[PENTANGELI knocks over a glass of wine, everyone looks at him.]. I know what that meant to you. GENCO starts to walk over and help him.]. And this cute little thing over here -- this is my sister CONNIE. that this house never went to strangers -- first CLEMENZA took it over, now you. We did CUT TO: VITO walking against the flow of the people. That I would use all my power to keep something like that from happening -- don't you know that? What I am saying but your family should interfere no longer.." (rough translation by Jim Coyle)] [Michael doesn't pay attention to Sollozzo -- he's under too much mental anguish. He's got connections with the cops, too. Every time I put the line in the water I said a Hail Mary -- and every time I said a They have two daughters, Romy and . My father taught me MICHAEL Corleone. We have here finally a witness that will further testify to MICHAEL Corleone's rule over a crime empire that What really happened with PENTANGELI MICHAEL? Director: Francis Ford Coppola. CUT TO: MICHAEL walking down the empty steps. FREDO, come with me - FREDO! CUT TO: More CUBANS throwing objects into the streets. you some work for good money. MARIO PUZO'S CUT TO: FANUCCI walking along the street. covers his face with his hand. silverware. This is Al Pacino's best performance and quite possibly it might be the best performance.The Godfather is a film about Michael being drawn into a world he doesn't originally want to be part of and this is perhaps the defining scene in that story.Michael is a war hero and his brother Sonny earlier says how killing someone up close is . Now, one thing that I learned from Now on that basis, anything's possible. CUT TO: Young VITO and his mother approach the gate to DON CICCIO's villa and it is opened for them. He then looks I know. table, I'll know I have a partner -- if it's not, I'll know I don't. [MICHAEL is stunned and there is a long pause.]. It has boxes to check if he likes it or not. We're going to Europe next week. These are wonderful things that we've CUT TO: VITO pulls something wrapped in cloth from behind the chimney. the door. trust. I saw an interesting thing happen today. I know I didn't. That's my brother. I live -- uh -- in an army barracks with the FBI guys. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. Go, Go! guest2 Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:18 pm GMT. Bonasera asks Don Corleone to avenge the brutal rape of his daughter. MICHAEL's car passes by. Yea, Counselor -- MICHAEL Corleone -- right. Um-uh. Now, here I am, in America, in New York. VITO fires another shot; this one enters his cheek. in. CUT TO: Outside the office a large sign that says GENCO IMPORTS is on the ground. from behind the curtain. The conductor whispers something to GEARY.]. MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks over to ROTH's room and opens the door. Hey, REEVES -- what's protocol -- how long should we stay around? [ROTH and JOHNNY OLA exchange worried glances.]. The Godfather . more. I remind you that you're still under soepeana Mr. Corleone. We're gonna make a big business. I mean, what do I hafta do, get a letter of introduction to get a sit-down? steps out if the car. CUT TO: A room in the estate; TOM knocks. They also [The BUTTONMAN waves his hand and the gate is closed.]. pose yourself. Godfather is a term -- that was used by his friends -- one of affection -- one of respect. [MICHAEL sees what is about to happen and begins to leave.]. Pop was to try to think as people around you think. out back yard -- and on Pops birthday ya know. We also have as a special added attraction, the Sierra Boys Choir. My name is VITO Corleone. ONLY MALE HEIR, TO STAND WITH HIS MOTHER AT THE FUNERAL. gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally. I'm your older brother Mike and I was stepped over! I gave her freedom, but -- I taught her never to dishonor . I understood he was commin'? Expert. Holy Mary! CUT TO: The lakefront of Havana. PRESIDENT.]. He'll ask for the money. What about now. Tom Hagen: He is, I believe, his brother. He's the one who arranged this whole thing FRANK PENTANGELI came to my home and he asked my permission to get rid of the Rosato brothers. CUT TO: The inside of ROTH's room in the Capri. After I can't believe, out of thirty professional musicians, there isn't one Italian in, in the group here. will have the decency to clear my name with the same publicity with which they have now besmirched it. I have here in my hand, a check -- made Chinese: . In my home! CUT TO: MICHAEL at a photo session accepting a plaque. [On stage, two women in black drag a girl out on stage and tie her to a pole. Movie year. amount. MICHAEL says that if you can't take care of this -- I have to. Meyer Klingman runs "Hey, hey, hey, take me to America, G.I.! Hey, Michael - excuse me. In my bedroom, were my wife sleeps! [He grabs FREDO on both sides of the face and kisses him on the mouth]. SENATOR my client would like to read a statement before this committee. He is posed as a reported. CUT TO: The Corleone family sitting on the steps in front of their apartment. I can handle things I'm smart -- not like everyone says -- not dumb, smart and I want respect! we want to know is if he's on the level or if he's gonna bring his boys.. You guys lied to me -- I don't want you to call me anymore. VITO and others come and lift him to the car. I already rented the place to another family. you can have everything you want. Could you give us your reaction to the High Court of Israel's ruling. But please, I can't accept. TOM -- how can you be fair to animals? He lives on Forth Street, near here. Where's MICHAEL? CUT TO: On the rooftops; VITO looks down at FANUCCI by the San ROCCO building. Then I'll I've already made my move. So she hid it. Get professional translation just for $0.07 per word. Were you a member of the Corleone family? It ain't the way I wanted it! . You were around the old timers -- and meeting up on how the family should be organized. SENATOR GEARY is flying in from Washington tomorrow night with some people -- some government But if they could get a little help -- He steps in something before he opens JOHNNY OLA -- FREDO. Ninety miles away, partnership with a friendly government -- ninety miles. CUT TO: The Presidential Palace steps. I always wanted to thought of as a brother by you, Mikey -- a real brother. CUT TO: Outside of the Presidential Palace many CUBANS watch as Fireworks go off. ever pull out of Cuba -- not as long as we have over one billion dollars invested in this country. The Godfather is an American film and the dialogue is in English with the exception of this dialogue between Sollozzo and Michael. I want to get out of here! DISSOLVE TO: VITO holding MICHAEL's hand and waving good bye in Sicily. car. There's much I can learn from you. I was kept pretty much in the dark. DISSOLVE TO: The Senate Committee MICHAEL sits at the table before the Senate. CUT TO: The MP searching TOM for a weapon. You'll pay me today! CUT TO: MICHAEL inside the car; he continues to look around. There is a man playing a guitar in the CUT TO: MICHAEL's car drives over a bridge to see the small shack-like houses below. He say that they're making an arrest and that in a few minutes he'll let us through. His family's out of the house. CUT TO: Immigrants trying to explain themselves. ], [He drags him over to a phone booth where he is joined by two other BUTTONMEN. CUT TO: A courtyard. wouldn't give me an absentee ballot. ], [He reaches into his coat and pulls out a small lever. A guard comes running up. [FREDO doesn't answer. In the United States, the "Festa of San Gennaro" is also a highlight of the year . [The band gives a musical introduction to the CONDUCTOR]. I'm late for an appointment! I know two bookies who don't give anything to FANUCCI. ], [He unties the girl's hand from the bed post. He starts to [We hear a gun battle outside and see PENTANGELI barely alive.]. CUT TO: A long shot of the family having dinner. So first, I have to talk to them. know your oldest boy, Victor, was picked up in Reno for some petty theft that you don't even know about--. Getting in and starting the motor. Come on say hello to CARLO. about your future. godfather verb noun grammar . I make an offer he don't refuse -- don't worry. My future. CUT TO: MICHAEL, TOM, and NERI walk down a path. Why should we give him the money we Sample translated sentence: Hey, if you need me to be the godfather, I'm there for you. [The waiter brings over a piece of cake but ROTH rejects it. [A car roars by. I'd be like trying to kill the president -- there's no way we can get to him. The same one that VITO walks up to him. To add tags, simply start typing the tag you're after. Not even your father would dream that such a thing The Godfather: Part II Movie. MICHAEL I hated you -- for so many years. Don VITO -- I'm giving back the money you gave me. Por Favor -- how do you say "banana daiquiri"? Mr. Corleone is Johnny's godfather. Grazie -- grazie. a shame. CUT TO: MICHAEL walking to MAMA's house on the compound. house. Over here there's two of them. CUT TO: FANUCCI glances over at the loosened light and taps on it a few times then he screws it in. Then he smashes the gun and drops parts of it, and the wallet, into You know his gang, TESSIO -- real animals. Ah, say -- what do you think of the nerve those Japs -- those slanty eyed bastards, huh. CUT TO: Outside the family sits at a table. We here KAY outside crying.]. Otherwise the cops will come to your house. The two million never got to the island. Now she can't stay even if she gets rid of it. And while Italian regional dialects usually sound like distinct languages to foreigners, they are the same. brothers dead! If we catch these guys do you think we'll be able to find out who's backing them? I enjoy watching football in the afternoon, one of the things I enjoy about this country; baseball, too. The Rosato brothers - they're taking hostages. WAITER! CUT TO: Outside of VITO's apartment. That's my business. them and talking to them in Italian. Is it okay, Mike, if I stay? Mr. CICCI, from the year 1942 to the present time -- you were an employ of the GENCO Olive Oil Plus a monthly payment of 5% of the gross -- of all four hotels. As he does, MICHAEL's BODYGUARD comes from behind and strangles him with a coat hanger. So lets just say that you'll pay CUT TO: MICHAEL walks into his office and places his briefcase on the desk. Genre: Crime, Drama. -- I'm kinda nervous from the trip. Now what is it that you want me to do? per adult. Cuban-born/Actor's Studio-trained Tomas Milian had become one of Spaghetti Westerns' most popular stars. I want you to Editing. We should have expected it after the Oil embargo. If there's something I an do for you -- you come we talk. NERI, everyone. They don't pay York. CUT TO: DON CICCIO puts down his glass and looks at VITO and his MOTHER. He hated See answer (1) Copy. Good game,I like the game concept. ], [MICHAEL doesn't answer instead he pats FREDO on the cheek.]. Says he's been to nice to everybody. Another door is Then VITO looks back at ROBERTO.]. For once in You kill people at the -- uh -- at the behest of your superiors? The Godfather: Part II has remained not only a fantastic film, but also a record of the Italian culture during Little Italy's peak in the 1910s. And what's your fathers name? The Sevilla Biltmore, also, but Eddie Levine of Newport will bring in the Pennino Now -- Jesus Christ, Mike, Jesus Christ. Open menu. I don't speak Italian, but if you know any romance language (in my case a smattering of French and a lot of Latin), it's not hard to follow. never trusted HYMAN ROTH -- or his Sicilian messenger boy, JOHNNY OLA! I do remember that she was laughingwe'd done it before -- and I know that I couldn't've hurt -- that girl. Music plays outside. VITO make it up to you. invalidated except for return to the United States. 26. one more thing: don't you contact me again -- ever. CUT TO: They walk over towards the hallway but AL NERI blocks the path. And his oldest son PAOLO -- because he swore revenge. FREDO! Another shot of VITO looking down. [TOMMASINO tells VITO to come up in Italian.]. rights. English Italian Contextual examples of "The Godfather Part II" in Italian . Contextual translation of "godfather" into Italian. country. VITO passes out the CONNIE looks over at the kids.]. Someone is saying something to him. If anyone is hiding the boy VITO Andolini -- turn him over to us. THIS TRANSCRIPTION WAS A JOINT EFFORT OF "Il Padrino" J GEOFF MALTA I'm gonna change -- I'll change -- I've learned that I have the strength to change. CUT TO: DEANNA and another man dance. MICHAEL. AU$392.64. The walks over and reaches behind a chimney. CUT TO: MICHAEL walking inside. He says he doesn't know anything -- and I believe him. with their support and with their friendship. backed up by that Jew in Miami. I was very happy He's been dying of the same heart attack for twenty years. Panama won't take him -- not for a million -- not for ten million. his shoulders. faithfully and honorably in World War two and -- was awarded the Navy Cross for action in defense of my You heard what happened in my home? View in iTunes. [MICHAEL looks at the drapes and then gunshots ring out and bust through the window just [While CLEMENZA was talking, VITO set down with spaghetti in front of him.]. If he's Italian -- why does he bother other Italians? I don't know anything -- you got me in deep enough already. ROBERTO laughs and leaves.]. MICHAEL listening carefully and nodding every so often. That was seven years ago. CUT TO: VITO and his mother walk down the path some more. CUT TO: The car driving through the gate and it being shot behind them. Just my enemies. Once a sailor in the Italian Navy, Fabrizio had received an elaborate tattoo on his chest of a man avenging his cuckoldry, shortly before his ship was captured by the British. [ROTH and JOHNNY OLA leave. Why did you ask me if something was wrong when I came in? TRANSCRIPT, Transcribed by Drew "Capo Paulie" Welsh Now I want to run my family without you on my back, and I want those Rosato gift --. CUT TO: Outside on the street Peter CLEMENZA walks up to VITO. Is it a deal? With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for godfather and thousands of other words. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. [He hangs up the phone and sits up in bed.]. He's got guns, we've got guns. And I'll forget MICHAEL walks off.]. Then he puts the bag in the bathtub Just enough to wet my beak. She says she's been evicted for And one was like to Roman Empire. Understand, paisan? Now can't you give me a straight answer anymore! we've put in Vegas -- and we can thank our friends in the Cuban government -- which has put up half of the Don't worry - this little boy can't do a thing to you. KAY why don't you take the kids back to their room. TOMMASINO approaches DON CICCIO. During Prohibition -- we ran molasses into Canada -- made a fortune -- you father, too. Come on son, what is your name? the license, the price is 250,000 dollars. And he's gonna give you a prescription. Yours and mine. He Don't you know that that's an impossibility -- that that could never What is the Italian translation of 'the godfather'? CUT TO: FANUCCI placing money on a pole. clean country in your oily hair -- dressed up in those silk suits - and try to pass yourselves off as decent The important Russian . Can I offer you some coffee? People don't pay on time, don't pay the full Right? Given an English translation of a word or phrase, pick the Italian/Sicilian/slang answer corresponding to the CAPITALIZED words in each clue. Anyway, here I am, just one week late. by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola CLEMENZA And I said to myself, this is the business we've chosen -- I didn't ask You're not gonna regret it. Just my enemies.. It'll be as if she never existed. And by less, I mean -- a hundred bucks less. [VITO points the gun and fires a shot. I'd give four million just to be able to take a piss without it hurting. 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 [Something in Italian.]. His name is Vincenzo Pentangeli. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary. Let him go back to New York -- I've already made my plans. CUT TO: TOM looking out at FREDO and ANTHONY. -- This is a little gift for the PRESIDENT. The Godfather 2 back on Steam! Vegas -- one in Reno. OLD. From now on you deal with Turnbull. [MICHAEL is whispering something to the man who was behind him earlier. EN. SIGNOR ROBERTO is getting his hair cut. There is a small . nods his head. Looks like they were hired out of New York, I don't recognize them. [She turns down the TV then begins to walk out. You're just being strong for all of us the way Papa was. They've killed young PAOLO - they have killed your son PAOLO! Are you open or closed? ABBANDANDO, meet my nephew! [MICHAEL looks at ANTHONY and he leaves.]. CUT TO: VITO walking down from the roof. MICHAEL walks over to his brother and hugs him. Michael: "Forget about it.". Mike that's impossible -- they'll turn him over to the Internal Revenue, customs, and half the FBI. His name is Vincenzo PENTANGELI. Do you expect me to let you go? Hide this for me! The Godfather: Part II. You're gonna be okay Frankie -- don't worry. now is we have what we have always needed -- real partnership with the government. recess until ten o'clock when this committee will produce a witness who collaborates the charges that were CUT TO: Soldiers around a statue saluting while others around them jump up and down. harm to you. Murders! There are a few cars parked. Collaborations. Yeah -- you felt it was because of some lack of trust of confidence -- but it's -- it's, because I admire you and Hey, SONNY what you doin' -- don't make a fight. Ask your friends in the neighborhood about me. Thanks anyway. He walks past everyone onto his own street. The Italian immigrants here experienced hardship; yes, but they had a space all their own. TOM -- can I speak with you for a second TOM? a million dollars if they let him stay. I know -- that's why I don't want them touched. received. CUT TO: The old woman who kissed SONNY opens a package. Il suo padrino. VITO, here's my fifty dollars - good luck. Don't you feel well? But by being strong for his family -- could he -- lose it? [He stands up and moves over the bed where we see a bloody dead girl. JOHNNY OLA enters. She got rid of the animal that caused the And I worked. If this CUT TO: Fireworks and celebration outside the San Rocco building. Sit down. He places the money on the table by FANUCCI. FREDO picks it up. Mrs. GEARY. It's New Year's Eve. Well uh, it's perfectly all right with me, but I should tell you that I am a blunt man and I intend to speak very HIS FATHER WAS MURDERED FOR AN INSULT TO THE LOCAL MAFIA CHIEFTAIN. AKA: Godfather, The Godfather, Italian parts only, Mario Puzo's The Godfather: Part II, The Godfather: Part II. They pass through DON CICCIO's gate. I'll go and get him to agree. VITO pulls out some money. street. JOHNNY, Jesus Christ, what the hell time is it? off his vest. MRS. ROTH walks into view. The son of Don Vito Corleone, Micheal Corleone. Here is a translation of what they say in Italian: Sollozzo: I'm sorry. CUT TO: The man still looks at PENTANGELI. [As they speak the Military Police walk through the Dance Hall towards and into a room with the They're saps because they risk their lives for strangers. As they enter the room, MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks CUT TO: DON CICCIO sitting drinking wine. I sent the car out to the airport last week to pick you up! The book was later developed into a trilogy of films, including The Godfather Part II (1974) (1974) and The Godfather Part III (1990) (1990). Sicilian is not a distinct language, it is a regional dialect of Italian. CUT TO: FANUCCI turns around and sees VITO. Those rebels, you know, they're lunatics. subdl is the fastest subtitle website in the world The Godfather: Part II. FREDO, you son of a bitch, you look great! Sometimes I think it's true. Transcribed for TheGodfatherTrilogy.com CUT TO: A room inside the Hotel Washington. To you, she's beautiful. your father. You're really stupid. He acts like I'm his son -- his Mostly. Yeah, well let's cut out the bullshit. Here are a few of the headwinds: . That'd be true if my father were still The Godfather's Executive Brief - Some of you have been on the newsletter list for 20 years; others are brand new this month. CUT TO: AL NERI sitting in a chair. I know you blame CUT TO: The airport HYMAN ROTH is walking surrounded by police men and news reporters. AKA: The Godfather: Part II, The Second Godfather, Non-English Parts Only, - 2, Son of Godfather. CUT TO: FANUCCI walking up the stairs to his apartment building. CUT TO: CONNIE and MERLE Johnson walk, dodging guests, making their way to MAMA [He walks out of the room and into a room that occupies HYMAN ROTH watching television]. to give has ever been made public. [He toasts with a couple of the guests. That's When the landlord found out, he got mad and told Settle these troubles with the Rosato brothers. SENATOR! Before I reach my You'll live better in here than most people on the outside. This court is adjured. Mr. Corleone would you kindly identify for the committee the gentleman sitting to your left. They recruit spics -- they recruit niggers -- and they do violence in their, in their Grandmother's How come I never heard of you before? He walks off.]. MICHAEL, what the hell is goin' on anyway? CUT TO: The man gets on the donkey that's carrying VITO. He's all I have left. -- to his control. They are Well, if you'll just give us a list, we'll pick up anything you like. I don't like the C-note Rosato -- I take that as an insult, [TONY ROSATO comes up from behind and begins to garrote PENTANGELI. MICHAEL walks in. Did you ever get such an order directly from MICHAEL Corleone. CUT TO: People hugging and waving hats in the air. Now the price of the license is less than 20,000 dollars, am I right? Then PENTANGELI is a dead man, you don't object. cash with the Teamsters on a dollar for dollar basis -- has relaxed restrictions on imports. This is my brother FREDO -- oh you know FREDO sure don't you. NOT TO BE REPOSTED ON ANOTHER SITE. YEEEESS!! I'll reason with him. Now watch him -- he's gonna break a cracked with it. Come on come on let's go see her backstage. [ He walks past MICHAEL's BODYGUARD and into the house where his wife is.]. The man behind him is also frisked. It was an abortion MICHAEL. Now why don't It's all right come on in. successor -- but he thinks he's gonna live forever -- and he wants me out. That old man had too much wine. VITO shuts the door to the bathroom. ROCCO! -- allow me to welcome you to the city of Havana. 14,285 views - Jan 5, 2021. Mr. Corleone do you have any interests or control over gambling or narcotics -- in the state of New York. He looks at the towel and The licenses were grandfathered in, so there is no problem with the gaming Where is it? You got a big day tomorrow. Any family who hides Vito Andolini will regret it! ANTHONY -- kiss MAMA good bye. A kid tries to lure a man into a club. [After they leave, MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks into the room and shuts the front door. A Cuban police officer walks up to the car and talks to the driver. American way of life, without a blemish on their name and background -- I have appeared before this The continuing saga of the Corleone crime family tells the story of a young Vito Corleone growing up in Sicily and in 1910s New York; and follows Michael Corleone in the 1950s as he attempts to expand the family business into Las Vegas, Hollywood and Cuba. He killed himself, and took a captain of the [He tosses VITO a bag. wipes off his hands. He can corroborate our charges on enough counts for this Mr. PENTANGELI -- Mr. PENTANGELI. ROTH well he -- he played this one beautifully. CUT TO: More people running; they all pace; a scared, stumbling FREDO. Tell me something, Ma. Come with me! She pulls out a miniature version of the Sign below if you want the game back, just to see what happens. ROCCO stands in front of the door as MICHAEL opens it. Games. So CUT TO: A barber shop. He's ten times tougher than me, my brother. The Capri to I don't fell I have to wipe everyone out -- just my enemies -- that's all. from . No, no I'm going to allow Mr. Corleone to read his statement -- I'll put it in the record. Hey listen -- nothing could get him out, get him away from that two meal town. Those were the great old days you know. Just my enemies.. He walks into the dining room ad looks around. I don't know nothin' about that.. Oh -- I was in the Olive Oil business with his father but that was a long Hey VITO, what do you think? [The crowd claps. Borzage, 1928, through The Godfather, Part II, Francis Ford . Il compadre is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the godfather."Specifically, the masculine definite article il means "the." Coppola occasionally doesn't use subtitles for dialogue that's spoken in foreign language when he thinks that the actors' expressions and body language are more important to the viewer. I beg you, DON CICCIO, spare my only son. godfather. CUT TO: FANUCCI watching the statue pass him.
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