They then take the underground tunnels to find the South Ferry Docks, confused by the now blocked passages, they are lost. Kenji is annoyed with Darius because he believes he took risks with Brooklynn's life. The Carnotaurus proceeds to attack the group as they narrowly evade it in the confined space. Born Before Brooklynn, Yaz, and Darius can get on the helicopter, however, Rexy attacks and forces it to leave early, with Kenji, Ben and Sammy on board. His character is voiced by Paul-Mikl Williams. They promised each other to visit the park and exchanged gifts to indicate their intention to do so. Darius finally reunites with Ben, but is worried about Bumpy's whereabouts and tells Darius to go back to the boat if he wants, but he follows. That night, Darius tells a story about a Tyrannosaur stalking some people before being interrupted by the other campers, around a campfire, but suddenly it started to rain and they were forced to go inside. Rexy appears, causing the pilot to ascend in a panic just as she bites the helicopter and pushes it down. She drops it, but Darius narrowly manages to catch it, even as Blue stalks and kills a Compy, seemingly running off to eat it. After that Darius and Kenji return to camp, as the group reconnects at camp, each reporting to the other group of their various successes in their objectives. The campers are surrounded by Velociraptors, but Sammy then uses one of the damaged BRADs to kill one raptor and scare the others away. Darius appears to be bonding with Mae over her work with dinosaurs. Free shipping for many products! Back at the dock, Darius and Kenji have a conversation on the yacht, with Darius assuring him that Kenji is a good friend to them. Mae then goes to monitor the a mother and daughter T. rex eating habits, with Darius and Sammy following her. When the hybrid attacks the tower, the group tries to use the zip line to escape, but the emergency brake is triggered, leaving them stranded in the center. Back at camp, Mitch and Tiff start packing as they prepare to search for Brooklynn and Kenji. After Mitch and Tiff run away from her with the weapons, Darius and Sammy see that Rexy is about to head back to the nest, but turns around when she smells them. The Indominus rex suddenly approaches, ambushes the employees and eats them. Brooklynn remarks that the island "doesn't look like Costa Rica". Kenji leads him to the Carnotaurus Paddock through the tunnel. But as they were trying to leave, Brooklynn's phone falls out of Sammy's pocket, drawing everyone's attention including Yaz which causes the truck to crash. Darius states that despite missing the plane, they did the right thing. Just as the Mosasaurus is about to pounce on Darius and Sammy, Yaz manages to divert their attention by hitting the platform with an oar and they arrive safely. Finally, they manage to escape by passing through a feeding grid. The group then encounter some bioluminescent Parasaurolophus in the underground river, and are then agitated by Bumpy's screams, beginning to attack the campers, before they abruptly flee. However, Darius stands his ground even when the pair approaches him. Mitch and Tiff corner Darius and Sammy in a gift shop while threatening them, demanding they reveal the location of the watering hole. When they find the fence, they are not sure which side of the fence they are on, just as the Carnotaurus comes up behind them and chases after them. When Mitch and Tiff catch up to them, they begin to threaten them, but at that point Mitch reports that the tablet says there's a herd of dinosaurs on the way and the hunters run away, even as the kids panic, trying to turn the Gyrosphere back on. Her hands weren't covered in blood The back of her head was aching like she had hit it on the desk After escaping, they enter a cold and snowy area, where they encounter a wounded Kentrosaurus named Pierce. Fredrick Bowman eventually passed away. Mitch catches him and when Darius questions him, he admits that they are not ecotourists, but big game hunters. Brooklynn, Sammy and Yaz arrive with the snowmobile and chase away the Dilophosauruses that were attacking Darius, Kenji, Ben and Mae. Based on the fact that season 4 ended on a cliffhanger suggests that more is in store. In order to communicate with Darius, the group has Brooklynn reprogram one of the new BRAD-X's. Kenji leads the rest of the group to assure them that he is the one who helped the group survive and that they must work together to get through this. It is revealed that a flock of Pteranodons are attacking the monorail, and the group arm themselves with flashlights as they attempt to destroy the lamps to try to prevent the attack. The group sneak around the dinosaur carefully and begin to crawl up the steps, and out of sight. She screams for the others to run, and is cornered with Darius atop a cage by Limbo. As the campers refuse to go down, they hear another roar that attacks and kills the Brachiosaurus. Here's how#JWCC#J. Mitch connects with Darius over his love of dinosaurs and after showing him photos from their previous excursions in Botswana and takes him and Tiff on a short dinosaur viewing tour. This interest he shares in common with his father Frederick and what bonded them together. The group wanders into a desert as a sandstorm begins to form. The campers grab something to rest and relax, even as Darius and Brooklynn make an attempt to prank Kenji for scaring them. Brooklyn deciding she'll be a mediator between Darius and Kenji, beginning to bridge the gap between the two friends. Darius realizes that they need to get off the monorail, as Brooklynn sees a spot where the track comes close to the ground and identifies it as a possible starting point. HUGE LOT of 14 Jurassic World Dinosaurs!!! The Indominus rex pushes the truck off the road and devours the poor man, while the gang escapes to their abandoned vehicle. The three are confronted by a stampede of Parasaurolophus lux, but manage to escape. When the Indominus rex escaped and the children found themselves on their own, Darius took charge in leading them to survive. Darius then realizes that this is a trap. Luckily Darius and the group manage to get away. She is likely American due to her accent. Following this, the group is attacked by the Mosasaurus who destroys the ship, which leads to the campers being swept away onto an unknown island. However, the Indominus manages to break the tower, along with the zip line, causing the campers to fall to the ground. Distrusting Mae, however, due to their experiences with Mitch and Tiff, Darius, and Sammy distract Mae, while the rest of the group goes outside to a place that Mae told them not to. They see Kash and Mae, with the former being Mae's boss. As the night progresses, the campers feel lost as Sammy still has a high fever. The group tries to use the zip line to escape, just as the emergency brake goes off, leaving them stranded in the center of the zip line. The group turns when they see a flock of Compys running away and realize that they are now trapped with the Scorpios rex. Arriving at the broken down fence, they discover that Toro has also escaped. They hid from Toro, who appears to torment the group once more. As the group stumbles out of the rubble, they are surprised to see that Toro has also survived, although he is heavily scarred from the explosion. However, Brooklynn takes over and refuses to listen to Sammy's ideas, both of which angers Sammy who rebukes her and runs off. As they continue on their way, Kenji steps forward and states that he must make decisions as he is leadership material, then quickly delegates all responsibility to Darius. Because dinosaurs aren't enough these days - no matter how big. The initial attempt failed, sending Brooklynn and the campers into hiding. Yaz tries to pressure them to leaving which upsets them and they try to stop her, which leads to their snowmobile going into the ice cold water. Darius gets the idea to get the Stegosaurus' attention, even when Kenji tries to push him away, before deciding to help him. Darius tries to remove the spike, but this causes the dino to squirm and attack him. She had acquired the spot by being a famous social media personality, and was focused on getting content for her social media, usually interviewing other kids. Unlike Dr. Grant, Darius accidentally lost his necklace. As they argue, Brooklynn hears the buzz again but is ignored. Brooklynn and Sammy voice their frustration to Yaz for not listening, and Yaz apologizes for her mistake, and both Brooklynn and Sammy forgive her. Darius tells him to check here first and says that baby dinos can't work elevators, in order for the others not to be caught. Distrusting Mae, along with discovering that Mae works for Mantah Corp, Kenji, Brooklynn, Ben, and Yasmina head to an area that Mae specifically told them not to go, while Darius and Sammy stay and keep Mae busy. After saving Pierce, the 6 campers run to the plane, but unfortunately arrive too late. Back at camp, Darius soothes old memories as he and Kenji wait for the sealer on the can to dry. She also has neon green eyes, freckles and wears a black band on her right wrist. Darius is very much interested in the researches of, His yellow jacket bears a resemblance to the one worn by. The two quickly run through the forest, managing to evade the Carnotaurus by using the environment to their advantage. There, she once again discovered something strange: a grove of flowers that are frozen in the center. Darius and Ben head back to Mae's, while Yaz breaks down before the others, and talks about her nightmares and desire to go home, with Yaz being comforted by Brooklynn, Sammy, and Kenji. Tiff threatens them with an electric prod, forcing them to take them to the watering hole. Realizing that the hybrids method of reproduction and their extreme aggression would have catastrophic results for Isla Nublar and her dinosaurs, Darius and Ben decide to find a way to stop them and tells Ben that they will go back to where it all began, as he will. Brooklynn then sneaks away with Darius and Kenji to the Raptor Paddock to what they assumed to be the Compsognathus pen. Darius and Ben help Mae with Pierce. Darius is upset that he left his necklace in his bunker. ", much to the shock of Darius and the other campers. Ben tries to help a wounded Mae, while the others try to get Kash's phone and call for help. They reunite with Darius, but Darius decides to stay back and act a spy for the group. Darius quickly realizes that they are close to the Carnotaurus Paddock and leads the group. After being successful, Mr. DNA appeared announcing that he was the first winner of the game won Darius the chance to attend "Camp Cretaceous", a summer camp program at Jurassic World. After avoiding two T. rexes, they encounter Dr. Mae Turner, who is studying how dinosaurs interact with one another. Everyone hugs as a group, and Darius says that they will find their own way off the island. The episode begins with the helicopter ordering the children to return to the island, Kenji cheers, though Darius remains hesitant. After a moment, Ben changes his mind, much to the happiness of Brooklynn and the others, and the entire group behinds their journey to Costa Rica. The Sinoceratops punctured the Gyrosphere with its horn before throwing the vehicle into a sinking mud pit. The campers are immediately found by Dave and Roxie, who proceed to admonish them for their actions and the danger they were in. They fail to remove the tree at all, as they hear a roar which turns out to be two Stegosaurus fighting. Dave and Roxie encourage Darius not to give up when he is discouraged about his chances of bonding with the group, encouraging him to pair up with Brooklynn. Kenji takes him to what he claims is a dinosaur quarantine area for the more aggressive animals. Jurassic World: Camp CretaceousJurassic World Camp Cretaceous: Hidden Adventure Unbeknownst to Darius, Brandon vows to find him and leaves their house. Kenji becomes suspicious of her attempts to prank him, but is successfully deflected by the suddenly rocking yacht. The group comes up with a plan to take Kash down. Despite wanting to catch the plane, the group agrees to help get Pierce out of this area, upon Darius's request. Fortunately, Darius and the others stop Sammy. When Kenji and Brooklynn are together, Brooklynn jokes about sacrafising him, and Kenji shows some affection before changing his expression when Brooklynn looks at him. At some point in 2015, Brooklynn acquired VIP tickets to Camp Cretaceous, an adventure camp on the Northern end of Isla Nublar that was not open to the general public yet. They realize that they can make it to the ferry if they leave immediately, and the group reluctantly agrees as they believe Ben is dead. That Eddie guy who got eaten was level with Dr Wu. After Kenji confides in him that he was just trying to make his father proud, Darius lies too much to cover up for Kenji. The Indominus continues to stalk the campers through the boxes, even as Bumpy once again inadvertently pinpoints his position to the panicked predator. Brooklynn and the other campers help tear down the the visitor's center with both Scorpios rexes inside, killing them. Ben tries to help a wounded Mae, while the others try to get Kash's phone and call for help. Dr Wu in Camp Cretaceous is a whole head taller than Brooklyn. Darius and Kenji climb the waterfall and determine that there is a blockage at the top caused by a fallen tree. Paul-Mikl Williams The campers' lack of coordination results in the Sinoceratops sending Darius and Brooklynn's gyrosphere into the bulk of the herd, causing all the dinos to stampede.