E) Labor union supported the rights of Chinese immigrants. To do so would mean a loss of business and employment opportunities for our people in peacetime. AP Classroom APUSH Unit 5 Progress Check Term 1 / 30 B The acquisition of significant territory following the Mexican-American War Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 30 treasure . During the railroad expansion from 1860 to 1900, all of the following were true EXCEPT He agreed with these efforts because he abhorred violence. B) Social reformers achieved many legislative reforms. B) distribution of public lands to private corporations Explain. The correct answer is (A). The construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, along with legislation that encouraged western expansion, threatened Native Americans traditional way of life. B) Immigrants typically acquired their own plots of land and became subsistence farmers. Which of the following best describes the comparative change in kilometers of railroad lines in Britain and France from 1830 to 1850? The stress lowers immune response even as outer-space conditions cause microbes in astronauts' bodies to mutate, potentially resulting in unfriendly diseases. Republicans supported the war because they thought the Union could not be dissolved. The economic changes in rapidly industrializing countries such as the Russian Empire in the late nineteenth century led most directly to which of the following social or intellectual changes during the same period? E) poor treatment of water, sewage, and waste, B) transportation limited to the central business district, Which of the following were most likely to help immigrants adjust to city life in the late 19th century? A) Improved manufacturing practices gradually reduced reliance on immigrant workers. The changes illustrated in the top two rows of the image. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A. The researchers calculated a chi-square value of 29.25. Which of the following questions can be best answered during this study? Some people claim that these treaty rights also allow foreigners to transport Japanese made goods, either around our country or for export to Korea or China. It was so unpopular it forced Lincoln to negotiate a truce with the South. By 1914 the Russian Empire was the fifth-largest industrial power in the world, though its labor productivity and per-capita income still lagged behind those in Western Europe." We who have been born in a more fortunate conditionwe to whom wealth, education, and liberty have been givencannot, I think, look upon the unintellectual and toil-bound life of those who cannot even feed themselves sufficiently by the meager wages they have earned with so much sweat, without experiencing some feeling of injustice, some sting of pain. For sexually reproducing diploid parent cells, which of the following statements best explains the production of haploid cells that occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis? B) Increased demand for resources and markets for goods Trollope's characterization of democracy in the second paragraph can best be seen as a direct reference to which aspect of the historical situation in the late nineteenth century? The separation between the different classes, and the consequent ignorance of each other's habits and condition, are far more complete in this place than in any other country in Europe, or even in the rural areas of Britain. C) avoided cases involving labor disputes I am not qualified to discuss the legal merits of these positions, but I would like to point out that, unless we have a plan for developing our own domestic shipping businesses, we will never be able to compete with the foreigners in this field. A) Establish a colonial presence overseas. In the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below), which choice of adjective best fits the style and tone of the writer's argument? B) Corporations recruited government support to oppose the formation of labor unions. Which of the following pieces of evidence would refute Postel's claim in the last paragraph of the excerpt that the "corporate vision clashed with the Populist vision" for the United States economy in the late 1800s? Once you are finished, click the button below. And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. I am not qualified to discuss the legal merits of these positions, but I would like to point out that, unless we have a plan for developing our own domestic shipping businesses, we will never be able to compete with the foreigners in this field. Neither Source 1 nor Source 2 explicitly supports the idea. The opinion in the excerpt can best be used to support which of the following arguments about the Fourteenth Amendment? The Graphic Organizer above shows that the state of a substance is a property of matter. You have not finished your quiz. C) protection of American industry against foreign competition The null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Which of the following choices creates the most logical transition within sentence 2 (reproduced below) ? Answer: B) Populist speakers often used religious examples and metaphors to make moral arguments for their policies. A) Both argued that the spread of Christianity was a positive influence on American Indians. Anthony Trollope, British novelist, autobiography written during the 1870s and published after his death in 1882 B) The percentage of women in the labor force decreased. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the fourth and fifth sentences ("Of course . In the final sentence of the third paragraph, the clause "although we do control the conditions of observation" functions as a transitional element that, clarifies the reasons astronomy meets the standards for scientific rigor. B) Money should be distributed to the poor and the homeless. You can make all men equal today, but God has so created them that they shall become unequal again tomorrow. If the woman and a man with normal clotting function have children, what is the probability of their children exhibiting hemophilia A? The increases in agricultural productivity that freed up laborers for work in factories, Chapter 17 Learning Guide- Atlantic Revolutio, Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, World History and Geography: Modern Times, FIN 386 - MOD 8 BUSINESS TRANSFER TECHNIQUES. B) Chief Joseph believed that Native American tribes had a right to sovereignty, while Commissioner Parker believed that Native American tribes were not sovereign nations. Space missions are stressful, requiring long hours of repetitive activity performed in small, sterile spaces. The economic well-being of Russian private entrepreneurs thus depended in large measure on decisions made by the state authorities in St. Petersburg. In founding the Mitsubishi company,* my goal has been to help recover for Japan the right of seaborne shipping, so we no longer have to delegate it to foreigners. The mean number of medium-red phenotypes per cross is 20.8. By 1900, the state controlled some 70 percent of the railways and owned vast tracts of land, numerous mines and oil fields, and extensive forests. The Free Soil party highlighted the growing religious differences in the North and South resulting from Catholic missionaries. In the second sentence of the third paragraph, the authors use the adjective "deliberate" to emphasize the, careful planning necessary in scientific experiments, 7. The Republicans found most of their support in the North and held that the South could not secede. C) Most immigrants of this period were readily accepted because of their education and wealth. Answer: D). Irish immigrants had no impact because they were few in number. Unlike Commissioner Parker, Chief Joseph supports the claim that American Indians: Which of the following is a similarity between Bodnar's and Ewen's arguments in the excerpts about immigrant families in the late 1800s? I am not qualified to discuss the legal merits of these positions, but I would like to point out that, unless we have a plan for developing our own domestic shipping businesses, we will never be able to compete with the foreigners in this field. In pea plants, purple flower color is dominant to red flower color and long pollen grains are dominant to round pollen grains. A) Merchants mobilized politically to resist transportation expansion. B) Improved quality of manufacturing steadily decreased demand for consumer goods. Irish immigrants used their political clout to enforce temperance laws. C) Decreased economic competition from European empires People who disagreed at the time with the ideas expressed in the poem were most likely to advocate for which of the following government policies? AP Calculus AB Scoring Guide Unit 5 Progress Check: MCQ Part A Copyright 2017. Which of the following best predicts the effect of adding this inhibitor to a culture of plant cells? Long-term missions would also create social and psychological issues, such as extreme isolation and loneliness, that may have a negative impact on space travelers. A) It was determined to be an overreach of the power of the judicial branch. 13. The disparities of wealth mentioned by Parkinson in the passage are best explained in the context of the, high profits and low wages associated with manufacturing industries in the nineteenth century. A) Dwight Moody "Writing now, at an age beyond sixty, I must admit that we do not understand the operations of God's wisdom and are, therefore, unable to tell the causes of the terrible inequalities that we see around us,why so many people should have so little to make life enjoyable, while a few others, not through their own merit, have had gifts poured out to them from a full hand. You can make all men equal today, but God has so created them that they shall become unequal again tomorrow. Irish immigrants forced the US government to adopt Catholicism as the nations official religion. Also, between 1890 and 1900 Russian production of cotton thread almost doubled and that of cotton cloth increased by about two-thirds. E) supported government regulation of business, Social Darwinists would most likely support which of the following? 12. And, in times of war, to not have the domestic capacity to transport goods would be tantamount to abandoning our status as an independent nation. The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following developments for many individuals who amassed great wealth during the period? B) Trans-Atlantic commerce grew in the colonial era, taking advantage of navigational innovations. Half of the resulting gametes will have the correct number of chromosomes, and the other half will have an incorrect number of chromosomes. Learn about unit 6 of AP United States History with our resources. Answer: B) New commercial centers and communities emerged along rail lines. Answer: A) The increase in migration by White settlers. D) guarantee of a living wage for workers Womens rights advocates ignored the amendment because they were only concerned with suffrage for themselves. The railroad brought increased cultural and political pressure on the Native Americans. D) Social reformers explored connections between different social problems. A wave of revolutions swept across Europe in 1848 but most, including the German uprising, failed. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. . The period of history between the 13th and 14th centuries is called the Pax Mongolica because ________. D) protect consumers Which of the following best describes the expansion in total railway line kilometers by 1850 in countries that possessed zero kilometers of railroad lines in 1830? It added the abolition of slavery to Northern war goals during the Civil War. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. Recently, the P&O Company has been working to set up a new line between Yokohama [in Japan] and Shanghai and is attempting to claim rights over the [Japanese] ports of Nagasaki, Kobe, and Yokohama. At last, man could proclaim his rights out loud, rights that for so long had been ignored. Ap Bio Unit 5: MCQ progress check 4.0 (21 reviews) Term 1 / 24 For sexually reproducing diploid parent cells, which of the following statements best explains the production of haploid cells that occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis? . Buffalo hunters decimated the herds that sustained Indians and settlers encroached on tribal lands. The six scenes in the center are surrounded by portraits of famous British inventors and scientists. A) Each man had a duty to become rich. He disagreed with these efforts because he wanted faster action. Plant cells will be unable to perform glycolysis due to the inhibitor and will die. Manifest Destiny reignited concern about the status of slavery in western territories. D) growing concentration of wealth B) Food prices rose as a result of increased demand for grain from coastal port cities. What is the recombination frequency between the genes for petal shape and pollen shape? B) The regulation of industrial production by the federal government. (Bar graph of railroad line (in kilometers) in European countries, 1830 to 1850) C) The passage of legislation to ban immigration from eastern Asia. Which of the following developments best explains a cause of the historical process described in the excerpt? A) Nativists rejected the use of immigrant workers for transportation infrastructure construction. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. A The supply of the currency will increase and the currency will depreciate. C) took little interest in legislative reforms Instead of obsessing about equality, we should be working toward reducing inequalitiesprovided, of course, that we do so gradually and without any sudden disruption of society." E) helped to educate immigrant children, C) took little interest in legislative reforms, Which of the following did NOT contribute to the development of suburbs in the United States? Using a significance level of p=0.05, which of the following statements best completes a chi-square goodness-of-fit test for a model of independent assortment? Anthony Trollope, British novelist, autobiography written during the 1870s and published after his death in 1882 Two cells combine during fertilization to produce offspring with 14 chromosomes. Example: The Texas (capilol\underline{\text{capilol}}capilol, capital) is on Congress Avenue in Austin; (it's, its\underline{\text{its}}its) dome is magnificent. C) members of the American Protective Association A) They grew to be more financially stable than elites. It simply reaffirmed the abolition of slavery which was promulgated by the Dredd Scott decision. A) Russian Jews escaping religious persecution Answer: C) Both argued against the signing of treaties to take American Indian lands. C) They backed political movements calling for limits on corporate power and government ownership of transportation. B) Anthony Comstock Sample Questions Wednesday #1 and #2. D) Extend international influence through trade. For example, in 1899 the state bought almost two-thirds of all metallurgical production in Russia. We acknowledge the hand of God and His wisdom, but still we feel horror at the misery of many of our brethren. A) consolidation of businesses into trusts Abraham Ascher, historian, The Revolution of 1905: A Short History, book published in 2004 Republicans generally opposed slavery, although it was not the stated cause of the war. A compound that prevents the separation of the homologous chromosomes in anaphase I is being studied. Which of the following characterized agriculture in BOTH the West and the South in the period 1870-1900? He thought moral suasion was too ineffective and slow. B) follow words of social Darwinists above the indirect object. Based on the data in Figure 1, which of the following is the best prediction of the mode of inheritance of red eyes in Japanese koi? Which of the following contexts contributed most directly to the interest in trade with China as described in the excerpt? Unlike the four scenes in the top two rows of the lithograph, the inclusion of the two scenes in the bottom row is best explained by, the technological innovations of the second industrial revolution. The data for the F2 generation are presented in Table 1. European nations had banned slavery and were unwilling to intervene on behalf of the Confederacy which was fighting to protect slavery. Assuming the government of a country imposes a tariff on its imports of foreign goods, what is the likely effect on the country's currency in foreign exchange markets? The correct answer is (C). You'll take this AP exam at the end of your year-long AP Spanish Language and Culture course Review AP Multiple Choice Questions 3 Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more The Unit Two Progress Check with multiple choice questions is . Which of the following choices most effectively accomplishes this goal? In the second sentence of the first paragraph, the authors mention cookbooks, catalogues, and telephone books primarily to Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 18 demonstrate that a particular definition of science is overly inclusive Click the card to flip Flashcards C) Farmers developed cooperative organizations to limit the power of rail companies. E) lawyers in major industries, Settlement houses were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT Abraham Ascher, historian, The Revolution of 1905: A Short History, book published in 2004 Find all the third declension nouns in the Latin reading passage. D) increased educational opportunities for women Apush Unit 5 Progress Check Mcq - Auser Puglia Unit 3 progress check mcq ap lang answers - bandagoroli. Railway trackage virtually doubled, coal output in southern Russia jumped from just under 3 million tons in 1890 to almost 11 million tons in 1900. Many other countries followed suit. But, in practice, we know that seaborne shipping is too important a matter to be given over to foreigners. b. life C) Difficult working conditions prompted transportation workers to call for the creation of labor unions. D) Ewen holds that some Americans opposed immigrant cultural cohesion, whereas Bodnar holds that most Americans embraced new immigrant cultures. How can we compete against such a giant if we do not have the backing of our national government?" Which of the following contributed directly to Great Britain's ability to consolidate or expand its colonial control of interior regions of Asia and Africa in the late nineteenth century? Some people claim that these treaty rights also allow foreigners to transport Japanese made goods, either around our country or for export to Korea or China. Figure 1. B) James Fenimore Cooper novel and Winslow Homer painting Richard Parkinson, English clergyman of the Anglican Church, "On the Present Condition of the Laboring Poor in Manchester," paper published in London, 1841 Get Started Trollope's arguments in the second paragraph are most clearly intended to offer an alternative to the arguments made by which late nineteenth-century group? A home field advantage by fighting to defend Northern territory. religious systems that included sacrifice rituals. C) The wealthy had a responsibility to use their wealth for the good of society. The environment determines how the genotype is expressed. And, in times of war, to not have the domestic capacity to transport goods would be tantamount to abandoning our status as an independent nation. In the second paragraph, the authors discuss observation primarily to, define the empirical character of scientific work, 5. "We can agree that, in principle, it might be a good idea to permit both foreigners and Japanese to engage in coastal and seaborne shipping around and from Japan, because that would increase competition and improve efficiency. It gives the tadpoles increased versatility with respect to diet. In the same region, the production of iron and steel rose from about 140,000 tons in 1890 to almost 1,250,000 in 1900. Identify the grammatical error in each of the following sentences. B) Most of the immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe. Which of the following best describes an advantage of the phenotypic plasticity displayed by the tadpoles? E) protection of workers from unfair labor practices, E) protection of workers from unfair labor practices, The U.S. economy in the late 19th century was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT An act by Congress excluding German immigrants reduced immigration to America. Question 20. Which of the following was NOT true of the American labor movement in the late 19th century? A ball traveling at a speed rolls off a desk and lands at a horizontal distance away from the desk, as shown inthe figure. Which of the following questions would be most useful to researchers trying to determine the role of meiosis in the F2 phenotypic frequencies? Which of the following describes a difference between the arguments made by Chief Joseph and Commissioner Parker in the excerpts? (Map of the South Wales coalfield, a major mining center in great Britain, circa 1820), a means for integrating economic activities in regional and national markets. D) Developing practices of sharecropping and tenant farming. They hailed the arrival of Perrys squadron as black ships. However, they lacked a navy to defend themselves and Perry forced them to sign a treaty. The sex chromosomes separate during meiosis, going to different gamete cells. A) Federal court decisions that made labor union strikes illegal. A) enforcement of the Sherman Antitrust Act It allowed large numbers of Native Americans to resettle their homelands in the eastern United States. All of the following were features of the civilizations in Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, the Indus River Valley, and the Yellow River Valley EXCEPT. 14. Addams' point of view in the excerpt can be used to support which of the following arguments about social reformers during the Gilded Age? Manifest Destiny urged slave owners to liberate their slaves and convert them to Christianity. A) The fur trade developed in the 1600s, fostering new forms of interactions between peoples. 16. https://txcts.auserpuglia.it/apush-unit-5-progress-check-mcq.html Apes Unit 3 Progress Check Mcq - Disegni Filosofici A woman is heterozygous for the X-linked recessive trait of hemophilia A. The P&O Company is backed by its massive capital, large fleet of ships, and experience operating in Hong Kong and China. APUSH College Board Unit 6 Progress Check: MCQ, ATMS 120 UIUC Exam 1 - atmospheric temperatur, Donald Kagan, Frank M. Turner, Steven Ozment, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. This is our high destiny, and in nature's eternal, inevitable decree of cause and effect we must accomplish it. B) establishment of land grant colleges and universities We acknowledge the hand of God and His wisdom, but still we feel horror at the misery of many of our brethren. The repetition of the phrase "which they are not" in the first paragraph (sentences 2 and 3) achieves which of the following effects? Which of the following contexts best explains the increase in violent conflicts in the western United States in the late 1800s? Harnessing the power of gunpowder and creating rifles. Source: Data adapted from Robert Strayer, Ways of the World, 2nd ed. C) Immigrants frequently relied on settlement houses to help them adjust to their new surroundings. Ap Classroom Unit 3 Progress Check Mcq Answers Apush Expert Answer. B) technological innovations D) No laws were passed to regulate the railroads. But any careful observer of our society, or any student of our history has to admit that, as unjust as it may seem, inequality is part of the natural order of things. The mean number of fruit flies per student that are homozygous recessive for both genes is closest to which of the following? During meiosis the chromosomes separate as shown in Figure 1. In founding the Mitsubishi company,* my goal has been to help recover for Japan the right of seaborne shipping, so we no longer have to delegate it to foreigners. Cosmic rays pose another health concern: a 2018 study from Georgetown University Medical Center found that prolonged exposure to cosmic radiation could lead to stomach and colon cancers. A) The middle class declined in numbers and influence. *The Mitsubishi company was established in 1870 as a maritime shipping firm. Answer: B) They organized reform movements in order to fight for political equality. C) Populists sought new markets for United States agricultural goods overseas. B) Warfare in Europe was a primary reason for immigration to the United States. B) Money should be distributed to the poor and the homeless. The rapid growth of nineteenth-century industrial cities such as Manchester is best understood in the context of which of the following economic developments? As described in the passage, the pattern of economic development in Russia in the nineteenth century differed most strongly from which other pattern of economic development during the same period? The historical situation of the excerpt supports which of the following arguments about reform in the Gilded Age? Yes, because it makes a claim that supports the writer's line of reasoning in the third paragraph. D) terms of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, The chief cause of farm protest in the late 19th century was, The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 is most closely associated with, B) hostility to foreigners in western states, According to the Turner thesis, the frontier encouraged all of the following EXCEPT, After the Granger laws run into legal problems and were overturned in the case of Wabash v. Illinois, Congress attempted to provide relief through the, The main result of the crop lien system in the South in the late 19th century was, The New South movement promoted all of the following EXCEPT, The Supreme Court upheld "seperate but equal" accommodations for public transportation in the case of. Section 1. D) They challenged federal policies that set aside western land to establish reservations for American Indians. Embryos containing XX chromosomes develop into females, and embryos containing XY chromosomes develop into males. Is it a physical property or a chemical property? Is there a pattern to the movement of homologous chromosomes in the presence of this compound? D) No laws were passed to regulate the railroads. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." C) Walt Whitman poem and Thomas Cole painting Which of the following best explains a key reason for rapid economic development during the Gilded Age? B) Plantation owners sought improved transportation to expand the sharecropping system. C) Some unions tried to organize both skilled and unskilled workers. In Session #3 of the AP Classroom Tutorial Series, learn how Progress Checks can provide: (a) students with unit-wide formative assessment . Which version of sentence 8 (reproduced below) most successfully supports this goal? C) Most married women worked to support their families. Richard Parkinson, English clergyman of the Anglican Church, "On the Present Condition of the Laboring Poor in Manchester," paper published in London, 1841 A model of crossing over during gamete formation is shown in Figure 1. C) The recognition by federal courts of labor union bargaining rights. D) Scandinavian farmers And, in times of war, to not have the domestic capacity to transport goods would be tantamount to abandoning our status as an independent nation. CED by Unit. C) Encourage settlement west of the Mississippi River. Iwasaki's position in the letter on the relationship between the Mitsubishi Company and the Japanese government is most clearly a response to, Western governments gaining access to Japan's markets by imposing laissez-faire economic regimes, "We can agree that, in principle, it might be a good idea to permit both foreigners and Japanese to engage in coastal and seaborne shipping around and from Japan, because that would increase competition and improve efficiency. If loading fails, click here to try again, We must onward to the fulfilment of our mission to the entire development of the principle of our organization freedom of conscience, freedom of person, freedom of trade and business pursuits, universality of freedom and equality.
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