The company responsible for Heather also got in trouble when workers beat a baby elephant named Mickey in front of a live audience. ("PETA") and other animal right protecting organizations, try to protect and restore basic rights to the animals. Circuses should not be allowed to capture wild animals for entertainment purposes because the animals are abused, the populations are decreasing, and the animals don 't have enough freedom. Circuses train wild animals to perform unnatural acts for human amusement. For one, the infant elephant, Kenny, was forced to perform while being sick and eventually died (as a result). Here you can find a list of the most popular circus animals: Lions Tiger Elephants Giraffes Rhinos Hippos Bears . 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Circus animals receive food, shelter and veterinary care. webpages articles every day along with a mug of coffee. France: General ban on the use of wild animals as of 2028. When the show stops, the animals typically return to isolation in small, barren cages which give them no opportunity to carry out behaviours natural to their species, or to interact with their own kind. Even the companies with sterling reputations can struggle to manage them when they decide it is time to be free of their confines. Exotic animals perform and are exhibited in the entertainment industry for human leisure in zoos, television, movies, and live performances. And the list goes on. Important to protect endangered species from extinction. There can be educational opportunities with a well-run circus. Circuses travel nearly year-round, in all weather extremes, sometimes for days at a time. When confined animals finally snap, they can cause significant harm. Animal trainers use bullhooks, whips, electric prods, and uncomfortable collars to force the poor creatures to do tricks. These enraged elephants attacked pedestrians, destroyed buildings, and even severely injured some people. Canines, a species known for being loyal companions, are also subjected to painful training tactics, such as the pinching method. Not many of us know that circuses featuring animals are actually extremely cruel to those lovable creatures. The sooner people realize this, the better. As with any industry which creates financial gain, some people try to defend animal circuses. Then there was Benjamin, a 4-year-old elephant who drowned while attempting to swim in a pond after being tortured with a bullhook. Due to the increasing extinction rates among tigers and elephants, breeding these creatures in captivity may help preserve the species. Bet you didnt know that most cages in which circus animals are kept while traveling are extremely small for the creature inside. It offers another avenue to consider for breeding programs. Going to the zoo is sort of a short vacation for many people. Keeping animals in captivity can prevent their extinction. Circus demands for wild animals increase the numbers of animals removed from wild. Circuses train wild animals to perform unnatural acts for human amusement. Arguments Against Zoos . There are several arguments and benefits in favor of animals in captivity, some of which include: There are several arguments against animals (drawbacks) in captivity, some of which include: Pros and Cons of Neutering an Australian Shepherd, Pros and Cons of Rhode Island Red Chickens, Pros and Cons of American Staffordshire Terrier. The animals that are most susceptible to fatal diseases are, in fact, elephants, which are known to carry bacteria responsible for worldwide epidemics. Animals in circuses can become depressed, pacing around or swaying from side to side. This is because of the constant travelling, the cramped transport, the small temporary housing, forced training and performance. There are specific guidelines and regulations that must be followed. Some zoos even put humans on display involuntarily, keeping them in cages well into the 20th century. Sometimes they even harm themselves. 5. As well as the measures targeting circuses, the new law will raise the maximum penalty for mistreating animals to five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros ($85,000), and will tighten . Bit ironic, isnt it? In conclusion, animals used for entertainment whether wild or domesticated are poorly treated, and the practice should be eliminated altogether. After attaining her masters degree in English language and literature, she has decided to join the team of creative writers dedicated to delivering the hottest content on the web. China has banned animal circuses and Bolivia has banned live animals from travelling circuses. Generations of people have brought their children to. Circuses: Pros: -Entertainment/amusement -Education -Animals are kept safe/ healthy with regimented food and medication that they wouldn't get in the wild. We can all agree that white tigers are truly breath-taking creatures and a pleasure to look at. The loud noises and crowds of people are often upsetting or frightening for performing animals. Numerous countries have based welfare acts that cover the treatment of animals, making their abuse a punishable crime that can lead to jail time. on this topic is by explaining the animals natural behavior and then contrasting it with the behavior in the circus. Generations of people have brought their children to see wild circus animals. The wild animals used to perform in circuses have the same needs as they would in the wild. During an August 1994 performance at the Neal Blaisdell Center in Kakaako, HI, Tyke the elephant had finally had enough. So, even though the audience may believe that the trainer is petting the. Lee Xin Jie (61226) Circuses are the best known place of entertainment for children all around the world. Big cats learn to obey commands because they're afraid of being whipped. NerdySeal . This made sense to early entertainment entrepreneurs who saw a future in large establishments that could cater to the industrial revolutions penny-pinching lower class. animals in circuses pros and cons People to develop a deeper sense of empathy relationships they form bond with trainers to force animals perform. Even though circuses in Cyprus, Greece, Bolivia, and Malta have banned the use of all animals (both wild and domestic), some countries still wont budge. Animalsin circuses are also subject to it. Your kind donation will help end the suffering of Asia's abused animals. Animals in captivity refer to animals that are kept in controlled environments such as zoos, aquariums, circuses, and wildlife parks. Alternatives to balloons and sky lanterns. Most importantly, Simon managed to shut down some circus companies and even protested against the Ringling Bros. to take. Trainers at the circus often use whips, bullhooks, and other objects that inflict pain as the primary way to train animals to do tricks. There are plenty of circuses that can provide people with entertainment while providing the animals in their care a safe and healthy life. Pros And Cons Of Zoos . Critics argue that animals in captivity may suffer from stress and confinement and that they may not be able to express their natural behaviors. Barnum in 1865. Their efforts create jobs for trainers, handlers, dancers, entertainers, and many others who might not be able to use their creative efforts in other ways. 4. It is transmitted through the air, placing anyone that comes in direct contact with the ill animal (whether it be another elephant or human) at serious risk. The average life. A recent report commissioned by the Welsh Government concluded that "Life for wild animals in travelling circuses - doesn't appear to constitute either a 'good life' or a 'life worth living'". Elephants in this situation would sometimes be hit with batons with a sharp metal hook until they bleed to force them to do dangerous stunts for their body size, like standing on their heads or perching on small pedestals. Based on circus animal abuse facts, torture and cruelty do not end with wild animals. 14. Animals Asias investigation into animal circuses in Vietnam found 100% of facilities failed to meet the animals basic needs. Because animals must become broken before they can perform tricks or stunts for entertainment, the combination of uncomfortable positions, potential abuse, and small cages or enclosures can lead to abnormal behavior patterns. Banning circuses from using animals would decrease the number of species in captivity and increase the chance of extinction. Animals are trained using "carrot and stick" policy. In addition to that, her toes were cut off, and she also suffers from alopecia. But when Stanley Johnson and a group of politicians delivered a petition to 10 Downing Street on Wednesday, calling for a ban on wild animals in the big top, I wondered how many of them had first-hand experience of how circuses care for their animals. CONS The circus is another arena in which human beings abuse other animals. It is time to rethink the idea of having any animals in a circus. Circus animals such as tigers and elephants are on the endangered species list. In reality,animal circuses teach our children nothing. Many of the circus animals that traditionally tour with the show are on the endangered species list. I dont even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. Ever wondered why larger animals such as bears, tigers, and lions keep pacing back and forth in their cages? in Journalism from UNLV. 5. Her full bio and clips can be seen at Hopefully, this article helped you realize that what we, humans, are doing is extremely wrong and unfair towards our fellow living beings. Circuses around the world continue to use animals in their shows and very few countries have banned the practice. Vision Launch: Pros and Cons of Animals in Captivity, Time: The Last Act of the Greatest Show on Earth. More often than not, these animals show signs of incredibly painful ailments, ranging from mere physical abuse to mental health issues. Animals in captivity are deprived of many things that are important to them, as a result they become lonely and bored. There's a good reason as to why the animals have taken a backseat, so to speak, to the talented clowns, trapeze artists and physical feats of the trained performers who now occupy the most successful circuses that continue to entertain and inspire crowds around the world. There was a time, even not that long ago, when a circus may have represented the only time a child received exposure to wild animals. Police officers found the animal in a trailer in a hotel parking lot. In line with the definition provided by Article 4(1) of the Services Directive, travelling circuses are classified as a service, which the EU legislators have the competence to regulate pursuant to Article 114 of . 1/ The Radford Report found no grounds for a ban. Circus animals age and eventually outgrow their usefulness. Although some companies do not offer reasonable care to the animals in their circus, there are organizations like the Carson and Barnes Circus that support their own herd of retired elephants on land in Oklahoma. Times have changed. Fortunately, there are plenty of petitions out there against animal cruelty in the circus. RSPCA 2023. This disadvantage is one of the primary reasons why the largest circus companies stopped using elephants and other animals in their shows ultimately forcing some of them to go out of business. This paper discusses the pros and cons of banning zoos and circuses with two opposing philosophers. He instantly became the biggest star (both literally and figuratively) of the show. One of his most notable performances included him leading a parade of elephants over the famous Brooklyn Bridge. Some of them travel for 11 months of the year in trailers or railroad cars with no climate control. 3 Pros of Animal Use in the Circus While the rules have changed and large animals are no longer used in circuses, many animals continue to be presented to further the education of circus attendees. If a zoo has a breeding programme, this is another way to protect endangered species which may have trouble finding suitable mates in the wild. Siti Ferhana binti Albidu (57884) 4. The circus is a cultural tradition in the United States and throughout the world. 3/ Circuses with wild animals are strictly regulated by a licensing scheme, introduced in 2012, that sees them inspected by vets six times a year (twice unannounced) with the results available online. Lets cut to the chase. It takes thousands of years for animals to become domesticated. Thankfully, on 1st January 2018, the use of wild animals in circuses was banned in Ireland. Some cultural traditions are founded upon animal exploitation for entertainment purposes. China has banned . Not only that, but baby elephants are typically ripped from their mothers between 1824 months of age. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Animals receive care from specialized trainers in zoos. According to facts on circus animal cruelty, obesity is one of the leading health issues these creatures have to endure. Cons. They are stripped of their natural habitats, and most may never see their families ever again. Registered charity no.219099. Chinese circuses have defended their shows, saying that the animals are well fed and that teaching them tricks can help them become "stars". , lions and tigers with a white coat can only be produced by father to daughter or sister to brother. When animal activists began protesting this form of entertainment in the 1960s, many circuses would go out of business or merge with other companies. Banning them from performing would decrease the number that are under our protection, which could increase the chance for extinction. Naturally, the constant beatings can leave ugly and painful wounds on the body that are not appealing to the visitors. Tigers, lions, camels, and other animals endure the rigors of transport, training, and performances, too. Wild animals in circuses are now banned in England and Wales. The conditions in which animals are kept in captivity can vary widely, with some facilities providing large naturalistic enclosures and proper care for the animals, while others may provide inadequate space and care. That means they spend most of their lives in close contact with humans. The circus business is all about selling as many tickets as possible, cutting corners, and ensuring that the show goes on no matter what. According to upsetting facts on circus cruelty, lions and tigers with a white coat can only be produced by father to daughter or sister to brother inbreeding. Being confined to small spaces for extended periods, species such as tigers, monkeys, elephants, and ponies are denied certain natural behaviors. While the intent of what zoos are trying to accomplish is good, there are still some cons to keeping these animals in captivity . Sometimes enough is enough, and you have to fight back. The living conditions at circuses consistently fail to meet the animals most basic needs. 3. 4. It also explains the solutions to banning animal circus and zoos. This unrealistic context creates a disconnect between nature and humanity, perpetuating the notion that it is acceptable and enjoyable to exploit animals for our own entertainment. Circuses are always on the move, putting the animals in cages and transporting them from state to state with little shelter from the elements. -Animals are kept in cages while circuses travel. In 2006, the last Labour government commissioned a six-month study of circus animals, with full participation by circuses and anti-circus campaigners, and concluded that circuses were as capable as other captive environments, such as zoos, of meeting the welfare needs of the animals in their care. Analyzes the pros, cons, and my viewpoint on whether the use of animals for entertainment or gaming constitutes animal cruelty, or if it is justified for cultural and/or economic reasons. This can arise more danger for zoo personnel, as well as visitors. Unfortunately, this was the case with Cholita, an Andean bear illegally kept at a famous circus in Peru, now thriving in the wild. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 17. From January 2020 in England, the use of wild animals in circuses is banned under the Wild Animals in Circuses Act 2019. Zoos, aquariums, water parks, and other facilities can help to maintain the viability of endangered species when humanity does not do a good enough job of protecting the animals in the wild. / Exotic Animals in Entertainment: the Pros and Cons Essay Sample. Animals learn how to do tricks through fear instead of encouragement. But the truth is very different. Animals in the circus that are most affected by tiny cages are lions, tigers, bears, and elephants. The animals would often be overworked, beaten until they were willing to submit, and forced to live in confined conditions while trying to balance below average food supplies and irregular feeding schedules. Zoos have existed in some form since at least 2500 BCE in Egypt and Mesopotamia, where records indicate giraffes, bears, dolphins, and other animals were kept by aristocrats. Circus animals are transported from location to location in cramped conditions. Finland: Ban on the use of apes, predators, elephants, hippopotami, marsupials, rhinoceroses, seals, crocodiles, predatory birds, ostriches, wild forms of ruminant or equine animals. So, lets say no to circus animal abuse and stop the exploitation of all animals, particularly white tigers. Many animals develop behavioural and/or health problems as a direct result of the captive life that they're forced to lead. In reality, many endure the worst conditions imaginable and receive horrific treatment from the circus to learn elaborate tricks and stunts for shows. First,Animals in zoos are hurt and abused just to do a little old trick.They are locked and cages and beaten and starved.Next, They are all cramped in a cage together and chained up.Also,they are whipped ad smacked around to do something they do not want to do. This is because of the constant travelling, the cramped transport, the small temporary housing, forced training and performance. 5. Many of them suffer from "zoochosis", a psychological condition characterized by repetitive and obsessive behaviors including vomiting, excessive grooming, coprophagia and self-mutilation. 1. They aretrained with whipswhich teach them to fear the ringmaster and not attack. The loud noises and crowds of people are often upsetting or frightening for performing animals. This way, the animal learns that it must perform the task the way the trainer wants it to be performed to receive a reward. In 2017, the Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act was introduced, requiring 19 traveling American circuses with animals to swap to human performers or remain out of business. Kimberley McGee is an award-winning journalist with 20+ years of experience writing about education, jobs, business and more for The New York Times, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Todays Parent and other publications. 6 - An exhibit could be brought near you. It is crucial to realize that circuses without animals are much more fun as they do not exploit wild or domestic creatures. 7 Pros. Animals in circuses develop abnormal behaviors. Additionally, alternatives to animal captivity, such as virtual reality and online resources should be considered and used whenever possible. They were often overworked, beaten into submission and left to less-than-average food supplies on an irregular schedule. The Animal Welfare Act looks out for the. Canines, a species known for being loyal companions, are also subjected to painful training tactics, such as the pinching method. Advantages of Zoos. Defenders of animal circuses also argue that seeing animals perform is a form of education which raises awareness and appreciation of wild species. 9. These events may have been educational and exotic in the past, but it is also a challenge to escape the possibilities of cruelty in this atmosphere. There are plenty of horror stories about the abuse of circus animals if you go looking for them. Circuses, aquariums, and zoos have . whether wild or domesticated are poorly treated, and the practice should be eliminated altogether. 2. Bet you didnt know that most cages in which. The average life expectancy of a tiger in captivity is 26 years compared to 15 in the wild. It is well documented that elephants are forced to perform these actions by being beaten with bullhooks, while young elephants are savagely constrained and beaten in a process known as the crush, which breaks their spirit and forces them to comply. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The diet of animals is extremely poor compared to the natural diet in the wild. Jodi earned an Associate of Arts in social and behavioral sciences from Merritt College and a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from San Francisco State University. All rights reserved. There are many types of animal sporting events, with varying levels of participation from humans. There were two other incidents that involved an elephant named Tyke that were attributed to her in 1993 as well. It was the American format that brought exotic animals into the circus industry. 8. It is not unusual for them to become depressed and despondent in a slow, downward spiral that can eventually lead to self-harm behaviors or attacks against humans. 4/ Circuses aid conservation through breeding programmes and by raising awareness. The Knie circus has pitched its tents in Freiburg - and promptly there Zoff: Animal rights activists accuse: lions and elephants do not belong in the ring, they say. Generations of people have brought their children to co wild circus animals. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by the law. Arctic drilling Unfortunately, after one of his performances in 1885, he was hit by a train and killed on the spot. Most importantly, Simon managed to shut down some circus companies and even protested against the Ringling Bros. to take circus elephants off of shows. Hence, they are forced to eat, defecate, and sleep in the same confined space. The history of the modern circus starts with a man named Philip Astley. The consultation was held during the year I was writing Circus Mania and immersed in the world of circus, but I never heard about it. The Radford Report in the UK found in 2006 after a six-month study of circuses, with the full participation of proponents and critics of this debate, that they were just as capable as any other captive environment to meet the welfare needs of animals in their care. Pros of Animals in Captivity There are several arguments and benefits in favor of animals in captivity, some of which include: Education and awareness: Animals in captivity can be used for educational purposes and can raise awareness about different species and their conservation needs. The US, France, and the UK are at the top of the list of countries that still use animals in shows. 7/ It's what the public want to see. suffered the disease after getting too close to an ill elephant. 1. During the summer of 1997, an elephant named Heather died of heat exhaustion while traveling through New Mexico. Thats why many owners are encouraged to stop taking animals from the wild for their shows and to work with others to improve populations. Most of them are highly educated people who are specifically trained to provide the best care possible. While in transit, the animals are confined to trailers or trucks, where they may not have access to basic necessities, such as food, water, and veterinary care. The animals that you see performing in the circus were usually bred in captivity after the initial captures took place. Another case from 2013 revealed that eight workers at the Zoo in Oregon suffered the disease after getting too close to an ill elephant. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. and many more. sharing nice thoughts. The dull days of farming, working in sweaty factories or other menial jobs could be punctuated with a sense of wonder that the annual circus could bring to a city or sleepy town. Required fields are marked *. They say the animals are stimulated by training and performance, but all the evidence and the experts disagree. Many of the animals used in circuses are bred in captivity. The RSPCA helps animals in England and Wales. Big cats are popular in the circus, but many have their teeth and claws removed rendering them harmless to their abusers. Retired animals must be placed in a zoo, sanctuary or with an individual trained to care for wild animals. Opponents argue that animal circus acts are demeaning to animals and do not teach children how to appreciate and respect wild animals. Having investigated the matter in great depth for my book, Circus Mania, I changed my mind and would like to present 10 reasons why the show - with animals - should go on. Seeing animals abused on stage only teaches people that animals are here for human entertainment and that we can treat them in any way we please, regardless of their emotions and needs. It was largely the tricks performed by dolphins in aquariums that convinced the public they were intelligent and worth saving. Using trained animals in the circus. Safe as in protected from poachers, predators, habitat loss and even starvation. Sometimes an animal gets wounded or might not be able to survive the harsh conditions in the wild during certain seasons. If you want to take it one step further, consider writing a letter to your local officials to stop cruel circus shows in your area. If you see animals who start swaying as they stand, bob their heads frequently, or have incessant pacing, then that is an individual who requires an immediate professional intervention to improve their health. Pros & cons of the circus animals by Jodi Strehlow / in Lifestyle Attending a circus event is a rite of passage for many youngsters. It is transmitted through the air, placing anyone that comes in direct contact with the ill animal (whether it be another elephant or human) at serious risk. 6 Cons: -Animals are forced to do the tricks. Sometimes the beatings are so violent that they cause the animal to bleed. On the other hand, elephants in the circus or zoo are given straw, branches, and hay. The easiest way to search for these petitions is by doing quick online research and by showing at least a tiny bit of support. She graduated with a B.A. The arguments for zoos. From an animal rights standpoint, humans do not have a right to breed, capture, and confine other animalseven if those species are endangered.Being a member of an . From my observations at ringside, it's the only form of entertainment where the under-fives are guaranteed to enjoy themselves as much as their grandparents, making it a cheap day out for all the family. Fish and Wildlife Service. The unique ability to observe and learn directly from live animals increases public .
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