Choose from our favorite collection of cute island names for Animal Crossing. If it's something you absolutely hate, the only way to change your island name is to start over again - and that's a decision arguably even more difficult than this. Welcome to r/AC_NewHorizons, the largest and officially Discord-Partnered subreddit for the Nintendo Switch game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons! We can also help with How to Spot Redd's Fake Paintings and Statues, How to Make Bells Fast, How to Breed Flowers, How to Get more DIY Recipes, How to Upgrade Nook's Cranny, where and when to find special characters like Gulliver, Sable, Label, Wisp, Celeste, Pirate Gulliver and Jack, plus tips on using the Star Wand, Tool Ring, Rock Trick, Cutting Down and Moving Trees, using amiibo on Harv's Island, How to Back Up Your Island Data, How to Time Travel, How to Get a 5-Star Island Rating and a whole lot more. Animal Crossing has become one of the most incredible games that are helping many gamers around the globe spend their time effectively. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. The only problem is that New Penzance is 12 letters long (including the space) and New Horizons only allows for island names to be 10 letters long. Theres just something about the laid-back sense of humour to the writing, to the island camping and Tom Nooks morning announcements. You should find names that are short and simple. That's not really 'renaming your Animal Crossing island' so much as 'totally wiping it off the face of the Earth and starting again'. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. So it would not be a big jump to assume that there is one in Animal Crossing too. Surly Straggler vs. other types of steel frames. Bearing that limitation in mind, we have the following advice for people naming their Animal Crossing: New Horizons island and needing inspiration: Not without resetting the entire game, losing all your progress and starting life on a completely different island. Related:400 Best Wheel Of Time Names Ideas and Suggestions, Harry Potter Animal Crossing Island Names, How to Create Your Own Animal Crossing Island Names, 400 Best Wheel Of Time Names Ideas and Suggestions, 400 Inspiring Fps Names Ideas That You Can Use Anywhere, 400 Best Yummy Cupcake Flavor Names Ideas and Suggestions, 400 Catchy Elderly Home Names Ideas And Suggestions For You, 400 Best Ems Names And Suggestions That You Will Love, 150+ New Amazing WOW Guild Names Ideas 2023, World Invasion island (Battle of Log Angeles ). Why did Ukraine abstain from the UNHRC vote on China? From one giant animal to another, the island where King Kong came from. You've got a 10-character limit on the name of your New Horizons island, which includes spaces. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is 34.99 at Currys, Animal Crossing May Day maze 2022: How to complete the May Day tour and restart the maze explained, Sons of the Forest keycard locations, how to get Maintenance, VIP, and Guest keycards, Pokmon Go Buddy distance chart for when Buddy Pokmon drop rewards, Pokmon Go Chasing Legends quest steps and rewards, best choose path choice, Pokmon Go Gen 9 Pokmon list released so far, every creature from Scarlet and Violets Paldea region listed, Genshin Impact Dehya best build, Talent and Ascension materials, weapon, and Artifacts, Genshin Impact 3.5 Banner and event details, Genshin Impact Windblume's Breath rewards and challenges, Pokmon Go Masterwork Research Wish Granted quest steps and rewards, including how to get shiny Jirachi. Tigersoot Acorn Cove Seashell Goldroot Maplevale Star Isle Akala Lavender Aloe Gumdrop Pink Citys Florette Calluna Bubblegum Delfino Moonrise Juniper Cadence Runestone Anyone playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons will have faced several key decisions before embarking on their adventure, from choosing a tent location to deciding which hairstyle to go with. //