west aurora high school football tickets

Away, Wednesday, Mar. (Sean King / The Beacon-News). Pep assemblies. Contacts: Mr. Bourjaily,chris.bourjaily@sd129.org OR Mr. Hafer,dhafer@sd129.org, A student-led organization whose goal is to encourage leadership through serving others, Contact: Mr. Galos,michael.galos@sd129.org, To promote an understanding and acceptance of mental health issues, Contacts: Ms. Aponte,melissa.aponte@sd129.org OR Ms. Hayes,nhayes@sd129.org, To grow in the knowledge and enjoyment of playing Minecraft with one another, To produce a literary magazine which includes poetry, stories, and more, To honor and promote scholarship, leadership, character, and service through the arts, Contact: Mrs. Goeringer,jgoeringer@sd129.org, To honor and promote scholarship, leadership, character, and service, Contact: Mrs. Szwajkowski,kszwajkowski@sd129.org, To empower students to use their knowledge, motivation and passion as a driving force to create a positive impact at our school and in the community through prevention education, community advocacy, and leadership development, Contact: Mrs. Cozzens, scozzens@sd129.org; Ms. Bieneman,b.bieneman@sd129.org; Mrs. Musial,stefanie.musial@sd129.org; Ms. Chin,alyssa.chin@sd129.org; OR Ms. Rempala,jrempala@sd129.org, To promote awareness of animal welfare efforts and help homeless pets, Contacts: Ms. Black,jblack@sd129.org OR Mrs. Larson,julielarson@sd129.org, To develop creativity through photography, Contact: Ms. Hazelton,caitlin.hazelton@sd129.org, To promote a safe and welcoming school environment for all students, an opportunity to learn how to solve puzzlecubes (i.e. 11 "The high school has maintained a great tradition and legacy even throughout all of the changes.. When a snowstorm canceled the game with Elgin, West Aurora stepped in as the opponent for East Aurora that Thanksgiving. 9:00 AM The students supported the Blackhawks name, in part because the 1906 high school was built on Blackhawk Street, but mostly because Black Hawk was an icon, Ormond said. 04 To provide a venue for service to the school, district and community. WAHS is home to the 2022 Armed Varsity AFJROTC National Champions! Aurora, IL. It has 3,731 students in grades 9-12. ), C. Sparks (Library) / N. Romanov (World Languages), C. Tammen (Social Studies) / B. Farren (English), M. Collins (Out-of-District) / T. Walls (Ambition House), K. Bolling (Social Worker) / T. Gingerich (P.E. 4:30 PM Go to sd129tickets.org to get yours NOW for this hilarious, gut-busting adventure at Boddy Manor! The school is also referred to as "West," and "West High,". While the football rivalry was building, the West High band was formed in 1920. Over the years, additions and renovations have enlarged and improved the structure. Daily Herald covers West Aurora High School's football team with articles, photos, schedules/scores, rosters and more. Game Stats Season Stats Oct 15, 2022 @ 8:02pm The football teams met for the 126th time in October. Home, Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete, Return to Learn, Return to Play Protocols. East Aurora built the area's first football field, and from 1920 to 1926 all of the games were played at the Roy E. Davis Field, at the present location of East Aurora High School. 11%. Ormond collaborated with his wife, Mary Ormond, to research archives and newspaper clippings covering notable events in sports that are part of the tradition of excellence and loyal school spirit of generations of alums. We found out how great he was," Ormond said. West Aurora High School in 1906. Playing much more aggressive so far @CoachJohnson20 @Myjourneyhoops. We will use this page to provide info to players, parents,. WELCOME TO WEST AURORA HIGH SCHOOL, where we believe that every student should have access to a rigorous, comprehensive education as well as opportunities to develop their talents and passions. Burlington Central 2023 NFHS Network LLC NFHS Network is part of the CBS Sports Digital Network. We do a lot of things together to encourage students to make friends.. Sophomore Football Minooka Community High School vs. West Aurora High School. Participants need to be respectful during activity and treat all members in that way. "Each school wanted to do something that met what the other school was doing and better them. According to state test scores, 20% of students are at least proficient in math and 22% in reading. We turn gaming into a sport! . Away, Monday, Mar. West Aurora High School . This is the official Facebook page for West Aurora Football. Football; IL Football; West Aurora High School Football; Football All-Time Roster; West Aurora Football History. A student group who writes, casts and performs an annual sketch comedy show. The great-, great-grandson of Black Hawk visited West Aurora High school to thank the alums for the honor. Tickets for West Aurora High School's upcoming varsity football playoff game will be on sale Wednesday evening. Through chapter meetings, contests, leadership conferences and activities, students will be building these skills. The two teams quickly became major rivals, Ormond said, with upward of 9,000 spectators coming out to watch the games on Hurd's Island, a site chosen as a neutral location in the middle of the river, he said. Away, Friday, Mar. Pierzchala,mpierzchala@sd129.org, A student-led club that brings fellowship and fun, offeringan escape of the busyness of high school by reading the Bible and talking about God, Contact: Mrs. Sendzimer, csendzimer@sd129.org, A club for students to learn and play the sport of Spikeball, Contacts: Mr. Burke,kburke@sd129.org; Mr. Favela,jfavela@sd129.org; Mr. Ranallo,cranallo@sd129.org; OR Mr. Tokarz,jtokarz@sd129.org, To promote cultural pride and explore influences that shape the African-American community, To read and discuss books to promote the love of reading and critical thinking, Contact: Mrs. Sparks,csparks@sd129.orgOR Ms. Romanov, nicole.romanov@sd129.org, A student-led Christian/Catholic club that brings in guest speakers and worship leaders, attends concerts and conferences, and participates in community service and outreach events, Contacts: Ms. Tammen,ctammen@sd129.orgOR Mrs. Farren, bfarren@sd129.org. West Aurora High School home of the Blackhawks is a public school located in Aurora, Illinois. SD129 Administration Office, 1877 W. Downer Pl. AURORA, Mo. The district will hold a ticket presale for the general public Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. at the indoor ticket booth at West Aurora High School, accessible through door 16. "Nowadays we have a much healthier attitude. West Aurora's state ranking among the Most Diverse School Districts (according to Niche) #67 West Aurora's state ranking among the Best School Districts for Athletes (according to Niche) 51 The number of unique languages spoken by SD129 students 71% The percentage of teachers in SD129 with a master's degree or higher 8 Apr 16, 2021 | 2:30 PM PDT. The schools first classes were held in September 1868 on the site of the current Todd Early Childhood Center on Oak Avenue. CLASS OF 2023: Here is a one-stop-shop for all things "Senior Year"! 15 The number of Gold Quality Programs in SD129, a designation that recognizes early childhood programs that have met the highest quality standards! 4:30 PM Away, Saturday, Mar. 4:30 PM Intramural games are scheduled to provide enjoyment. "It's definitely a cause for a celebration," Herget said of the schools 150th anniversary. All tickets are $5. Contacts: Mrs. Gilchrist,kgilchrist@sd129.orgOR Ms. Rothery,megan.rothery@sd129.org. That includes the planned 1893 Thanksgiving game between East Aurora and Elgin. To teach broadcasting skills and practice them at school events. Aurora and Marionville Police Department (AMPD) said around 4:15 p.m., 62-year-ol 9:00 AM It is part of West Aurora Public School District 129. Volunteer Schedule last updated on Nov 28, 2022 @ 9:26pm (GMT) Contact: Sgt. - An Aurora man is dead after a car crash near Business 60 and Highland Drive Saturday afternoon. "Both schools had the same situation, the football fields were built first and high school buildings were built around them," Ormond said. Gross,ngross@sd129.org, OR Ms. P: 630-301-5600. Participate in a multiplayer video games played competitively for spectators. West Aurora High School is part of the West Aurora Public School District 129 and has approximately 3700 students and 24 varsity sports. 2023 NFHS Network LLC NFHS Network is part of the CBS Sports Digital Network. 4:30 PM 17%. A list of our Sportscan be found here: Mr. handsome. 4:30 PM The current West Aurora High School, located on West New York Street (formerly called Walnut Street), was built in the early 1950s and dedicated in 1953. Downers Grove South 8 were here. Away, Monday, Mar. P: 630-301-5000. West Aurora's stats have been entered for the 39-7 loss @ Plainfield North on 10/14/2022 7:00 PM. Contact: Mr. Freitag,sfreitag@sd129.org OR Lt. Col. Pettyjohn,epettyjohn@sd129.org, To provide entertainment and develop skills in music; taken as an elective, Contact: Dr. Schueller,rschueller@sd129.org;Ms. Sampson,psampson@sd129.org;OR Mr. Sierakowski,jsierakowski@sd129.org, To develop skills and appreciation for singing; taken as an elective. West Aurora High School home of the Blackhawks is a public school located in Aurora, Illinois. 14 The mission of the West Aurora High School is to ensure that each individual will develop skills for lifelong learning, develop a sense of global consciousness, and gain a sense of self-worth. In 1936, students adopted the Blackhawks name for its athletics teams in honor of the Native American Fox and Sac tribal leader Black Hawk, who had lived in northern Illinois more than 100 years earlier. West Aurora High School, or WAHS, is a public four-year high school located in Aurora, Illinois. East Aurora Walls,twalls@sd129.org, Encourages students to remain above the influence of Drugs, Alcohol, Distracted Driving and other Negative Influences that teens face in todays society, Contact: Ms. Mikos,madison.mikos@sd129.org, To promote cultural pride and influences that shape the Hispanic community, Contact: Mr. Delahoya,odelahoya@sd129.org, To increase awareness and knowledge of communicating with individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing, To provide opportunities to explore the world of anime, Contact: SMSgt. The percentage of graduating seniors who responded that WAHS helped them explore future career opportunities! Prince,kprince@sd129.org, To compete in a Jeopardy-like team against other schools, Contact: Mr. Payne,joshua.payne@sd129.org. The goal of the SAAC is to bring ideas from a students lens and use these ideas to implement strategies to connect students to West High. Stats Updated West Aurora's stats have been entered for the 39-7 loss @ Plainfield North on 10/14/2022 7:00 PM. West Aurora High School is part of the West Aurora Public School District 129 and has approximately 3700 students and 24 varsity sports. West Aurora High School | Home Home of the Blackhawks | West Aurora High School Athletics Website. To enable a team to move as a cohesive unit in an orderly manner. We are proud of our rich history and "tradition of excellence," that continues to be defined by the good works of our students, faculty, and alumni. The number of unique Advanced Placement (AP) courses offered across a total of 58 AP sections! West Aurora High School built its own football field in 1926, Ormond said, and the surrounding cornfields became the present day West Aurora High School that was built in 1953. West Aurora alum and board member Allyson Herget said her children are third generation Blackhawks. Need help on your homework? Downers Grove North Click here to resend tickets For information, please contact boxoffice@sd129tickets.org Powered by ThunderTix Athletic Director Jason Buckley this week presented the West Aurora School Board with a proposal to replace the. Protocol for Parent to School Communication, The Former John C. Dunham STEM Partnership School. Tickets are on sale NOW for our Winter Play production, CLUE! 13 Students will learn about investing money, playing the stock market, and pursuing careers in finance by using stock simulators and competing in competitions with other high school students around the world. West Aurora 2025 SG Terrence Smith kind of plays like a wide receiver on the court. Glenbard South ), M. Aponte (World Languages) / N. Hayes (STAR), S. Cozzens / B. Bieneman / S. Musial / A. Chin / J. Rempala (Math). Tickets will also be available for purchase at the game. West Aurora High School's football stadium may get a new scoreboard. It aids in disciplinary training by instilling habits of precision and response to a leaders orders, which then provides the developmentof strong character, attention to detail, and excellence. Oswego West Aurora's Hezekiah Salter (22) carries the all for a touchdown against East Aurora at West Aurora High School Oct. 12. Watch highlights of West Aurora High School Boys Varsity Football from Aurora, IL, United States and check out their schedule and roster on Hudl. To engagestudents who exhibit interest and talent in photography, filming and handling PA equipment. 4:30 PM Dr. Michael P. Smith has been announced as the next Superintendent of Schools. 2022-23 . 1201 W NEw York St Aurora, IL 60506-3667. The total number of students who completed an athletic season during the 2021-22 school year! East Aurora SkillsUSA members develop into well-rounded people with technical, academic and employability skills that will help them get a job and have a successful career. Illinois HS football Week 9 primer Key Illinois high school football games, computer rankings, statewide stat leaders, schedules and scores - live and final. about Press Release - 01.19.2023 ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLARS ANNOUNCED (opens in new window/tab), Press Release - 01.19.2023 ILLINOIS STATE SCHOLARS ANNOUNCED. Metea Valley High School (Aurora Historical Society). West Aurora High School is an above average, public school located in AURORA, IL. The number of National Board Certified Teachers in SD129, West Aurora's state ranking among theMost Diverse School Districts As Aurora prospered, so too did the schools on each side of the river, and a rivalry was born that continues to today. 8:00 AM East Aurora casually asked some West Aurora kids to set up a practice game to get ready for the Elgin game, according to Neal Ormond, a 1958 graduate well-known as the West Aurora Blackhawks broadcaster for football and basketball games. DaQuan Cross of West Aurora High School leaves everyone behind on a long touchdown run against Geneva. 2: . 1201 West New York Street, Aurora IL 60506. Print. Burlington Central West Aurora's football team in 1914. The team advanced to the IHSA Class 8A playoffs for the second year in a row. It has been to the benefit of each school," said Ormond, a former school board member. They will start the playoffs at home Friday against Maine South High School. On 9/30, the West Aurora varsity football team lost their home conference game against Yorkville (IL) by a score of 10-0. SkillsUSA is a professional organization that is designed to be run by students, for their own growth and benefit. If interested in joining, please email Mrs. Kegarise at the link below. East Aurora started the area's first football team and scheduled a game against Elgin on Thanksgiving Day 1893. 1877 W Downer Pl Aurora, IL 60506 Intramurals are an opportunity to develop a sense of community at West Aurora in a sport environment while embracing a healthy and active lifestyle. MaxPreps is a registered trademark of CBS Broadcasting Inc. Powered by: 8to18 Media, Inc. 1201 West New York Street, Aurora IL 60506 | Phone: 630-301-5582| Fax: 630-844-4612 Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions Home Athletics BOYS TEAMS BASEBALL BASKETBALL . "We do not consider him a mascot, but an icon," Ormond said. The districts history sports or otherwise is taking center stage this year as the district celebrates the high schools 150th year with a gala Jan. 26 at Pipers Banquets in Aurora. 6:30 PM Read More Contact Now the theme is divided by the river but united by the games.' Other buildings came and went until the present-day high school was built in 1953. School Hub School Hub Clubhouse Clubhouse Schedule Schedule Roster Roster Coaches Coaches JV Team JV Team Freshman Team Freshman Team. DATE: Saturday, May 6 LOCATION: Two Brothers Roundhouse TIME: 6-10pm Playoff tickets for West Aurora are on sale soon, (Jon Cunningham / The Beacon-News). 1201 West New York Street, Aurora IL 60506. Students will have the opportunity to develop their skills through training programs such as video editing, short film projects, photography, exhibitions, field trips and competitions. NFHS Network is part of the CBS Sports Digital Network. Rubik's) and share a passion for fun, thought-provoking puzzles, A place for young people across the country to show their leadership, creativity & passion for protecting their friends, school & communities from violence BEFORE it happens, Contact: Mr. Camerano,christopher.camerano@sd129.org, A club for students who have an interest in conducting scientific research projects; students will have the opportunity to present research projects at local and international science fairs, To learn about Hispanic cultures and the Spanish language, whileproviding social activities and community service, To promote scholarship and to recognize high honor achievement in the Spanish language, Contact: Mrs. Aguilar,caguilar@sd129.org, To learn and provide all lighting, sound, scenery, & special effects forWest High events. 1: Samuel Stone. 4:30 PM The total number of 2022 summer camp participants. 1201 West New York Street, Aurora IL 60506 | Phone: 630-301-5582 | Fax: 630-844-4612, Saturday, Mar. To develop or expand on skills creating pottery and other clay artwork. 10 17%. 19%. Tickets are $75 per person. West Aurora High School is part of the West Aurora Public School District 129 and has approximately 3700 students and 24 varsity sports. West Aurora - RB #32 Trevo Tittle with a 5-YD Rushing TD, West Aurora - RB #9 JaQuan Buchanan 34-YD Rushing TD, West Aurora -RB #32 Trevo Tittle 5-YD Rushing TD, West Aurora - RB #23 Bryson Puckett with a 3-YD Rushing TD, West Aurora - QB #3 William Tammaru 52-YD pass complete to RB #9 JaQuan Buchanan for a TD. "In the early days, there were some rugged rivalries," Ormond said. Student Councilis an opportunity to support school spirit, support Blackhawk teams, developand mobilize service endeavors, plan and organize activities and dances, and develop leadership skills. Colors: Red/Blue: Address: 1201 W. New York St. Aurora, Il 60506 Phone: 630-301-5600: Season. If so, drop in any time after school to get assistance. About. No live or upcoming events currently scheduled, West Aurora - RB #32 Trevo Tittle with a 5-YD Rushing TD, West Aurora - RB #9 JaQuan Buchanan 34-YD Rushing TD, West Aurora -RB #32 Trevo Tittle 5-YD Rushing TD, West Aurora - RB #23 Bryson Puckett with a 3-YD Rushing TD, West Aurora - QB #3 William Tammaru 52-YD pass complete to RB #9 JaQuan Buchanan for a TD. Hellinger,shellinger@sd129.org OR Lt. Col. Pettyjohn,epettyjohn@sd129.org, For students who want to develop fishing skills in a competitive setting, Contact: Mr. Loftus,william.loftus@sd129.org, For students who are interested in computers, business skills or career prep, Contact: Mr. Bourjaily,chris.bourjaily@sd129.org, To learn /perfect the game of chess &increase strategic thinking, Contact: Mr. Carroll,samcarroll@sd129.org, To develop skills in defending one's opinion in a competitive setting, Contact: Ms. White,cynthia.white@sd129.org, For career exploration in marketing, management and entrepreneurship, Contact: Mr. Hafer,dhafer@sd129.org OR Mrs. Whiteaker,jennifer.whiteaker@sd129.org. Sms. View the West Aurora Varsity Football team schedule on sblivesports.com and scorebooklive.com. Watch Later. 2022-2023 SCHEDULE. il.8to18.com, A list of our Clubs and Organizationscan be found here: Marching Band. 13 06 Contact: Mrs. Kegarise,ekegarise@sd129.org, An organization devoted to student voice and involvement at West High. "We commissioned research to find out more about Black Hawk. The mission of the West Aurora High School is to ensure that each individual will develop skills for lifelong learning, develop a sense of global consciousness, and gain a sense of self-worth. Schoology Access Code: FN85M-P44K6. If interested in joining, please email Dr. McCall at the link below. To gain a deeper appreciation of Science and Engineering through contests and group activities (formerly titled WYSE). West Aurora's stats have been entered for the 10-0 loss vs. Yorkville on 9/30/2022 7:00 PM. Upload it here. Football; IL Football; West Aurora High School Football; Football Roster; West Aurora Football Roster. For students that want to understand, explore, and create the art of horror. Tickets will be sold at the football stadium ticket window on Tuesday, Sept. 5th, and Wednesday, Sept. 6th at the following times: students from 3:30-4:00 pm, Away, Monday, Mar. . PLEASE SEE THE SENIOR NEWSLETTER FOR ALL DETAILED INFORMATION. Version: master-175, Alabama High School Athletic Association (AHSAA), Alabama Independent School Association (AISA), Alaska School Activities Association (ASAA), Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA), California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA), Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC), Delaware Interscholastic Athlectic Association (DIAA), District of Columbia State Athletic Association (DCSAA), Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA), Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA), Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA), Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA), Kansas State High School Athletic Association (KSHSAA), Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA), Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA), Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSAA), Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA), Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA), Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL), Mississippi High School Activities Association (MHSAA), Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA), Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA), Nevada Interscholsatic Activities Association (NIAA), New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA), New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA), New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA), North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA), North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA), Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA), Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (OSSAA), Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA), Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL), South Carolina High School League (SCHSL), South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA), South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA), Tennessee Seconday School Athletic Association (TSSAA), Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS), Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA), Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association (VISAA), Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA), West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission (SSAC), Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA), Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA), New York Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL). West Aurora High School . West Aurora Football's Tweets. The first west side high school class of five graduated in 1870. The Class of 1954 was the first class to graduate from the school. Meetings are open to ALL West High students! West Aurora's stats have been entered for the 47-20 loss vs. Minooka on 10/21/2022 7:00 PM. Her father Richard Hunt graduated from West High in 1930. . Version: master-175, Sophomore Football Minooka Community High School vs. West Aurora High School, Alabama High School Athletic Association (AHSAA), Alabama Independent School Association (AISA), Alaska School Activities Association (ASAA), Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA), California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA), Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC), Delaware Interscholastic Athlectic Association (DIAA), District of Columbia State Athletic Association (DCSAA), Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA), Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA), Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA), Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA), Kansas State High School Athletic Association (KSHSAA), Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA), Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA), Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSAA), Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA), Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA), Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL), Mississippi High School Activities Association (MHSAA), Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA), Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA), Nevada Interscholsatic Activities Association (NIAA), New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA), New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA), New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA), North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA), North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA), Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA), Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (OSSAA), Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA), Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL), South Carolina High School League (SCHSL), South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA), South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA), Tennessee Seconday School Athletic Association (TSSAA), Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS), Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA), Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association (VISAA), Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA), West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission (SSAC), Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA), Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA), New York Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL). On 10/14, the West Aurora varsity football team lost their away conference game against Plainfield North (Plainfield, IL) by a score of 39-7. The number of unique dual credit classes offered across a total of 66 dual credit sections! Mr. Eschman (Pride House) - peschman@sd129.org, Ms. Rodgers (Ambition House)- tricia.rodgers@sd129.org, 1201 W. New York St. Aurora, IL 60506 Sports have contributed to a lot of the milestones for the high school and the district, Ormond said. (Aurora Historical Society). 11 CB Sr. 5' 11" 165 lbs. West Aurora High School 1201 W. New York St. ( Google map, other maps) Aurora, IL 60506 Phone: 630-301-5600 Fax: 630-844-4505 School Web Site: www.sd129.org Enrollment: 3672 Conference (s): Southwest Prairie Nickname (s): Blackhawks (boys), Blackhawks (girls) Colors: Red/Blue School Type: Public Coed County: Kane The Blackhawks went 9-0 in the regular season, marking their first undefeated season since 1948, according to West Aurora School District 129. The games there ended in 1920 with the coming of the railroad tracks across the island, he said. Contact: Mrs. Bogucki,ebogucki@sd129.org. Tickets for the East/West football game on Friday, September 8, will be available for presale to students, staff and the general public.