mickey cobras laws

Despite success in the early stages of the investigation, in the Spring of 2000 investigators came upon a situation where the amount of information they required in order to sustain the issuance of criminal charges against members of the gang could no longer be safely obtained through the investigative techniques they were currently employing (i.e., without putting agents in danger).6 That being the case, the FBI applied for and received a court order authorizing a wiretap of Hankton's cellular phone.7 While monitoring the wiretap, FBI agents recorded a number of inculpatory conversations between Hankton and his associates during the months of June, July and August of 2000.8 The recorded conversations implicated Hankton, Davis and various other individuals in the trafficking and distribution of drugs, as well as other types of gang-related criminal activities and violence. 4655 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90027 (Map & Directions) Phone: (323) 669-3922. Primarily, the group known as Mickey Cobras controlled the sale of narcotics and the life of most residents up until the 2000s. We do however order a Limited Remand of both Hankton and Davis' sentences in accordance with the procedure set forth in United States v. Paladino. See id. (quoting United States v. Carson, 9 F.3d 576, 584 (7th Cir.1993)); see United States v. Reneslacis, 349 F.3d 412, 417 (7th Cir.2003). As the district court concluded, given the entirety of the government's submission, [Agent Darin's testimony] is reliable evidence and should be given substantial weight by the court [i]t is corroborated [i]t all ties together. Meanwhile, Davis held the position of Sultan Supreme, a lieutenant and leader of the MCs at a particular locale-in this instance the Lathrop Homes projects on the north-west side of the city. In particular, Ngaya Brunner admits to purchasing approximately 10 and one-half grams of crack from Davis. 13. At FindLaw.com, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. See United States v. Barnes, 117 F.3d 328, 337 (7th Cir.1997). There, he said, teenage gang members are more interested in their own pocketbook than gang loyalty. Because neither Hankton nor Davis raised a Booker issue before the district court our review is for plain error only. 17. Where different aspects or components of the defendant's behavior are addressed by different enhancements, improper double counting has not occurred. See United States v. Sutton, 406 F.3d 472, 474 (7th Cir.2005) (citing United States v. Benitez, 92 F.3d 528, 538 (7th Cir.1996)). Days later in another conversation, Hankton asks Davis-who was apparently having problems cooking up some crack-whether he was cooking it on a stove or not, and Davis responds: No. Hankton has failed to point to anything in the record which might render Agent Darin's testimony at sentencing unreliable, aside from his assertion that portions of his Darin's testimony constituted inadmissibly hearsay. Find something similiar nearby. But a Chicago Housing Authority sergeant who works in the Robert Taylor Homes said despite the sophistication of the drug trade, rules and bylaws created by imprisoned gang leaders are routinely violated on the street. Instead, the government argued that, in addition to possessing powder cocaine, Davis was also responsible for possessing with the intent to distribute between 50 and 150 grams of crack cocaine, pursuant to U.S.S.G. Not only are code words always used by drug conspirators when they realize, as they do in today's drug culture, that their telephone conversations are frequently intercepted, such term were obviously used by the conspirators in this case [W]e have frequently upheld conspiracy determinations made by judges and juries which have relied upon inferences that code words or obscure language were meant to refer to drugs.Harris, 271 F.3d at 702-03 (quoting United States v. Vega, 860 F.2d 779, 798 (7th Cir.1988), abrogated on other grounds by United States v. Durrive, 902 F.2d 1221 (7th Cir.1990)). Report to work on time. Because we are convinced that the district court did not impermissibly consider unreliable evidence in enhancing Hankton or Davis' sentences for drug quantity and their respective leadership roles in the offense we uphold the validity of the sentencing enhancements imposed. ", Rule No. Accordingly, it is well-settled law that hearsay is not only an acceptable basis for a sentencing determination, United States v. Smith, 3 F.3d 1088, 1100 (7th Cir.1993), it is often an integral part of the sentencing process, United States v. Badger, 983 F.2d 1443, 1459 (7th Cir.1993). 2. Specifically, Hankton and Davis claim that the district court erroneously calculated the quantity of drugs attributable to them and that evidence (e.g., wiretap evidence) concerning their respective leadership roles in the drug offenses was inadmissible and unreliable and should not have been considered by the sentencing judge. Scott Lassar said the pursuit of street gangs remained a top priority because of their control of narcotics in Chicago and the resulting violence. 31: "There will be no breaking into apartment or vacant apartment in the building.". Accordingly, lest we allow an illegal sentence to stand, we believe it appropriate to order a limited remand in this case, while retaining jurisdiction, for proceedings consistent with this court's decision in Paladino, 401 F.3d at 483-84. Meaning that, without anything more, evidence of drug transactions referenced in the telephone recordings that Agent Darin testified concerning was sufficient to attribute over 500 grams of crack cocaine to Hankton under the sentencing guidelines. Made public recently by police sources, the sheets outline how gang members should behave while peddling drugs in the Robert Taylor Homes. See Barnes, 117 F.3d at 338. Notes [ edit] Nonetheless, testimony from Chicago Police Detective Charles, as well as Agent Darin and Jammah Olden illustrated the power over the drug trade and gang activities that the title afforded Hankton. In fact, 2D1.1 and 3B1.1(a) are premised on entirely different conduct; for while an individual may be found to have distributed a certain quantity of drugs making him eligible for a sentence enhancement under 2D1.1, he need not be a leader or organizer of a criminal activity, as described by 3B1.1, to do so. On the record before us, we cannot ascertain with any exacting degree of certainty whether the sentencing judge would have imposed identical sentences for Hankton and Davis had he known that the sentencing guidelines were not mandatory at the time. Hankton was subsequently sentenced to a term of 300 months in prison, while Davis was sentenced to 210 months. In another conversation, Darin described a conversation between Hankton and co-defendant Jammah Olden, where Olden requests that Hankton supply him with: About a half. Darin testified that, a half, as used in that particular context, referred to one half-ounce of crack cocaine. A and B's statements also unequivocally acknowledge that the order to beat or issue a violation to Williams-which resulted in her death-was issued by Hankton personally.13 They also related that the violation or beating was ordered because Williams had stolen some money from the gang. In addition, the judge agreed to maintain the two witnesses statements under seal on the similar grounds. See Sutton, 406 F.3d at 474. In addition, the district judge specifically found Agent Darin to be a credible witness, a determination which bolstered the judge's decision that Darin's testimony concerning the wiretap conversations was reliable. Chicago Police Detective Kenneth Charles, one of the officers charged with investigating Williams' murder and a court recognized expert on the MCs, related information that he uncovered which led him to believe that Hankton had ordered the beating that resulted in Williams' death. It even cites the court case-Miranda vs. Arizona. Fraction began selling crack cocaine in Chicago at age 14 for the Gangster Disciples gang. 841 and 846. 18. The National Law Review - National Law Forum LLC 3 Grant Square #141 Hinsdale, IL 60521 Telephone (708) 357-3317 or toll free (877) 357-3317. In addition, it was the government's position that the plea agreements received in evidence demonstrated Davis' authority position in the MCs, citing references to him as Sultan Supreme or lieutenant in the gang and leader of the MCs at the Lathrop Homes. In a number of those plea agreements, the defendants admit purchasing crack cocaine from Davis. Federal authorities dealt a blow Thursday to the Mickey Cobras street gang, charging 19 of its leaders and members with narcotics conspiracy and also indicting a top leader on charges he passed along orders to have a woman killed six years ago. Hankton also claims that the district court erroneously double counted when imposing his sentencing enhancements because the court considered his leadership within the MCs street gang both to enhance his sentence for finding him responsible for distributing more than 500 grams of cocaine, under 2D1.1, and for being an organizer or leader of a criminal activity, under 3B1.1. Thus, since 2D1.1 and 3B1.1 address different conduct and because the trial judge did not rely on Hankton's leadership role in the MCs to enhance his sentence pursuant to 2D1.1, there was no improper double counting and Hankton's claim fails in this regard. In a separate indictment, Hankton was accused of passing on orders from gang higher-ups in April 1994 to have Williams killed over a narcotics dispute. The rules state that one gang member on "security" patrols the front door of the building, while the other mans the back door. Imo..I think Maniac Cobras don't mess with other Mickey Cobra sets near them and I guess they don't go under the 5 (.. or they don't have structure and plus they only have love for their OWN set than any other sets.. like 051 for example. See United States v. White, 406 F.3d 827, 835 (7th Cir.2005); United States v. Castillo, 406 F.3d 806, 823-24 (7th Cir.2005). However, because we have held that the court's consideration of the co-defendant's plea agreements at sentencing did not constitute clear error under any circumstances, we need not separately discuss Davis' challenge to the enhancements to his sentence under 3B1.1(b).Nonetheless, even if we were to hold that the plea agreements were unreliable and should not have been considered, the enhancement was still supported by the record. Hankton's claim of impermissible double counting finds no support in the record, much less the voluminous amount of case law on this subject. of crack every four or five days over a period of five months). United States v. Giordano, 416 U.S. 505, 549 n. 1, 94 S.Ct. Specifically, Agent Darin testified as to the meaning and context of a number of intercepted phone conversations Davis had with Hankton and other individuals in which Davis discussed cooking large amounts of powder cocaine in order to produce crack cocaine. After a nine month undercover narcotics investigation, in January 1998 the Chicago Police Department arrested 31 Spanish Cobras in "Operation: Mongoose", including some gang leaders. In Gangs and Organized Crime, George W. Knox, Gregg W. Etter, and Carter F. Smith offer an informed and carefully investigated examination of gangs and organized crime groups, covering street gangs, prison gangs, outlaw motorcycle gangs, and organized crime groups from every continent. To corroborate Detective Charles' testimony, the government introduced sworn statements from two sub rosa government witnesses, identified in the record only as A and B.12 In their statements both witnesses identify Hankton as the don or leader of the MCs at Cabrini-Green. The indictment also alleged that the defendants participated in various other drug-related crimes arising out of their membership in, and affiliation with, the "Mickey Cobras" ("MCs") street gang, which operated on the north-side of Chicago, Illinois during the 1980s and 1990s. In order to corroborate Agent Darin's testimony, the prosecution called one of Hankton's co-defendants, Jammah Olden. What's more, Detective Charles testified that he personally witnessed Hankton standing with several other men in the parking lot of Williams' building at 1150-60 North Sedgwick Street, from 8:00-10:00 p.m. the evening of her murder. This increased the pressure on law enforcement to go after the gang. In addition, the government contended that Hankton's offense level should be increased by 4 levels because the defendant was an organizer and leader of criminal activity that involved five or more participants, pursuant to U.S.S.G. Also, the reliability of the plea agreements-as well as Agent Darin's testimony for that matter-was bolstered by the fact that, at sentencing, Hankton took advantage of a reasonable opportunity to rebut the hearsay evidence used against him. United States v. Barnes, 117 F.3d 328, 338 (7th Cir.1997) (quoting United States v. Francis, 39 F.3d 803, 810 (7th Cir.1994)). The district court's determination concerning a defendant's role in the offense is a finding of fact, subject to a clearly erroneous standard of review on appeal, United States v. Brown, 900 F.2d 1098, 1101 (7th Cir.1990), and this remains the case post-Booker. 7. However, unlike Hankton, Davis does not claim that Agent Darin's testimony was unreliable. In addition, both defendants and the government agreed to reserve their respective right[s] to argue their [respective] position[s] during post-conviction proceedings concerning certain factual issues relating to the sentencing aspect of the proceedings. 3661. When determining the drug quantity attributable to Hankton pursuant to 2D1.1 the judge specifically found that, considering the admissions of the defendant in the plea agreement as well as the evidence concerning the intercepted phone conversations, Hankton was responsible for distributing well beyond 500 gram[s] of crack. According to metric-conversions.org, .375 ounces equates to approximately 10.63107 grams. Another defendant was already incarcerated in Cook County Jail on unrelated charges. Like the Cobras in Cabrini (the castle) were King Cobras and Mickey's. Then in the 90s to make it even worse Prince Money ( Mickey's son) flipped GD and allot of cobras went with him. The gang has distributed narcotics since the late 1960s . However, even where a plain error is found to exist, a court of appeals may exercise its discretion to notice a forfeited error only if the error seriously affects the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial proceedings. United States v. Cotton, 535 U.S. 625, 631, 122 S.Ct. at 980. In order to assist the court in understanding Hankton's role in the drug trade, Agent Darin-based on his training and four years of experience with drug investigations-testified as to his interpretations of the conversations extracted from the FBI's wiretap recordings, which were replete with code language.14 Specifically, Darin provided background for a number of controlled drug purchases (from Hankton) conducted by the FBI15 and described admissions by the co-defendants that they purchased varying amounts of crack cocaine from Hankton. In particular, Darin testified concerning the contents of an intercepted phone conversation of July 24, 2000 between Davis and the previously mentioned co-defendant, Jammah Olden, where the two argue over what Davis refers to as his workers. Evidently Davis became aware of the fact that Olden was selling drugs in an area where his workers were and became upset with him, telling the unidentified person (most likely Olden) on the phone that y'all better not be [sic] get caught selling [t]hey's [sic] my workers. Two days later a telephone call from Davis to Hankton (Jammah Olden is on the tape and can be overheard in the background) illustrates Davis' anger over Olden invading his workers' drug spot or lick and warns that if his people weren't allowed to continue selling drugs in that area he would fry that motherf[***]r up.. The rationale for this is clear: The sentencing stage of a trial is one of the most important parts of the criminal process. Notes [ edit] The BPSN and MCN nations later went to war after the cobras blamed jeff fort for the hit. See supra pp. Hankton's role as King was also supported through Agent Darin's description of physical evidence that was confiscated from Hankton's residence upon a search warrant-such as letters calling Hankton the King, statues of cobras wearing crowns and jewelry of crowns-all referring to Hankton's leadership position in the gang as the King of Kings.. Which would make his base offense level 32. "Prentis Smith testified that he was a former member of the Mickey Cobra street gang. Indeed, it would be antithetical to consider these to be mutually exclusive endeavors. Five others remain fugitives. The five-point star banner's collective name for joined gangs. And no sitting down or horsing around while on duty. 841(a)(1) (Count VI). Further, even if we were to assume, arguendo, that the testimony given by Agent Darin as well as the co-defendants' plea agreements was unreliable, the live testimony of Jammah Olden, without more, supported-or at the least lent great credence to-the conclusion that Hankton distributed in excess of 500 grams of crack cocaine. 6. Bearing upon this was testimony given by a number of prosecution witnesses who confirmed Hankton's involvement in the murder of Annette Williams, a fellow member of the MCs, in April of 2004.