It's useful for recording metrics, sensor data, events, and performing analytics. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. 23f6dfc96bc8eb520513b97a843686129cb84d8566402114d82a73f12de40c26 I'll be assuming that you've got HA running already and configured with some sensors and whatnot. I chose docker/Grafana. Quick question: How do you control the size of the Influxdb? This supports templates. Grafana InfluxDB. Our next step is to configure Home Assistant to start logging changes to InfluxDB. Thanks! /config/configuration.yaml. I used this command on nm synology with DSM 6.1: sudo docker run -d name influxdb-grafana -p 3003:3003 -p 3004:8083 -p 8086:8086 -p 22022:22 -v /volume2/SSD/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb -v /volume2/SSD/grafana:/var/lib/grafana philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana:latest. Section 1 - Deploy InfluxDB 2.x in Docker Hi This means that in a home scenario you'll most likely just have one. 2.xx only - Auth token with READ access to your chosen Organization and Bucket. Im just getting started with Home Assistant, but i love it already! Sensors in HA contain a single value, the query you use to fill that sensor has to return a single value. If there's a tag named "entity_id" with that value, it will be dropped, and if instead there's a field, nothing will happen. currently i cant find any stats for my sonos speakers on grafana even though all 12 are in home assistant, but other devices like lightbulbs show up fine. You can omit the include section, and Home Assistant will send the whole firehose of sensor data to InfluxDB. Thanks for reading. Needed with token configuration variable. These files can get pretty big over time, so well want to keep our long-term data somewhere else. theyre zwave devices. I've been working in web development with CMSs and e-commerce for over 20 years. Thank you! I think you might have to extract these values out into a template sensor in Home Assistant. Home assistant makes it super-easy to capture data from devices around your home by adding plugins, and it makes that data available in the history tab, so you can keep track of whats going on, like this. Can I make something like this in singlestat ? This makes it excellent at storing our sensor data from Home Assistant, because naturally all our sensor data is associated with time of measurement. I just installed your container using the updated port numbers in your Github repro. I mostly use InfluxDB own dashboards, they're enough for me, to be honest, I haven't seen the advantage of having Grafana querying it's data yet. If you are looking to change anything about the visualization you will find all those options at the right side of the screen in the Panel and Field tabs. Finally under the Value column, set the Postfix to % and the Unit to Percent (0-100). InfluxDB is an open source time series database optimized for high-write-volume. In my setup, I use the recorder and history components to track the last two days of history from Home Assistant. We'll create a write token for HomeAssistant. Havent used that yet, but good to know its a bit hungry. Then you can easily restore back to the older version if necessary. Thank you for watching. See the official installation documentation for how to set up an InfluxDB database, or there is a community add-on available.. Additionally, you can now make use of an InfluxDB 2.0 installation with this integration. Finally there is my own HA-Dockermon which allows you to start/stop containers from within Home Assistant. 1.xx only - Name of the database to use. However if there are entries, then you have just verified that your configuration is valid and you're doing OK so far. influxdb: !include influxdb . The influxdb integration of Home Assistant makes it possible to transfer all state changes to an InfluxDB database. Next, we can add InfluxDB to our docker-compose.yaml file so docker will run the image. Defines a template to extract a value from the payload. Home Assistant comes with a recording component already, however, the more data that your Home Assistant setup records, youll see the limitation of this built-in functionality. 2018-01-24 15:01:10,720 INFO reaped unknown pid 1644 If this is the only database I would also advise to toggle the default switch. Choose your favorite one and we can query for the data stored for that measurement. Just click on that field and you will get auto completion for all possible entities in the database. Defines the units of measurement of the sensor, if any. So, from my Google research it looks like you have to set the connection pool when connecting to InfluxDB. If you want to build dynamic panels or see my newer dashboard then checkout this post. I find these great to show gauges of battery levels in devices. In the former Grafana version that way worked for me. That is to be expected. I've got 6 Aeotec 6 Multisensors that are reporting in 5 sec intervals. Here's how you can configure Grafana to use InfluxDB database. Click "Select" button to go back to previous window. It can also be used with an external data source. Click those to bring up a context menu for the row, and click Add Panel. So click on the "Add an empty panel" choice. But its there running when you installed the Docker package from DSM. I can however get to the web UI for inlfuxdb. Heres where it can get a bit tricky. Once the data is stored in the database you can analyze it for trends, create graphs and use the data in other applications. See the official installation instructions for how to set up an InfluxDB . This is the challenging part. The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other add-on. $__interval should be used instead.. To look into your database you can for example see what entities are stored in one measurement with: select * from homeassistant.autogen."%" where time > '2022-04-22' and time < '2022-04-24'. For instructions on how to create a database check the InfluxDB documentation relevant to the version you have installed. State object attribute(s) to use as measurement name. u/ShittyFrogMeme I did a small modification to your configuration: adding device_class as a tag_attribute. This made me think it couldn't resolve the host name, but I'm using the one from the guide in my config. I also included my phones battery and my printer ink status for fun and added some stats for my Adguard network wide ad blocker. We will create a test panel. These helped a lot to get the home started. I had my syntax wrong. Click the "Save & test" button. If youre using my Docker container, heres how Ive set it up. Using CLI tool influx you can set csv output format for results: influx -host your_host -port 8086 -database 'your_db' -execute 'select * from your_metric' -format 'csv'. Hmm to be honest I havent taken much thought about that, as the data is housed on my NAS (where I dont really care too much about storage limits for now). You should get a response back with a list of measurements being taken. And it can easily be integrated with Home Assistant. Again just take some time and play around with those values. You need to do the following steps in order to get this working: Click on "OPEN WEB UI" to open the admin web-interface provided by this add-on. Thats strange. You'll be greeted with a welcome page, click the "Get Started" button. This is because we may not have any data points for the period. Integrating into Home Assistant. In my case, it's because I also use influxdb for other things. InfluxDB 2.0 - Complete Guide to Getting Started with InfluxDB 2. Then yes, Im guessing that the battery level hasnt been polled yet. If you feel more comfortable doing that, check the InfluxDB documentation on how to add users to InfluxDB. Needed with token configuration variable. All Flux queries require a range filter, one is automatically added to the beginning of your Flux query in the form of range(start: {range_start}, stop: {range_stop}). You now have a new databases and a user that can read and write to it. One difference is that the guide recommended to replace the location of HAs database with a real data base also hosted somewhere. For example a query on a % battery for sensor.multi_sensor_battery_level: Everything else can be queried using the entity_id as its measurement name. The second part is the interface. I hope you'll get through it OK :-). For my own future reference and anyone looking to clean up data spikes over a specific time range, heres what worked for me: USE ""; DELETE FROM "" WHERE ("" = "") AND time > "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" AND time < "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", Example if deleting all data on a given day: Built with github pages Expand Query A to change the query that is building the data. The primary goal of our add-ons project is to provide you (as an Hassio / Home Assistant user) with additional, high quality, add-ons that allow you to take your automated home to the next level. And I'm betting that Flux will be default going forward, so let's bite the bullet now :-), In "HTTP" section under "URL" enter address and port of the InfluxDB container. Measurement name to use instead of a unit or default measurement. Hello Phil, I just installed the InfluxDB-Grafana docker. I submit this to assist others who may ned to know how to delete data from InfluxDB via the InfluxDB UI in HASSIO. Click on "Environment" tab. With saying that, when Ive upgraded I never had any data loss, either from Grafana or Influx. This is where I leave you. I have had some problems with other dashboards that is using $__interval . So now we have the basic understanding of how to create a dashboard in Grafana (dont forget to hit the save button!!). Expand the A query to see how it is built. Measurement name to use when the measurement_attr state attribute does not exist, e.g. 2018-01-24 15:00:56,529 INFO exited: grafana (exit status 1; not expected) The database must already exist. You can then login to Grafana on the downstairs tablet, knowing someone wont be able to access the upstairs dashboard without the correct username and password. Needed with organization configuration variable. Go to the "Image" section of the Docker app and double-click the downloaded Grafana image. This makes it easy to read the battery levels into Grafana. Lets instead tell Grafana to join the lines together based on the previous reading. Grafana "Local Port" defaults to 3000. Hi, as many others (searched the forum, few requests with different information but all without a solution) I struggle to successfully define an InfluxDB sensor to be used in Home Assistant.
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