la haine quotes french

To actually film in the projects, Kassovitz, the production team and the actors, moved there for three months prior to the shooting as well as during actual filming. You huddle to keep warm. If you hate stayed in school, you'd know that hate breeds hate, Vinz. Vas-y! He began writing the script in 1993 after the tragic death of Mokom M'Bowole, who was shot while in police custody; and in 1995 La Haine conquered French cinemas and questioned French society as a whole. Established in 1999, The Cambridge Student is a student newspaper based in Cambridge. The word "mec" shows that the film is based on a tragic story of a person, and at the end of the film he says "c'est l'histoire d'une socit" this reflects that the real problem is with society. tensions vont intensifier jusqu ce que la situation explose. They have a run-in with sadistic plainclothes police, who arrest Sad and Hubert while Vinz flees. Un jeune congolais de 17 ans Can Celebrities Stop Using Their Makeup Lines to Fight Each Other,Selena Gomez, Hailey Bieber, Kylie Jenner and Jordyn Woods are throwing shade at each other via snarky product placement. The film depicts approximately twenty consecutive hours in the lives of three friends of Abdel, all young men from immigrant families, in the aftermath of the riot. What does Hubert say about the banlieue that shows his boredom? ####### j'ai l'argent pour le gaz lui donne largent quil a reu en change des drogues, Il comprend quil doit subvenir aux besoins de sa famille This shows the racism that Muslims and Arabs suffer from the police and they most probably will end up dead because of the colour of their skin. pdf . shows how Vinz feels threatened that Hubert went to school and therefore understands life better. A du mal a se rendre compte quil y a des policiers qui ne veulent pas lui faire du mal Yet whats interesting and so disturbing about the film is that, in his own perverse way, Bickle has the kind of social conscience that the likes of Johnny Strabler and Jim Stark lack: he is troubled by life in New York and what he sees as the depravity and filth of a lawless society, and so decides to take the law into his own hands. As is usual with Criterion releases, the extra features are excellent, including an in-depth but accessible documentary about the housing projects and riots that inspired the film, retrospective material on the making of the movie, behind-the-scenes horseplay, intriguing deleted scenes (with brief but revealing explanations about the deletion from director Mathieu Kassovitz), and a wonderfully articulate introduction by Jodie Foster, who championed the film upon its release and distributed it through her production company. C'est pas glorieux. *date, time, age, weather La haine is recorded in French and originally aired in France. Vouloir tuer un keuf c'est vraiment une connerie. Often in France les vaches is used to represent uniformed services (like we use the pigs in English) and the re-occurrence of this phrase in the film represents the presence of the Police over the banlieusards. It exposes the gap between rich and poor; highlights the racism that consigned those from marginalised backgrounds to live in concrete blocks in suburbs or banlieues on the outskirts of the French capital; and, most resonantly right now, depicts the police as instruments of brutality set up to protect the rich white elites. shows how Vinz had little ambition to change as he knew that he would always stay in the estates. The Black Lives Matter movement this summer led calls to defund the police, which was not a literal demand about eliminating police departments but a call for a radical overhaul in policing. La Haine - Hubert, Sad et Vinz - infographies. More obviously, in one scene, Vinz borrows directly from Robert De Niros Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver as he too stands in the front of the mirror asking you talking to me?. We were sent to Siberia together. If France . Case in point: lets take the most famous line from the film noir crime film and classic piece of rebel cinema The Wild One. What does Samir say to defend the Police? Quelle vie pour les marginaliss? Sad is arrested after their aggressive refusal to leave. Perhaps, it can also reference this drug uses and this is emphaised by the Said's response "tu devrais arreter de fumer du cannabis!". Said observes, watching events develop . We were sent to Siberia together. [8] It was number one for four consecutive weeks. 1. New French drama Les Misrables complements La Haine, offering a contemporary take on social unrest in the Paris banlieues (Credit: Alamy). Kassovitiz condemned the judicial system and the police and Hubert refers to this conditioning. If you hate stayed in school, you'd know that hate breeds hate, Vinz. JoinBBC Culture Film and TV Clubon Facebook, a community for cinephiles all over the world. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. One of the most extraordinary US screen rebels of the era, Sally Fields Norma Rae in the 1979 film of the same name, is arguably one of the least well remembered. VWA-VWA-VWA-VWA! a rejection of the Republic and of French society at large. --Bret Fetzer, Norma Rae is heroic, but she comes into her own, as a woman, because she is fighting for class solidarity a struggle that, in turn, could not happen without a breaking down of long-standing ethnic and racial barriers.One of the most memorable lines of the film comes when Rae is warned about fraternising with black men and quips, Ive never had trouble with black men, only white men. Its a film that understands that the most profound act of rebellion is a collective and intersectional one. You pointed a gun at a cop! Vinz has a knuckleduster with his name written across it; its impossible not to think of Radio Raheems Love / Hate jewellery in Spike LeesDo The Right Thing,itself a riff on Harry Powells knuckle tattoos in Night of the Hunter. Jan 7, 2016 - Explore Sylvie Rice's board "La Haine" on Pinterest. At the time, the term (a play on the red, white and blue tricolour of the French flag) had become one increasingly used by the French media, especially after the Paris riots of 1992, as a shorthand to describe those from les banlieues. Je suis d'la rue moi, et tu sais c'qu'elle m'a appris la rue moi? Furthermore, they are . j'en ai marre de cette cit, j'en ai marre. The officer grabs and threatens Vinz, taunting him with a loaded gun held to his head. The main idea of the film- hate attracts hate. It's a movie that sets fire to the comfortable middle-class outings of much French cinema, turning the gaze beyond the Priphrique ring road to the Parisian . Three years later, Lee then made the ultimate US film of this period about the need for rebellion, Do the Right Thing. avec un truc comme a tes le boss dans la cit!. Nov 11, 200512:39 PM. These banlieues can be literally translated as 'suburbs', a translation which is somewhat misleading. 'hatred'; released in the united states as hate ) is a 1995 french crime drama film written, co edited, and directed by mathieu kassovitz . Il a eu assez de la cite: il comprend quil faut avoir et trouver un emploi pour prosperer/ameliorer sa vie. Yes it does work, just download, then double click to open the file. His new film "Hate" tells the story of three young men--an Arab, an African and a Jew--who spend an aimless day in a sterile Paris suburb, as social turmoil swirls around them and they eventually get into a confrontation with the police. La Haine - Quotes Flashcards Preview French A-Level > La Haine - Quotes > Flashcards Flashcards in La Haine - Quotes Deck (17) 3. It's easy to see why La Haine had such an explosive effect when it was released in France; its potent portrait of racial discord and life in the housing projects outside of Paris is at odds with France's egalitarian vision of itself. ___ La casa era roja y vieja. shows how they can be aggressive towards women as that's how they are and feel threatened by the fact they are from Paris - trying to overcompensate and come across as a gangster. It is a constant work in progress in which new things will be added every few days. [4] Oussekine's death is also referred to in the opening montage of the film. . Released in 1995, La Haine portrays French youth enamored of American hip-hop culture and all of its visual signifiers. Unstaged footage was used for this film, taken from 1986 to 1996; riots still took place during the time of filming. Click the 'E' Bordering Countries. E ven the wrong question points to the truth. You huddle to keep warm. Rebellion was no longer about personal freedom but about overthrowing the power elites. Undergoing the modernization trend and economic crisis of Paris, the banlieues became isolated. Les aspects positifs d'une socit diverse. Quando La Haine, de Mathieu Kassovitz, estreou pela primeira vez, em Frana, no ano de 1995, causou alguma agitao, devido a vrias razes.A mais polmica ter sido pela discusso e representao dos subrbios parisienses, os "banlieues", ao retratarem o desemprego, a excluso social, os conflitos raciais, a decadncia urbana, a criminalidade e a violncia. = pour que le spectateur puisse voir son corps entier de manire claire On the way down it keeps telling itself so far so good, so far so good, so far so good. = augmente la tension, on craint que qqch de mal aille arrive aux jeunes. The audio commentary by Kassovitz, who's fluent in English, is circumspect and thoughtful, with flashes of sardonic humor. Indique que cest a nous de les aider, ####### tu vas vraiment fumer un keuf si Abdel il meurt? The three go through an aimless daily routine, frequently finding themselves under police scrutiny. On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good so far so good so far so good. La Haine is set in 1990's. Set in outskirts of Paris - Les Banlieues (urban estate). Il se trouvait au commissariat de police aprs avoir t arrt car il avait vol des cigarettes I teased Grunwalski so much, that he went off on his own. Questionne Vinz sur ses intentions pour lencourager a reflechir aux consquences de tuer. Tu sais ce que la rue ma appris? When Abdel is arrested and beaten unconscious by the police, his friends Hubert (Hubert Kound), Vinz (Vincent Cassel) and Sad (Sad Taghmaoui) try to come to grips with what has . The three go to see Abdel in the hospital, but are turned away by the police. How you fall doesn't matter. A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Worklife and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. By Brigit Grant September 12, 2020, 5:43 pm. The title derives from a line spoken by one of them, Hubert: "La haine attire la haine! Thats not to say that rebels couldnt be found, but they were present in less expected milieus, like John Hughes teen movies or the 1986 metropolitan comedy drama Shes Gotta Have It, the debut of a certain Spike Lee, which created the quintessential sexual and romantic rebel in the shape of Tracy Camilla Johns polyamorous Nola Darling. But watching the abuse is a rookie cop whose face quietly ripples with dismay, helplessness, and resignation), this is a must-see. demonstrates the racism within the police force and how people who aren't white are treated like second class citizens. Il est dispose a se mettre en danger detre arrete pour faire cela, ####### la haine attire la haine il faut que je parte dici , Maturite: Comprend que la violence nest pas la solution: vaudrait mieux raisonner pacifiquement pour resoudre problemes Brandos Strabler is the leader of a motorcycle gang riding through California. So, the train stops and everyone jumps out to sh*t on the tracks. shows how many victims of the police never actually did anything and it was the system, built on racism which led to what happened (in real life). [6] Due to the film's controversial subject matter, seven or eight local French councils refused to allow the film crew to film on their territory. It shows that he is more mature than the others as he appreciates that the life in the estates won't lead to anything. The Redefining Rebellion season runs at the BFI, London throughout September. La Haine is 25 years old. Im fairly sure that I found it sometime last year, I'll see if I can find a link and send it if I do. La Haine: Transcript The 'fracture sociale' in La Haine La Haine has been described by a BBC film critic as 'A. . What does Said say that indicates that Arabs are victims of Police misconduct? il faut que je parte. Le Cinma Franais is an irresistible illustrated guide and primer to the best of French films, starting with the 1950s, through the spectrum of French New Wave, and on to modern-day confections. Also shows how he cares for his friends as he doesn't want them making stupid mistakes. shows how Hubert fought to stay out of the life of the estates and wanted to change- but its difficult and in the end, he couldn't. Iconic rebels for the late 20th Century, they became a template for how to depict rebellious characters to a whole new generation of filmmakers around the world. La majorit des flics dans la rue sont pas l pour vous taper, ils sont l pour vous protger.. As for Rebel Without a Cause, Robert Ebert called it correctly when he said in his 2005 review: The film has not aged well, and Deans performance seems more like marked-down Brando than the birth of an important talent.. Old Man: Nothing. Kassovitz used the 1986 death of student protestor Malik Oussekine as the template for this storyline. "Chase away the natural and it returns at a gallop," is very similar to the English saying about leopard and their spots. Le rend plus realiste Madame, on rassemble des voyous pour vous ou quoi? = pour suggrer quon devrait pouvoir sentendre bien, << c'est lhistoire dun homme qui tombe dun immeuble de 50 tages >> << limportant cest pas la chute, cest latterrissage >> So far so good." If there's anything else I ought to add, don't hesitate to mention it in the comments (e.g. Hubert says this to the journalist referencing that they aren't a zoo. Recourt a la violence a la moindre provocation = nessaie pas de raisonner avec le policier illustrates how his family know what Vinz is doing, but isn't stopping him as they know its the way of life. Jai jamais vu les problmes se rsoudre par la vengence.. In the ensuing riots the local police station is besieged, and a police officer loses his revolver. Ast?rix: [still practicing] Well sh*t, look! It was 21 years ago that Mathieu Kassovitz unleashed the critically-acclaimed La Haine, an unflinching tale of racial tension and police brutality in the banlieues of Paris. What do the quotes in the ending of ''La Haine'' mean? 'Hatred'; released in the United States as Hate) is a 1995 French crime drama film written, co-edited, and directed by Mathieu Kassovitz. The violence used by the police is presented throughout the film (which was based on real life events- Malik M'Bowle). This impact wouldn't have lasted, however, were the movie purely a political statement; fortunately, it's a riveting journey that follows three unemployed young men (Said Taghmaoui, Hubert Kounde, and Vincent Cassel) as they wander and try to decide what to do with the gun that one of them has found. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Si tu tais all l'cole tu saurais que la haine attire la haine, Je suis d'la rue moi, et tu sais c'qu'elle m'a appris la rue moi? La Haine opens with a montage of news footage of urban riots in a banlieue in the commune of Chanteloup-les-Vignes near Paris. However at the same time, it also radically moved its conception of rebellion far away from the Hollywood stereotype, created in the 1950s and 1960s via a selection of iconic rebel figures in American cinema: think Marlon Brandos Johnny Strabler on his motorbike in The Wild One (1953), James Dean racing cars in a game of chicken as Jim Stark in Rebel Without a Cause (1955) and Dennis Hopper and his entourage cruising on choppers in Easy Rider (1969). Among hip-hop fans and French cinema aficionados alike, there's widespread love for a certain scene in La Haine featuring the French DJ Cut Killer. La Haine was filmed within a 'new town' in which La Haine was filmed had at the time an official population of 10,000 made up of sixty different nationalities or ethnicities. He pulls them up, starts running again, but they fall back down, when he reaches for me. Agressifs It follows three . I once had a friend called Grunwalski. Les policiers ne sont pas tous ses ennemis (comme Vinz). Je n'ai jamais vu les problmes se rsoudre par la violence. Hubert: [turns away] This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real Vinz: It's about a society on its way down. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. J'ai jamais dit que j'allais tuer un keuf comme plaisir. Tu veux tre le prochain rebeu te faire fumer dans un commissarait? This is because the estates are perceived as dangerous and therefore they won't talk to them up close and outside of their car. I teased Grunwalski so much, that he went off on his own. Moi tout-ce que je sais c'est que je ne cours pas plus vite que les balles. La haine (french pronunciation: , lit. en train linguascope. You roll across icy steppes for days, without seeing a soul. Il ne montre aucun remord = vit dans linstant present, na aucune comprehension a legard des autres, Na pas compris que on ne devrait pas repondre a la violence par la violence, que la haine attire la haine, ####### Si Abdel y passe, je tue un keuf. Sad is a young North African Muslim who plays a mediating role between Vinz and Hubert. A little line of coke? In the land that gave us champagne, La Haine is a Molotov cocktail. shows how the majority of police officers are good people, but the others who run the system aren't and make the biggest impact, therefore none of them can be trusted as you can't tell them apart. The repetition of him saying this emphasizes his character. When La Haine premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 1995, it made an immediate impact. Nobody for coke? Sa?d: Wow, what a speech! C'est le pire des races, ceux qui supportent par le systme, ceux qui disent rien, mais votent Le Pen. The film "La Haine" is a classic of the A Level syllabus, and is suggested for instance by Edexcel and AQA. Ast?rix: [psychotically, to the others; starts rapidly practicing with nunchaku] A little coke? . It is also thought by Jewish people that if you see a cow in your dream, you will die soon, so this could be some foreshadowing. "La Haine Quotes." . -> ont du mal se mettre la place des autres Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop. ASTERIX! How's your brother, how's he doin? [1], On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 100% based on 33 reviews, with an average rating of 8.2/10. Mathieu Kassovitz's acclaimed 1995 film La Haine (Hate), which examines the lives of three young men from a . Kassovitz was awarded the Best Director prize at the festival. more quotes/ clearer evaluation of certain points.) It's how you land! However when he says "Si tu tais all a l'cole" it shows the reality of lives the banlieues as a big number of young people don't go to school, which is well represented in school and that's why there is lots of silence in the film as there is nothing for them to do - causes other problems - unemployment, crime. The opening shot is of contemporary news footage of rioters pushing against the police, while Bob Marley's ominous " Burning and Looting " plays. Hubert (Hubert Kound) is captured hitting a punchbag in the remains of a gym that was burned to the ground. Does God believe in us? Les Misrables is very overtly the offspring of La Haine in that it tells a similar story of social unrest in the Paris banlieues, only this time from the perspective of three policemen who are, like La Haines central trio, from a diverse range of ethnic backgrounds. Old Neighbor Lady: [on CCTV monitor in Asterix's apartment] Asterix! Hubert wants to leave the estates because he cant live in that environment anymore, and wants it to happen before something happens. This is making a reference to the death of Abdel in the film and to Makom in real life and highlights the racism of the Police towards minorities through misconduct. so far so good. So, the train stops and everyone jumps out to sh*t on the tracks. Hubert: Said, le chef? Hubert rushes to their aid, but the officer's gun accidentally goes off, killing Vinz. When you go to a Siberian work camp, you travel in a cattle car. Lecture notes, lectures 1-15 - immunology and microbiology - Dr. Robinson, Dr. Gould, Dr. Whiting and Dr. Kelly. Good day. Il faut que je parte. Issus de familles problmes = on se sent au cur de laction, Des sequences longues, des plans panoramiques Kassovitz's directing career has turned decidedly less political (his more recent movies include The Crimson Rivers and Gothika), but his perspective on La Haine and its inspirations remains sharp and lucid. Incendies de voiture, batailles ranges entre les jeunes et les forces de l'ordre, vandalisme, agressions physiques et verbales Le mec, au fur et mesure de sa chute se rpte sans cesse pour se rassurer : jusqu'ici tout va bien, jusqu'ici tout va bien, jusqu'ici tout va bien. La haine transports viewers from a familiar and luxurious Paris to its banlieuessuburbs, marked by housing projects and urban decay. Old Man: Nothing. Edexcel A-level French Revision Notes; La Haine Revision Notes; Other related documents. La politique et l'immigration. Early in the morning, the trio return home and Vinz turns the gun over to Hubert. They reunite at another gathering in the banlieue, but the situation quickly turns chaotic when Abdel's brother attempts to kill a police officer in revenge. When you go to a Siberian work camp, you travel in a cattle car. They then go to see Snoopy, an avid cocaine user who owes Sad money, leading to a violent confrontation as he appears to try to force Vinz to play Russian roulette (the gun is secretly unloaded). Y'all think the world is yours? Pour refleter lennui. "[11], After the film was well received upon its release in France, Alain Jupp, who was Prime Minister of France at the time, commissioned a special screening of the film for the cabinet, which ministers were required to attend. Hubert, searching for ways to create something positive from his life, is more thoughtful and seems more balanced. Si tu tais all l'cole tu saurais que la haine attire la haine. Mathieu Kassovitz created an absolute masterpiece: La Haine. [5] Mathieu Kassovitz included his own experiences; he took part in riots, he acts in a number of scenes and includes his father Peter in another. What does Said say about being in a Police station? VWA-VWA-VWA-VWA! Listen to our podcast and watch our documentaries. Furthermore it shows that they can't help getting involved in it, it is just their way of life and they do what they need to do in order to survive- they fit in and join in on the rioting. (No Ratings Yet) La haine ended its run in 1970. Said is really surprised by the police in Paris as they were polite and this is not what he was used to back in the estates. Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii la haine les trois personnages principaux. Vu que ces exclamations sont inattendus, Said nous fournit un peu de soulagement comique and writing exercises throughout- Aim for top marks by building a bank of textual examples and quotes to enhance exam response- . La haine Quotes. Web. Vinz : Mouaka Mouaka Mouaka. Samir (about the police) they are only doing their job. Il croit que les jeunes de la cite devraient avoir lopportunite de trouver de lemploi et faire une difference dans le monde, Suggere que nous devrions mettre fin a cette haine entre les policiers et les jeunes issus dimmigration pour que Said ne meure pas, comme ses amis, ####### suggre quil na toujours pas t expose aux horreurs de la ralit, ####### A lhopital le policier sexclame jai embarque le chef! Aprs sa mort il y avait 3 jours dmeutes, pillages et affrontements entre la police et les jeunes qui voulaient venger le meurtre de Makom. The song contains a lyric arguing that policemen wear uniforms of brutality. As this is what is heard last, it is important as it was made to ensure that people can no longer ignore what is happening. However, despite this hopeful twist, what writer-director Ladj Ly and his co-screenwriters Giordarno Gederlini and Alexis Manenti show is that the result is depressingly the same. On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good. ASTERIX! Dans ton pays, on ramasse avec les pieds!. This shows that it is a vicious cycle. That's it for coke? Ast?rix: [still practicing with nunchaku] Mean f***in bastard. Why does Vinz say he wants to kill Abdel? First you need to understand the context of the french "cits", the (often) poor suburbs around Paris. Un arabe dans un commissariat, il ne tient pas plus dune heure..