the simplest course of action, is most likely the right one. If the querent is feeling like they havent been treated fairly in a past relationship, Justice can help them to take steps to correct the situation. It can also mean that someone sees you as very kind and caring. This detailed article will explore the symbolism and possible interpretations of the Justice card in various readings. One of the most important aspects of justice in a relationship is communication. It means that you have the clarity to decide for yourself and take matters into your own hands. A disturbance may throw you off balance, so remember to remain calm. The Justice card will often resemble a woman who is relatively close to the querent. A person who aligns with the Justice archetype will often pass their feelings through a logical filter, weighing the pros and cons, and avoiding anything that may hurt them. It depends on my mood. A reversed Justice card as an outcome may serve as a reminder that youre focusing on the wrong aspects of your life. You wouldnt want to cross her, she demands and deserves the utmost respect. It can also pinpoint prisons and detention centers, where those who broke the law receive punishment for their crimes. However, the police officer was not charged with any crime. It means that if you treat your partner with compassion and respect, they will treat you the same. The Nine of Swords depicts a female that is sitting on her bed whilst she holds her head in her hands. It proves to be a good trait in a relationship because they love how you solve things out, you don't allow your emotions to run you and make a mess. For more complicated issues, theres sometimes the chance that new information may change the outcome, so think and wait a while before deciding. McMillan is an Occupy Wall Street activist who was arrested in 2012. You have a unique beauty and you treat people with fairness and compassion. This view of karma is often called the law of cause and effect. According to this view, justice is not a karma card. Actions (or causes) lead to consequences (effects). But 10 of cups says that everything is whole and good. However, it is important to consider both sides of the argument before making a decision. Both partners need to feel like they are being treated equally and with respect. This needs to change, and we need to find a way to make justice fair for everyone, regardless of who they are. If you have been treated unfairly, then the Justice card is a sign that sooner or later the truth will be revealed and the issue will balance itself out. No one will ever know what its like to be yourself. It is important to remember and care for the less fortunate when fate smiles upon you. Or perhaps the Sun, where everything is out in the open. Carefully consider the opinion of your opponent. As per Judgement Tarot Card meaning, everything has its own time and in that particular time . Things between you ended badly, theres still a ton of bad blood between you two. Lets not get carried away with the meaning of justice in the broader philosophical sense and focus instead on what it means on a personal level. The scales of Justice are a hallmark of courts and legal institutions. And when she loves, she does so with all her heart because this love transforms and imbues her world with meaning and purpose. Perhaps karma will reveal the results of past wrongdoing. They look strong and stable. With the scales, she weighs her options and choices to arrive at an impartial decision. You may expect something that wont happen yet. Justice is all about weighing the pros and cons and finding the best realistic solution. Ultimately, whether or not the Justice card means marriage depends on the specific situation. Behind her, there may be a purple cloak and status gray pillars. I really love the Himalayan salt Lamp and my Crystal Tree of Life. Of course, no kind of relationship can be regarded as a mere transaction. The purple veil between the pillars symbolizes wisdom based on structure; her red dress, passion. Someone who is, perhaps, a fighter for unjust matters and just doesn't have any time for the BS! And, most importantly, they need to feel like they are compromising in order to maintain a healthy relationship. If thats not the case, then somebody may have been working against you from the shadows, out of spite or ignorance, and you will finally see them for who they are. How Someone Sees You: The card signifies a strong-willed, diligent, brave, and controlling person. By either claiming something you have not earned or by lowering your self-esteem and deeming yourself unworthy, you create confusion and imbalance. In a Yes or No question, the answer of Justice is straightforward. As she sits in her chair, the scales in her left hand represent how intuition must balance logic. However, in most cases, it can be interpreted as a sign that marriage or a serious relationship is coming soon. A man in a Fez hat is striding away with five of the seven swords he wants to steal. If youve been waiting for a sign, wait no more. - Ace is always good in relationship. Justice can inspire you to face the facts, accept the responsibilities of independence, and plan your moves according to the greater good. Death Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! Perhaps a bit too conditional in their affection, though the conditions would be reasonable and high-minded. Cards combinations of Justice Empress and Justice Tower and Justice If Justice reversed has appeared in your readings, it can be a sign that something isnt quite right with you and your partner. When reversed, Justice foresees an imbalance that may persist for a long time. Sometimes a reversed Justice card is an indicator of insecurities, and the desperate want to feel loved and accepted. Discard what doesnt help you, and stick to your guns. Maybe from a sense of superiority or a grudge against the world, the person of interest wants to claim what they desire without any concern whatsoever about the consequences. This is a time to be fair and impartial, and to seek out justice. The answer would be they feel betrayed by you, you don't have their back, you are not committed to them, and they may feel alone and lonely in the relationship. They value kindness, so rewarding those qualities in your interactions will definitely help you build positive karma with them. They are blaming you for all the things that went wrong and have no desire to take accountability for their own mistakes. Shes the true goddess of the Tarot, the point where human and divine meet, maintaining a balance between active and receptive symbols. The Knight of Cups is a card which depicts a young knight who is gloriously riding a white horse while at the same time protecting a cup as if he's a messenger of a positive sort. From a place of clarity and understanding, you will be able to feel complete and balanced. Facing the truth may come as a shock. The man has his eyes closed and is facing the carnival colored tents. What you desire will remain out of reach for at least a little while, but dont lose heart just yet. The Justice Tarot card identifies with the Air zodiac sign of Libra. How can this be explained with karma? The Justice card often represents legal affairs and the law, be it the cosmic law, or the human system of order and structure. What Justice wants is fairly simple, although not always easy. If youve been putting out positive vibes and treating them with kindness and respect, thatll be reflected through their thoughts of you in kind. She reveals that perfection is not possible; one has to learn to love the flaws of themselves and others and view them as unique characteristics. Either way, a sense of injustice may start to creep in and if unchecked can lead to infidelity or resentment. She symbolizes impartiality and karmic comeuppance. The quilt has been decorated with various astrological symbols and roses. It can stand for karma, for example, or for making things right. They might think about you often. This person may avoid self-reflection, instead choosing to place blame onto others as a means of defending themselves. You dare to look everyone in the eye, speak your mind with honesty, and value reason above all else. Youve been navigating this tricky situation with grace and honesty, showing your partner that their feelings matter to you. Judging from the knight s garments and armor, in addition to his horse, he is prepared for what s ahead. She upholds both the Divine Law and the rules that govern the world of men, fully conscious of her choices and aware of what has to be done. She was convicted of assaulting a police officer and was sentenced to three months in prison. If theyre looking for signs of wrongdoing on the part of their partner, they may be missing out on the good things that are happening in the relationship. They respect your opinion, your point of view, and your ability to solve problems while having the best interests of everyone at heart. Justice is also about balance. The Justice card reversed in a friendship reading likely means that there is dishonesty and distrust between you and one of your friends. They may look up to you as someone who is knowledgeable and possesses quite a deep-seated awareness of matters you care about. Be mindful of your words and actions, because they wont think twice if they see a red flag. If the querent is feeling like they havent been treated fairly in a past relationship, Justice can suggest that they take action to correct the situation. It may be in your best interest to lay low and avoid confrontations. After the rapid changes brought on by the karmic Wheel of Fortune and preceding the altruistic sacrifice of the Hanged Man, Lady Justice arrives at number 11 to balance things out. Justice may indicate that you achieved a major victory youve been planning, although it may be a while until your plans are fully realized. Justice as How Someone Sees You (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meaning By Justice is the card of fairness, truth, and law. Their equal partner. There are obvious similarities with the High Priestess, the throne, the pillars, and the veil, which in turn point to their fundamental difference. They both share the scales as their symbol. The same goes if youve been wondering when will I finally get what I deserve? It is a definite sign that your efforts and your good deeds will be rewarded in due time. When you see this tarot card, it is a sign that you should seek out justice in your life, and make sure that you are treating others fairly. If you are planning to expose the unethical behavior of your employer, do so with extreme caution and lawyer up! The ornamental tassels hanging from his fingers and back, in addition to the pony s mane, are all inside the shade of flame. No one is ever totally wrong or absolutely in the right, whether it is a conflict of interest, disrespect for boundaries, or simply letting your friends down. Distrust creates a feeling of insecurity. After attaining clarity and balance, Justice applies the lessons learned to reality. The Justice archetype is all about fair resolutions. The Justice Card as Feelings Upright, the Justice card represents a sense of fairness, integrity, and true justice. They feel like you're one of the people who cannot be approached easily. Justice is also about compromise. He is sporting a yellow patterned shirt on pinnacle of his steel armor. Justice reversed in the advice position refers to unresolved issues of self-worth and overwhelming emotions. It is a person who sais "We are not doing this. Justice then becomes a faade, a lawful mask to conceal devious schemes. Contact us. Justice reversed means that they see you as someone who they want to blame for their own shortcomings. Shes independent, serious, and lives by her own rules. It can be interpreted in a lot of different ways, but at its heart, the meaning of Justice is about fairness. If you are rich and powerful, you will likely get a better justice than if you are poor and powerless. The person of interest believes there's more than meets the eye with you. Judgement Tarot Card as feelings is like the High Priestess and Justice that doesn't reveal anything at present. For example, if someone is already in a relationship, the Justice card could mean that the couple is ready to take the next step and get married. In every person born under the Libra sign, you will find a beautiful mind, a caring soul, a deep desire for balance and peace, and a love for the elegant and the aesthetic. Surrounding her are beautiful blossoming timber and inexperienced floral gardens. No one else knows whats best for you. The first way is to look at it as a situation where the tables have turned, and the person who was originally the victim is now the perpetrator. Another interpretation might be that others see you as the Ace of Swords - an intellectual/scholarly person - or possibly as someone who loves to think from a place of logic and knowledge, using their intelligence to guide their decisions. The Justice Tarot Card in a Career Reading, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed in a Career Reading. The sword points upwards to higher ideas, while the scales represent balance and critical thinking. If Justice appears reversed in a friendship reading, it might refer to a close friend hiding or twisting the truth and judging you. These feelings, however deep their roots may lie, are nothing more than feelings. Sometimes, he may even be fake about his confidence. There is, however, a chance to compromise for a win-win situation, but that is the exception and not the rule. If you pull Justice for how someone sees you, it indicates that they see you as someone fair, strong, and ethical. On the other hand, it can be seen as a form of injustice when the person who was originally the perpetrator is now the victim. As an action, it means being honest, accepting responsibility, cutting through problems with clarity and resolution, and claiming what you deserve. In other words, justice is feeling good and bad at appropriate moments.
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