When you get there, make a note of the Overgrown Pool location a short distance to the east. Make your way back round to the schoolroom where you'll find that a chest has appeared in front of the sun and moon statues. Head to the Swamp Witchs Hut location. You want someone capable of casting Acid Splash to finish off regenerating creatures. He won't be around forever so take the opportunity to buy the Boots of Elvenkind he's selling. There are three Trollhounds in the first room which serve as a good demonstration of the power of the Devourer of Metal. Otherwise you can make a Strength or Dexterity check to start a fight at an advantage - either one troll down or the kobold shaman out cold. Tristian will want to talk to you about the cultists that you may have encountered on the road. I managed it with Kalikke using empowered blasts on the Tremendous Centipedes. Over the course of the game, this will save you from having to sit through dozens of lengthy loading screens. The ghost will say that it cant fall asleep because of the lights visible in the well. There is a short cut up the slope which requires Lore (Nature) followed by Athletics to negotiate. This is a quest item and there are three of them in the immediate vicinity. Barge past him and check the locked container (DC18) next to his house for a couple of scrolls among other things. There are four Dire Boars just to the south and past them is a house, a garden with a scarecrow in it and a gate. Later in the game, you will want to increase this reserve. Search for a hidden cache in the rubble nearby for a Torag's Pendant. Head back to Bartholomew for a chat. You may want to quicksave if you let the dog go. If you have any throne room events pending (for example, advisor rank-up events), go there and deal with them. Backtrack, cross over the path and head west to the edge of the map where you will find the hapless Ditael facing off against a pair of Dire Wolves. The objective of the quest Guiding Beacon. Start making your way west and south. Select it and Harrim will call you a blasphemer and strike the anvil a second time, knocking a jewel free. Tell him that you are hunting trolls as well and he will mark three locations on your map: Dwarven Ruins, Kobold Trail and Troll Clearing. He sells a unique handaxe but I would save your money. There are a number of houses dotted around the square that you can burgle. That would have come in useful just now! If you want to explore the final section of the upper level, unlock the door to the north and make your way around the school room and then back south to the other exits to the upper level. Speak to Lykka nearby who's a friendly nixie. The Nereid is unaffected but the Nixie and frogs should be disabled. Talk to him to begin this quest. You can follow the corridor round if you want - there are a few enemies to kill and traps to remove but also some doors that you can't open at this point. Return to your throne room to close out the chapter. As you make your way east along the road, you will find the bodies of two bandits. Make your way down the map to the village gate. When the enemies are dead, clear the spike trap (DC25). The next time you level up an advisor, make sure it's the Treasurer; otherwise you don't receive bonus BP for your ranks in other areas. Unlock the door next to it leading to a treasure room. What can go wrong, I really disliked something that comes up later: (spoiler inc obviously). Apologise to him. Backtrack to the Murque River and make your way east along the southern shoreline. Loot the nearby crates to find a Dwarven Helm Shard (5/10) amongst other things. Talk to Jenna in the upper left corner. The Lost Sister has a nasty ability called Blinding Beauty which can strike nearby allies blind if they fail a Fortitude 25 saving throw. Continue up the path, but hug the left side so that you don't trigger an ambush from an Ancient Will-o'-Wisp because you can't target it from here. Suggest to Rismel that he might be a bit bonkers. Loot a nearby body the a White Cog-wheel Ring, a Handaxe +1 and a Bandit's Letter which makes for interesting reading. You will have a scripted event on the road. When you enter you will be met by a lizardman named Kagar who mentions a "youngling". Go there to confront the fool. Bartholomew is involved in the quests Troll Trouble and The Nature of the Beast during which his house is attacked by trolls and trollhounds. Continue north to face off against a dangerous group of enemies: a Branded Troll, three Trolls, a Kobold Boomsayer and a couple of Kobold Archers. This is an optional dungeon that gradually opens up as the game progresses. You'll probably want to take a little time to level up your advisors at this point since there is nothing else pressing. Return to the trail and continue north where you will spot Arbor Rock to your left. If you were successful, you will earn 2800G. Agree to initiate his companion quest Unwanted Legacy. It also has DR 10/slashing so equip slashing weapons. The locked chest outside the house near the bottom left corner contains the Grilled Silver Eel recipe along with some silver eels. You should be able to afford a few cool items from Hassuf. You can now unlock the large doors. Head north to find a Dizzyhead and a Token of the Dryad along with two Giant Slugs. Don't go into the ruins just yet. You have an invitation from Maegar Varn to pay him a visit. This is for later but there's something you might be able to do now. When they're dead, you will find a Token of the Dryad on the ground nearby. There's locked door on the left of the room. Return to the path and start making your way east to the deserted village, cutting your way through a Greater Worg and three Ferocious Worgs. Cast Stinking Cloud on top of the enemies. Jazon drops a suit of Hide Armor +3 while the Spark Shaman drops a Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2. Instead, proceed further up the corridor and kill another Branded Troll and three Trollhounds. He is speaking to someone named Amalia, who is an adherent of the cult. Unwanted LegacyQuick save before examining the glowing rune on the back wall. Continue further east and fight your way past another two bandits to a bandit Conjurer. There are a couple more things to pick up while we're here. After killing it, go back and report on completing your task. Return to the trail and continue east at the junction. When it's clear, you can head down to the Ancient Tomb. Proceed to the location. The Cyclops drops a Greataxe +1 while the Zombie Lord drops a Masterwork scimitar. A nervous Linzi suggests that she knows who the culprit might be. You companions will have a view as to his deserved fate. The Tremendous Centipede is weak compared to the monster beneath Old Sycamore. Continue west and then north. You will find Bartholomew being attacked by a Troll, a Branded Troll and Dimwit. It's more-or-less immune to fire. Backtrack to the start of the level and go back upstairs. You can loot Giant Spider Legs if you like; they're a cooking ingredient and quite valuable. Open the chest for the Soot-Blackened Hammer (5/5) and a Shock Frost Heavy Mace +1. Kesten Garess will meet you to give you a whistle-stop tour.. You're not very bright, are you Tristian? You can rotate the plates and select certain symbols. You will find Bartholomew in his creepy basement. Jhod tells you that Remus (the mad guy who told you where Tartuccio was in the first act) has been spreading fear among the people. Continue north and you will spot a log among the trees containing another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag and minor loot. The next time Dragn visits your throne room, he will tell you that the armour he is working on has been stolen and tell you that the thief is by the Thorn River. If you met him on the road, you will find Rashor here. Instead, return to your capital. Another critic of the safety of lands which aren't yet ours. You will pass the Lonely Barrow to your south. Search a nearby container for the Soot-Blackened Gloves (3/5). You can take out the Alpha Worgs for the extra XP if you like, or you can simply concentrate attacks on Ivar. Make your way to the southeast corner where you will find the Scythe Tree waiting. You also have a bunch of items to sell to Storyteller in the throne room. TrollSubjectZero (1b317ed6609cd1b4a8814bb2406bc56e), Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit), Dimwit is a unique troll that can be found at the. Otherwise, level up another advisor. Do not go through the gate. If you speak to Tartuk you can learn a great deal about the kobolds. Otherwise, arm yourself with the Mallet of Woe. You will find it to the south of Bridge over the Gudrin River. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Hello, crusaders! There's a stash of gold up here as well. Suggest that you look for it together and Jubilost will agree to join your party. Since you're in the area, it would be rude to refuse. Be careful not to accidentally sell anything irreplaceable because you won't be able to get it back after leaving the area. Regardless, exhaust his conversation options for background information and make a note of where he is. If you choose to wait, three hours will pass after which two Trolls and a Branded Troll appear. Select "Settlements" and click on Tradegard. Either way you get a story. It's hard to swallow, but agree. However, before proceeding further, you want to cast Protection from Acid (Communal). You will come across a group of peasants near a tree looking for treasure. Lone House, Bartholomew Delgado, Bridge over the Gudrin River +1 +3 dodge bonus to AC, immune to nauseated: Beastrender: Falchion: Goblin Fortress +2: . If Ekun is going to be your Mobility guy, he'll want Boots of Elvenkind as well. After disposing of them, head down to the end of the path where you will find a dead body with some minor loot. The Blades aren't much tougher than the Sentinels, although they have sem-respectable AC. You'll need to harvest three of them shortly so you may want to get this out of the way. You will now be able swap between them using the Action Bar. However, there's a lots to do before you go there. The Fighter drops a Masterwork longsword and the ranged guys drop composite bows. From the Ruined Watchtower, head southwest and cross the Murque River. Head north a short distance. After that little exchange, exhaust her conversation options. He's not very tough and drops a Masterwork handaxe. When there are sixteen days remaining on the curse timeline, you will receive an event, "Troll Invasion". Go in there both to rest and to buy the Onslaught Gauntlets for Dragn. Initially, you will be fighting six Giant Spiders. You will now be able to build a Printing House in your capital. These are more dangerous than the ones you've been fighting up to now but so long as you are protected against their venom, they're not too much of a threat. If you built her a workshop, Shaynih'a will visit you and ask you to come and speak to her, initiating her artisan quest. He tells you that he's been swindled by a gang whom he employed to retrieve his possessions from Candlemere Island and who have subsequently vanished. Climb back down from this area and go immediately south. However, if you are protected, they won't really be able to hurt you so you simply need to wait until your attacks connect. Head inside the fortress, follow the trolls leader, descending to the lower floor. The two chests to the right of the throne contain gold and minor loot. The Boomsayer, as always, is the primary threat. There is a trap on the floor and the room is occupied by a Kobold Death Shaman and six Greater Giant Spiders. To proceed, ask about the trolls and he will say that a troll was caught in one of his fire traps but was unharmed. Listen to Enneo's version of events to initiate Jaethal's first companion quest, Investigate My Death. If Tartuk Hastes Hargulka, counter it with Slow (hit them with Slow regardless). Head north from your capital and claim the Fruits and Berries resource (15 BP, +1 Loyalty). Use Ekundayo on his own and move the cursor around until you see the attack icon. When they're dead, search a nearby chest for gold and the Ancestral Dwarven Shield. Waine. March north to Oleg's Trading Post. Head northeast to a wooden house close to the eastern edge of the map and search a crate for a Frost Scythe +2 and minor loot. If you're protected by Remove Fear, that doesn't do anything. You start off in the north of the area. If you make a World (Knowledge) check (DC23), you'll gain a few XP. If you will not kill the spirit in time, he can finish off the boy. Make your way into the Ruined Watchtower itself. If you want to close off Dorsy's part of the quest, tell him that you gave the coins to Wilber and he will attack. Inspire Competence is useful too. The shaman drops a Wand of Bless and a Cloak of Resistance +2. Otherwise, helpless characters will be murdered by the Doomspider. The Alpha Wolves are quite tough but manageable. Either option will add the Thorn River Bank location to your world map. Pathfinder Kingmaker: Magic Items List (Locations & Effects) ? Go across to the other side of the village where you'll find two Lizardfolk, Tassath and Shalur, near a vegetable patch, arguing. Search the pack of the dead merchant lying in the road for an Amulet of Agile Fists and a Merchant's Letter. There are three loot containers, one of them trapped (DC22) containing a Wand of Prayer. He tells you that the Great Ancestor instructed them to eat their own eggs. You start off in your new capital, which occupies the former site of the Stag Lord's Fort. Therefore, you have to get into melee range so that he attacks, walk away (and eat the attack of opportunity) and so on until he stands on the sunlit spot. Or you can simply kill them, which is what you'll have to do anyway if you fail the checks. You have business there, so pay it a visit. You can have Sartayne take Nazrielle's place, which is pointless, or let him go which is actively harmful. Go to the left bank of the river where you will find a hard-to-spot (for you, the player; the DC is 7) cache containing a Shard of Knight's Bracers (2/10). What do you know? It has decent defence and 152HP. Literally. Give this task to Tristian (Councilor). Make your way east along the southern part of the settlement and search the rubble next to a dilapidated shrine for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Clear another trap and continue northwest to find the Bandit Leader and his group. Head to the throne room and show the Spear Fragment to Storyteller who will recount the story associated with it. I encountered a bug here: resting near the Dwarven Ruins does not appear to remove fatigue. If you can't be bothered to fight them, you can try to Intimidate them. Follow him to the road and you can give him the brooch you found for a decent XP reward. It's hard to make out among the dead bandits, but there is a body on the floor with a Melted Shard of a Ring (2/13). After this, deal with the stuck cart, and then talk to Jubilost. Head northeast from your starting position. Go northeast at the next junction and cross back over into Shrike Hills. Afterwards, check out the merchants in the square. You will see the Ancient Mine just to your north. Afterwards, you can grab some minor loot from the container. Enter the cave which is the home of the Crag Linnorm, supposedly not a real dragon but it's big, has claws, jaws, wings and fiery breath so as far as you're concerned, it's a dragon. Go all the way back round and head back downstairs. In the next room along is a locked chest (DC30) with the Hand of Magus Dann. Cast Protection from Arrows (Communal) if you are able to along with any other AC boosts. He will want to wait a while to ambush some trolls who come this way. Check the timer for the Ancient Curse quest. You'll be attacked by another group of wolves: three Dire Wolves, an Alpha Wolf and a Ferocious Worg. The large chest reveals itself to be a Mimic. The Lonely Warrior drops a Frost Greatsword +1 and a suit of full plate armour. One of the doors upstairs is locked (DC17). He is a rather sketchy individual, but agree to investigate anyway. You will pass the Abandoned Laboratory, a future kingdom resource to the northwest. Given his evil nature and all the blood in the cellar..the choices are obvious. Yup, I took him and screwed Octavia. Continue west along the Little Sellen River where you will be able to claim the Scenic Locale kingdom resource. The first task you should see to is enroute to Tuskdale. He will open up a little more. I would suggest a Longhouse to begin with along with a pier by the water. Try and make the Diplomacy check because it's worth a substantial 720XP. You can speak to him about what's going on in the village for some interesting background info. Save your game and continue further into the throne room to find Hargulka accompanied by Tartuk. 3. This next bit's a pain. Quicksave and go east for an illustrated book episode.
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