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This incident has affected me in many ways, and those ways are hard to describe. Gaffieldindicated he was open to paying off Solis to help Watson "learn a lesson.". Deshaun Watson assaulted and harassed me on March 30th, 2020, in my own home doing what I felt was massage therapy. Hopefully shes not playing martyr to get a bigger payday and 15 minutes of fame like the HBO special victims. Two Deshaun Watson accusers come forward: "You have deeply and The Texans star also issued a statement from 18 female massage therapists which claimed that he has never placed them in an uncomfortable position and is a respectful client. ", Hardin's firm also showedan e-mail exchange in February between a representative for Watson, Scott Gaffield, and two attorneys for Solis: Buzbee and Cornelia Brandfield-Harvey, an attorney with Buzbee's firm. Just the kind of guy you want leading your franchise. In any case, Im glad that this lady is standing firm on not settling. On March 11, I sat in a secure room with five other women who claimed that my abuser, Deshaun Watson, had also assaulted them.Some of these women had civil cases against . Vasteelerfan says: The first woman to accuse Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson of sexual assault in a lawsuit filed last month publicly identified herself Tuesday and a second woman was named in a public. It also remains possible that the league will decide that he has failed to comply with this aspect of the agreement, resulting in an extension of his suspension. Everything about the rulings on these cases stinks of privilege and a concerted effort to cover up and move on. Let your followers know you're on Myspace with a Tweet. That woman isnt here. Not that Haslam or Goodell care about that. But the cynical part in me says the settlement amount wasnt enough. They have no problem expressing opinions on other stuff. Lauren Baxley - Rolling Stone lauren baxley (@lauren.baxley) Instagram photos and videos This isnt that hard to understand if he says hes sorry to her, then he admits guilt and will lose the civil lawsuit. Drop music and videos into the areas below. Anybody did to my daughter or wife what Watson did to those amount of money, no length of suspension would satisfy my blood lust. Twenty-two women have accused Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson of sexual misconduct. She could be making this all up. I promise if you added a prison sentence to this hed stand a chance of being a new man post release. Just think. HOUSTON (AP) The first woman to accuse Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson of sexual assault and harassment in a lawsuit spoke publicly on Tuesday, alleging she was terrorized by her encounter with the NFL player and that he needs to be held accountable for his actions. He claimed that there is evidence of email exhanges to confirm this request made to Scott Gaffield, the General Counsel at the Atheles First agency representing Watson. Watson is now free to deny any wrongdoing without facing consequences from the NFL. A request for comment from Watson's agent on Solis and Baxley's claims has not yet been returned. Horrible behavior and yet a multi millionaire. Baxley claims Watson then turned over onto his back, once again exposing himself but "this time your penis". Thanks for once again proving that irony and hypocrisy are alive and well. Describing herself as "just one of dozens of women whose lives have been. Watson still refuses to admit that he harassed and committed indecent assault against me. Lauren Baxley gave permission for a letter she wrote to Deshaun Watson to be read publicly at the press conference by one of the attorneys. Any settlement offer he has made has been a dismissal of his evil actions, and I know that unless there is an authoritative intervention, he will continue his destructive behavior.. Unidad Editorial Informacin Deportiva, S.L.U. Ashley Solis appeared live at a press conference that was held by her attorney Tony Buzbee. What was slightly unusual, Baxley however claimed, was Watson repeatedly expressing his "privacy concerns". Lauren Baxley - University of Arkansas - Fayetteville - LinkedIn Baxley, along with Ashley Solis, are two women who have chosen to come forward with their identities and tell their stories. We are continuing to closely monitor all developments in the matter. To this day Vick still volunteers his own time and effort to animal rights causes when he legally doesnt have to. "I've always been able to. 2,059 Followers, 2,508 Following, 290 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Lauren Baxley (@laurenebaxley) None of us know exactly what went on. August 19, 2022 at 6:10 pm Her description of what happened with her is just so disgusting. It also remains possible that the league will decide that he has failed to comply with this aspect of the agreement, resulting in an extension of his suspension. Baxley claims that Watson asked her for a . "I didnt want to touch you but terror kept me on auto-pilot," she wrote. August 19, 2022 at 3:14 pm The pair agreed to meet on June 2. Lauren Baxley Photos on Myspace I am a survivor of assault and harassment, Solis said from the office of her attorney in Houston. By Lauren Baxley. The idiots who thumbs down must be maga supporters. "I hope he knows how much pain he's inflicted on me emotionally and physically," she concluded. Baxley alleges that Watson also accosted her in June of 2020. He says hes a Christian? I have rejected all settlement offers, in part because they have not included any sincere acknowledgment of remorse and wrongdoings, nor have they included any promises of rehabilitative treatment. She said one of the reasons she was . Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at: If your client is inappropriate you end the session and immediately report him/her. I cant believe this actually has to be explained. "When I covered your groin area the towel I provided, you said it was itchy and rough.". Ashley Solis, Lauren Baxley Come Forward as Plaintiffs in Deshaun Watson Lawsuits Joseph Zucker April 6, 2021 Carmen Mandato/Getty Images Two women, Ashley Solis and Lauren Baxley, came forward. PHOTO Ashley Solis Is Being Attacked By Deshaun Watson's Supporters. Any settlement offer he has made has been a dismissal of his evil actions, and I know that unless there is an authoritative intervention, he will continue his destructive behavior. I cant believe this actually has to be explained. nhpats2011 says: "When you requested a pre-consultation phone call, I was happy to oblige," Baxley wrote. "We did not think that the facts showed that Deshaun did anything wrong with their client," Gaffield said in a statement. Ashley Solis, first woman to accuse Deshaun Watson of sexual misconduct Lauren Baxley Photos on Myspace Lauren Baxley Photos Connections Mixes Post Photo Myspace Search Discover Featured Music Videos People Sign up Sign in Help Site Info Privacy Terms Ad Opt-Out Do-Not-Sell My Personal Information A part of the People / Entertainment Weekly Network. Im not afraid anymore. But you can pick one that's 25 characters or less and includes a letter. From watching him this whole time it is my opinion He honestly does not think he did anything wrong. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. I bet he wouldnt request appointments from 66 different dudes. We also wont be having an extended dialogue about why you think your client did nothing wrong or how you want this to be a `learning'experience for your `high profile athlete,'as you refer to him. And yet as a Steelers fan you supported Ben? Hardin also said Watson and his representatives "will fully cooperate with the Houston Police Department" as part of any criminal investigation. Lauren Baxley: Sure. What was slightly unusual, Baxley however claimed, was Watson repeatedly expressing his "privacy concerns". There is a lot more to violence than injury, as anyone who has suffered abuse knows full well. Lauren Baxley, a massage therapist, did not speak, but an attorney at Buzbee's firm read aloud a letter she wrote to Watson at the suggestion of her therapist, she said. ZERO. Agreement and consent to the Privacy Policy and Video Privacy Policy. "We made a legit demand. What has this world come to?? During the remainder of the session, Baxley said she felt "powerless and trapped", thinking of Watson's millions of fans, followers and his resources and income, and how "with a snap of [his] fingers, I knew my career might be lost.". Two of Deshaun Watson's accusers speak out publicly against Texans star In her ruling, she considered Watson to have committed "non-violent sexual assault". His attorney said the quarterback has also "never forced a woman to commit a sexual act.". As a result of not 1 but 2 grand juries refusing to indict Deshaun Watson, he will be suspended 0 games. Im not afraid anymore. Two women, Ashley Solis and Lauren Baxley, came forward to identify themselves as plaintiffs in two of the civil suits against Houston Texans star Deshaun Watson. You do know Matt patrica and Julian Edelman also bought women off right? Lauren Baxley Explains Why She Has Refused to Settle Lawsuit with Deshaun Watson Doric Sam August 19, 2022 Nick Cammett/Getty Images Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson has reached. The NFL is looking more like the WWE every year. Baxley claims Watson then told her to "just grab it", meaning his penis, if it was in her way. Something YOU and some cheating owners DO NOT have. Lauren Baxley, second accuser to go public with Deshaun Watson . Deshaun Watson's accuser Lauren Baxley age appears to be somewhere around 30 to 35 years old. The two women, Ashley Solis and Lauren Baxley, both alleged sexual misconduct by Watson when the gave him massages. Something YOU and some cheating owners DO NOT have. Lauren Baxley, second accuser to go public with Deshaun Watson - KHOU Lauren Baxley, PhD | Faculty & Staff | Department of Child & Family Texan fans gonna ready and rowdy!! Yes. Watson's lawyer, Rusty Hardin, issued a statement March 23 denying the accusations. While Solis publicly alleged that the quarterback assaulted her while she was providing him massage therapy at her home on March 30, 2020, another woman, identified as Lauren Baxley, wrote a . She added that she was also heartbroken for his family and legions of fans after learning that his "good guy persona is nothing more than a meticulously designed facade to keep your victims silent and second guessing themselves.". Houston PD has confirmed that an investigation is underway but no charges have been filed. Its a matter of time before Watson refuses the beach towel & reverts back to his preferred and provided loin cloth. If we find matches from the people you follow on Twitter, we'll connect you to them right away. Thus far, the NFL has taken no action against Watson, but representatives for the league have interviewed both Solis and Baxley to pin them down over their allegations. Now, Baxley is speaking out about the . Lauren Baxley is the second accuser to go public with her name. In Baxley's letter, she spoke of how she was "excited" to work with Watson when he first approached her through Instagram last year, but quickly their interactions turned "strange". New lawsuit filed against Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson - NFL Heand his attorney, Rusty Hardin, have broadly denied the allegations. I knew he could destroy my reputation as a professional massage therapist if he somehow turned it around that I had initiated some sort of sexual contact, she explained. First name is Lauren, L-A-U-R-E-N. Last name Baxley, B like boy, A- X-L-E-Y. An attorney reads a letter form Lauren Baxley who is accusing Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson of assault. From there, the massage therapist claims Watson specified that he needed additional focus on his "glute area", which is typical of athletes in high-impact sports. Both are among 22 plaintiffs whohave accused him sexual misconduct, including two whoaccuse him of sexual assault. But if shes waiting for a sincere apology or remorse Im not sure shes going to get it. Only things he is sorry about is he got caught and its costing him more than if he hadnt have been a cheapskate from the start. E-mail: M y name is Lauren Baxley. Alleged victim of Houston Texans' Deshaun Watson speaks publicly for Need help? But Mr. Buzbee informed us that he was unwilling to do so. We loaded your account with your Twitter details. Lauren Baxley, the one woman (out of 24) who refused to settle with Watson, calls out the NFL and its fans for their complicity in the Cleveland Browns QB's return. Tags: PHOTO The General Public Believes Lauren Baxley's White Attorney Looks Like Prostitute. , People with $230,000,000 dont go to jail. She earned a masters degree from Nova Southeastern University in 2009 and PhD from Florida State University in 2012, both in Marriage and Family Therapy. Baxley spoke about her experience with Deshaun Watson in a statement she issued at a press conference on Tuesday. August 19, 2022 at 3:14 pm Calling the request an "ethical violation of massage practise", Baxley said she compromised by using the lateral border of her hand. You may be prompted by your browser for permission. That would explain the lack of remorse or acknowledgement of any wrongdoing, in addition to persistent denial. Deshaun Watson's 1st accuser Ashley Solis breaks down & says she shakes