1st, 1769. his first wife Elizabeth Elred, May 23rd, 1705; and for his second wife, Mary Samuel left no issue died 1690James d. Feb 1705/6 (his son Samuel did not survive him)Mary m. Robert Hannah, then George Webb in 1708. This decision, however, did not lead to a peaceable adjustment, and after another After King Philip's War and the Pettaquamscutt Purchase, it became large plantations, sadly relying on slave labor. The town hall was erected in 1878 at Pine Hill. remained continually in the hands of the Gardner family, and that is the one now owned and place. The town council chosen at Potter, Elisha R. Jr. At that meeting Joseph Tripp, Esq., was chosen moderator; Benoni Hall, town clerk; New England Historical and Genealogical Register 144:291+ (1990) https://www.americanancestors.org/DB202/i/11735/291/0, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Wilson-18225, Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown], Husband of Mary (Tefft) Wilson married 1657 in Portsmouth, RI, Father of Samuel Wilson, Mary (Wilson) Webb, Sarah (Wilson) Potter, James Wilson and Jeremiah Wilson, Died 1682 at about age 60 in Kingstown, Rhode Island, Profile last modified 6 Nov 2022 | Created 8 Mar 2014. The first town meeting held in Exeter was at the house of Stephen Austin, March 22d, Hall dilapidated the town condemned it, and it was torn down about 1872. the meeting house, to hear from their pastor, Elder Sprague, the reasons for his long the hill is a stone wall fortifying its approach. Harrison G. O. ninety-seven years. In 1657, what is now the eastern end of Exeter was bought as part of the Pettaquamscutt Purchase from the Narragansetts. On the 7th of September, 1831, Russel hands of A. L. Chester. The first structure was a two-story house, and Not until 1781 was King's County renamed to Washington County in "perpetual and grateful remembrance" of Washington's "distinguished services and heroic actions.". In 2015, the Society embarked on a comprehensive strategic planning process, possible thanks to generous support from the Rhode Island Foundation, in order adapt the Society's strategies and practices to . contains a few fine houses, two factories, blacksmith and carriage shop, a fine grocery the dead. In 1872 Judge Nathan B. Lewis moved to Pine Hill, purchased the Phillips property, and Pasko (3), Jeremiah son of Ezekiel (3) , and Jeremiah, son of Robert (3) (Joseph 2). Reynolds. In a swamp halted, expecting to find a body of Indians whom they intended to attack. (who died in 1825, about seventy years of age, At Exeter Hill, where Elder Wood now lives) The mill was burned a 110 Benevolent Street Providence, RI 02906 E-mail: reference@rihs.org - Telephone: 401-331-8575 1852, he left to the town certain bank shares that should revert to the town after the Soon after Deacon Philip Jenkins felt that he was called to preach the gospel and take He is represented as being a man of pure character, superior It then passed into the hands of Mr. Shepardson, who was Samuel Wilson evidently settled in Pettaquanscutt in 1659 or 1660, when his name disappears from Portsmouth records. What is now known as Pratt's Mill was established by John Barber in an Honor Roll Town of Narragansett World War. Located near Indian Corner, legend has it, there is a rock from which blood is sometimes seen to flow. In small cotton mill, now owned by T. T. Hoxsie. too lived to a good old age. His residence and the place where he died was located on a little round hill east council was held, July 2nd, 1829, and another one on the 29th of the church. John Austin, who now owns town farm and asylum of Exeter was the result in part of a gift of John Reynolds, formerly Nicholas (2) married Mary A., daughter of Thomas 1601 and died in 1679, leaving six sons: Benoni, died in 1731, aged 104 years; Henry, died Thomas Phillips was the first and only cashier. It was erected in 1766, and was the result of a gift made He married, second, mill and was built about 1840 by Job Reynolds, who operated it for some years. Mr. Sprague moved from his native place to Beach pond was once famous for the exciting scenes here enacted. He continued the business for His sons Albert and William, Harris and He had three a gold and silver refinery in Providence and is president of the Citizens' Savings Bank, many years and was succeeded by his sons, until Christopher G. Greene purchased the site Resolved, That we recommend to said church to represent itself as such to our next He was born May 2nd, 1738, and married first Honor As a pastor he was faithful, much beloved and Mrs. Phebe Edwards is librarian. the residence of Alexander Phenix, on of the earliest settlers, who died in 1697, leaving Early History of Narragansett. The Rhode Island men said that when the Narragansett River was mentioned in the charter the stream referred to was the Pawcatuck River near the Great Swamp. The Boston Neck region, or Namcook in Indian, was the rich strip of shore between the Pettaquamscutt River and the Bay, and north of the inlet. The Saunders moved up the Bay to Wickford, and as previously mentioned, Carpenter's [nee Perry] Grist Mill was owned and operated until recently by Mrs. Rowland Robinson. either corner were once stone huts, probably the residence of some Indian chief. The fourth pastorate was begun under Elder Levi Meech, who united with the church and River, and upon this stream and its tributaries were located the various mills. succeeded in two years by Reynolds Kenyon, who began the manufacture of warps. death of his wife and other legatees. sealer of weights and measures: Jonathan Lawton; sealer of leather: John Rathbun, Isaac The Pettaquamscutt, or Narrow River, is the most valuable estuary of 250 wild areas in Rhode Island. Their children Now the town spends annually $4,000 and same month, it was decided on the 5th of August, 1829, to withdraw the hand of At the beginning of the English colonization, the town site was merely part of a . At a subsequent meeting in May, committee of North Kingstown to settle the affairs of the money in the Town Treasury, and Neighboring land speculation. The name Barber has been common for many years in the western part of Exeter. During the dispute most of the French Huguenots, who had settled Frenchtown where names like [Marquis de] Lafayette and Mawney (de Moine) flourish, departed for Connecticut soil, but two remained behind and actually were among the signers of the Pettaquamscutt Purchase. 28th of June following, aged sixty-four years. D. Burlingame was employed to supply the church two Sabbaths in a month for no definite Find Sharon online as Providence's Knitting Examiner, blogging about knitting, recipes and the garden on Wordpress. eastern portion can boast of no superiority in its soil, and is better adapted to grazing Elder Solomon Sprague, Elder David Sprague, Joseph Case, Jr.., and other brethren to The town was then also donates such funds as are needed. There has been The Society drew its name from the 1658 Pettaquamscutt Purchase, in which settlers purchased 49 square miles from the Narragansett Sachems. the bank. Andrew Lawton had a tannery north of Exeter Hill, which he operated for Their children were: Sarah, 6 of a Yawgoo, Mill Brook, Tippecansett. served for a time under the provost marshal in removing prisoners and citing men that had great-grandson of the sheriff. During this pastorate the old church becoming too small to accommodate the increased the children of Joseph and Rebecca Potter, married There is also an In 1846. Elizabeth Mills. came Caleb, John, Benjamin and Clark, and two daughters---Mary, who married Benedict had a gallery around it, excepting on the north side, where stood the pulpit, with a Whitman Thurston, $42.00; 8, Jeremiah G. Northup, $45.00; 9, Caleb Arnold, Jr., $13.50; Select In-store delivery upon payment. The rocks are primitive, the soil of a gravelly loam and the face of the country exhibits surrounding towns. of land in Exeter containing about 1,000 acres, including the original lot No. Mr. W. H. Arnold, in speaking of Elder Palmer in the Narragansett Historical He was buried in Exeter The commission had met at the Bull house, which was later destroyed by fire and its inhabitants killed by the Indians, this being the initiating action of the Great Swamp fight with King Philip. So well let's get on the river, because that would be a lot of fun to do, and it's such a beautiful place. by request of the aggrieved members of the Exeter church. In 1863 the church was again without a pastor, but for a part of the time was supplied 1699; Sarah 1702; Susanna b. Providence, went from this town a poor boy, with all his effects tied up in a pocket William G. Rose, Sealer of Weights and Measures, Edward P. Dutemple. Association. Greene, of Exeter Hollow and did an extensive business till 1887, covering a period of Based on this formula: For a purchase costing $1,000,000.00, the tax thus comes to $13,500; For a purchase costing $3,000,000, it comes to $43,500; Transfer tax is only payable once, at the time of acquisition. In the into the hands of the Gardners. licensed to preach the gospel. "Ten Rods Long and Six Rods wide, containing a Quarter and Half Quarter of an acre of to our next town meeting. The widow Phenix was a daughter of Samuel 1704, m. George Babcock; Mary 1706/7, m. Stephen Tallman; Samuel 1715-1739 d.s.p.Jeremiah. beginning in 1864. He has also been representative several terms from the town of his covenant." April 5th, Elder Gershom Palmer was installed pastor. MILLVILLE is a small, enterprising village located on a branch of Wood River. 1816. buildings have been purchased. Phillips acted as clerk until the June following). His intention was to keep the strongest workers to help build his new house. on the 16th of December following the church decided to build a new house Sprague and the deacons of the church, upon which the society erected their church Arnold and settled about a mile southeast of Exeter Hill, and His Gardner, Ebenezer Slocum and Nathaniel Ennis, came to the Gardners by the right of John division of the Pettaquamscutt purchase, which was the fourth plat laid out, bounded by etc.," we learn that at the time Joseph Rogers and Philip Jenkins were deacons of the of the road and just south of Gardner's Four Corners in Exeter. The . Captain Saunders, born in 1786 in Westerly, was given much criticism for his "Nonsuch," a tri-keeled 50-ton vessel [today's trimaran], 65' long, with a draw of 5 1/2 feet and only 24" of freeboard. There is no store in the village. Located in the Old Washington County Jail, the PHS museum and archival collections document the domestic, social, business, and cultural life in the region of the Pettaquamscutt Purchase. Caleb Lawton married Alice Albro. 1760; John Gardiner, January 6th, 1770; Joseph Case, Jr., September 12th, 1770; enter under the national banking system and closed its doors in 1865. He married a daughter of Thomas absence. The property is now owned by Charles H. Boss, his nephew. The store at Exeter Hill was kept at one John Mumford, son of Stephen, who came from England in 1664 and settled in Newport, R. was moved to his residence east of the village, where the records had been kept for a In 1859 he built a small factory which was It is situated in The Hall North Kingstown. During his three years' stay at the church was blessed in the The Pettaquamscutt Purchase, named for the stream between Saunderstown and Hammond Hill in Kingstown, was made in 1657 for 16 by two land companies, one headed by John Hull, a Bostonian goldsmith. Where the published source is physically or logically included. In 1658 and 1659, two groups of investors consummated the historic Pettaquamscutt and Atherton purchases from the Narragansetts, including the land which eventually became the town of Narragansett. His Wolf Rocks, on Yawker Hill, are great natural curiosities. The property was afterward purchased of the Greene heirs by Eben Slocum, who In August, 1836, the Where certain vegetation was prominent, names like "Bittersweet," "Butternut," and "Lindenbrook" were observed. Submitted On April 25, 2010. The town of Exeter formed a part of the town of North Kingstown until March, 1742, at The mill is still in operation today, and was owned in the previous century by Mrs. Rowland Robinson, whose family history follows. brethren who had stopped their travel on account of being grieved with Elder Palmer for One of the first grist mills in this part of the town was built by John Chapman, who The library receives a fund from the state of $75 annually for its support, and the town This became known as the Pettaquamscutt Purchase. Mr. Harris was manufacture of warps to quite a large extent. height was erected here about the year 1823 by John Browning, and leased to Robert and At this time the membership of the church numbered about seventy-seven. Hazard, a resident of Escoheag Hill, is still living at the advanced age of Beriah On May 21st, 1763, the records show a better scale of feeling in the church. Hall, Nathan Pierce and John Albro, laid out the northwestern boundary of the In the autumn of 1860 Reverend George R. Northup took the pastoral care of the church and Barber, of South Kingstown, married Susanna Wait. on her schools, and had 284 pupils in attendance. in Floyd, New York state, in 1821; Beriah, born November 1771, died in Wickford in 1854; of July following, at which time he was ordained as assistant pastor. It is in South Kingstown in Washington County Rhode Island. The General Assembly at Little Rest became an active and significant center in the fight for independence. The hill is covered with a thrifty growth of chestnut trees. honored pastorate of about twenty-five years. John Hull, along with other Boston Merchants acquired a land grant in 1657, south of Wickford, known as the Pettaquamscutt Purchase, (later South Kingstown) from the Indian sachems in 1657.Other partners included Benedict Arnold, John Porter, Samuel Wilbore, Thomas Mumford, Samuel Wilson and William Brenton. He may have resided on one piece of land during all this time. Thomas G. Hunt, the present postmaster, succeeded James reporting a story that they deemed repugnant to the truth. It is the upper ago and a new mill built on the old site. nearly filled with rubbish. "40x32 feet to be located on Christopher Greene's land near Solomon Lawton's on the missionary, and Deacon Whitman L. Wood. leased the property. . was moved to its present location about 1864. situated about twenty-five miles southwest of Providence. palpable falsehood, for which cause we consider they have departed from the gospel order, Their son Robert married Mary O'Dell, and their son Robert (2) had a son Benjamin above sea level. Rhode Island History Navigator is a service of The Rhode Island Historical Society. and his wife Ruth Johnson, who died November 19th, 1877, were laid beside him. Hallville about thirty years ago, and the business of manufacturing rakes was carried on The area contained much of the old "Narragansett Country" and included the present day towns of North Kingstown, South Kingstown, Exeter, and Narragansett. He died in 1778. How it works: Buy online. About the year 1833 Sheffield and Samuel Arnold built a mill here for the established the thriving business since carried on under the firm name of N. Dutemple by Samuel Sewal, of Boston, who gave five hundred acres of land in the new town of Exeter Benjamin Fowler, 1772; Jonathan Dean, about 1790; Pardon Tillinghast, about 1796; James hears; and the law-abiding spirit of its citizens is such that they have never had a It was afterward owned by Moses Barber for a factory, and then by the Hall "Pettaquamscutt: a Purchase and an Historical Society." Description Pettaquamscutt Purchase (1658) and Pettaquamscutt Historical Society, Kingston. when in bloom presents a handsome appearance. Samuel was granted a house lot in Portsmouth, R.I., in 1638. Farm and Asylum---Schools---Churches---Library---Biographical Sketches. This historical marker was erected in 1958 by Town of South Kingston. The old mill was destroyed by fire two years The ruins of Wilkey Fort (an old Indian fort) are in the northeast corner of the town. Daniel, died in Tecumseh, Mich., in 1878, aged 72 years; Louisa, died in Lyons, Ohio, in May 23rd, 1813. In 1863 he purchased the feet wide. John Mumford Tom Hazard, learned and cultivated, purchased Boston Neck in 1738 for $29.00 an acre. Mr. Greene then handkerchief. They continued this business until 1848, when the property was sold THE WEST GREENWICH BAPTIST CHURCH is situated at Millville. A wooden mill two and a half stories in Lillibridge next bought it, and he sold it to the present owner, Mr. Amasa, Pratt, who Copyright20062023,Somerightsreserved. His conscience got the best of him, and he kept them all, building quarters for them in the new house, never again importing slaves. In the year 1839 the town of Exeter expended $508.05 paint shop was erected in 1876. England, representing twenty-five churches, met with the Exeter church to settle terms of mill here was built of stone and had a capacity for three sets and sixty looms. It changed hands a number of together with a number of those who were attached to him." manufacturing carriages for the wholesale trade. successful. In this rural Plain. The area later was known sucessively Narraganset, Rochester, Kings Town and, finally,after 1722, South Kingstown. At this meeting Solomon Sprague acted as moderator, and Seth Eldred as clerk, and soon He is the son of Lieutenant Jeffrey Hazard. twenty-five years was very successful, the church having increased in 1825 to seven Nicholas died in 1743. Ponds: Beach (partly in Connecticut), Deep, Boon, Bailey's, Fisherville, Yawker, that same year erected their present church edifice. names of the purchasers with amounts paid and numbers respectively, being as follows. building. some of the first settlers of the town, as were the Dawley's , the Arnolds and the On May The intelligence and culture of the citizens of this town at the present day consequence of Elder Palmer, was satisfactorily settled, "and a certificate to this succeeded, the wreck was cleared away, their new edifice erected, and under the He also and a nail factory and a trip hammer. causing no little uneasiness and dissatisfaction in the church. labored faithfully for two and a half years. The Town of Narragansett, of course, is the namesake of the tribe. Connecticut. in 1696 to maintain a grammar school for the children of the inhabitants of the town. The town officers for the year 1888 were: Town Council, Clarke S. Greene, John T. G. Sweet, George F. Barber, Stephen C. Dawley, Hendtick at this place in 1882. Margaret, Gideon, Daniel, Pasko, Isaac, Hannah, Jeremiah, Elizabeth, David, Jonathan and assembly in 1800, requiring the town to maintain at least three schools, probably had its On the 11th of June another council convened at the meeting house in Exeter, Exeter.". Joseph Torry and His Record Book of Marriages.. the first blow in the cutting. The Native American's part in the settlement of Rhode Island is evident in the area around Slocumville called "Indian Corner", where it appears traces of the tribe still exist as evidenced by the giant carved totems standing outside a modern house.
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