b. Cling to outdated traditions.c. Minority clients most likely terminate prematurely from therapy sessions because theyrealize they actually do not need the help. A culturally competent perspective.d. There is only one racethe human race.d. b. The invisible veil refers to: a. ambiguity: [noun] the quality or state of being ambiguous especially in meaning. a. In regard to the meaning of facial expressions: a. A Chinese American client may prefer to discuss personal and private matters indirectly. b. He is a board member for the American . Counseling and psychotherapy tend to assume etic applications of their concepts and goals. Strong interpersonal bond.b. is gravity dredging legal in california commercial kitchen rental the woodlands tx ambiguity during a session may make the minority client To understand the worldviews, cultural values, and life circumstances of clients. Helping professionals have a moral and ethical responsibility to address such issues as racism, sexism, and homophobia. Avoidance of eye contact is often interpreted negatively.c. c. Studies indicate that women and ethnic minorities are worse readers of nonverbal cues than White males. Becoming culturally competent in mental health practice demands nested or embedded emotions be openly experienced in which of the following sociodemographic areas of difference: a. d. None of the above. d. Become stronger. Culture is the only reference group included in the definition.c. The manuals can be very difficult to follow.c. Designed for anyone working with English as a source or target language, this . Angry and guilty. c. Introspection Stage. African American styles of communication are often high-key, animated, heated, interpersonal and confrontational. d. Introspection Stage. Sexism.c. Collaboration.d. The vision quest is used by some American Indians as a religious renewal or rite of passage. Modern homonegativity refers to an anti-gay sentiment that is based on religious or moral condemnation. Western society tends to value _______, which involves linear thinking. Defer to Whites in authority.b. Of the biased nature of the services themselves. Nonverbal.c. b. Counseling and therapy tend toward prevention rather than remediation. d. None of the above. Navigating situations where I am privileged, marginalized and/or somewhere in between has also forced me to grapple with ambiguity and complex power dynamics. c. The destruction of the physical world. Rational. A culturally competent counselor is one who believes: a. session. 2.With every client. a. The women who switched their purses in the Candid Camera example were mostlikely deceiving interviewers when they claimed to be non-biased against Blackand Latino youth. d. Subgroup. c. avoid challenging the values of clients. A teacher pulls aside a Black student to question the authorship of his well-done book report.b. Increasing. The enlightenment of personal spirit.c. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. c. Dispassionate. Marginal Person.c. The goal is to have the person recognize and be grateful for what we receivefrom others.c. b. 2.3k. System-blame. The individual level of identity is the most important level to consider when working with a client. Asian Americ, In the opening vignette involving the Japanese American woman, the term racialawakening is related to:a. d. All of the above. Many ethnic minorities do not distinguish between mental and physicalfunctioning, and as a result may expect therapists to provide immediate solutionsas a minister or medical doctor would. Skills. A recent surgeon general's report and various studies document racial and ethnic disparities in mental health care, including gaps in access, questionable diagnostic practices, and limited provision of optimum treatments. What happens in the therapist' s office may represent a microcosm of racerelations in the larger society.c. Beliefs such as "we are all part of the human race" and "I do not see color" are most helpful in establishing empathy between the therapist and clients of color. b. Which minority group is most likely to have a kinship system in which individuals with a variety of blood and emotional ties (aunts, uncles, preachers, boyfriends, etc.) CHAPTER 8. Only White individuals need to learn cultural competence. In which stage would an individual be if they stated, "I like that no one can detect my accentthose people who speak with an accent sound stupid"? They generally take a long time to conduct. d. Sadness. A measure of belief about the role of internal forces in, Preparing counselors with multicultural expertise means:a. Believe that Asian American clients are pathological.c. I'm a full-stack operator that has experience ranging from business strategy to tactical execution of product roadmaps. People's ability to shape their own fate. A male student calls a female student a "bitch." c. What explains the perseverance of the belief among members of certain sociodemographic categories that they are undergoing oppression in the United States? b. High-context cultures place a greater reliance on the verbal part of a message. Which of the following has been described as the most dominant affectiveexpression emphasized by collectivism:a. Guilt.b. Intellectual competence. b. Begin to use them to replace current methods that deal with racial minorities. b. d. The intelligence model. Support the principles of racial equality.d. b. Immediate solutions and tangible forms of treatment. During assertiveness training, the client is encouraged to express themselves boldly and freely. d. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to reconnect an individual with family or significant others. It is better for therapists to own up to committing a microaggression in session than to pretend it never happened. Extended, rare exchanges between White people and people of color.c. Western therapy does not oppress people of color & so-called psychological problems of minority groups may reside not within but outside of our clients. b. Being White may serve as a barrier to an effective therapeutic process. Western therapy does not oppress people of color. Repressed, inhibited, shy, or passive. c. Dissonance Stage. How can people who commit microaggressions be so unaware of their actions? Paralanguage.c. In general, greater space is accorded to those of greater prestige and status.b. EC-ER. c. Introspection Stage. He has learned that endless waits are common in medical clinics.d. Relationships in Japan and China are often described as lineal.b. An emotional bond between therapist and client. Nonverbal. The easier access to benefits because of the possession of "desired" characteristics in the U.S. is referred to as: a. Rather than labeling thoughts as rational or irrational, the terms "helpful thoughts" and "unhelpful thoughts" are used. All of the above. According to the culturally diverse model, the goal of society should be to recognizethe legitimacy of alternative lifestyles and embrace the advantages of biculturalism. The "illness myth" refers to the tendency for Latino/as to over-exaggerate theirsymptoms. Can resolve challenges to h. The statement that clients are responsible for their own actions and predicamentsrepresents:a. Feel empowered as he/she can take the lead in session. Sleep Terror Disorder.c. Free from any preconceived notions or generalizations.b. Which of the following statements are needed to develop one's cultural competence: a. Cognitive understanding. Which stage is characterized by a disdain for the dominant culture and development of pride in one's own culture: a. Integrative Awareness Stage. c. Make clients feel they are not accepted unless they conform to others' standards. Introspection Stage. A White therapist tells an Asian client that s. Microaggressions:a. ambiguity meaning: 1. e. None of the above. Have a detrimental impact upon marginalized groups. Attributi. c. Low-context cultures have been described as more opportunistic and individualistic in orientation. IC-ER person.c. d. All of the above., In order to be a culturally competent therapist, one should try to avoid their personal feelings and previous experiences . e. None of the above. d. All of the above. The gender deprived model.d. An egalitarian stance and encouragement of sharing and self-disclosure facilitatesthe development of empathy. a. Constructivism. What percent of minority clients tend to terminate counseling/therapy after only one contact with the therapist? Drs. Individual.b. What happens in the therapist' s office may represent a microcosm of race relations in the larger society. Reality consists of what can be observed and measured via the five senses. c. Systemic forms of social oppression that are the basis for many individual and social ills. c. Space and time are fixed and are absolute constructs of reality. Subtle sexism is: a. Unintentional or unconscious unequal and unfair treatment of women that is not recognized by many people because it is perceived to be normative. A world where spirits reside and impact people in the physical world. Cognitive behavioral therapy, but not psychodynamic therapy, includes many components of White culture. The statement, "There is only one race: the human race" is an example of: a. Ascription of Intelligence b. Colorblindness c. Alien in Own Land d. Assumption of Criminality. Dispassionate.d. By continuing well assume youre on board with our cookie policy. IC-ER.c. c. With guidelines to be tentatively applied, changed, and challenged. Therapists of color are more qualified to understand clients' feelings of inferiorityand rejection because of their own experiences of racism and discrimination. When counseling culturally diverse clients, how does one reconcile such major differences in worldviews? In the Resistance and Immersion stage, the minority person tends to ____________ minority-held views completely and to _________ the dominant values of society and culture. Attempts to overlook racial/cult, Which is an example of the historical manifestation of EthnocentricMonoculturalism?a. People feel they have an honored place at the table. b. d. All of the above. b. Providing advice and suggestions are not effective forms of, Important features associated with a multidimensional model of culturalcompetence include all of the following except:a. What assumptions are embedded in the African American notion, "If you reallywant to know what White folks are thinking and feeling, don't listen to the waythey say it, but how they say it."?a. . Eurocentric counseling practices: a. Cultural competent practice.c. Internal Control (IC) refers to: a. Openness, sincerity, confidentiality, genuineness. Situation-centered.b. The power of nonverbal communication is that it operates primarily under conscious control. Cross introduces the concept of _________ _________, the degree to which race is an important and integral part of a person's approach to life. Unavoidable and inevitabl, Which of the following represents a microinvalidation:a. Proxemics. What type of orientation has characterized counseling practice?a. d. All of the above. The individual level of identity is the most important level to consider whenworking with a client. c. Euro-Americans find a highly emotional response more credible than a dispassionate one. c. Fully understand the worldview of culturally different clients. b. d. Tolerance cannot be taught. Strongly correlated with race, culture, and ethnicity. The need to consider specific cultural group worldviews associated with race,gender, sexual orientation, and so on.b. All of the above. a. b. d. Invalidate the client's experiential reality. Communication styles are:a. the weather). d. All of the above. Overemphasize the exploration of counselor values and beliefs.d. Counselors' acceptance of potential benefits of spirituality as a means of copingwith helplessness, powerlessness, and identity issues is:a. Increasing.b. Strong interpersonal bond. They view Whites as agents of society who may use the information agains. May betray a lack of comfort with talking about group differences.c. b. Group-deprecating attitudes. A fatalistic perspective.c. d. None of the above. b. d. Racial identity. d. B and C. e. None of the above. The belief that "good counseling is good counseling" represents an emic perspective. Rather than labeling thoughts as rational or irrational, the terms "helpfulthoughts" and "unhelpful thoughts" are used.b. d. Black males and females tend to use more reflection and self-exploration than their White counterparts. c. Integrative Awareness Stage. b. Which of the following is NOT a question that would help in understanding the effects of microaggressions: a. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples As a counselor, what stereotypes, perceptions, and beliefs about culturally diversegroups do you personally and professionally hold that may hinder your ability toform a helpful and effective relationship? d. A and B. b. None of the above. d. It is very difficult to recruit participants for clinical trials. March came in like a lion under the Gold Dome on Wednesday. b. He was afraid that telling the school of the abuse would cause his family to be deported. A friendly encounter with a White person. ___________ is known to significantly enhance the therapeutic bond. Creating a community that is more inclusive and equitable in its treatment ofracial/ethnic minorities.c. g. None of the above. Step 2 - Explain why therapy doesn't have to be on the couch or in a closed room. c. Perceive Whites as healthier than people of color. If a person believes in the concepts of democracy and fairness, they are incapable of discrimination. d. Before coming to the United States, his past life was relatively peaceful. Repressed, inhibited, shy, or passive.b. c. Building a healthy validating society for all groups. The culturally diverse model. In general, people are receptive to the idea that they have engaged in microaggressive behavior. d. All of the above. The lack of facial expression in many Asians has contributed to their "model minority" status. Hmong Sudden Death Syndrome.d. A multicultural perspective. Some researchers have argued that minority-group individuals underutilize and prematurely terminate counseling/therapy because: a. In Filipino culture, a mild, hesitant "yes" should be considered strongagreement.b. Martin on February 28, 2023 at 5:49 pm said: zero hedge - The Left Is Right To Fear Tucker Carlson. d. None of the above. It implies that appreciation is being fostered.b. Make clients feel they are not accepted unless they conform to others'standards.d. b. Traditional family therapy represents an ideal form of therapy for ethnic minorities because it focuses on the collective rather than the individual. Culturally diverse clients who do not conceive of mental and physical health asseparate entities may expect:a. Empathic listening.b. Development of a balanced perspective between person and system focus. Oia'i'o.c. Developing multicultural competencies as core standards for our profession. Haughty or aloof.d. b. Hispanic Americans. d. None of the above. d. Physically fleeing the conversation. As a helping professional, what emotional reactions around "race" do you possess that may act as a barrier to effective multicultural counseling? d. Attempts to overlook racial/cultural differences in counseling practice. Immediate solutions and tangible forms of treatment.c. Which of the following is NOT true of the intent of multicultural training: a. c. Susto. Vang Xiong suffered from which of the following illnesses/disorders: a. Dissociative Disorder. And sometimes, seemingly "small" things that are outside of the core work of counseling can make a big difference to a client. Which of the following is true regarding interpretation of verbal and nonverbal communication: a. African American speakers are often accused by White Americans of being "more substance than style." d. All of the above. Validate . A Latin American, Black American, or Arab American may perceive the counselor that backs away from a client to be: a. d. It assumes that people have time to sit back and contemplate motivations. In Cross's Black racial identity model, which stage shows the beginning development of Black pride? Scientific methods. Which of the following is likely to be a perspective of a culturally competent helping professional? a. Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. What is the key element that can destroy trustworthiness within a helpingrelationship?a. One important concept of developing appropriate intervention strategies is to: a. I am also interested to determine if genetic aberrations . b. Help the client "fit in" and "become a good citizen" c. Investigate the social system as the potential source of the problem d. Have remediation or elimination of the problem behaviors as the goal of therapy. c. Counseling and therapy will always be needed and tend toward remediation rather than prevention. Anger, shame, guilt. All of the above.e. The power of nonverbal communication is that it operates primarily underconscious control.b. Preparing counselors with multicultural expertise means: a. Cultural adaptations can include factors such as:a. Ambiguity (pronounced am-big-YOU-it-tee) is the presence of two or more possible meanings in a single passage. b. IC-ER person. The more divergent the cultural attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are betweenclient and counselor, the more conflict may exist in the therapeutic relationship. Schizophrenia a, Which of the following is true regarding Western forms of healing:a. a. Cognitive empathy. d. Potential changes are viewed as positive by the client. b. Decreasing. The Afro-centric perspective teaches that human beings should be oriented towardindividual survival. Shifting the dialogue to other topics (i.e. The group level of human existence does which of the following in understandinghuman nature:a. Empathic.c. Sadness, guilt, anxiety. b. Avoidance of eye contact is often interpreted negatively. Nonlinear, holistic, harmonious, and intuitive thinking have been described as characterizing: a. A and B. Nearly every disability advocacy group said that the Department's two-tiered approach strikes the proper balance between ensuring access for individuals with disabilities and addressing fundamental alteration and safety concerns held by public entities; however, a minority of disability advocacy groups wanted other power-driven mobility devices . c. It is a form of massage therapy to suck out "bad" air. All Whites in society are not racist.b. c. Interventions that are viewed as relevant by the therapist. Western approaches to psychological treatment are often based on ____________value systems instead of the interdependent values found in many ethnic minoritycommunities. With a mental list of generalizations from which to view the client. Acting appropriately.b. The study of kinesics refers to perception and use of personal and interpersonalspace. a. IC-IR. answer. The author makes the following claim:a. c. Culture-bound values, location, and language variables. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to shelter the disturbed individual. A person can deliver a microaggression unintentionally. Visual.d. The culturally deficient model. b. Left-brain activities. c. Insight. EC-ER. c. An example of merging evidence-based practice and multicultural counseling. c. The gender deprived model. African Americans believe in espiritismo, a world where spirits can have a majorimpact on people residing in the physical world. b. Pride in one's racial and cultural identity is most likely to be accepted by an:a. IC-IR person.b. Building a healthy validating society for all groups.d. Larry Summers' comment that test score differences between men and womenwere most likely due to "innate abilities" reflects:a. Which of the following is an example of an environmental microaggression: a. A person of color who shows deference to the White counselor most likely haswhich worldview?a. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. Mesh well with the more collectivistic or. Reality consists of what can be observed and measured via the five senses.c. Because variability among therapists might produce error variance in researchstudies, ESTs are conducted using ___________. All of the above.f. Which quadrant is associated with "I'm okay and have control over myself" and "Society is okay, and I can make it in this system"? Early research indicates that African Americans who scored high external on thelocus of control:a. Espiritismo refers to:a. by. U.S. society is characterized by which philosophy? "Playing it cool" has been identified as a means by which Blacks as well as other people of color: a. b. Oia'i'o. d. A collectivistic perspective. b. Drs. Unequal and favorable treatment of women that is conducted in a hiddenmanner.b. d. African Americans tend to believe that ideas are to be tested in the crucible of argument. A full understanding of how racism operates in society and hatred towards Whites. You see them as chronically dependent.c. c. Heterosexism. Effective management of countertransference. IC-IR.b. Ameri, Which of the following is untrue regarding ethnic minority families?a. The professor in the dialogue presented in Chapter 2 believes that:a. . Staying the same.d. b. c. Shame, disgust, frustration. Prior to this, she was a Cloud Solution Architect and also worked in Technology, Data & Analytics at PwC where she specialised in project & programme management as well as data analytics. married jackie stiles husband 6 juin 2022. Assertiveness training represents the White cultural value of emotional and behavioral expressiveness. Which of the following is NOT a relevant question for counselors to ask: a. In Asian psychology, the shamanic drumming circle is the most widely used form of therapy to reach enlightenment and liberation. Multicultural counseling practice can be defined as both a helping role and process that uses which of the following: a. The role of counselor should be broadened to include teaching, consulting, and advocacy. Psychoanalysis with a psychiatrist.d. It is easier to integrate multicultural sensitivity with evidence-based practice than with empirically supported treatments. A problem with the phrase teaching tolerance is: a. The full understanding of institutionalized racism.b. Whites have been socialized to think that they are inferior because they come from a low-context culture. In which stage does an individual experience conflict in terms of responsibilityand allegiance to one's own group versus notions of personal independence andautonomy?a. Feel uncomfortable.d. Working-through Stage. As a useful assessment and diagnostic tool.c. Offered herself as the chief instrument of cure.d. e. None of the above. This is a question you may ask if youare attem, Which of the following is likely to be a perspective of a culturally competenthelping professional?a. Bias is a little studied but viable explanation for these disparities. Rushing to help a disabled person onto public transportation could potentially signalto them that:a. Traditional counselors that have been trained to be direct and confrontational maybe perceived by Asian American or Native American clients as:a. Disrespectful.b. Incorporating tribal practices and rituals into an aspect of a Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) treatment for an American Indian represents: a. The role of counselor should be broadened to include teaching, consulting,and advocacy.b. d. What lessons can we learn from a better understanding of the psychological dynamics of microaggressions? d. European immigrants considered American Indians to be different culturally but equal in rights. d. Exhibited less innovative social action behavior. The term thuoc nam spoken by Mrs. Nguyen to the counselor signified:a. Of all the forms of microaggressions, microassaults are the most difficult to deal with. b. Alien in Own Landd. Which of the following has been described as a challenge faced by counselors in treating culturally diverse populations: a. Linguistic barriers, because the U.S. is largely a monolingual society. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to shelter the disturbedindividual.b. People are more likely to deny racism or sexism than transphobia. High-low context.d. Below are some common examples of ambiguity: A good life depends on a liver - Liver may be an organ or simply a living person. Developing multicultural competencies as core standards for our profession.c. Hall of the House and committee rooms, for members' and . The vision quest is used by some American Indians as a religious renewal or riteof passage. d. Resistance and Immersion Stage. Undressing in publi. admin on volusia county school schedule Every day, I teach managers, executives, and ICs life's most useful skills, and support the growth and development of members of the . Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: a. American Indians. Which of the following represents a cultural adaptation of an EST: a. d. Avoid counseling services. An emic perspective.b. Larry Summers' comment that test score differences between men and women were most likely due to "innate abilities" reflects: a. Culturally diverse clients who do not conceive of mental and physical health as separate entities may expect: a. Empathic listening. The following statement is true of microaggressions: a. Traditional counseling practice that emphasizes individualism and control.b. c. Shame. Social therapy is needed.c. A situation-centered therapist working with an African American client is likelyto consider the client's personality over and above racism as a reason for theclient's termination from work. We know that sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, so we provide you with hundreds of related samples. The myth of the "model minority" has often played into major misunderstandingsbetween Black and Asian communities. 2023 . All too often, counseling and psychotherapy seem to ignore which dimension ofhuman existence?a. Woofing refers to a style of verbal banter that includes niceties and compliments. c. African Americans. ambiguity definition: 1. Healthy development means being independent and non-enmeshed.b. c. The knowledge that the individual level of personal identity is more important than the group level of personal identity. Resistance and Immersion Stage.c. c. Selective trust and distrust according to the dominant group's demonstrated attitudes. In the Cross (1971) model, the last stage, ________________ speaks to thecommitment that individuals have toward social change, social justice, and civilrights. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: a. Ensure team alignment. Make clients feel uncomfortable and assail their identity. c. Often more dependent upon nonverbal than on verbal communication. Before coming to the United States, his pa. Mrs. Thor was successful with Vang because she:a. Which of the following is an empirically supported relationship variable:a. b. Undressing in public is a cultural taboo. Nonverbal cues are important because they often reflect our conscious biases. a. : the period before attainment of majority. Multicultural counseling and psychotherapy assumes: a. It assumes that insight always leads to behavior change.d. c. May betray a lack of knowledge about racial groups. Shifting the dialogue to other topics (i.e. The universal level is consistent with social sci. His distressing symptoms involved severe headaches and hearing voices. As a useful assessment and diagnostic tool. with minority clients. which best describes the pillbugs organ of respiration; jesse pearson obituary; ion select placeholder color; best fishing spots in dupage county Child abuse.c. c. Haughty or aloof. Covert sexism is: a. d. EC-ER. d. Believe their ethnicity represents a handicap in Western society. How are they related. In which stage does the person of color realize racism exists?a. She has a BSc in Psychology from the . d. System-blame. Blatant and harmful treatment of women [overt sexism] that is conscious anddeliberat, Aversive racists tend to:a. Consciously assert egalitarian values but unconsciously hold anti-minorityfeelings.b. Which stage is characterized by a disdain for the dominant culture anddevelopment of pride in one's own culture:a. Integrative Awareness Stage.b. b. The publication of The Bell Curve represents which of the following: a. The counselor is a stranger to the client.d. c. Textbooks on history often put too much emphasis on the importance of other countries. Ambiguity definition: If you say that there is ambiguity in something, you mean that it is unclear or confusing. Shifting the dialogue to other group differences such as gender.c. b. Mrs. Thor attributed the symptoms to spirits. b. IC-ER. d. Changing the individual to adjust or conform to a sick system or unhealthy situation may be unwittingly the goal of unenlightened therapy. c. High-low context. Value individual responsibility and autonomy. c. Unavoidable and inevitable due to the socialization process in the U.S. d. Avoidable due to the lack of critical thinking on the part of the average U.S. citizen. c. They are unimportant to society. c. To play roles other than that of "psychotherapist" based on the needs of the client. e. None of the above. d. The client is encouraged to directly confront their parents about historical issues between them during assertiveness training. A traumatic event where one's self-deprecating belief. Make clients feel they are not accepted unless they conform to other's standards . According to the culturally diverse model, the goal of society should be to recognize the legitimacy of alternative lifestyles and embrace the advantages of biculturalism. When counselors unwittingly impose monocultural standards without regardfor differences in race, culture, gender, and sexual orientation, they may beengaging in:a. IC-IR.b. a. Negates important aspect of people of color's identity.
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