With a prediction like that, would you mind us adding you to this list of hallowed prophesiers? *** Reference Bible Deuteronomy 18:20-22 ***, 20 "'However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. And so will many other people. SONG 143 Keep Working, Watching, and Waiting. While I'm not sure they'll make the same mistake they made before, but I would be willing to put some money on it. The phrase is taken from Jesus' words in the book of Matthew. And all the righteous will be saved.Prov. You would likely increase cash flow. Included therein were Noah's building of the ark and his preaching work, right up until the time that the Flood finally arrived. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.' 19 During these difficult last days, many of Jehovahs people are experiencing trials. The organization expanded worldwide under these men's leadership, from about 113,000 in 1942 to more than 6 million in 2000. 2034 may be the next 1975, because it will be 120 years since 1914, in the book of Genesis, Jehovah shortens man's life to 120 years. Does no one think my post interesting enough to reply? 3. Those events occurred over many decades. Why, for instance, were there actually more pioneers (% wise) in the late 1980s than leading up to 1975? 1. 14 True, some expectations that appeared to be backed up by Bible chronology did not materialize at the anticipated time. Jesus statement helps to correct the wrong idea conveyed in the way some Bible versions mistranslate the word presence. Some translations render it coming, advent, or return, all of which imply a momentary event in time. (January 1883, page 425) "Nor would we have our writings reverenced or regarded as infallible." Armageddon Meaning Jehovah Witness Words such as "Similar, Similarly, Similarity, Similarities, Parallel, Corresponds, Characteristic, Compare, Arklike and more are all through the article to back up their subtle and hinted claims. Only the best I'll accept, I learned well from the HUMBLE Governing Body, oh yeah! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBYGp5gD-oo&feature=related. Failed date predictions of Jehovah's Witnesses - JWfacts 1989 Jehovah?s prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: ?This generation [of 1914] will by no means pass away until all things occur.? but this is the central "seven times" framework which apostate Jehovah's witnesses are now trying to "trample" to buried meaninglessness . or is it that you are trying to convince yourself they acually did predict? . when would they say their 144,000 would come from. Is it some brilliant, farsighted man, some human who is a master organizer? So I'd like to answer some of the a accusations that questions about Jehovah's witnesses always seems to bring. The misnamed Jehovahs Witnesses have a long, undistinguished history of setting dates. Jehovah's Witnesses and Armageddon | ChristianCourier.com In Matthew 24:5ff, Christ set forth a number of signs that would herald the impending destruction of Jerusalem. The OT junk about God bringing mass slaughter was just to make the Israelites feel good about themselves and their volcano god. View Rude Words. 22 when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. You know how to tell when summer is near. appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the 'slave' as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision. We must, therefore, insist that the Scriptures do not teach that Armageddon is a carnal conflict that is a precursor to the end of earths history. 4 Why did Jehovah connect the final great war with Megiddo? Sure, 2035 will roll around and the world will still be kicking along and there will be fall out from another false prophesy but if you could increase the numbers from 7 million to 14 million, who cares if you lose even 25%. *** Watchtower 1981 December 1 p.27 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***. The organization is asking Ramapo . One wild card in this time table is whether or not the abuse lawsuits succeed in stripping the new mirror corp.'s of their assets in the coming years. Just as the early Christian congregation collectively served as the channel of communication from heaven to earth, so in our time. 6. jw class to publish the interpretation after the Supreme Court by Christ Jesus reveals it. Copyright 2001-2015 Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | JW.Org Community Information. Most Jehovah's Witnesses - roughly two-thirds (65%) - are . pp 14,15 explains the parallel with the days of Noah, in which Noah was given 120 years to. 7-8. 1993 March 22 pp.3-4 Why So Many False Alarms? Why Russia is afraid of Jehovah's Witnesses - The Conversation Would you like to read this article in %%? In what important way will the war of Armageddon differ from the battle that Barak fought? If it were true, I wouldn't need to worry about Armageddon anyways, as I will surely be dead by then. A quarter of a century ago I filed a copy of the Watchtower magazine (published and distributed by the Jehovahs Witnesses). The December 15, 2003 Watchtower article is paralleling Noah's day to our present day. Since his enthronement in 1914 and the 3.5 years it took for the examination to determine who could be called the FDS. It is vital, therefore, that each one recognize that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Christian congregation, as well as showing proper regard for those on earth who have been theocratically appointed to positions of oversight.-Phil. 5:19-21. 32 Replies 1879 was the start of The Watchtower and 1999 was 120 years later. Charles Taze Russell formed the Jehovah's Witnesses. The statement in the footnote appears to ignore the parallel account in Luke 17:26-28: Moreover, just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of man: 27 they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage, until that day when Noah entered into the ark, and the flood arrived and destroyed them all. jehovah's witnesses armageddon 2034 - lumpenradio.com Jehovah's Witnesses Face the Challenge of the Coronavirus Outbreak Zoning, tax questions. 77:12) These activities, along with a full share in the ministry, will keep our faith strong and our hope alive! The second text to which our friends appeal in support of their imminent Armageddon theory is found in Pauls second epistle to Timothy. 1986 June 8 p.9 "Would That All Were Prophets!" Because that will be 120 years from when the Watchtower was first published. I think a western shrinkage will start in the 2020's and a organizational shift toward the third world will happen. kls. 18. (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired and unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment 1989 "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. Armageddon Is Good News! 2:26, 27; 7:9,10) Yes, what a privilege the great crowd will have had to support Jehovahs anointed servants while these were still on earth! 18:4) They have also worked hard to help others flee from her. 2034 was one of the dates Newton determined. Inside The Lost Jehovah's Witnesses Tunnels Under Brooklyn Heights Your donation gift(s) are very much appreciated and may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Answer (1 of 19): Others have already given good answers as to what Armageddon is. 8:3) How so? *** Watchtower 1964 October 1 p.601 Pay Attention to Prophecy ***. The Watchtower, the official journal of Jehovah's Witnesses, has said: "We have not the gift of prophecy." As the Bible states, These persons are SELECTED by Jehovah. 11 Jehovah will destroy the great prostitute by means of the ten horns of a scarlet-colored wild beast. That figurative wild beast represents the United Nations. Jehovah God is therefore the only Supreme Court of interpretation of His inspired word. To such remnant of faithful servants of Jehovah God Christ Jesus has entrusted all ?his goods?, or earthly interests of the Kingdom. religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The general warnings about the nearness of the end, no matter how strongly they are worded, will simply not have the same impact as a definite prediction. *** Watchtower 1983 February 15 p.12 You Can Live Forever in. "My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do," says Jehovah. Its mission is to reveal documents, files, and publications that are kept secret from the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses, particularly vulnerable persons and women. Institute tithing at some point so they can reasonably budget and make a go of it. No, for the Christian congregation is operated theocratically, meaning that it recognizes the leadership only of Jehovah God as exercised through his Son and enthroned King, Jesus Christ. (Watchtower, Jan. 1, 1989, p. 12 [bound volume changed "20th century" to "day"]), Jehovah's prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: 'This generation (of 1914) will by no means pass away until all things occur.' 9 Jehovah will not wipe out Satans entire world all at once, as he did in Noahs day. Very soon they will be given that opportunity. What is the scarlet-colored wild beast, and how is it involved in the outworking of Gods will concerning Babylon the Great? ", ok, so here is MY gripe. I haven't looked at the youtube but YES, it has already been subtly hinted at and implied that the parallel of Noah's day with the "last days" would also include a 120 year period of preaching/warning work (that would be from 1914 to 2034). But, as we know, things all went pear shaped in 1995. His mother died 16 years later in 1954, refusing a blood transfusion for a life-saving operation. ***. 1. They say the term "God," is merely a title, and that the real name for God is "Jehovah.". With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it . The eschatology of Jehovah's Witnesses is central to their religious beliefs. If they keep going the way they do, I see a slow death by a thousand cuts. I tried to use reasoning but it didn't work: 4 The fact that the word pa-rou-si'a refers to an extended period of time harmonizes with what Jesus said with regard to his presence. Notice that Jesus did not liken his presence to the relatively short period of time during which the Flood occurred in Noah's day. (Prov. . I am just setting out one of the possibilities. Thieves! Voil prs de 90 ans, depuis 1914 , que nous vivons les derniers jours de ce systme de choses.". Jehovah's Witnesses - for indeed, it is they - are stepping up their presence in city centres across the UK in an effort to attract converts to a church that claims more than 8 million . Notice, though, that Jesus did not liken his presence to the Flood of Noahs day, an event in time, but to the days of Noah, a climatic period of time. 38:3, 4, 18, 21-23. Megiddo and the nearby Jezreel Valley were the sites of many battles. To suggest that this text has a primary prophetic focus in modern times reflects a gross distortion of this passage. Is it just me, or do they swing from one extreme to another? Browse 873 jehovah's witnesses stock photos and images available, or search for watchtower or kingdom hall to find more great stock photos and pictures. The present study of 50 Jehovah's Witnesses admitted to the Mental Health Service facilities of Western Australia suggests that members of this section of the community are more likely to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital than the general population. And they will not recover until they make a new prediction That is all history you know already, so sorry for going over it again. 16:16. God gave the people in Noah's day 120 years, and perhaps he was giving us 120 years also. I read the french version of this Watchtower edition and it was clearly suggested that the end might be in 2034 Do you have any comment about it? You would think that somebody who had the absolute truth would have a track record of at least having absolute truth for some amount of time, before they had to change it. First, there is no literal mountain of Megiddo. Jehovah's Witnesses - A Controverrsial Denomination - Learn Religions 14:1-4; Ezek. One of the biggest problems for the governing body is that 2034 is an awful long time away. The Scriptures we were taught to use as Jehovah's Witnesses when we preached the Watchtower's "good news" concerning the reestablishing of God's Kingdom had more to do with the nation of Israel and God's covenant with the Jewish people rather that the real "good news" of Jesus Christ. That will be enough for the WTS to delude the JW's for another 14 yrs. watchtower Initially, Russell felt that the battle of Armageddon started in 1874, based on his understanding that this was a social upheaval. How about just being aware, alert, ready? (Acts 15:16, 17; Rev. How can we be among those who will be saved at Armageddon? As I stated earlier about the account in Luke 17:26-28 referring to the occurrence (event) of the end versus the period of time it would seem that clear thinking would prevent us from trying to attach a length of time of any sort to the presence of Jesus Christ based upon the account in Matthew citied in the article. 16:13,14) That coalition is called Gog of the land of Magog. When the nations launch their attack, they will have arrived at the symbolic place called Armageddon.Rev. The berating talks, guilt inducing WT studies, pressure from the CO & DOs, placement of MTS grads, none have really worked. The man . How thankful we should be for the provision God has made of this slave class, the modern spiritual remnant, as they faithfully dispense the revealed truths of Jehovah ! 8 That will be the foretold proclamation of "peace and security." Why will world leaders say that? That is the interesting part. I doubt they'll come out with a specific date in the near future. Yep just as they said Moses screwed up too, only they failed to point out that he was condemed to not see the Promised Land. They have to figure out a way to motivate the average JW in the developed world to give more. This is a really just a preparatory question which should have an obvious answer, but it is designed to introduce the idea that there may be a disparity between the Watchtower and the Bible. PRIVACY POLICY Share. | This works for the current GB as some of them will be . 11:16; 12:41-42; 23:36). class. 19:16) This is what makes the congregation theocratic in structure, adhering to God-rule. 5 Barak and Deborah ended their song with the words: So let all your enemies perish, OJehovah, but let those who love you be like the sun rising in its glory. (Judg. To teach his disciples the importance of keeping on the watch, Jesus told them: "Note the fig tree and all the other trees: When they are already in the bud, by observing it you know for yourselves that now the summer is near.". Can't they take the middle ground? 12 God will not allow the nations to destroy his people. In a similar way, Christ's presence includes the events leading up to and including the great tribulation. jehovah's witnesses armageddon 2034cars for sale under $1,000 in orange county. Further, they totally ignore the Lords declaration that all the signs of Matthew 24:5-33 were to be fulfilled in the A.D. 70 event. how to cook billy's frozen boudin balls; madison comprehensive high school staff directory; yvonne strahovski polish; 653 milwood avenue venice, ca. We should have confidence in the channel God is using . Now, all they have to do is shift the start date to 1914 and they've got 2034 to look forward to. Never did they say, 'These are the words of Jehovah.' Only when new appointments are made to the governing body of people who have a reasonable chance of making it to 2034 will this idea get off the ground. 8 That will be the foretold proclamation of peace and security. Why will world leaders say that? Copyright 2001-2015 Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | JW.Org Community Information. 2034 - A Future History of Jehovah's Witnesses No wonder this has a dramatic effect on the Witnesses' ability to convert and retain members - in the western world they have still to recover from the 1995 announcement. A replacement for Freddy is still awaited. (see earlier thread) That is not so easy to call. There are a couple f groups who believe in 2034. Jehovah's Witnesses are among the most racially and ethnically diverse religious groups in America. 71 PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Dramatic events occur around us. He may use any number of ways. What If Jehovah's Witnesses Are Right About Armageddon? Then there was that Watchtower a while back that many apostates interpreted as pointing to 2034 implicitly. ever made a false prediction of Jesus? Jehovah's Witnesses' Vision of Armageddon: A Guide - JW FAQ A few weeks later, the Jehovah's Witnesses closed on a $200 million sale of that building to the private equity firm Kayne Anderson Real Estate Advisors, which plans to turn the property into . The cover of that particular issue dramatically asked: "Are we . 16:14) However, in this article, we will also use the term Armageddon to refer to the war that immediately follows the gathering of the kings of the earth. I would seem that things are being revealed at the proper time to encourage the preaching work. Questions From Readers Second Peter 3:10 says: "Jehovah's day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered.". latest The current president is Don Adams. There are no signs of the second coming of Christ in spite of the claims of the Watchtower cult and their religious kinsmen, the Dispensationalists. 6:33; 24:14) It also includes supporting Christs anointed brothers as they care for their weighty responsibilities.Matt. 1993 3/22 Why So Many False Alarms? 9. Your donation gift(s) are very much appreciated and may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. 'I Couldn't Continue On': A Former Jehovah's Witness On Leaving The Faith See also our book: {glossSub (Courier Publications,Revelation Jesus Christs Final Message of Hope; Select Studies from the Apocalypse)}. 1:6-9. For example, he may use earthquakes, hail, and lightning. 4. 1:2-4) A key is to persevere in heartfelt prayer. 10 questions to ask a Jehovah's Witness - Premier Christianity slimboyfat. Isn't it wonderful brothers that we can prove the pagan Mayan long count cycle that ends in 2012 is wrong, therefore it must be Satan's influence we see in the Mayan calendar. "The year 1940 is certain to be the most important year yet, because Armageddon is very near. 2, p. 98-99, 1889), 1908 "In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A. D.
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