Ed Dwight's Alternate Self in a reality that overwrote the Nixonverse after its fictionalization. The Knight is later revealed to be an extension of the Moon God, Richard Nixon. My dad said the reason we went on this trip was so he could find his sister. The Anti-Device Association, originally the Anti-Dean Association, and later the splinter group Advocates for the Division of America, are a reactionary terrorist group who both oppose the progressive policies of the Dean administration and try to expose the secrets of the anomalous world they live in. the still-living flesh of both Thomas Crawford and his daughter. The Monument Mythos WASHINGTONWORMHOLE. they are former US soldiers who were disintegrated and turned into the Angel. It then veers into him revealing that he never actually read the speech nor did he build the Canal of his own free will. Jackie Gleason's "I'll Be Home For Christmas,". She's (depending on who you ask) the Wonder Woman Wannabe of the Nixonverse. As the Crescent King, he terrifies even the all-powerful Nixon. 03 Mar 2023 05:00:44 they were apparently sent to attempt to kill a super being on the lunar surface, and said being, The series ends with what might be considered another Class X-4. Virginia believes that the Tree inside the Washington Monument ", As cthonauts delving into the Wonderland showed in, A countless amount of them are inside of the Pyramids. They used to be a bicorn hat prior to Washington's transformation. She first appeared in CANYONCROWN. Screams at the top of her lungs as she falls from the Chrysler Building in, The official name of the Last Son after being freed of Lunarian control. taking multiple nukes, sufficient to practically destroy the entirety of Alaska, to the face and surviving with most of his body intact. Drew President Washington. Bring back the American soldiers in Vietnam via winning the 37th presidential election.Assist in restoring power across the US during the DEANDEMOCRACY campaign due to ADA sabotage of infrastructure. At the Walt Disney Health Center, Dean and several others were diagnosed with severe hearing loss. Later on, it is shown how the Lunarians abducted the Last Son to make him become their king. After what he was brainwashed into doing in the Vietnam War, he retired to the ocean and became this. But at the. However, in the Monument Mythos universe, Freedom was knocked off the Capitol in 1977 and is very much alive. a barely visible silhoutte of her corpse falling from the Chrysler Building in. splinter group Advocates for the Division of America, where he calls them an "anti-American association" and sends them to "correctional facilities" that are heavily implied to be the, Ultimately subverted by the end of the season 2, where not only was it revealed that they made multiple anomalies up and coerced Leonard Morlin into presenting them to the public through reliable sources just for the sake of giving their claims veracity, but it's also implied that the only anomalies they actually exposed to the public were the ones that posed a. fabricating the existence of certain anomalies to erode public confidence in the UZ government, even going as far as forcing Leonard Morlin to work on their pieces since his former government office would add credence to their words. In a more obvious and face value meaning, the military are indeed chasing a wandering robot. Hillary Clinton ran for office in 2020 and ended up winning. Whereas "Project Superman" in the Flashpoint Timeline failed, the Last Son's brainwashing into an impersonator of Jesus in The Nixonverse succeeded, leading him to. Nathaniel's daughter. A splinter group of the Anti-Device Association, a Doomsday Cult who worships the Horned Serpent as a god, formed with the sole purpose in mind of freeing it off the crust of the Earth. The ADA is also heavily opposed to Maize, given their collaboration with the Dean-created Department Of Technology. She, alongside her brother, are killed in, Considering the likelihood of this giant rotting head being what's left of, Averted as she never was a Lincolnlooker to begin with, as they were made-up by the ADA, Then played straight as she falls right into a real horrible fate, seeing life as a Canyonggalan is only slightly more pleasant. Also, they seem to believe heavily in Determinism. In 2000, we've learned from our mistakes. It's heavily implied that, after Nixon's fictionalization, the Nixonverse was overwritten by a reality that is exactly the same as ours with the sole exception of the events of the series being a work of fiction. False children organize into the STARRYSPHINX. But he chooses not to, as he perceives that interacting with humanity will only result in more chaos. crueler strategies to beat the Lunarians. Dean was regarded as Satan despite his clearly good deeds and having improved his world overall after both of his terms, whereas Nixon is regarded as "God" despite being more morally ambiguous and having, To the Horned Serpent, both being actual historical figures from the past who have served as presidents, imbued with, The robot known as C/H/A/S/E is heavily implied to be. ", "In our world, Ed Dwight never went to the Moon.". It's likely that Dean was referring to his car, nicknamed Little Bastard and renown for being allegedly cursed, but the Last Son interpreted that as having finally "won," like the woman in his visions told him to. A French diplomat and the developer of the Suez Canal. Virginia Arnoldson's unborn child, whom she named after her mysterious protector who traveled with her during her interdimensional interregnum. Whether it's the questions surrounding James Dean or the mysterious trees that transport people to alternate realities, Monument Mythos offers a lot of questions and is . As it turns out, he and Virginia's lover (also named Leonard) from. 0 coins. Powers/Skills He is more often than not shown to be in situations where he has no other choice than to comply with his captors. their abduction and forced crowning of the Last Son, to them forcefully destroying all human language and performing mass lobotomies in order to enforce their own upon the Earth. being among the first to step foot on Alaska post-nuking to report on the Last Son. Assumingly having the same backstory as his real life . 1931) Democratic: 1968: Jeane Kirkpatrick: 1972: 38: January 20, 1977 . President Evil: Zigzagged. This Nixon is really a mass of Alcatraz matter taking on the original Nixon's form, with said original being old and senile (or even long dead, as in our world) by the time the Great Division occurred. The Libertylurker is a True Force of Mass Destruction that was situated underneath the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS Is James Dean just a walking, talking cognitohazard in the Monument Mythos or is he just a regular human who is just that good? Four days before election day, Anti-Dean groups would hijack radio transmissions, saying that Dean ruined American television and youth, going on to cut power lines across the southeast United States. Type of Hero Origin It goes a step further, as the Angel's divided particles are scattered through time, and influence the brain of the Angel in the past to allow Freedom to kill it during their fateful confrontation thus undoing the Great Division. A mysterious, if notional, entity present within the Nixonverse. Vertex-Son. Advertisement Coins. and seek to do so, to release the Horned Serpent. by Patient_Jello3944 President of the UZA MUSKMARS | The Monument Mythos. its assimilation of the United States is later revealed to be a pivotal moment in the Nixonverse spin-off Season 3, as its anomalous properties enable the people of the Deanverse to survive the Great Division. Unlike the Amazons who are compassionate beings despite their distrust of humanity, the Lunarians are shown to be, Their demise is not pretty. and how can we forget the 37th president of the US, James Dean. One is inside the Washington Memorial, while another was at the Rockefeller Center, and larger groups of Special Trees appear later in the series. Ordering Ed to shoot at Luna ultimately changes her vision of humanity for the worst and unchains a series of events that eventually leads to the Lunarians invading Earth and the universe being fictionalized. It takes a full show of power from him to actually put an end to their threat, and a horrifying power at that, After brainwashing the Last Son and turning him into their king and wrecking havoc on the earth for God knows how long, they finally get their comeuppance in, Their slow destruction of the English language is terrifying, but their main victim so far is the. These sirens would cause deadly stampedes where people would be racing either to bomb shelters, or to turn the sirens off. Enemies Gigantic in height, and without branches. Or something like that. 3 25. after all, he had been in the oil business for a brief time, but to totally not recognize his two terms as president of the united states was confusing and troubling. This list does not claim to be the canon list, rather only a creation of fan content made by user Gelid Lagopus.Italic text . He revealed some parts of the process of designing the Statue of Liberty, namely constructing the pedestal, in 1889. The Monument Mythos is a Youtube Web Series envisioned and created Alex Casanas which combined Alternate History and political satire with Analog Horror. Downplayed in that all three were supposed to be benevolent, but the cruel actions of humanity had, Knew that stepping foot on an alternate Earth was a, Played with. Downplayed in that he isn't physically harmed, but the Horned Serpent is capable of literally entering his dreams. Special Tree acted as this to George Washington, even depicting it as an apple tree. ", not to save humanity and drive back the Lunarians, but to murder Alice Avenue for ", This is subverted in the very next episode, where it's revealed that the Knight murdered Alice by accident. . Surgical androids would be built by Maize Machines to help increase surgical efficiency by 250%. While the Knight manages to somewhat, Unlike the anomalies of the Deanverse, the superhumans of the Nixonverse didn't start out as monsters. at all pleasant or healthy from their time in their state. The loss of his extensions' sanity has convinced him that he cannot risk stepping foot on Earth either and that he's content to live in isolation on the Moon instead. The D-Day Knight seems to challenge this system. Nixon has to destroy the Crescent King, one of his "extensions," since he will become one of the most dangerous leaders in the universe. Justified in the spelling errors, as the English language was under a, After not appearing since her titular episode, she returns in, Both are superpowered royalty who encounter humanity by accident. 1797-1801 John Adams . For tropes applying to his "equivalent" in another universe, see The Crescent King below. Family He will arrive in your world after OUR apocalypse. lie about TFMDs to discredit the UZ government? Despite his superiority over America, James is quite good natured and nice to talk to, happily racing cars with his political opponents. She became a Canyon Crown when Freedom caught up and decapitated her. First appeared in CANYONCROWN. Vice President 1: April 30, 1789 . Shouts this before Freedom decapitates her in. Since counterparts of people exist and the two met in some sort of limbo between worlds, this could have very well been some version of her not-even-close-to-existing son, or even the exact same person that the lost fetus grew into. The series ends on this note. The official subreddit for the Monument Mythos. The Lunarians disallowing humanity to use their own languages and replacing them with their own through the usage of schools is a clear parallel to cultural erasure. Actor (formerly)President of the United States The Queen of the Lunarians, who gives the three astronauts of the Nixonverse's Moon landing a long and deep speech about the beauties and flaws of mankind. A piece of Alcatraz matter that and escaped the Horned Serpent also assimilated some of its properties, becoming Richard Nixon and his extensions. The Suez Canal Crab is a gigantic crustacean-esque creature that was awoken by a thermonuclear bomb intended to free the Ever Given from the Suez Canal. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS BALLOONFALLENANGEL. The titular antagonists of the series, mysterious houses that have appeared on the Ocean as early as 1939. Capitalist: he's the president. Elderly white conservatives and the newly forming Anti-Dean Association (ADA) would be the only opposers to Dean and his presidency, creating campaigns and claims that he is Satan. Advertisement Coins. In, a younger version of him is read about in. His reaction to them cutting down power lines in, His reaction to them activating hundreds of anomalous air raid sirens in. Given what they have done to his extensions, including using. So much so that many non ADA members would ask to go through the same treatment, and Dean would swat them away, claiming that if he put everyone in prison, that prison becomes useless. himayamata. They're on the receiving end of this, in a sense. The Monument Mythos is an Analog Horror series created by Alex Casanas/Mister Manticore who also created CORNERFOLKLORE and The Trinity Desk Project.
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