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background-color: #363636; flex-grow: 1; 0%, 40% { @media screen and (min-width: 1408px) { color: #fff; } @media screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px) { padding-top: 230px; ORIGINAL INTERIOR IS VERY PRESENTABLE .home-page a.acreditlink { max-width: 100%; } .button.is-light:focus, .button.is-light.is-focused { @media screen and (min-width: 769px), print { margin-left: 75%; } justify-content: space-between; } .navbar.is-white .navbar-end .navbar-link:hover, content: "D"; flex-grow: 1; } text-align: center; .navbar.is-warning .navbar-brand .navbar-link.is-active { background-color: #f2f2f2; } display: block; .column.is-offset-0-widescreen { border-bottom-style: solid; .file.has-name .file-cta { margin-left: 50%; } .navbar.is-black .navbar-start > a.navbar-item:focus, .navbar.is-black .navbar-start > a.navbar-item:hover, .navbar.is-black .navbar-start > a.navbar-item.is-active, .hero.is-light.is-bold { color: #3298dc; } .abbreviations .ad-tag { .navbar.is-link .navbar-end .navbar-link:focus, .tag:not(body).is-success { .hero.is-danger strong { .columns.is-variable.is-0-widescreen { z-index: 20; height: 0.05rem; justify-content: right; .stable-page .column.left { padding: 0.5em 1em; } .message strong { color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.3); } .checkbox input, .radio input { top: 0.5rem; } .column.is-9, .column.is-9-tablet { color: #0a0a0a; } position: relative; padding-right: calc(1em + 0.25em); } color: #fff; } background: transparent; .tag:not(body).is-primary.is-light { } margin-left: 41.6666666667%; } background: #444444aa; } div.grid-card > h3 a { border-color: transparent; .column.is-offset-two-fifths-fullhd { Thanks guys! INTERIOR CONDITION OVERVIEW: Climbing inside this 1927 Chevrolet Capitol is like stepping into a time machine! min-height: 200px !important; flex: none; position: absolute; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -0.04rem; order: 2; } background-color: #0a0a0a; display: block; width: 33.3333%; } border-color: transparent; Search locally or nationwide. width: 1.5rem; } background-image: linear-gradient(141deg, #e8e3e4 0%, white 71%, white 100%); } } border-color: transparent; { .buttons.has-addons .button:focus, .buttons.has-addons .button.is-focused, .buttons.has-addons .button:active, .buttons.has-addons .button.is-active, .buttons.has-addons .button.is-selected { height: auto; Available in eight. .button.is-info.is-light:active, .button.is-info.is-light.is-active { .grid-card .footer { box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } border-color: transparent transparent #f14668 #f14668 !important; } border-color: #0a0a0a; They did have the two port heads like other '28s. .navbar.is-warning .navbar-start .navbar-link:focus, background: transparent; gtag('js', new Date()); .select.is-primary select:focus, .select.is-primary select.is-focused, .select.is-primary select:active, .select.is-primary select.is-active { More photos available on request. font-size: 1em; .navbar.is-dark { background-color: #0a0a0a; .hero.is-link .subtitle a:not(.button), text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 black; border-color: #dddddd; margin-left: 100%; } } .maninfo-left, .maninfo-left h3 { .column.is-one-third-touch { .specifications-page .grid div:hover a.man { .navbar.is-light .navbar-item.has-dropdown.is-active .navbar-link { .tile.is-ancestor:last-child { .hero .navbar { min-width: 320px; footer ul.manus { .button.is-warning[disabled], fieldset[disabled] .button.is-warning { .car-page .level-left, } #carousel { .hero.is-info a.navbar-item:hover, .hero.is-info a.navbar-item.is-active, flex: none; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); .columns.is-mobile > .column.is-3 { --columnGap: 0.5rem; } } border-color: #f89d0e; border-color: whitesmoke; } .column.is-offset-0-desktop { background-color: #fff; width: 66.6666666667%; } .button.is-info.is-outlined.is-loading::after { left: 0; } padding-left: 5px; .file.is-light:hover .file-cta, .file.is-light.is-hovered .file-cta { } .car-page #carfolio\.com_leaderboard_1 { .tag:not(body).is-success.is-light { border-color: #fff; margin-left: 100%; } } 1929 Chevrolet 2 Door Sedan Delivery!! background-color: #353535; .column.is-three-quarters-mobile { border-width: 1px; margin-left: 41.6666666667%; } } display: flex; } background-color: whitesmoke; margin-left: 25%; } } .list-item:not(:last-child) { .grid-card > .detail abbr { border-color: transparent; opacity: 0.9; } .navbar.is-success .navbar-end .navbar-link:hover, background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1); } border-color: #ffdd57; } } padding-left: 2px; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } background-color: #f2f2f2; } display: flex; } flex: none; width: 100%!important; padding: 4px; position: relative; @media screen and (min-width: 1216px) { .hero.is-warning.is-bold .navbar-menu { margin-right: 0; } .letters > a:hover { margin-bottom: 5px; @media (max-width: 798px) { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 black; margin-right: 0; } .specifications-compare table.specstable .modelrow th.divider a span { color: #ffffff !important; text-shadow: none; } } margin-left: 75%; } .select.is-primary select:hover, .select.is-primary select.is-hovered { border-color: #333333 !important; Examine the data. .pagination-ellipsis { Contact 507-386-1726 sales@uniqueclassiccars.com. The first will be open to 1000 Miglia eligible cars, built between 1927 and . Launched in the year Ford changed from the Model T to the Model A, Chevrolet sold 1,001,820 Series AA cars, and under the direction of General Manager William S. Knudsen Chevrolet would overtake Ford's dominance in the market internationally. background-color: #effaf3; .hero.is-black .navbar-link { margin-bottom: 80px !important; .table th.is-white { .column.is-offset-three-fifths-touch { background-color: #f2f2f2; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } margin-top: 20px; padding-top: 0.375em; } .car-page table th:last-child{ width: 75%; } flex: none; color: #fff; } .navbar-link:focus-within, Classic Car Deals. flex-basis: auto; padding: 0; margin-left: 60%; } .navbar.is-black .navbar-item.has-dropdown:hover .navbar-link, .hero.is-white .subtitle a:not(.button), .navbar-dropdown .navbar-item { .column.is-offset-one-fifth, .column.is-offset-one-fifth-tablet { text-decoration: none; Dealership assumes no responsibility for any repairs needed to the vehicle and it's the buyers sole responsibility for any repairs that might be needed. The event is reserved for up to 40 cars in two classes: the 1000 Miglia Era Class and the Post-1000 Miglia Era Class. button.dropdown-item { position: absolute; .home-page .data li { flex: none; @media screen and (max-width: 1023px) { } color: #fff; } } .pagination-list { color: white; } width: 75%; } min-width: 100%; margin-left: 58.3333333333%; } div.alpha a { background-color: white; font-size: 1.5rem; } padding-bottom: 0; grid-template-columns: repeat( auto-fit, 300px ); .car-page table th { .column.is-0-widescreen { .field.has-addons .control .input:not([disabled]):hover, margin-left: 100%; } margin-right: 1rem; } The Head has the S.P.C. More Items From eBay. box-shadow: none; Reproduction Parts for 1916-1964 Chevrolet Passenger Cars & 1918-1987 Chevrolet & GMC Trucks. color: #fff; } .electric::after { } width: 0%; } Of course there are some small bits missing as well.Metal is very solid with no rust through. width: 58.3333333333%; } color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } box-shadow: 1px 1px 18px -14px black; border-color: transparent; .hero.is-black.is-bold .navbar-menu { .column.is-two-fifths-touch { color: #fff; } .button.is-dark.is-outlined.is-loading::after { margin-left: 8.3333333333%; } color: #48c774; } box-shadow: 0 -2px 3px rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1); } .specifications-types .grid-card h3 { Information . .hero.is-white .tabs a:hover { .button.is-link.is-loading::after { align-items: center; flex: none; flex: none; flex: none; border-radius: 6px; [disabled].checkbox, [disabled].radio, fieldset[disabled] .checkbox, fieldset[disabled] .radio { font-size: 1.25rem; .column.is-three-fifths-widescreen { top: 0; } --columnGap: 1.5rem; } } border-color: transparent transparent #3298dc #3298dc !important; } .left > div { flex-grow: 1; padding: 1em 3em; } .hero.is-primary a.navbar-item:hover, .hero.is-primary a.navbar-item.is-active, margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } } border-color: #fff; flex: none; .button.is-info:hover, .button.is-info.is-hovered { border-color: transparent; } letter-spacing: 1px; width: 25%; } .columns.is-variable.is-1-touch { The communication is great. .columns.is-variable.is-4-tablet { .columns.is-variable.is-8 { .hero.is-white .title { .file.is-dark .file-cta { .columns.is-variable.is-7-mobile { .file.is-black:focus .file-cta, .file.is-black.is-focused .file-cta { color: #fff; } .table thead { border-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; margin-left: 58.3333333333%; } color: #fff; } background-color: #48c774; border-color: transparent; background: white; } font-size: 2.5rem; 1927 Chevrolet Series AA Valuation Average Sale Value $15,606 Lowest Sale Value $2,100 Highest Sale Value $55,000 Data based on 17 auction sales. } color: #3298dc; } color: white; height: 2px; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); } color: #666666; font-size: 24px; } .column.is-half, .column.is-half-tablet { .navbar.is-primary .navbar-brand > a.navbar-item:focus, .navbar.is-primary .navbar-brand > a.navbar-item:hover, .navbar.is-primary .navbar-brand > a.navbar-item.is-active, text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 black; .tags .tag { color: #fff; } color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.3); } color: #cc0f35; } box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } .hero.is-warning .navbar-item, min-width: 2.5em; flex: none; display: inline-block; .column.is-two-fifths-mobile { background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1); } $22,500 Dealership CC-1655828 1927 Chevrolet Sedan 1927 CHEVROLET 4DR SEDAN RESTORE RAT ROD STREET ROD Please Note The Following **Vehicle Location is . .hero.is-danger.is-bold .navbar-menu { .button.is-link:focus, .button.is-link.is-focused { color: #fff; } color: #947600; } .button.is-info.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:hover::after, .button.is-info.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-hovered::after, .button.is-info.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:focus::after, .button.is-info.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-focused::after { .search-results .column.left, --columnGap: 1.5rem; } } .models-page .columns.main { .tools-page article { .columns.is-mobile > .column.is-offset-9 { padding-top: 0.375em; } margin-left: 16.6666666667%; } margin-top: 50px; background-color: #ffdb4a; Track recent comps for the classic or exotic cars you own - or the cars you want. border-color: whitesmoke; .tools-page label.filter.radio:hover { .navbar-burger.is-active span:nth-child(3) { font-size: 1rem; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #b5bdc8 0%,#828c95 36%,#28343b 100%); /* W3C, IE10+, FF16+, Chrome26+, Opera12+, Safari7+ */ border-color: transparent; .navbar-link.is-active { @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { } top: 0; background: #ffffffaa; --columnGap: 0rem; } } .home-page .data { nav.navbar.sort > div.navbar-item > a { label.stable-toggle, .navbar-dropdown a.navbar-item { font-size: 0.8rem; .tabs ul { .control.has-icons-right .input, flex: none; .button.is-warning:active, .button.is-warning.is-active { .hero.is-danger.is-bold { .dropdown.is-active .dropdown-menu, .dropdown.is-hoverable:hover .dropdown-menu { box-shadow: none; 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} order: 2; } .hero.is-danger .tabs li.is-active a { background-color: #238cd1; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 white; border-color: white; } } } Customer is encouraged to verify this information on their own, prior to purchase. background-color: #effaf3; border-bottom-right-radius: 6px; .maninfo nav.navbar { color: #fff; } .hero.is-white.is-bold { border-top-right-radius: 0; } width: 58.3333333333%; } border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); Average Retail $9,350. background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-color: #3298dc; background-color: #effaf3; view details $9,995 Added as favorite border-color: transparent transparent black black !important; } color: #4a4a4a; } padding: 0.5em 1em; } border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px; font-weight: bold; .hero.is-link a.navbar-item:hover, .hero.is-link a.navbar-item.is-active, color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } margin-left: 8.3333333333%; } font-size: 2rem; flex: none; .button.is-info.is-outlined { .button.is-normal { } color: #fff; } .navbar-start, .button.is-black.is-outlined.is-loading:hover::after, .button.is-black.is-outlined.is-loading.is-hovered::after, .button.is-black.is-outlined.is-loading:focus::after, .button.is-black.is-outlined.is-loading.is-focused::after { content: "P"; border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0; justify-content: center; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); } border-width: 1px; color: #fff; } @media screen and (min-width: 799px) { .button.is-warning { .list .list-item:hover { div.grid-card, .car-page .grid-card , .search-results .grid-card{ .button.is-black:focus:not(:active), .button.is-black.is-focused:not(:active) { color: white; } .columns.is-variable.is-1-widescreen { .button.is-link.is-light:active, .button.is-link.is-light.is-active { .hero.is-small .hero-body { border-bottom-style: solid; background-color: #363636; .column.is-two-thirds-touch { padding-right: 5px; .button.is-dark.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:hover::after, .button.is-dark.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-hovered::after, .button.is-dark.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading:focus::after, .button.is-dark.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-loading.is-focused::after { .navbar.is-light .navbar-end > .navbar-item, .specifications-types div.grid-card > div { .field.is-grouped.is-grouped-multiline > .control:last-child, .field.is-grouped.is-grouped-multiline > .control:not(:last-child) { .stable-page div.grid-card > input { flex: none; 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text-align: center; I recently bought what I thought was a '28 but it has no front brakes and the front springs mount to the end of the frame horns like a '27.
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