army aircrews huey

CW3 Carl J. 1LT Noel C. LaPlante [AC] WO1 Terry V. Knight [CP] SP4 Harvey M. Reynolds [CE] SGT Larry E. Steppee . [Need Tail#] UH-1D UH-1D SSG David G. Rayborn [MO]. CW4 James R. Bollar [P] CE & PAX injured. [Need Tail#] 2LT Jason J. Baker (USAF) Crew was performing a routine cross-country training flight from Ft Lewis to Stockton, when the A/C landed at South Lake Tahoe Airport. #68-15438 Once testing is completed and UIPE Air 2PUG is approved, it will be fielded to all U.S. Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Army aircrews across fixed wing, rotary wing, ejection seat and large frame aircrafts. D/2-4 CAV A/7 AVN HU-1A 1/212 AVN HU-1A WOC Arthur S. Primeau [SP] Crash took place during Gallant Eagle exercises and acft was based in Ft Sill. USAAVNS Flying conditions at the time were described as marginal with a heavy cloud cover from 700' to 9,000'. After attempting to pick up a jeep (50# TQE limit), A/C took off from the PZ at night unaided. 3 injured. SP4 Peter M. Kern UH-1H #69-15187 Crew was initiating a missed approach but airspeed was slow and A/C descended in a slight turn, hitting trees and coming to rest on right side. 507 MED #64-13564 GI-Issue Personal Defense Weapons There is an adage in Army Aviation that you will leave a burning helicopter equipped solely with what is affixed to your body. CW2 Mark H. Nelson [P] A/C was attempting emergency landing after experiencing engine trouble. A portion of the M/R blade went into the left side of the cabin and struck victim in the head. 1/11 AA UH-1H [Need Tail#] USAAVNS AVN DET/USAEUR 3 injured. #71-20206 UH-1H 2LT Richard A. Veon [SP], WOC Louis A. Brooks Jr [SP] SP4 David G. Cowan [CE]. A/C on a medical evacuation mission crashed into a mountain at approx 3000' level, outside of Soto Cano AFB near Comayagua. A/C crashed due to a failure of the A-7 fuel control, while on MAST mission to rescue personnel in a downed civilian Cessna. SP6 Joseph H. Johnson In an attempt to maintain contact with the flight, pilot entered a slight descending left turn. WO1 Danny Richard Little [P] Wreckage discovered at 0850 hrs the following morning. A/C departed the site at approx 1415 hrs and proceeded downstream to recon the river. A/C crashed and burned in the Santa Rita mountains about 5 miles from Sonoita while taking part in exercise Cloud Gap (classified research project). What is wrong with Army Aircrews? PFC Donald R. Hughes. CW2 Kevin R. Killman [P] WOC was killed by flying debris while waiting to board A/C that crashed at a site on Ft Benning. UH-1 B/3-5 CAV UH-1D During a night-aided flight at 75' AGL and 60 KIAS, pilot made an evasive right turn to avoid another acft and while still in a slight descent, hit 10' berm. A/C crashed during Operation Brimfrost at Ft Wainwright. Their blades meshed producing the mid-air. UH-1 UH-1H SGT James R. Hendrix Jr [CE]. SP5 Harvey J. Salas [MO]. The A/C flew on its side into a thick stand of trees after the pilot apparently became disoriented and lost control after the A/C turned while some helicopters flying with it maneuvered to avoid thin, low clouds. NOTE: Most information for Vietnam crew losses have come from the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association DEP James D. McSweeney-LA Co Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for COX SKY JUMPERS US ARMY HUEY HELICOPTER GAS TOY BOXED at the best online prices at eBay! A/C crashed in the Red Desert near Rock Springs while ferrying helicopter from CCAD to Boise, ID. USAAVNS Xsmn displaced in flight, allowing M/R blade to sever tailboom. As A/C began a straight-up hover to about 80', it entered fog and clouds, paused, turned left and then began a descent, pickup up airspeed, traveling approx 1000m, crashed on a rising slope, rebounded into the air hitting two trees and came to rest on level terrain. UH-1H A/C crashed at approx 1645 hrs 8 miles SW of Candor while on a routine training mission from Ft Bragg to Charlotte. UH-1H #64-14144 71 AVN A/C experienced a power failure and hit high tension wires and plunged into the Santa Ana River bed about 1/2 mile S of Lakeview Ave while enroute to repair another A/C in the Riverside area. CW2 James B. Hayes [P]. #69-15675 The following pages will list only those individuals who have lost their lives [Need Tail#] Little The badge is intended to recognize the training and qualifications required by aircrew of military aircraft. AB-412 Grifone Italian Army, Carabinieri, SAR, civilian variant. UH-1 PFC Mark R. Welch [CE] A/C was Chalk 2 in flight of three UH-1s in loose trail formation which departed Bishop airport enroute to Los Alamitos AAF. SPC Samuel K. May UH-1 Iroquois; . #014225 CW2 David A. SP5 Charles Rusk PFC William Esposito Jr [CE] CPL Orin L. Allred [G] SSG Gilivaldo A. Martinez Jr [MD] 2 WIA. Rose [P] [Need Tail#] [Need Tail#] CPT Patrick F. Craven [P] USAAVNS A/C crashed into a 4 foot boulder, and then rotated 185 degrees around it. A/C was on a low-level, NOE NVG navigation training flight approx 2 miles E of Samson at 2100 hours in Geneva County. #68-16487 [OH-58A Involved], PFC Michael E. Whittle [C] The TH-1H was one of the newest of more than 15 variants of the original UH-1 Huey first flown in 1956. . WO Donald K. Burch [P] #71-20260 CW4 Dickie C. Hill [P] SGT Steve R. Grisham [CE]. SGT Charles E. Hansberry The A/C entered the tall trees and impacted. A/C took off from local airport and flew along the shoreline of Medical Lake for several miles about 300 yds offshore cruising about 90-100 KIAS and 20-30' AGL, initiated a slight right turn, entered a shallow descent allowing tail to hit water first, rotated forward and entered the water in a right, nose-low attitude. Dawson and Pickett were executed by FMLN. Suspect crew disorientation due to whiteout conditions when A/C hit the mountain on the right side. MSG Robert E. Lucey Jr. C/106 AVN (DE ARNG) ARMY AIR CREWS: 1966 Vietnam Huey Crewmembers Line of Duty Deaths This page last updated: 27APR18 Top of Page This website is not a product of the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or any other government agency. 1LT Richard J. Griggs [P] The Army's 250-foot drop tower at Fort Benning, Georgia sees a newly designed training parachute installed to better match current parachute drop rates. #64-14273 *1LT Whitcher died of injuries on 07MAR64. Mid-air between two UH-1B during formation flight on Ft Benning. [Need Tail#] A/C had just left Toledo-Winlock airport enroute to Issaquah when it failed to clear a hill about 3 mi N of the airport. CPT Dennis H. Uyenoyama [P] UH-1B USAAVNS A/C was hovering to refuel when wind from the rear tipped the acft and spun it around and M/R hit the ground causing acft to roll on its right side. UH-1D A/C crashed on gunnery range in final weeks of WOC training. Aerial Rocket Artillery (ARA) Battalions used all rocket (Hog) configurations with gun armed and grenade ships only in the Headquarters Battery. SP4 Eugene J. Villa. AIR TRP/116 ACR (ID ARNG) WO1 Daniel B. Foy [P] [Need Tail#] 229 MED DET #64-13571 WOC Fredrick R. Williams [SP]. Best Review Site for Digital Cameras. A/C was attempting a mountain peak landing and at approx 150' above landing site, rotor RPM dropped to 6400. A/C was being ferried from the Bell Helicopter Co. plant in Hurst to the Sharpe General Depot in California, when it exploded and crashed between Stephenville and Mineral Wells in the Morgan Hill area at 1215 hrs. No - mayday was heard; crash attributed to unknown inflight breakup. UH-1H SGT John W. Scott [SP]. SPC Kurt M. Magill SFC Ramon N. Espinoza [CE] CW2 James H. Miles [P] UH-1H CW3 Clarence P. Burkett Jr [P] 2 SP injured. CE injured. 571 MED DET #68-15288 1267 MED (MO ARNG) 11 AAD UH-1B 129 AVN A/C went into a descending right turn and struck two guy wires of a power line at 2130 hours and exploded into a hillside at the foothills of the Laguna Mountains. WO1 James S. Cameron Jr [CP] [Need Tail#] Killed as a result of fall from rope while descending on wreckage of private plane that crashed on Smart's Mountain. WOC Steven D. Wells [SP]. CW2 Anthony R. Rakowski [P] CW2 Carol L. McKinney [CP] WO1 James D. Boyer [P] The DOD. From the OPNAVINST 3710.7T Chapter 8: Flight Crew. SP4 Jeff R. Patterson 1LT Gregory J. Paredes [CP] Phase 2 of this effort is ongoing and complements the emergency response method 1LT Ronald L. Redeker [P] A/C was flying from the unit's barracks at Baumholder to the Army training grounds at Grafenwoehr, when it lost its T/R, crashed and burst into flames in a garden on the edge of a sugar beet field near Unteralterheim. From this designation came Huey, the name by which it has remained known. UH-1H 55 AVN UH-1H A/C rolled and tumbled a distance of 130' until coming to rest on its right side on a heading of 225 deg, approx 530' downstream from the wires. 3/498 MED #71-20179 UH-1 Cause was determined to be explosive engine failure as the result of corrosion of the #1 bearing. Jet pilot was also killed. #65-10109 SP4 Kurt J. Schroeder [CE] 1LT Robert E. Tindall [SP] CPT David N. Reue D/5/117 CAV (NJ ARNG) UH-1H CW2 Guy L. Andrews Jr [CP] CW2 John J. McCarthy [P] 1700 hours. A/C exploded and crashed near Wicksburg while on a training flight from Ft Rucker. SP5 Henry L. Andrews* [CE] UH-1H WO Ronald E. Medlin [P] A/C departed maintenance ramp at Fliegerhorst Casern to the north and after clearing the boundary fence and about 200' AGL, the M/R assembly separated and fuselage crashed to the ground. IP injured. The M/R came off due to mast bumping, cutting into the A/C causing the explosion and crash. A/C was repositioning from field FARP to cantonment area, at approx 20-30' AGL and 30 KIAS, when A/C went into a rapid descent, crashed and burned. UH-1D 1LT Nicki L. Sutera [P] FACTS & FIGURES. 6 injured. USAAVNS UH-1 Two or three revolutions then occurred and pilot reduced throttle to stop the spin and A/C descended vertically and hit the ground in a 30 deg nose-down attitude. UH-1H 2LT [SP] injured. Submit corrections/updated info here #65-9975 #68-15387 UH-1B UH-1H UH-1H Mid-air crash with an OH-6A #67-16656 during routine training at Lawson AAF. SP4 Bengt E. Johansson A/C rocked forward on nose, bounced and hit an embankment causing fuel cells to rupture. UH-1H #66-15245 UH-1H WO1 Conny C. Cook [P] A/C crashed near Elba while on a training flight practicing slope landings when A/C overturned and rolled down a hill. LTC Elliott W. Polcene Jr [OB] IP & SP injured. James E. Robinson [ME]. 1 CAV Updates ongoing as research is completed. UH-1 197 AVN CW3 Charles N. Hurt [MP] PIC was flying from CP seat was unable to turn on landing light during autorotation and pulled collective too high causing A/C to fall through, hit the ground and burn, approx 4 miles NE of Chaparral on the McGregor Range while on a training mission from Ft Bliss. CPL J.B. Kim (ROK). SP4 Mark T. Francis [CE] Thanks in large part to the helicopter's numerous appearances on the silver screen, it is now difficult to picture the Vietnam War without seeing the UH-1 Iroquois - better known as the Huey. NOTE: All victims are listed together since specific crews/pax were not known which aircraft they were on. 4-228 AVN #70-16233 CW2 Paul S. Timmer Jr [P] CP injured. UH-1H D/101 AVN A/C crashed after striking a tree during a routine training exercise conducting an air mobile assault field test with 82 ABN PAX at Ft Stewart. C $63.6 Free shipping for many products Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1/48 UH-1C Huey Helicopter Iroquois Military Models US Army Aircraft Vietnam War at the best online prices at . A medevac helicopter carrying soldiers wounded in a clash with North Korean troops crashed Hover to zoom. MAJ James C. Rothwell [P] #69-15311 UH-1B A/C crashed on a pass over a firing range target on Ft Drum at approx 1500 hrs. UH-1H Separation of white drive link caused an uncontrollable descending right turn and crash into trees. USAAVNS CW2 Steven D. Hodge [IP] USAAVNS Flight flew over serveral sets of power lines then descend to lower altitude after crossing. A/C crashed at approx 1130 hrs into trees in area of low visibility approx 20 miles north of Dahlonega after hitting Akin Mountain during a routine training mission. SGT Richard G. Romero-Imperial Co 1/3 ACR A/C was cleared to land on sod next to runway, when it touched down hard and crew attempted to recover, became airborne again, flipped inverted, rolled and came to rest upright. A/C crashed 9 miles east of Eufaula while participating in a training exercise with the Ranger Department of Ft Benning Infantry School due to engine failure on low level gunnery training run. Fairchild tankers among KC-135s inspected for faulty tail parts, base officials confirm UH-1D CPT Charles W. Worley [P] 101 AVN army aircrews hueybemidji state hockey jersey. #73-21711 CPT Daniel H. Plemmons [P] CW2 Roger D. Given [P] C/101 AVN A/C crashed about 4 miles north of Cheraw during Air Assault II exercises. A/C crashed at approx 2350 hrs 2 miles northeast of Muldraugh at the top of a rocky cliff, 40' above Wilson Rd during a flight to evaluate a new night vision device (starlight scope) at Ft Knox. Task 1070 for all Army aircraft. It then burst into flames. USAAVNS A/C was skimming along only 4-6' above the rugged prairie at an estimated speed of 100 mph, when the pilots banked into a sharp turn, causing M/R blades to strike the ground. PVT Wayne G. Stevens CP died of injuries on 07NOV69. A/C struck a mountain outcropping and crashed into Beaver Lake at approx 0805 hours while on a news photographic mission, taking pictures of survival training given to all new AF cadets. #73-21836 CW3 Robert C. Machholz [P] Combination of high airspeed and steep banks resulted in loss of altitude causing M/R blade to hit top of tree. maneuvers in the Owens Valley during a weekend USAR drill. Loss of rotor RPM, pilot initiated a full flare, close to the ground and impact occurred at 20 degree attitude, nose up with a 30 degree right roll at 60 KIAS. Crash occurred at approx 2355 hrs near Shaw Mountain on the NW portion of Ft Hood. AB-212 Twin Huey Italian Army, Italian Air Force, Italian Navy variant. (Army) Army aircrews are going to. 4 injured. Medevac acft crashed and burned at Salt Lake City International Airport at approx 2146 hours on the Army's portion of the airport's west ramp. UH-1B CW2 Howard W. Blanton Jr [P] #68-15366 UH-1H A/C crashed between Elba and New Brockton on a training flight from Ft Rucker. 2LT Donald J. Kallem [P]. At 1825 hrs, witness on the northern coast reported low-flying acft flying over her house, followed by silence. WOC Billy L. West [SP] CW2 Robert T. Leaver [IP] Miscellaneous units made up the remainder of Army helicopter aviation in Vietnam. WOC Dennis G. Hector [SP]. UH-1H 3 ACR Spring pin in fuel control failed because of stress corrosion, resulting in power loss. The Aircrew Badge, commonly known as Wings, is a qualification badge of the United States military that is awarded by all five branches of armed services to personnel who serve as aircrew members on board military aircraft. 25 APR 69. 1 other killed (USMC) UH-1B UH-1H The gun armed aircraft would, of course, carry rockets as specified by the unit's mission. #65-10006 USAAVNS Mid-air collision at 1519 hours between two UH-1H's at Camp Ripley Military Reserve near Little Falls during an Army National Guard exercise. ELLENVILLE, N.Y. - A day of routine training to employ water buckets with military helicopters turned into a real-world firefighting mission for two New York Army National Guard UH-60 crews on Tuesday.The 10 Soldiers, based at Albany International Airport,, ELLENVILLE, N.Y. - A day of routine training to employ water buckets with military . [Need Tail#] Pilot attempted VFR into IFR weather by pilot not instrument qualified under direction from demanding officer. #65-9822 A/C was found at first light the next day, with the only recognizable feature being the T/B sticking straight up out of the ground. WO1 Sheryl L. Siroonian [P] Investigation suspected that they continued flight using degraded visual cues that caused them to falsely interpret their altitude and visible horizon. UH-1H UH-1M CPT Stanley E. Rohner [P] CW2 Gary C. Nistler [P] A/C crashed at approx 1815 hrs in woods 3 mi north of Ozark during a training flight. P & CE injured. 1 injured. A/C crashed at approx 1311 hours during Tac-X training just before graduation on Ft Rucker. SGT Michael J. Chandler [CE]. UH-1 DAC John Bryan [IP] SP4 Donald E. Shinnock. Investigation revealed that IP allowed student pilot to put the A/C in an attitude from which it was impossible to recover. 2 injured. Pilot and medic in Chalk 2 acft were killed. 4-228 AVN BN LTC Joseph L. Lujan UH-1 ALTONA, N.Y. - New York Army National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk aircrews from 3rd Battalion, 142nd Aviation, dropped more than 100,000 gallons of water on a 526-acre forest fire burning in Flatrock State Forest on July 13 and July 15. Recognisable by their distinctive blue berets, AAC soldiers deliver firepower from battlefield helicopters and fixed wing aircraft to overwhelm and defeat enemy forces. [Need Tail#] [Need Tail#] WO James L. Mersman [P] At approximately 1527 hours, a UH1B armed helicopter on a CA mission crashed and burned in the vicinity of coordinates BR837005. CW2 Ronald R. Kennedy [P] SGT Todd W. Smit D/4 AVN USAAVNS WOC James W. Connor [SP]. SP5 Warren W. Lemberg [CE]. 1LT Jerry R. Taylor [SP] 163 ACR (MT ARNG) Visibility was poor at time of accident. *Miller was the first helicopter fatality in the Indiana ARNG. MAJ David H. Johnson [SP] CW4 David W. Sooter [P] SGT Sidney T. Dew UH-1B 2LT William R. Groce SGT Brian R. Meuchel [CE]. A/C crashed at approx 0550 hours during a rain storm near the NE fringe of San Antonio after dropping off an automobile wreck victim at a local hospital. 195 AHC UH-1 CW2 Harold M. Kelly Jr CPT Joseph Winford McDaniel [P] CWO Frederick Tate [P] SPC Joel L. Meints* [CE] 1LT Daniel B. CPT Andrew W. Burgland [P] UH-1 SGT Dallas R. Cooper. UH-1H CW2 Paul J. Wilson [P] UH-1 COL Robert T. Basha A/C crashed while on a parachute drop mission near the Corregidore Drop Zone due to mast bumping. The impact scattered debris for about 100 yds, and the tail section and engine were separated from the fuselage. UH-1 Toys & Hobbies; Toy Models & Kits; 1/48 UH-1C Huey Helicopter Iroquois Military Models US Army Aircraft Vietnam War. [Need Tail#] A B-1B Lancer from Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., flies over a UH-1N Huey helicopter from the 37th Helicopter Squadron at F.E. Training Area. SGT Antonio B. Solis. CPT Jesse C. Yates [P] CPT Edward F. Roe II [SP] A/C was on a short 3-legged, cross country flight that departed at 1600 hrs. CPT David L. Hill [IP] UH-1 CW2 Edmund F. Paulauskas [P]. Other Army Helicopter Aviation Units in Vietnam. A/C was seen in a descending right turn, M/R system separated and fell vertically, crashed and burned near Virginia 721 in King and Queen County on a routine training flight while returning from Patuxent NAS to Richmond. WOC Lowell A. SPC James C. Bolinger [CE]. Crew successfully autorotated down the side of a hill after crossing a ridgeline. 1LT David J. Hendry [CP] In-flight breakup occurred causing M/R system and T/B separation before high-speed impact into trees. SGT Constancio Nacua UH-1H #69-15320 CW2 Stanley R. Menze [IP] CPT Richard D. Donaldson [IP] The initial Army designation was HU-1, which led to the common unofficial nickname of "Huey." At 20' AGL, A/C suddenly turned right and settled down to ground, M/R blades hit rock outcropping next to landing area, pitched up then fell down the side of mountain, rolling several times coming to rest far below the saddle and was consumed by post-crash fire. A/C exploded and crashed in a wheat field near Ebenheid during a routine maintenance test flight. SPC Jose G. Ruiz [CE] 3 injured. #66-0572 By implementing an overarching emergency handling logic across the Aviation branch, Army aircrews will be better prepared to respond to emergencies in context with the profiles required in LSCO. WO1 Keith A. Reider [P] A/C and crew were based at Peden Barracks in Wertheim. A/C hit pine tree during night training exercise (TAC X) crashed inverted and burned. CPT Harry D. Kinman MAJ Harold F. Sutton [P]. The student pilots were less than 1 month from earning their wings. #66-16704 114 AVN SP4 Edwin L. Stoller [MO] My Blog army aircrews huey A/C from Ft Campbell crashed 14 mi S of Cadiz and approx 2 mi SW of Veghel LZ at 1330 hrs on a training flight during FTX Orbiting Eagle IV after losing the T/R at night at low level, and went inverted into the trees. 1LT Jerry R. Brown [CP] UH-1 UH-1B Heavy fog was reported in the area at the time of the crash. WOC Donald M. McDowell [SP] #69-15016 A/C entered a nose-high climb, with a 180-degree turn at the top, followed by a nose-low descent return-to-target manuever when the T/R hit a tree and crashed and burned on West Ft Hood at approx 0945 hours during Starburst '87 exercises. The fuel rupture sprayed fuel on the engine and the A/C blew up. *Meints was in my unit in 88-89. 1LT Scott R. Cummins. SFC David L. Alvarez [C]. SP4 Jerrold L. Nunes UH-1B 239 AVN UH-1 UH-1D SFC Peter A. Graves How many choppers were shot down in Vietnam? CW2 Dale R. Schmidt [P] #69-15324 1LT Charles W. Cupples [IP] [Need Tail#] 11,846 helicopters According to the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association, a total of 11,846 helicopters were shot down or crashed during the war, resulting in nearly 5,000 American pilots and crew killed. #69-15449 SP5 Bruce L. Dunn [CE]. Special VFR approach into weather which was below IFR minimums was attempted. 1. #63-8762 The UH-1 evolved from a 1955 US Army competition for a new utility helicopter. PFC Dennis J. Disselhorst UH-1H 04 APR 71. 326 MED BN UH-1H A/C crashed and burned in a wooded area near Hunter AAF while on a routine training mission. army aircrews huey7ds grand cross banner schedule7ds grand cross banner schedule 2 injured. LTC Ray Maynard (CAP) Wreckage found 2 days later. Exact cause of stress corrosion could not be determined. A/C crashed into the east side of San Bernardino National Forest approx 15 SE of Big Bear Lake (Hell For Sure Canyon) at about 6000' level. CW2 Julius H. Ingram [P] SP5 Gerald Rybacki [MO]. UH-1H A/C crashed in a remote swampy area about 2100 hrs approx 3 mi NW of Ft Stewart while enroute on a MAST mission to rescue two victims of a car wreck under special VFR clearance. A/C crashed on the western edge of Ft Campbell while on a routine training flight. Pilot Knoll and CE Knoll were brothers. A/C slung a short shaft, hit a wire during autorotation and crashed. UH-1 CPT Wallace A. Kell [P] CPT James H. Henry [P] JACKSON, Tenn. -- To enhance Army battlefield lethality, UH-60A/L Black Hawk helicopter pilots recently tested technology which could drastically change how Black Hawk Army aircrews plan and . USAAVNTBD Flight slowed to about 50 KIAS and crossed a tower at less than required 50' clearance when Chalk #4 descended onto the tower while returning to cruising altitude. Price [SP]. WO1 George F. Camara [P] CPT William S. Inklebarger [P] 101 ABN HHC/194 BDE SP4 Michael B. UH-1 CW2 Harold E. Carty Jr [IP] UH-1H UH-1H WO1 Kerry P. Hein [CP] Search was officially suspended on 10MAR81. A/C was on a transport flight and while RTB, crew smelled smoke. Mid-air with OH-58A over Ft Hood near Anderson Mountain during Operation Gallant Hand '73. This mod contain: AB-205 Huey Italian Army variant. Caused by short shaft failure. 1SG Wood died 2 days later. SGT William R. Hogan [CE] #68-15644 UH-1H UH-1H A/C crashed at approx 1145 hrs at Ft Polk during pilot check ride performing hydraulics off landing. #66-16348 At 2017 hours the A/C impacted the ground in a 30-deg. WOC Dennis D. Lukow [SP] UH-1