There is also a credit card paying option. To provide feedback, ask a question or report a concern/file a complaint, please text +1-972-526-0974. Here are some links that can help you on your air travel journey: Be sure to know how long you will need to wait at the security checkpoint closest to your gate. You will not be charged an extra amount for using TollTag at DFW Airport. You can book Prepaid Parking on the DFW Airport App in the palm of your hand. Check out these nearby hotel options: Hyatt Regency DFW. First step is to check inside the car in case the ticket stub was left behind inadvertently. If your vehicle is parked at DFW Airport for any time outside the Booking Period (e.g. Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) Find the best place to park and the cheapest parking rates Most Convenient Airport Parking Only What do I do? Can I have multiple upcoming reservations for the same car? Please select valid checkin and checkout date times. Once this is completed, you can enter the south or north Parking Plaza using your TollTag. Does DFW Airport have free parking? Such information may also be used for promotional, marketing, publicity, and research purposes (including updates, research, newsletters and promotional offers). The valet parking option is incredibly convenient and safe. Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport has several parking areas, covered and uncovered, Accessible Parking and well connected by shuttles and vans. To do so, you can click here or click on the Modify Booking link on the confirmation email and then cancel or modify. Failure to adhere to the instructions above will result in requirement to pay the applicable posted rate for your use of DFW Airport parking at the time of exit. Your use of DFW Airports online booking system and/or DFW Airport parking facilities indicates your consent to DFWs collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information, and to your receipt of promotional and marketing materials. [CDATA[// >