Giving ultimate power and control to just one person is not ideal, as it can lead to future unrest and problems. [1] Popularly elected means that the head of state is directly elected by the citizens or elected by an assembly which then elects them (an example being the electoral college in the United States). Democracies are classified by the rules in which executives can be appointed or removed and can be either presidential, mixed or semi-presidential, or parliamentary. [62][63][64] Maximilien Robespierre has been similarly described as a dictator while he controlled the National Convention in France and carried out the Reign of Terror in 1793 and 1794. [14], Unless they have undertaken a self-coup, those seizing power typically have little governmental experience and do not have a detailed policy plan in advance. ", "The Cromwellian Protectorate: A Military Dictatorship? [31], Personalist dictatorships are regimes in which all power lies in the hands of a single individual. What countries are currently ruled by dictatorships? [1]:70. Chad. In a dictatorial government, power rests with one supreme ruler. [22], Military dictatorships are typically formed by a military coup in which senior officers use the military to overthrow the government. Abstract. Africa has several long-standing dictators despite the fact that the continent as a whole is quite volatile politically. Just like a dictatorship, an autocracy is a government headed by a single ruler (the autocrat) whose decisions are not subject to legal restraints and who exercises unlimited and undisputed power. Reading Time: 4 minutes. [26] Ruling parties in one-party dictatorships are distinct from political parties that were created to serve a dictator in that the ruling party in a one-party dictatorship permeates every level of society. [47] Personalist dictatorships also experience growth differently, as they often lack the institutions or qualified leadership to sustain an economy. The deadliest dictatorships are discussed below. The Modern World's Dictatorship Countries African Dictators A Global View of Dictators Is China a dictatorship? More complex economies require additional cooperation between the dictator and other groups. A dictatorship is a form of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, which holds governmental powers with few to no limitations on them. The communist and fascist dictatorships that arose in various technologically advanced countries in the first half of the 20th century were distinctively different from the authoritarian regimes of Latin America or the postcolonial dictatorships of Africa and Asia. Imelda Marcos was the wife of Ferdinand Marcos, who ruled over the . Syria - Well, it depends. (2010), and further developed and maintained by Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vreeland (2009). The chief executive can take many names including chancellor, prime minister, or premier and the heads of the executive departments can bear different names and be called different things. The dictator is the absolute ruler. This means that the ruler or party has complete control. The result is that such regimes have no internal checks and balances, and are thus unrestrained when exerting repression on their people, making radical shifts in foreign policy, or starting wars with other countries. The dictator maintains control by influencing and appeasing the inner circle while repressing any opposition, which may include rival political parties, armed resistance, or disloyal members of the inner circle. The number of countries ruled by military dictatorships began to fall sharply after the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s. There are many countries that can be considered dictatorships, including North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. A presidential democracy has a government that does not need the majority support of a legislature to stay in power. 10. The group may be military or political, it may be organized or disorganized, and it may disproportionately represent a certain demographic. A dictator may address the opposition by repressing it through force, modifying laws to restrict its power, or appeasing it with limited benefits. [69], In the time between World War I and World War II, several dictatorships were established in Europe through coups which were carried out by far-left and far-right movements. Dictatorships have shallow levels of freedom. [37], Personalist dictators typically favor loyalty over competence in their governments and have a general distrust of intelligentsia. Kim Il-Sung The first leader of the North Korean dictatorship from 1948 until 1994, he established North Korea as a communist state. In fact, most dictators adopt common appellations such as "President" or "Prime Minister", so they must be identified via their actions and policies rather than their title. Charles Taylor Country: Liberia Charles McArthur Ghanakay Taylor's life story is akin to that of a movie. Stability can be weakened when opposition groups grow and unify or when elites are not loyal to the regime. He all but eradicated corruption. Parliamentary democracy is the same as semi-presidential but has heads of state which are not popularly elected for a fixed term, typically either monarchs or officials not chosen by popular elections. [38] Due to the lack of accountability and the smaller group of elites, personalist dictatorships are more prone to corruption than other forms of dictatorship,[39] and they are more repressive than other forms of dictatorship. Since the Korean War, North Korea has been ruled by a series of autocratic leaders. Typically, dictators rise to power when a nation faces significant social issues, such as strong economic crises or unrest among the nation's people. Zimbabwe - 1980 to present - Robert Mugabe. In personalist dictatorships, the elite corps are usually made up of close friends or family members of the dictator, who typically handpicks these individuals to serve their posts. Its territory covers 652,000 km, making it the 41st largest country in the world. As the Cold War went on, the Soviet Union increased its influence in Africa, and MarxistLeninist dictatorships developed in several African countries. The 2010 version of Polity data series covers 189 countries from 1800 to 2009. As of early 2022, the countries of Afghanistan, Eritrea, North Korea, and Turkmenistan are the only nations in the world whose governments are generally considered to be totalitarian dictatorships. 10. But to understand the dictatorship in Cuba . [23] Military coups do not necessarily result in military dictatorships, as power may then be passed to an individual or the military may allow democratic elections to take place. [132] Foreign intervention takes place when another country seeks to topple a regime by invading the country or supporting the opposition. Some of the multi-party states with governing communist parties include Brazil, Nepal, India, and Russia. [92] Deng Xiaoping took power as the de facto leader of China after Mao's death and implemented reforms to restore stability following the Cultural Revolution and reestablish free market economics. Dictators are incentivized to avoid the use of violence once a reputation of violence is established, as it damages the dictatorship's other institutions and poses a threat to the dictator's rule should government forces become disloyal. Dictatorships can be formed by a military coup that overthrows the previous government through force or by a self-coup in which elected leaders make their rule permanent. The dictatorship of Francisco Franco in Spain , from 1939 to 1975. In their book "Dictators and Dictatorships: Understanding Authoritarian Regimes and Their Leaders", authors Natasha M. Ezrow and Erica Frantz lay out five types of dictatorships: Power is obtained and maintained through military might. [16], Most dictatorships are formed through military means or through a political party. This is often done via questionable means, including intimidation, imprisonment (lawful or not), physical violence, or even assassination. It is the seventh largest country in Africa, and is bordered by Namibia on the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the north, and Zambia on the east; its west coast is on the Atlantic Ocean and Luanda is its capital city. [59] Shoguns were de facto military dictators in Japan beginning in 1185 and continuing for over six hundred years. [8]:457, The DD dataset is limited to 199 countries after 1946, whereas Boix, Miller, & Rosato, 2013 proposed a data set from 1800 to 2007, covering 219 countries. [118] Generally, two research approaches exist: the minimalist approach, which focuses on whether a country has continued elections that are competitive, and the substantive approach, which expands the concept of democracy to include human rights, freedom of the press, and the rule of law. Politics in a dictatorship are controlled by the dictator and facilitated through an inner circle of elites that include advisers, generals, and other high-ranking officials. In addition to executive authority, Putin also holds judicial and legislative power, which enables him to change the law to fit his agenda. [107] Dictatorships are often recipients of foreign aid on the condition that they make advances toward democratization. The totalitarian dictatorship in the People's Republic of China , from 1949 to the present. Freedom House, the Polity data series, and the Democracy-Dictatorship Index are three of the most used data series by political scientists. 3. Military dictatorships are controlled by military officers, one-party dictatorships are controlled by the leadership of a political party, and personalist dictatorships are controlled by a single individual. [56] Caesar subverted the tradition of temporary dictatorships when he was made dictator perpetuo, or a dictator for life, which led to the creation of the Roman Empire. [108], Dictatorship in Europe largely ended after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the liberalization of most communist states. The legislature must be popularly elected. Mao established the People's Republic of China as a one-party communist state under his governing ideology of Maoism. That said, there are two important differences between dictatorships and autocracies. For example, DD could classify a country which has a legislative assembly whose official name is "the parliament" but still classify it in any of the three categories. The leader may be supported by a party or military, but still retains the overwhelming majority of power, especially regarding whom to place in which governmental roles, and relies heavily upon their own charisma to maintain control. [138] A study found that dictatorships that engage in oil drilling are more likely to remain in power, with 70.63% of the dictators who engage in oil drilling still being in power after 5 years of dictatorship, while only 59.92% of the non-oil producing dictators survive the first 5 years. Single-party dictatorships: 5. Those who believe that he is a dictator argue that he imprisons his opponents, removed freedom of speechthe press can only publish what he allows them toand has restructured the government to give himself more and longer-lasting power. In some cases, nations may have multiple ruling bodies or government types, meaning they're not exclusively countries that are governed by dictatorships.
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